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Quick review of the previous session

  • we wrote the serial version of the 2D heat transfer solver in Chapel baseSolver.chpl: initial T=25, zero boundary conditions on the left/upper sides, and linearly increasing temperature on the boundary for the right/bottom sides; the temperature should converge to a steady state
  • it optionally took the following config variables from the command line: rows, cols, niter, iout, jout, tolerance, nout
  • we ran the benchmark solution to convergence after 7750 iterations
$ ./baseSolver --rows=650 --cols=650 --iout=200 --jout=300 --niter=10000 --tolerance=0.002 --nout=1000
  • we learned how to time individual sections of the code
  • we saw that --fast flag sped up calculation by ~100X

Task Parallelism with Chapel

The basic concept of parallel computing is simple to understand: we divide our job into tasks that can be executed at the same time, so that we finish the job in a fraction of the time that it would have taken if the tasks are executed one by one.

Key idea

Task is a unit of computation that can run in parallel with other tasks.

Implementing parallel computations, however, is not always easy. How easy it is to parallelize a code really depends on the underlying problem you are trying to solve. This can result in:

  • a fine-grained parallel code that needs lots of communication/synchronization between tasks, or
  • a coarse-grained code that requires little communication between tasks.
  • in this sense grain size refers to the amount of independent computing in between communication
  • an embarrassing parallel problem is one where all tasks can be executed completely independent from each other (no communications required)

Parallel programming in Chapel

Chapel provides high-level abstractions for parallel programming no matter the grain size of your tasks, whether they run in a shared memory or a distributed memory environment, or whether they are executed "concurrently" (frequently switching between tasks) or truly in parallel. As a programmer you can focus on the algorithm: how to divide the problem into tasks that make sense in the context of the problem, and be sure that the high-level implementation will run on any hardware configuration. Then you could consider the specificities of the particular system you are going to use (whether is shared or distributed, the number of cores, etc.) and tune your code/algorithm to obtain a better performance.

To this effect, concurrency (the creation and execution of multiple tasks), and locality (on which set of resources these tasks are executed) are orthogonal (separate) concepts in Chapel. For example, we can have a set of several tasks; these tasks could be running, e.g.,

a. concurrently by the same processor in a single compute node (**serial local** code),
b. in parallel by several processors in a single compute node (**parallel local** code),
c. in parallel by several processors distributed in different compute nodes (**parallel distributed**
   code), or
d. serially (one by one) by several processors distributed in different compute nodes (**serial
   distributed** code -- yes, this is possible in Chapel)

Similarly, each of these tasks could be using variables located in:

a. the local memory on the compute node where it is running, or 
b. on distributed memory located in other compute nodes. 

And again, Chapel could take care of all the stuff required to run our algorithm in most of the scenarios, but we can always add more specific detail to gain performance when targeting a particular scenario.

Key idea

Task parallelism is a style of parallel programming in which parallelism is driven by programmer-specified tasks. This is in contrast with Data Parallelism which is a style of parallel programming in which parallelism is driven by computations over collections of data elements or their indices.

Running on Cedar

If working on Cedar, please load the single-locale Chapel module:

$ module load gcc chapel-single/1.15.0

If you are working instead on the training VM, please load single-locale Chapel from the admin's directory:

$ . /project/shared/

In this lesson, we'll be running on several cores on one node with a script

#SBATCH --time=00:05:00   # walltime in d-hh:mm or hh:mm:ss format
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1000   # in MB
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --output=solution.out

Fire-and-forget tasks

A Chapel program always starts as a single main thread. You can then start concurrent tasks with the begin statement. A task spawned by the begin statement will run in a different thread while the main thread continues its normal execution. Let's start a new code begin.chpl with the following lines:

var x = 100;
writeln('This is the main thread starting first thread');
begin {
  var count = 0;
  while count < 10 {
    count += 1;
    writeln('thread 1: ', x + count);
writeln('This is the main thread starting second thread');
begin {
  var count = 0;
  while count < 10 {
    count += 1;
    writeln('thread 2: ', x + count);
writeln('This is the main thread, I am done ...');
$ chpl begin.chpl -o begin
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread starting first thread
This is the main thread starting second thread
This is the main thread, I am done ...
thread 2: 101
thread 1: 101
thread 2: 102
thread 1: 102
thread 2: 103
thread 1: 103
thread 2: 104
thread 1: 109
thread 2: 109
thread 1: 110
thread 2: 110

As you can see the order of the output is not what we would expected, and actually it is somewhat unpredictable. This is a well known effect of concurrent tasks accessing the same shared resource at the same time (in this case the screen); the system decides in which order the tasks could write to the screen.


