l########### Change Log ###########
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated pipeline to include installation of dependency software for cult-cargo (Curated cargo of standard radio astronomy packages for Stimela 2.0).
- Removed steps involving simple subtraction of the Sun and just left the peeling process.
- Updated 'channels-out' param to 'nchan' as defined in cult-cargo.
- Fixed bug related to the change in phase centre to the Sun.
- Removed simple subtraction step.
- Rename 'solarkat-pipeline' to 'recipes'. The solarkat.yml, solarkat.py, solarkat-cabs.yml and solarkat-observation-sets.yml files are located here.
- Updated the setup.py file. Removed unecessary and confliting directories.
Minor corrections.
The first release of solarkat.