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Chapter 6: Addition to VC-Dimensions

Addition to VC-Dimensions

In this section we pick up the topic of VC-dimensions again, adding some technical but famous results. In particular we present Sauer's Lemma and (without a proof) one of its applications. We will also define a way to analyse the expressive power of a hypothesis space.

Remark: Let in the following $\mathcal{H}$ be a hypothesis space on a domain $X$, where $X$ is given an arbitrary probability distribution $\mathcal{D}$.

Definition: We define the restriction of $\mathcal{H}$ to a sample set $S\subset X$ as $$ \mathcal{H}_S := {h|_S : S \rightarrow { 0,1} : h \in \mathcal{H} }\text{.} $$

Definition: We define the growth function of $\mathcal{H}$ as $$ \tau_{\mathcal{H}}: \mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}\text{,} \quad \tau_{\mathcal{H}}(m) := \max_{S\subset X\text{,} \ |S|=m} |\mathcal{H}_S|\text{.}$$

The growth function tells us how the expressive power of the hypothesis spaces evolves when enlarging the sample size. If it grows exponentially, $\mathcal{H}$ is very general. On the other hand, if $\tau_{\mathcal{H}}$ is eventually constant, we have a clearly restricted hypothesis space. A very famous result is Sauer's Lemma which bounds the growth function with respect to the VC-dimension.

Lemma (Sauer et al.): Let $VCdim(\mathcal{H}) \leq d < \infty $. Then $$ \tau_{\mathcal{H}}(m)\leq \sum^d_{i=0} \binom{m}{i}$$ for all $m\in \mathbb{N}$.

Proof: First we observe that for any $S\subset X$ $$|{ B\subset S: \mathcal{H} \ shatters \ B }| \leq \sum^d_{i=0} \binom{|S|}{i}\text{,}$$ since no set of size $>d$ can be shattered and $S$ contains $\binom{|S|}{i}$ subsets of size $i$.

Claim: $|\mathcal{H}_S|\leq |{ B\subset S: \mathcal{H} \ shatters \ B}|$.

Proof of the claim: Proof by induction on the sample complexity of $S$.

$|S|= 1$: The empty set is vacuously shattered. This leaves us with $$ |\mathcal{H}S|= 1+ \Big{^{1 \quad \text{if $S$ is shattered}}{0 \quad \text{otherwise.}}$$ $1 <|S|$: Assume $|S|=m$ and $S={s_1, \dots, s_m}$ for some $m\in\mathbb{N}$ and that the claim holds for sets of size $<m$. Let furthermore $S':= S\setminus {s_m}$. We define

$$ \mathcal{H}0:= {h\in\mathcal{H}{S'}: h\cup (s_m,0)\in\mathcal{H}_S \vee h\cup(s_m,1)\in\mathcal{H}S}=\mathcal{H}{S'}$$,

$$\mathcal{H}1:={h\in\mathcal{H}{S'}: h\cup (s_m,0)\in \mathcal{H}_S\wedge h\cup (s_m,1)\in\mathcal{H}_S}$$.

Note that for every $h\in\mathcal{H}_1\subset\mathcal{H}_0$ there is ${h\cup(s_m,0), h\cup(s_m,1)}\subset \mathcal{H}_S$. Hence $$| \mathcal{H}_S |=| \mathcal{H}_0\setminus\mathcal{H}_1 |+2 | \mathcal{H}_1 |$$ and therefore $$| \mathcal{H}_S |= | \mathcal{H}_0 |+| \mathcal{H}_1 | \text{.}$$

We can apply the induction hypothesis on $\mathcal{H}_0$ and obtain $$ |\mathcal{H}_0|\leq|{ B\subset S': \mathcal{H} \ shatters \ B}|=|{ B\subset S: s_m \notin B\wedge \mathcal{H} \ shatters \ B}|\text{.}$$

For $$\mathcal{H}_1$$ we can construct a hypothesis space $\mathcal{H}'$ such that $$\mathcal{H}1=\mathcal{H}'{S'}$$. Namely, we define $$\mathcal{H}' := {h\cup(s_m,0): h\in \mathcal{H}_1}\cup{h\cup (s_m,1): h\in\mathcal{H}_1}\text{.}$$

We again apply the induction hypothesis

$|\mathcal{H}_1|\leq |{B\subset S': \mathcal{H}' \ shatters \ B}|=|{B\subset S: s_m\in B \wedge \mathcal{H}' \ shatters \ B}|$

$=|{B\subset S: s_m\in B \wedge \mathcal{H} \ shatters \ B}|$.

Putting both inequalities together yields $$|\mathcal{H}_S|=|\mathcal{H}_0|+|\mathcal{H}_1|\leq |{B\subset S: \mathcal{H} \ shatters \ B}|\text{.}$$

This concludes the proof.

We now state without a proof an important theorem that puts the growth function into the context of learnability.

Theorem: Let $S\subset X$ be drawn i.i.d.. Then for every $\delta\in(0,1)$ we have with probability at least $1-\delta$ that $$ |L_{\mathcal{D}}(h)-L_S(h)|\leq \frac{4\sqrt{\log{\tau_{\mathcal{H}}(2|S|)}}}{\delta\sqrt{2|S|}}\text{.}$$