Serves to get edge coverage via python frida core API
instrumentation backend implemented in Typescript frida API
setup frida agent in agent/index.ts
import "./executor.js";
const TARGET_MODULE = "test-linux";
const TARGET_FUNCTION = DebugSymbol.getFunctionByName("target_func");
const RET_TYPE = "int";
const pointer_type: NativeFunctionArgumentType = "pointer" as const;
const int_type: NativeFunctionArgumentType = "int" as const;
let func_handle = new NativeFunction(TARGET_FUNCTION, RET_TYPE, [pointer_type, int_type], { traps: 'all' });
// Define to exclude all other than target_module
export let target_module = TARGET_MODULE;
// harness function
export let fuzzer_test_one_input = function(payload: Uint8Array) {
let payload_mem = (payload.buffer as ArrayBuffer).unwrap() ;
func_handle(payload_mem, payload.length);
Provide target module in executable program, target function to start coverage with and type of that function
Compile frida agent script with npm:
npm install
npm run build # now `agent.js` in root directory
Run with python frida API