What would happen if in the last code we declare count in the main thread?

Answer: we'll get an error at compilation, since then count will belong to the main thread (will be defined within the scope of the main thread), and we can modify its value only in the main thread.

What would happen if we try to insert a second definition var x = 10; inside the first begin statement?

Answer: that will actually work, as we'll simply create another, local instance of x with its own value.

Key idea

All variables have a scope in which they can be used. The variables declared inside a concurrent task are accessible only by the task. The variables declared in the main task can be read everywhere, but Chapel won't allow other concurrent tasks to modify them.


Are the concurrent tasks, spawned by the last code, running truly in parallel?

Answer: it depends on the number of cores available to your job. If you have a single core, they'll run concurrently, with the CPU switching between the tasks. If you have two cores, thread1 and thread2 will likely run in parallel using the two cores.

Key idea

To maximize performance, start as many tasks as the number of available cores.

A slightly more structured way to start concurrent tasks in Chapel is by using the cobegin statement. Here you can start a block of concurrent threads, one for each statement inside the curly brackets. Another difference between the beginand cobegin statements is that with the cobegin, all the spawned threads are synchronized at the end of the statement, i.e. the main thread won't continue its execution until all threads are done. Let's start cobegin.chpl:

var x = 0;
writeln('This is the main thread, my value of x is ', x);
cobegin {
    var x = 5;
    writeln('This is thread 1, my value of x is ', x);
  writeln('This is thread 2, my value of x is ', x);
writeln('This message will not appear until all threads are done ...');
$ chpl cobegin.chpl -o cobegin
$ sed -i -e 's|begin|cobegin|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread, my value of x is 0
This is thread 2, my value of x is 0
This is thread 1, my value of x is 5
This message will not appear until all threads are done...

As you may have conclude from the Discussion exercise above, the variables declared inside a thread are accessible only by the thread, while those variables declared in the main thread are accessible to all threads.

Another, and one of the most useful ways to start concurrent/parallel tasks in Chapel, is the coforall loop. This is a combination of the for-loop and the cobeginstatements. The general syntax is:

coforall index in iterand

This will start a new thread for each iteration. Each thread will then perform all the instructions inside the curly brackets. Each thread will have a copy of the loop variable index with the corresponding value yielded by the iterand. This index allows us to customize the set of instructions for each particular thread. Let's write coforall.chpl:

var x = 10;
config var numthreads = 2;
writeln('This is the main thread: x = ', x);
coforall taskid in 1..numthreads do {
  var count = taskid**2;
  writeln('this is thread ', taskid, ': my value of count is ', count, ' and x is ', x);
writeln('This message will not appear until all threads are done ...');
$ chpl coforall.chpl -o coforall
$ sed -i -e 's|cobegin|coforall --numthreads=5|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread: x = 10
this is thread 1: my value of c is 1 and x is 10
this is thread 2: my value of c is 4 and x is 10
this is thread 4: my value of c is 16 and x is 10
this is thread 3: my value of c is 9 and x is 10
this is thread 5: my value of c is 25 and x is 10
This message will not appear until all threads are done ...

Notice the random order of the print statements. And notice how, once again, the variables declared outside the coforall can be read by all threads, while the variables declared inside, are available only to the particular thread.

Exercise 1

Would it be possible to print all the messages in the right order? Modify the code in the last example as required and save it as exercise1.chpl.

Hint: you can use an array of strings declared in the main task, into which all the concurrent tasks could write their messages in the right order. Then, at the end, have the main task print all elements of the array.


The following code is a possible solution:

var x = 1;
config var numthreads = 2;
var messages: [1..numthreads] string;
writeln('This is the main task: x = ', x);
coforall taskid in 1..numthreads do {
  var c = taskid**2;
  messages[taskid] = 'this is task ' + taskid + ': my value of c is ' + c + ' and x is ' + x;  // add to a string
writeln('This message will not appear until all tasks are done ...');
for i in 1..numthreads do  // serial loop, will be printed in sequential order
$ chpl exercise1.chpl -o exercise1
$ sed -i -e 's|coforall --numthreads=5|exercise1 --numthreads=5|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main task: x = 10
This message will not appear until all tasks are done ...
this is task 1: my value of c is 1 and x is 10
this is task 2: my value of c is 4 and x is 10
this is task 3: my value of c is 9 and x is 10
this is task 4: my value of c is 16 and x is 10
this is task 5: my value of c is 25 and x is 10

