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"Unleash Linux on MacOS" DHSI mini-workshop

Abstract: Do you have a Mac? Did you know that BSD Unix is what powers much of OSX? Did you know that despite this heritage you don't have access to many Linux tools and resources because they are locked out by Apple? Would you like to unlock the full power of a Linux system and take control of your computing destiny? In this workshop you'll walk in with a regular OSX laptop and walk out with a software application called "Homebrew" installed that will give you the ability to install and run a wide variety of Linux programs and tools, allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of the free and open source software community that has made Linux the premiere scientific computing platform.


MacOS is a built on top of Darwin (Apple's open-source Unix OS) which itself is a derivative of various implementations of BSD, a Unix OS from Berkeley, developed in the 1970s-80s. Being a UNIX-like OS, MacOS is similar to Linux, but they have different kernel source code (core of the OS).

Linux comes with thousands of open-source tools and applications, and the vast majority of these can also be compiled from source code on MacOS, as the underlying OSs share the same principles and have very similar architecture. MacOS includes some fraction of these tools, but many are missing. To install the ones that are missing, you can download their source code and compile them. In practice, this is tedious and may involve many manual steps, as often you will have to compile their dependencies by hand and make sure you have the right versions.

Using a package manager automates these tasks. Homebrew ( is a package manager for MacOS:

  • gives a central catalogue of available packages
  • formula = a package definition written in Ruby
  • provides simple commands for working with all packages: list, search, info, install, update, uninstall
  • automatically tracks and installs missing dependencies for each package
  • compiles (builds) each package/dependency from source code if a pre-compiled version is not available
  • installs formulae into their own Cellar (keg) directory
  • symlinks their files into /usr/local
  • written in git and ruby (formulae are simple Ruby scripts)
  • everything is brew themed

Installing Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

You might need to download Command Line Tools from Apple. Likely need to install Xcode, and then install command-line tools:

xcode-select --install

It is a good idea to do this early on:

sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local

Once in a while run:

brew doctor      # self-diagnose, will output a lot of details
brew update      # download new formulae (where to find software, lists of dependencies, how to install)

If you ever want to uninstall Homebrew:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Working with packages

brew search              # search for all packages
for i in echo $(brew search); do echo $i; done | wc -l    # shows 4707 lines
brew search imagemagick
brew info imagemagick
brew install imagemagick
brew list
brew upgrade imagemagick
brew upgrade      # all installed packages

If you ever want to remove this package:

brew uninstall imagemagick

Getting help

brew help
brew help <command>


If you cannot find a package in the main Homebrew repository, you can also tap other repositories:

brew tap user/repo     # shallow-clone to your laptop (make all its formulae available)
brew tap brewsci/bio
ls /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/brewsci/homebrew-bio/Formula/    # list packages in this repository
brew tap     # list all installed taps (cloned repositories) on your laptop
brew untap user/repo   # remove the taps (brew will no longer be aware of their formulae)

Fine-level controls

brew pin <formula>    # stop something from being updated/upgraded
brew unpin <formula>   # allow that formulae to update again
brew reinstall <formula> --build-from-source     # force compiling from source

Mac OS GUI apps

brew install cask
brew cask help
brew cask list    # list all installed packages
brew cask search     # list all available cask packages
brew cask search firefox
brew cask info firefox
brew cask install firefox
brew cask install google-chrome
brew cask install iterm2   # better replacement for Terminal
brew cask install iina     # "modern" video player for macOS
brew cask install vlc      # VLC media player
brew cask install xquartz    # Apple X-server
brew cask install bitwarden   # multi-platform password manager (GUI + command line + mobile, completely free)


Some useful packages

brew install wget
brew install dos2unix
brew install emacs
brew install grip
brew install htop   # really nice command-line system resource monitor
brew install r
brew install youtube-dl

ffmpeg (video converter)

brew install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -r 10 -i frame%04d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" clip.mp4
ffprobe -select_streams v -show_streams clip.mp4 2>/dev/null | grep nb_frames
ffmpeg -i clip.mp4 -vframes 1 -vf "select='eq(n,0)'" -y first.png
ffmpeg -i clip.mp4 -vframes 1 -vf "select='eq(n,850)'" -y last.png


