Per default any authenticated user is enabled to create projects and provision resources on their own. In a multi-tenant use case this could lead to problems related to cluster capacity planning as an user might request a large amount of resources so that other projects can not use this cluster anymore. A first step to more control for administrators is by disabling self-provisioning of projects.
[okd@services ~]$ oc apply -f ~/okd-the-hard-way/src/11-permissions/self-provisioning.yaml
As a cluster administrator, you can modify the default project template so that new projects are created using your custom requirements. This includes default values for quotas, role bindings and limit ranges. Also multi-tenant network isolation is configured, so that only pods from within the same namespace can talk to each other. This is done by using network policies.
Keep in mind that network policy does not apply to the host network namespace. pods with host networking enabled are unaffected by network policy rules, so platform operators should carefully choose which pods are able to use host networking as this is introduces a potential weak spot for attackers.
[okd@services ~]$ oc apply -f ~/okd-the-hard-way/src/11-permissions/project-request-template.yaml
[okd@services ~]$ oc apply -f ~/okd-the-hard-way/src/11-permissions/project-cluster.yaml
Next: Nodes