Exercise 2

Consider the following code exercise2.chpl:

use Random;
config const nelem = 1e8: int;
var x: [1..nelem] real;
fillRandom(x);	// fill array with random numbers
var gmax = 0.0;

// here put your code to find gmax

writeln('the maximum value in x is: ', gmax);

Write a parallel code to find the maximum value in the array x. Be careful: the number of threads should not be excessive. Best to use numthreads to organize parallel loops.


config const numthreads = 12;     // let's pretend we have 12 cores
const n = nelem / numthreads;     // number of elements per task
const r = nelem - n*numthreads;   // these did not fit into the last task
var lmax: [1..numthreads] real;   // local maximum for each task

coforall taskid in 1..numthreads do {   // each iteration processed by a separate task
  var start, finish: int;
  start  = (taskid-1)*n + 1;
  finish = (taskid-1)*n + n;
  if taskid == numthreads then finish += r;    // add r elements to the last task
  for i in start..finish do
    if x[i] > lmax[taskid] then lmax[taskid] = x[i];

for taskid in 1..numthreads do     // no need for a parallel loop here
  if lmax[taskid] > gmax then gmax = lmax[taskid];

$ chpl --fast exercise2.chpl -o exercise2
$ sed -i -e 's|coforall --numthreads=5|exercise2|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
the maximum value in x is: 1.0

We use coforall to spawn tasks that work concurrently in a fraction of the array. The trick here is to determine, based on the taskid, the initial and final indices that the task will use. Each task obtains the maximum in its fraction of the array, and finally, after the coforall is done, the main task obtains the maximum of the array from the maximums of all tasks.


Run the code of last Exercise using different number of tasks, and different sizes of the array x to see how the execution time changes. For example:

$ time ./exercise2 --nelem=3000 --numthreads=4

Discuss your observations. Is there a limit on how fast the code could run?

Answer: (1) consider a small problem, increasing the number of tasks => no speedup (2) consider a large problem, increasing the number of tasks => speedup up to the physical number of cores

Try this...

Substitute your addition to the code to find gmax in the last exercise with:

gmax = max reduce x;   // 'max' is one of the reduce operators (data parallelism example)

Time the execution of the original code and this new one. How do they compare?

Answer: the built-in reduction operation runs in parallel utilizing all cores.

Key idea

It is always a good idea to check whether there is built-in functions or methods in the used language, that can do what we want as efficiently (or better) than our house-made code. In this case, the reduce statement reduces the given array to a single number using the operation max, and it is parallelized. Here is the full list of reduce operations: +   *   &&   ||   &   |   ^   min   max.

Synchronization of threads

sync block

The keyword sync provides all sorts of mechanisms to synchronize tasks in Chapel. We can simply use sync to force the parent task to stop and wait until its spawned child-task ends. Consider this sync1.chpl:

var x = 0;
writeln('This is the main thread starting a synchronous thread');
sync {
  begin {
    var count = 0;
    while count < 10 {
      count += 1;
      writeln('thread 1: ', x + count);
writeln('The first thread is done ...');
writeln('This is the main thread starting an asynchronous thread');
begin {
  var count = 0;
  while count < 10 {
    count += 1;
    writeln('thread 2: ', x + count);
writeln('This is the main thread, I am done ...');
$ chpl sync1.chpl -o sync1
$ sed -i -e 's|exercise2|sync1|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread starting a synchronous thread
thread 1: 1
thread 1: 2
thread 1: 3
thread 1: 4
thread 1: 5
thread 1: 6
thread 1: 7
thread 1: 8
thread 1: 9
thread 1: 10
The first thread is done ...
This is the main thread starting an asynchronous thread
This is the main thread, I am done ...
thread 2: 1
thread 2: 2
thread 2: 3
thread 2: 4
thread 2: 5
thread 2: 6
thread 2: 7
thread 2: 8
thread 2: 9
thread 2: 10


What would happen if we swap sync and begin in the first thread:

begin {
  sync {
    var c = 0;
    while c < 10 {
      c += 1;
      writeln('thread 1: ', x + c);
writeln('The first thread is done ...');

Discuss your observations.

