All notable changes to the "sweetpad" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- updates
- Add ability to attach debugger to running app. See documentation for more details.
- Automatically regenerate Xcode project on new .swift files using XcodeGen
- Add new command executor
- Add basic XcodeGen integration
- Remove ./docs folder from the extension package
- Add empty screen when Xcode project is not found
- Add commands to create issue on GitHub
- Fix typo with launch command
- Add ability to build and run from command palette
- Update extension categories
- Update
- Update
- Add task provider for building and running app on simulator
- Allow to configure task in tasks.json
- Use xcodeworkspace instead of xcodeproj for generating buildServer.json
- move to 0.1.x version
- Show logs from app when running on simulator
- Bundle extension using esbuild
- Improve caching of schemes and configurations
- Add command to reset cache "sweetpad.system.resetSweetpadCache"
- Add command to open project in Xcode
- Improve selection of workspaces and schemes
- Propage errors when xcodebuild used with xcbeautify
- Allow to disable xcbeautify in settings
- Detect schemes by reading files in workspace folder instead of using xcodebuild
- Extract configuration name from .xcscheme file
- Add command to set active workspace
- Ask user to choose workspace if there are multiple workspaces in the folder
- Fix broken build
- Add command to generate buildServer.json file for SourceKit-LSP integration
- Add command to execute "xcodebuild clean" command
- Execute "Build" command without "clean" option
- Add command to resolve dependencies using xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies
- Improve error handling and logging
- Imrpove shell and task execution
Add basic build functionality
Fixed problem with panel icon not showing up
Public release of SweetPad:
- Integration of swift-format with VSCode for formatting Swift files.
- iOS simulator panel for running and stopping the iOS simulator.
- Panel for installing iOS tools using Homebrew.