diff --git a/quickwit/quickwit-integration-tests/src/tests/update_tests/mod.rs b/quickwit/quickwit-integration-tests/src/tests/update_tests/mod.rs
index 4871be449ef..ad6bb67bcc5 100644
--- a/quickwit/quickwit-integration-tests/src/tests/update_tests/mod.rs
+++ b/quickwit/quickwit-integration-tests/src/tests/update_tests/mod.rs
@@ -64,4 +64,5 @@ async fn assert_hits_unordered(
mod doc_mapping_tests;
+mod restart_indexer_tests;
mod search_settings_tests;
diff --git a/quickwit/quickwit-integration-tests/src/tests/update_tests/restart_indexer_tests.rs b/quickwit/quickwit-integration-tests/src/tests/update_tests/restart_indexer_tests.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f274fd5d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quickwit/quickwit-integration-tests/src/tests/update_tests/restart_indexer_tests.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 Quickwit, Inc.
+// Quickwit is offered under the AGPL v3.0 and as commercial software.
+// For commercial licensing, contact us at hello@quickwit.io.
+// AGPL:
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::fmt::Write;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use quickwit_config::service::QuickwitService;
+use quickwit_metastore::SplitState;
+use quickwit_proto::types::DocMappingUid;
+use quickwit_rest_client::models::IngestSource;
+use quickwit_rest_client::rest_client::CommitType;
+use quickwit_serve::ListSplitsQueryParams;
+use serde_json::json;
+use crate::test_utils::ClusterSandbox;
+async fn test_update_doc_mapping_restart_indexing_pipeline() {
+ let index_id = "update-restart-ingest";
+ quickwit_common::setup_logging_for_tests();
+ let nodes_services = vec![HashSet::from_iter([
+ QuickwitService::Searcher,
+ QuickwitService::Metastore,
+ QuickwitService::Indexer,
+ QuickwitService::ControlPlane,
+ QuickwitService::Janitor,
+ ])];
+ let sandbox = ClusterSandbox::start_cluster_nodes(&nodes_services)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ sandbox.wait_for_cluster_num_ready_nodes(1).await.unwrap();
+ {
+ // Wait for indexer to fully start.
+ // The starting time is a bit long for a cluster.
+ tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)).await;
+ let indexing_service_counters = sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .node_stats()
+ .indexing()
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(indexing_service_counters.num_running_pipelines, 0);
+ }
+ // usually these are choosen by quickwit, but actually the client can specify them
+ // and we do here to simplify the test
+ let initial_mapping_uid = DocMappingUid::for_test(1);
+ let final_mapping_uid = DocMappingUid::for_test(2);
+ // Create index
+ sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .indexes()
+ .create(
+ json!({
+ "version": "0.8",
+ "index_id": index_id,
+ "doc_mapping": {
+ "doc_mapping_uid": initial_mapping_uid,
+ "field_mappings": [
+ {"name": "body", "type": "u64"}
+ ]
+ },
+ "indexing_settings": {
+ "commit_timeout_secs": 1
+ },
+ })
+ .to_string(),
+ quickwit_config::ConfigFormat::Json,
+ false,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .node_health()
+ .is_live()
+ .await
+ .unwrap());
+ // Wait until indexing pipelines are started.
+ sandbox.wait_for_indexing_pipelines(1).await.unwrap();
+ let payload = (0..1000).fold(String::new(), |mut buffer, id| {
+ writeln!(&mut buffer, "{{\"body\": {id}}}").unwrap();
+ buffer
+ });
+ // ingest some documents with old doc mapping.
+ // we *don't* use local ingest to use a normal indexing pipeline
+ sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .ingest(
+ index_id,
+ IngestSource::Str(payload.clone()),
+ None,
+ None,
+ CommitType::Auto,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // we wait for a new split. We don't want to force commits to let the pipeline behave as if in
+ // a steady state.
+ sandbox
+ .wait_for_splits(index_id, Some(vec![SplitState::Published]), 1)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // we ingest again, this might end up with the new or old doc mapping depending on how quickly
+ // the pipeline gets killed and restarted (in practice as this cluster is very lightly loaded,
+ // it will almost always kill the pipeline before these documents are commited)
+ sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .ingest(
+ index_id,
+ IngestSource::Str(payload.clone()),
+ None,
+ None,
+ CommitType::Auto,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // Update index
+ sandbox
+ .searcher_rest_client
+ .indexes()
+ .update(
+ index_id,
+ json!({
+ "version": "0.8",
+ "index_id": index_id,
+ "doc_mapping": {
+ "doc_mapping_uid": final_mapping_uid,
+ "field_mappings": [
+ {"name": "body", "type": "i64"}
+ ]
+ },
+ "indexing_settings": {
+ "commit_timeout_secs": 1,
+ },
+ })
+ .to_string(),
+ quickwit_config::ConfigFormat::Json,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // we ingest again, this might end up with the new or old doc mapping depending on how quickly
+ // the pipeline gets killed and restarted. In practice this will almost always use the new
+ // mapping on a lightly loaded cluster.
+ sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .ingest(
+ index_id,
+ IngestSource::Str(payload.clone()),
+ None,
+ None,
+ CommitType::Auto,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // we wait for a 2nd split, though it might still be there if it contains only batch 2 and not
+ // batch 3.
+ sandbox
+ .wait_for_splits(index_id, Some(vec![SplitState::Published]), 2)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // we ingest again, definitely with the up to date doc mapper this time
+ sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .ingest(
+ index_id,
+ IngestSource::Str(payload.clone()),
+ None,
+ None,
+ CommitType::Auto,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // wait for a last commit
+ sandbox
+ .wait_for_splits(index_id, Some(vec![SplitState::Published]), 3)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ let splits = sandbox
+ .indexer_rest_client
+ .splits(index_id)
+ .list(ListSplitsQueryParams::default())
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ // we expect 3 splits, with all docs, and at least one split under old mapping and one under
+ // new mapping
+ assert_eq!(splits.len(), 3);
+ assert!(
+ splits
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|split| split.split_metadata.doc_mapping_uid == initial_mapping_uid)
+ .count()
+ > 0
+ );
+ assert!(
+ splits
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|split| split.split_metadata.doc_mapping_uid == final_mapping_uid)
+ .count()
+ > 0
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ splits
+ .iter()
+ .map(|split| split.split_metadata.num_docs)
+ .sum::(),
+ 4000
+ );
+ sandbox.shutdown().await.unwrap();