Sponsors via Patreon.
- Akinobu Fujii
- Mario van Beek
- Timothee Besset
- Alexis Jeandet
- Anthony Marchini
- Edward Gibbs
- Jonathan Nemo
- Louis St-Amour
- Mario Lioni
- Simon Pintarelli
- Alex B
- Andreas Stein
- Anton
- BJ
- Frederic Simonis
- Friedrich Hunstock
- IndustrialRobot
- Jason Stevens
- Jeffrey Hofer
- John Borland
- kale
- Matěj Týč
- Nakul Dhotre
- Nathan
- Nathan Loofbourrow
- Nils Moehrle
- Rui Pires
- Simon
- Stephan Roslen
- Tomi Joki-Korpela
- Tony Hong
- Traxes
- Werner de Groot
- Yacob Cohen-Arazi
- Yang, Wenbo
- 勇男 金子
Note: This file will be updated at the beginning of each month.