The Testgrid Summarizer creates test result summaries for the Testgrid dashboards and tables. It continuously writes summaries owned by the Update Master.
The Update Master
will parse all the groups and request the Update Servers
to aggregate test results. When the update cycle is done, the Update Master
will run post-update jobs, which will trigger the Summarizer
to create the summary object.
The Summarizer
implements the key functions to convert aggregated results into the appropriate summary format, and continuously writes/reads summaries owned by the Update Master
to/from storage. This will be a standalone service for all flavor of Testgrid clusters to use for test result translation. The summarizer server will implement the gRPC server component.
type Summarizer struct {}
func (s *Summarizer) TableToSummary(...) (...) {}
func (s *Summarizer) SummaryToClientObject(...) (...) {}
func (s *Summarizer) GetStatusForDashboard(...) (...) {}
type Storage struct{}
func (s *Storage) SaveSummaryObject() {}
func (s *Storage) RestoreSummaryObject() {}
func (s *Storage) NormalizeObjectName() {}
type SummarizerServer struct {}
func (s *SummarizerServer) GetSummary(...) (...) {}
func (s *SummarizerServer) GetDashboardStatus(...) (...) {}
The Summarizer component will be implemented in two stages:
- The translation of test results to summary objects. This will implement most of the Summarizer object and the SummarizerServer. When stage 1 is ready, we should have a standalone server running and serving on-demand test result translation from a remote gRPC client. This section is implemented by PR #13132
- The storage of summary. This will implement the Storage object and integrate it with the Summarizer. When stage 2 is ready, we should be able to store data to a permanent storage location to avoid recomputing some summary data, which will improve the overall system efficiency.
To run all the tests for the summarizer component.
test-infra/testgrid/cmd/summarizer $ bazel test ...
To run the server.
test-infra/testgrid/cmd/summarizer $ bazel run :summarizer
To run the example client.
test-infra/testgrid/cmd/summarizer/example $ bazel run :example