Answer: sync would have no effect on the rest of the program. We only pause the execution of the first thread, until all statements inside sync {} are completed -- but this does not affect the main and the second threads: they keep on running.

Exercise 3

Use begin and sync statements to reproduce the functionality of cobegin in cobegin.chpl, i.e., the main thread should not continue until both threads 1 and 2 are completed.


var x = 0;
writeln('This is the main thread, my value of x is ', x);

sync {
  begin {
     var x = 5;
     writeln('this is thread 1, my value of x is ', x);
  begin writeln('this is thread 2, my value of x is ', x);

writeln('this message will not appear until all threads are done...');

sync variables

A more elaborated and powerful use of sync is as a type qualifier for variables. When a variable is declared as sync, a state that can be full or empty is associated with it.

To assign a new value to a sync variable, its state must be empty (after the assignment operation is completed, the state will be set as full). On the contrary, to read a value from a sync variable, its state must be full (after the read operation is completed, the state will be set as empty again).

var x: sync int;
writeln('this is the main thread launching a new thread');
begin {
  for i in 1..10 do
    writeln('this is the new thread working: ', i);
  x = 2;
  writeln('New thread finished');
writeln('this is the main thread after launching new thread ... I will wait until x is full');
x;   // not doing anything with a variable, not printing, just calling it
writeln('and now it is done');
$ chpl sync2.chpl -o sync2
$ sed -i -e 's|sync1|sync2|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
this is main thread launching a new thread
this is main thread after launching new thread ... I will wait until x is full
this is new thread working: 1
this is new thread working: 2
this is new thread working: 3
this is new thread working: 4
this is new thread working: 5
this is new thread working: 6
this is new thread working: 7
this is new thread working: 8
this is new thread working: 9
this is new thread working: 10
New thread finished
and now it is done

Here the main thread does not continue until the variable is full and can be read.

  • Let's replace x; with var a = x; writeln(a); -- now it prints the value! As you can see, you can't write a sync variable (current limitation).
  • Let's add another line x; -- now it is stuck since we cannot read 'x' while it's empty!
  • Let's add x.writeXF(5); right before the last x; -- now we set is to full again (and assigned 5), and it can be read again.

There are a number of methods defined for sync variables. Suppose x is a sync variable of a given type:

// general methods
x.reset()   //will set the state as empty and the value as the default of x's type
x.isfull()  //will return true is the state of x is full, false if it is empty

// blocking read and write methods
x.writeEF(value)   // will block until the state of x is empty, 
                   // then will assign the value and set the state to full 
x.writeFF(value)       // will block until the state of x is full, 
                       // then will assign the value and leave the state as full
x.readFE()      // will block until the state of x is full, 
                // then will return x's value and set the state to empty
x.readFF()           // will block until the state of x is full, 
                     // then will return x's value and leave the state as full

// non-blocking read and write methods
x.writeXF(value)   // will assign the value no matter the state of x, and then set the state as full
x.readXX()         // will return the value of x regardless its state; the state will remain unchanged

atomic variables

Chapel also implements atomic operations with variables declared as atomic, and this provides another option to synchronize threads. Atomic operations run completely independently of any other thread or process. This means that when several threads try to write an atomic variable, only one will succeed at a given moment, providing implicit synchronization between them. There is a number of methods defined for atomic variables, among them sub(), add(), write(), read(), and waitfor() are very useful to establish explicit synchronization between threads, as shown in the next code atomic.chpl:

var lock: atomic int;
const numthreads = 5;

lock.write(0);   // the main thread set lock to zero

coforall id in 1..numthreads {
  writeln('greetings form thread ', id, '... I am waiting for all threads to say hello');
  lock.add(1);              // task id says hello and atomically adds 1 to lock
  lock.waitFor(numthreads);   // then it waits for lock to be equal numthreads (which will happen when all threads say hello)
  writeln('thread ', id, ' is done ...');
$ chpl atomic.chpl -o atomic
$ sed -i -e 's|sync2|atomic|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
greetings form thread 4... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 5... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 2... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 3... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 1... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
thread 1 is done...
thread 5 is done...
thread 2 is done...
thread 3 is done...
thread 4 is done...

Try this...

Comment out the line lock.waitfor(numthreads) in the code above to clearly observe the effect of the task synchronization.

Finally, with all the material studied so far, we should be ready to parallelize our code for the simulation of the heat transfer equation.

