fix gamemodel VV
patch gameService to use mongoose V
patch gameController to use mongoose V
frontent add axios.post to easypeasy listener V
fix stats VV
- env vars in frontend to allow backend communication
give games a uuid to see local games highlighted on the global leaderboard
add version to game in case we change interfaces / shemas or game difficulties to help with filtering
go over to nx mono repo structure
- research how to deploy seperate effectively
- refactor to interfaces/enums to common lib (check with mongoose)
- extensive testing
- nest restful api
- mongoose
- fix release workflow
- add env variable / secret to prod.env
- global scoreboard with ws
- add feedback section
- renew notifs
- user metric tracking
- reset if gameover with score of 0
- proper stats page
- statsProcessingService V
- time played V
- average deviation V
- avarage time it took to guess right V
- settings page V
- choose game mode V
- show which gamemode is selected V
- fix scoreboard mean deviation .123231123ms issue V
- make it instructions more clear on when it starts V
- patch landing page hero text V
- show lives somehow V
- refactor naming
screen toCurrentGameStats
Screen V - game model revamped im abbild von ReactionModel V
- reset on navigate to
instead of/game-over
V - personal scoreboard V
- user input takes 3 characters max -> like arcade V
- promp for user name (3 chars) on gameover? V
- ui revamp V
- fix alert messages, not specific enough (higher lower) V
- timer in between reactions -> rendering next button redundant V -> remove next button V
- refactor game reset logic V
- WIP Stats Page V
- fix keyboard ressize issue V
- center box on home screen V
- homescreen: fix mobile width of vp V
- highscore show session highscore & gameover screen V
- game model & store V
- difficulty V -> 3 failed attempts and your'e out V
- score V
- failedAttempts V -> per game V
- create calc method to calculate if guess is close enough instead of exact V -> use difficulties as modifiers for how close you can be V
- refactor to proper files & naming V -> delete v2 V
- fix addguess on reaction.reactionStatus !== IS_OVER V
- fix controlled input value V
- refactor game flow to create random reactions, with next button. V
- fix first reaction to be random V
- create random times, debug show times in console V
- on guesstatus.isRight => setTimeout => new Reaction V
- essentially allow multiple reactions after one another V
- message / disclaimer component at top saying: "waiting to start" | " You won " | "Guess" V
- change button text on success to
instead ofready
V - fix next button not to skip on not guessed V
animations loading, buffering, particles
other visual cues
audible cues
timer before start -> automating next button -> pause function
difficulty exponentioal growth ( take game.score as multiplier )
sound effects & music
bonus points on how quickly a time is guess correctly
user metric tracking
multiplayer game 1v1, via websockets, ws can provide live leaderboard
if input gets code.ENTER and guessStatus.IS_RIGHT => handleNext()
think about whole game flow from splash screen to routing
settings would have an option for automatic next
replay animation button
difficulty could be how many tries you get before you lose
create component to allow for "PlayThisReaction(reaction: Reaction)"
create history object, which shows all played reactions
create difficulty obj, allowing to calculate diff between reaction.duration and reaction.guess to be in a limit of 30, 50, 100
create nicer ui
splash screen
game screen with dock