More details at

brew install pass
gpg --full-generate-key       # writes into ~/.gnupg/, at the end type the password
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG   # list GPG keys for which I have both a public and private key
pass init C4153C92CDEC8AF4       # creates ~/.password-store/
pass          # list all entries
pass email    # list email entries only
pass -c clusters/westgrid      # copy password to the clipboard
pass insert email/oneOfYourEmailAddresses     # insert a new password (one line)
pass insert -m email/oneOfYourEmailAddresses     # insert multiple lines
pass generate -n email/[email protected] 15     # generate and insert a new 15-character password
pass mv path1 path2     # rename entry
pass rm path1           # remove entry


brew install ccrypt    # strong encryption utility
man ccrypt
ccencrypt file
ccdecrypt file
ccat file


brew install dar
source='-g Documents -g Desktop'
flags='-s 5G -zbzip2 -asecu -w -X "*~" -X "*.o"'
dar $flags -c $destination/pro0 -R $HOME $source
dar $flags -A $destination/pro0 -c $destination/pro1 -R $HOME $source
dar $flags -A $destination/pro1 -c $destination/pro2 -R $HOME $source
dar $flags -A $destination/pro2 -c $destination/pro3 -R $HOME $source
dar -l $destination/pro0
dar -l $destination/pro1
dar -l $destination/pro2
echo dar -R ~/Movies -O -w -x $destination/pro0 -v -g Documents/notes
echo dar -R ~/Movies -O -w -x $destination/pro1 -v -g Documents/notes
echo dar -R ~/Movies -O -w -x $destination/pro2 -v -g Documents/notes


brew install awscli     # command-line tools for Amazon web services
free 5GB of storage, above that ~USD$0.023/GB/month
aws configure   # one-time: enter your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key, will go into ~/.aws/
aws s3 cp /path/to/localFile s3://bucketyxfuol7p4ve/   # upload file to S3
aws s3 ls s3://bucketyxfuol7p4ve/backups/      # list files in a remote folder
aws s3 cp s3://bucketyxfuol7p4ve/restore.txt -     # cat S3 file into standard output
aws s3 cp s3://bucketyxfuol7p4ve/restore.txt .     # download file from S3
aws s3 rm s3://bucketyxfuol7p4ve/restore.txt   # remove S3 file or folder
aws s3 sync /path/to/local s3://bucketyxfuol7p4ve/backups/   # sync files to remote S3 folder
no command to create a folder: it'll be created automatically when copying or syncing


brew install imagemagick --with-x11   # library and command-line tool for image manipulation;
                                      # recompile with X11 support if you have it installed
convert -resize 1600x1600 forest.png
convert forest.png forest.jpg
identify -list format   # see the list of support image formats
man convert
ls -l $(which convert)
ls -l /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/7.0.7-7/bin/        # check the included utilities
convert -resize 1600x1600 hills.png
convert -resize 1600x1600 desert.png
convert -resize 1600x1600 ocean.png
montage -geometry 60% -shadow *.png mosaic.png
display mosaic.png     # for this need X11 (XQuartz); click on the image for menu
unpack it and cd there
# transp='-fuzz 10% -transparent white'
transp='-transparent white'
convert lines.png population.png combine.png citiesByPopulation.png $transp +append -geometry 1600x row1.png
convert network.png bubbles.png parametric.png $transp +append -geometry 1600x row2.png
convert contour.png orthogonal.png isosurface.png $transp +append -geometry 1600x row3.png
convert row{1..3}.png $transp -append thumbs.png
wget -O logo.png
convert logo.png -fuzz 10% -transparent white logoTransparent.png
convert growth.png -fuzz 10% -transparent 'rgb(86,86,86)' growth.png

7zip compression utility

brew install p7zip        # port of 7zip from Windows
man convert > convert.txt
gzip convert.txt && ls -l convert.txt.gz   # 6324 bytes
gunzip convert.txt.gz
7z a convert.txt.7z convert.txt            # 6141 bytes
7z a -mx=9 convert.txt.7z convert.txt      # 6121 bytes (highest compression ratio)
7z a landscapes.7z desert.png forest.png hills.png ocean.png   # create an archive
rm desert.png forest.png hills.png ocean.png
7z l landscapes.7z        # list contents
7z t landscapes.7z        # test the archive's integrity
7z e landscapes.7z        # extract from the archive
tar -cf - dirName | 7za a -si landscapes.tar.7z    # pack a directory while keeping owner/group
7za x -so landscapes.tar.7z | tar xf -     # restore it
7z u landscapes.7z newFile1 newFile2 ...    # update the archive
7z d landscapes.7z hills.png    # remove a file from the archive