Parallelizing the heat transfer equation

  1. divide the entire grid of points into blocks and assign blocks to individual threads
  2. each thread should compute the new temperature of its assigned points
  3. then we must perform a reduction over the whole grid, to update the greatest temperature difference between Tnew and T

For the reduction of the grid we can simply use the max reduce statement, which is already parallelized. Now, let's divide the grid into rowtasks * coltasks subgrids, and assign each subgrid to a thread using the coforall loop (we will have rowtasks * coltasks threads in total).

Recall out code exercise2.chpl in which we broke the 1D array with 1e9 elements into numthreads=12 blocks, and each thread was processing elements start..finish. Now we'll do exactly the same in 2D. First, let's write a quick serial code test.chpl to test the indices:

config const rows = 100, cols = 100;   // number of rows and columns in our matrix

config const rowtasks = 3, coltasks = 4;   // number of blocks in x- and y-dimensions
                                           // each block processed by a separate thread
                                           // let's pretend we have 12 cores
const nr = rows / rowtasks;   // number of rows per thread
const rr = rows % rowtasks; // remainder rows (did not fit into the last row of threads)
const nc = cols / coltasks;   // number of columns per thread
const rc = cols % coltasks; // remainder columns (did not fit into the last column of threads)

coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1 do {
  var row1, row2, col1, col2: int;
  row1 = taskid/coltasks*nr + 1;
  row2 = taskid/coltasks*nr + nr;
  if row2 == rowtasks*nr then row2 += rr; // add rr rows to the last row of threads
  col1 = taskid%coltasks*nc + 1;
  col2 = taskid%coltasks*nc + nc;
  if col2 == coltasks*nc then col2 += rc; // add rc columns to the last column of threads
  writeln('task ', taskid, ': rows ', row1, '-', row2, ' and columns ', col1, '-', col2);
$ chpl test.chpl -o test
$ sed -i -e 's|atomic|test|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
thread 0: rows 1-33 and columns 1-25
thread 1: rows 1-33 and columns 26-50
thread 2: rows 1-33 and columns 51-75
thread 3: rows 1-33 and columns 76-100
thread 4: rows 34-66 and columns 1-25
thread 5: rows 34-66 and columns 26-50
thread 6: rows 34-66 and columns 51-75
thread 7: rows 34-66 and columns 76-100
thread 8: rows 67-100 and columns 1-25
thread 9: rows 67-100 and columns 26-50
thread 10: rows 67-100 and columns 51-75
thread 11: rows 67-100 and columns 76-100

As you can see, dividing Tnew computation between concurrent threads could be cumbersome. Chapel provides high-level abstractions for data parallelism that take care of all the data distribution for us. We will study data parallelism in the following lessons, but for now let's compare the benchmark solution (baseSolver.chpl) with our coforall parallelization to see how the performance improved.

Now we'll parallelize our heat transfer solver. Let's copy baseSolver.chpl into parallel1.chpl and then start editing the latter. We'll make the following changes in parallel1.chpl:

$ diff baseSolver.chpl parallel1.chpl
> config const rowtasks = 3, coltasks = 4;   // let's pretend we have 12 cores
> const nr = rows / rowtasks;   // number of rows per thread
> const rr = rows - nr*rowtasks; // remainder rows (did not fit into the last thread)
> const nc = cols / coltasks;   // number of columns per thread
> const rc = cols - nc*coltasks; // remainder columns (did not fit into the last thread)
<   for i in 1..rows do {  // do smth for row i
<     for j in 1..cols do {   // do smth for row i and column j
<       Tnew[i,j] = 0.25 * (T[i-1,j] + T[i+1,j] + T[i,j-1] + T[i,j+1]);
<     }
<   }
>   coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1 do { // each iteration processed by a separate thread
>     var row1, row2, col1, col2: int;
>     row1 = taskid/coltasks*nr + 1;
>     row2 = taskid/coltasks*nr + nr;
>     if row2 == rowtasks*nr then row2 += rr; // add rr rows to the last row of threads
>     col1 = taskid%coltasks*nc + 1;
>     col2 = taskid%coltasks*nc + nc;
>     if col2 == coltasks*nc then col2 += rc; // add rc columns to the last column of threads
>     for i in row1..row2 do {
>       for j in col1..col2 do {
>         Tnew[i,j] = 0.25 * (T[i-1,j] + T[i+1,j] + T[i,j-1] + T[i,j+1]);
>       }
>     }
>   }
<   delta = 0;
<   for i in 1..rows do {
<     for j in 1..cols do {
<       tmp = abs(Tnew[i,j]-T[i,j]);
<       if tmp > delta then delta = tmp;
<     }
<   }
>   delta = max reduce abs(Tnew[1..rows,1..cols]-T[1..rows,1..cols]);

