diff --git a/src/resources/formats/revealjs/plugins/chalkboard/README.md b/src/resources/formats/revealjs/plugins/chalkboard/README.md index 8adefe5b5c..b133b89c41 100644 --- a/src/resources/formats/revealjs/plugins/chalkboard/README.md +++ b/src/resources/formats/revealjs/plugins/chalkboard/README.md @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ The plugin has several configuration options: - ```chalkEffect```: a float in the range ```[0.0, 1.0]```, the intesity of the chalk effect on the chalk board. Full effect (default) ```1.0```, no effect ```0.0```. - ```storage```: Optional variable name for session storage of drawings. - ```src```: Optional filename for pre-recorded drawings. -- ```readOnly```: Configuation option allowing to prevent changes to existing drawings. If set to ```true``` no changes can be made, if set to false ```false``` changes can be made, if unset or set to ```undefined``` no changes to the drawings can be made after returning to a slide or fragment for which drawings had been recorded before. In any case the recorded drawings for a slide or fragment can be cleared by pressing the 'DEL' key (i.e. by using the ```RevealChalkboard.clear()``` function). +- ```readOnly```: Configuation option allowing to prevent changes to existing drawings. If set to ```true``` no changes can be made, if set to ```false``` changes can be made, if unset or set to ```undefined``` no changes to the drawings can be made after returning to a slide or fragment for which drawings had been recorded before. In any case the recorded drawings for a slide or fragment can be cleared by pressing the 'DEL' key (i.e. by using the ```RevealChalkboard.clear()``` function). - ```transition```: Gives the duration (in milliseconds) of the transition for a slide change, so that the notes canvas is drawn after the transition is completed. - ```theme```: Can be set to either ```"chalkboard"``` or ```"whiteboard"```.