Let's compile and run both codes on the same large problem:

$ chpl --fast baseSolver.chpl -o baseSolver
$ sed -i -e 's|test|baseSolver --rows=650 --cols=650 --iout=200 --jout=300 --niter=10000 --tolerance=0.002 --nout=1000|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
Working with a matrix 650x650 to 10000 iterations or dT below 0.002
Temperature at iteration 0: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 1000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 2000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 3000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 4000: 24.9998
Temperature at iteration 5000: 24.9984
Temperature at iteration 6000: 24.9935
Temperature at iteration 7000: 24.9819
Final temperature at the desired position [200,300] after 7750 iterations is: 24.9671
The largest temperature difference was 0.00199985
The simulation took 8.96548 seconds

$ chpl --fast parallel1.chpl -o parallel1
$ sed -i -e 's|baseSolver|parallel1|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
Working with a matrix 650x650 to 10000 iterations or dT below 0.002
Temperature at iteration 0: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 1000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 2000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 3000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 4000: 24.9998
Temperature at iteration 5000: 24.9984
Temperature at iteration 6000: 24.9935
Temperature at iteration 7000: 24.9819
Final temperature at the desired position [200,300] after 7750 iterations is: 24.9671
The largest temperature difference was 0.00199985
The simulation took 25.106 seconds

Both ran to 7750 iterations, with the same numerical results, but the parallel code is nearly 3X slower -- that's terrible!


What happened!?...

To understand the reason, let's analyze the code. When the program starts, the main thread does all the declarations and initializations, and then, it enters the main loop of the simulation (the while loop). Inside this loop, the parallel threads are launched for the first time. When these threads finish their computations, the main thread resumes its execution, it updates delta and T, and everything is repeated again. So, in essence, parallel threads are launched and resumed 7750 times, which introduces a significant amount of overhead (the time the system needs to effectively start and destroy threads in the specific hardware, at each iteration of the while loop).

Clearly, a better approach would be to launch the parallel threads just once, and have them execute all the time steps, before resuming the main thread to print the final results.

Let's copy parallel1.chpl into parallel2.chpl and then start editing the latter. We'll make the following changes:

(1) Move the rows

  coforall taskid in 0..coltasks*rowtasks-1 do { // each iteration processed by a separate thread
    var row1, row2, col1, col2: int;
    row1 = taskid/coltasks*nr + 1;
    row2 = taskid/coltasks*nr + nr;
    if row2 == rowtasks*nr then row2 += rr; // add rr rows to the last row of threads
    col1 = taskid%coltasks*nc + 1;
    col2 = taskid%coltasks*nc + nc;
    if col2 == coltasks*nc then col2 += rc; // add rc columns to the last column of threads

and the corresponding closing bracket } of this coforall loop outside the while loop, so that while is now nested inside coforall.

(2) Since now copying Tnew into T is a local operation for each thread, i.e. we should replace T = Tnew; with

T[row1..row2,col1..col2] = Tnew[row1..row2,col1..col2];

But this is not sufficient! We need to make sure we finish computing all elements of Tnew in all threads before computing the greatest temperature difference delta. For that we need to synchronize all threads, right after computing Tnew. We'll also need to synchronize threads after computing delta and T from Tnew, as none of the threads should jump into the new iteration without having delta and T! So, we need two synchronization points inside the coforall loop.

Exercise 4

Recall our earlier code atomic.chpl:

var lock: atomic int;
const numthreads = 5;
lock.write(0);   // the main thread set lock to zero
coforall id in 1..numthreads {
  writeln('greetings form thread ', id, '... I am waiting for all threads to say hello');
  lock.add(1);              // thread id says hello and atomically adds 1 to lock
  lock.waitFor(numthreads);   // then it waits for lock to be equal numthreads (which will happen when all threads say hello)
  writeln('thread ', id, ' is done ...');

Suppose we want to add another synchronization point right after the last writeln() command. What is wrong with adding the following at the end of the coforall loop?

  lock.sub(1);      // thread id says hello and atomically subtracts 1 from lock
  lock.waitFor(0);   // then it waits for lock to be equal 0 (which will happen when all threads say hello)
  writeln('thread ', id, ' is really done ...');


The code most likely will lock (although sometimes it might not), as we'll be hitting a race condition. Refer to the diagram for explanation.

Exercise 5

Ok, then what is the solution, if we want two synchronization points?


You need two separate locks, and for simplicity increase them both:

var lock1, lock2: atomic int;
const numthreads = 5;
lock1.write(0);   // the main thread set lock to zero
lock2.write(0);   // the main thread set lock to zero
coforall id in 1..numthreads {
  writeln('greetings form thread ', id, '... I am waiting for all threads to say hello');
  lock1.add(1);              // thread id says hello and atomically adds 1 to lock
  lock1.waitFor(numthreads);   // then it waits for lock=numthreads (which will happen when all threads say hello)
  writeln('thread ', id, ' is done ...');
  writeln('thread ', id, ' is really done ...');  

(3) Define two atomic variables that we'll use for synchronization

var lock1, lock2: atomic int;

and add after the (i,j)-loops to compute Tnew the following:

    lock1.add(1);   // each thread atomically adds 1 to lock
    lock1.waitFor(coltasks*rowtasks*count);   // then it waits for lock to be equal coltasks*rowtasks

and after T[row1..row2,col1..col2] = Tnew[row1..row2,col1..col2]; the following:

    lock2.add(1);   // each thread atomically subtracts 1 from lock
    lock2.waitFor(coltasks*rowtasks*count);   // then it waits for lock to be equal 0

Notice that we have a product coltasks*rowtasks*count, since lock1/lock2 will be incremented by all threads at all iterations.

(4) Move var count = 0: int; into coforall so that it becomes a local variable for each thread. Also, remove count instance (in writeln()) after coforall ends.

(5) Make delta atomic:

var delta: atomic real;    // the greatest temperature difference between Tnew and T
delta.write(tolerance*10);    // some safe initial large value
  while (count < niter && >= tolerance) do {

(6) Define an array of local delta's for each thread and use it to compute delta:

var arrayDelta: [0..coltasks*rowtasks-1] real;
  var tmp: real;   // inside coforall
    tmp = 0;       // inside while
        tmp = max(abs(Tnew[i,j]-T[i,j]),tmp);    // next line after Tnew[i,j] = ...
    arrayDelta[taskid] = tmp;      // right after (i,j)-loop to compute Tnew[i,j]
    if taskid == 0 then {        // compute delta right after lock1.waitFor()
      delta.write(max reduce arrayDelta);
      if count%nout == 0 then writeln('Temperature at iteration ', count, ': ', Tnew[iout,jout]);

(7) Remove the original T[iout,jout] output line.

Now let's compare the performance of parallel2.chpl to the benchmark serial solution baseSolver.chpl:

$ sed -i -e 's|parallel1|baseSolver|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
Working with a matrix 650x650 to 10000 iterations or dT below 0.002
Temperature at iteration 0: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 1000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 2000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 3000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 4000: 24.9998
Temperature at iteration 5000: 24.9984
Temperature at iteration 6000: 24.9935
Temperature at iteration 7000: 24.9819
Final temperature at the desired position [200,300] after 7750 iterations is: 24.9671
The largest temperature difference was 0.00199985
The simulation took 9.40637 seconds

$ chpl --fast parallel2.chpl -o parallel2
$ sed -i -e 's|baseSolver|parallel2|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
Working with a matrix 650x650 to 10000 iterations or dT below 0.002
Temperature at iteration 0: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 1000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 2000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 3000: 25.0
Temperature at iteration 4000: 24.9998
Temperature at iteration 5000: 24.9984
Temperature at iteration 6000: 24.9935
Temperature at iteration 7000: 24.9819
Final temperature at the desired position [200,300] is: 24.9671
The largest temperature difference was 0.00199985
The simulation took 4.74536 seconds

We get a speedup of 2X on two cores, as we should.

Finally, here is a parallel scaling test on Cedar inside a 32-core interactive job:

$ ./parallel2 ... --rowtasks=1 --coltasks=1
The simulation took 32.2201 seconds

$ ./parallel2 ... --rowtasks=2 --coltasks=2
The simulation took 10.197 seconds

$ ./parallel2 ... --rowtasks=4 --coltasks=4
The simulation took 3.79577 seconds

$ ./parallel2 ... --rowtasks=4 --coltasks=8
The simulation took 2.4874 seconds