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Status: Syscalls

Yuekai Jia edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 5 revisions

The map of zircon sycall and zCore syscall

基于zircon 2020.06.10

Total number of syscalls

  • Total = 153

Completeness of syscalls

  • 100% Finished (已经完成) = 61
  • XX% 0<XX<100% (部分完成/不完善) = 31
  • 0% (完全没做)= 61
Status Description
⚠️ 部分完成
  • “已经完成”表示通过了基本测试集。
  • “部分完成”/“不完善”有bug或实现不全,不能通过基本测试集
  • “完全没做”等待认领

即使已经完成的,也可能有错误。如果发现错误、请通过issues/PR方式提供信息。 谢谢!


syscall type count
Handles 4
Objects 10
Threads 5
Processes 5
Jobs 3
Tasks 3
Profiles 1
Exceptions 2
Channels 6
Sockets 4
Stream 6
Fifos 3
Events and Event Pairs 3
Ports 4
Futexes 3
Virtual Memory Objects (VMOs) 10
Virtual Memory Address Regions (VMARs) 6
Userspace Pagers 5
Cryptographically Secure RNG 2
Time 7
Timers 3
Hypervisor guests 2
Virtual CPUs 6
Global system information 5
Debug Logging 6
Multi-function 2
System 3
DDK 14
Display drivers 2
Tracing 4
Others/Work in progress 14

共31个Object syscall

total = 4 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 10 + 6 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 14 + 2 + 4 + 14 = 153


Handles (4/4)

id zircon syscall description zcore
1 handle_close close a handle
2 handle_close_many close several handles
3 handle_duplicate create a duplicate handle (optionally with reduced rights)
4 handle_replace create a new handle (optionally with reduced rights) and destroy the old one

Objects (3/10)

id zircon syscall description zcore
5 object_get_child find the child of an object by its koid ⚠️
6 object_get_info obtain information about an object ⚠️
7 object_get_property read an object property ⚠️
8 object_set_profile apply a profile to a thread
9 object_set_property modify an object property ⚠️
10 object_signal set or clear the user signals on an object ⚠️
11 object_signal_peer set or clear the user signals in the opposite end
12 object_wait_many wait for signals on multiple objects ⚠️
13 object_wait_one wait for signals on one object
14 object_wait_async asynchronous notifications on signal change

Threads (2/5)

id zircon syscall description zcore
15 thread_create
16 thread_exit ⚠️
17 thread_read_state
18 thread_start
19 thread_write_state ⚠️

Processes (2/5)

id zircon syscall description zcore
20 process_create
21 process_read_memory
22 process_start
23 process_write_memory
24 process_exit ⚠️

Jobs (1/3)

id zircon syscall description zcore
25 job_create
26 job_set_critical ⚠️
27 job_set_policy ⚠️

Tasks (1/3)

id zircon syscall description zcore
28 task_create_exception_channel ⚠️
29 task_kill
30 task_suspend ✅?


id zircon syscall description zcore
31 profile_create


id zircon syscall description zcore
32 exception_get_thread
33 exception_get_process

Channels (4/6)

id zircon syscall description zcore
34 channel_call ✅?
35 channel_create
36 channel_read
37 channel_read_etc ⚠️
38 channel_write
39 channel_write_etc ⚠️

Sockets (4/4)

id zircon syscall description zcore
40 socket_create
41 socket_read
42 socket_shutdown
43 socket_write


id zircon syscall description zcore
44 stream_create
45 stream_readv
46 stream_readv_at
47 stream_writev
48 stream_writev_at
49 stream_seek


id zircon syscall description zcore
50 fifo_create ⚠️
51 fifo_read ⚠️
52 fifo_write ⚠️

Events and Event Pairs (1/3)

id zircon syscall description zcore
53 event_create
54 eventpair_create ⚠️
55 system_get_event

Ports (3/4)

id zircon syscall description zcore
56 port_create
57 port_queue ⚠️
58 port_wait
59 port_cancel

Futexes (2/3)

id zircon syscall description zcore
60 futex_wait
61 futex_wake
62 futex_requeue ⚠️

Virtual Memory Objects (VMOs) (5/10)

id zircon syscall description zcore
63 vmo_create
64 vmo_read
65 vmo_write ⚠️
66 vmo_create_child ⚠️
67 vmo_get_size ⚠️
68 vmo_set_size
69 vmo_op_range ⚠️
70 vmo_replace_as_executable
71 vmo_create_physical create a VM object referring to a specific contiguous range of physical memory
72 vmo_set_cache_policy ⚠️

Virtual Memory Address Regions (VMARs) (4/6)

id zircon syscall description zcore
73 vmar_allocate
74 vmar_map
75 vmar_unmap
76 vmar_protect ⚠️
77 vmar_op_range
78 vmar_destroy

Userspace Pagers

id zircon syscall description zcore
79 pager_create
80 pager_create_vmo
81 pager_detach_vmo
82 pager_supply_pages
83 pager_op_range

Cryptographically Secure RNG

id zircon syscall description zcore
84 cprng_add_entropy
85 cprng_draw

Time (1/7)

id zircon syscall description zcore
86 nanosleep ⚠️
87 clock_get ⚠️
88 clock_get_monotonic
89 ticks_get
90 ticks_per_second
91 deadline_after
92 clock_adjust ⚠️

Timers (3/3)

id zircon syscall description zcore
93 timer_create
94 timer_set
95 timer_cancel

Hypervisor guests

id zircon syscall description zcore
96 guest_create
97 guest_set_trap

Virtual CPUs

id zircon syscall description zcore
98 vcpu_create
99 vcpu_resume
100 vcpu_interrupt
101 vcpu_read_state
102 vcpu_write_state
103 interrupt_bind_vcpu

Global system information

id zircon syscall description zcore
104 system_get_dcache_line_size
105 system_get_features
106 system_get_num_cpus
107 system_get_physmem
108 system_get_version_string

Debug Logging (1/6)

id zircon syscall description zcore
109 debuglog_create
110 debuglog_write ⚠️
111 debuglog_read
112 debug_read
113 debug_write
114 debug_send_command


id zircon syscall description zcore
115 vmar_unmap_handle_close_thread_exit
116 futex_wake_handle_close_thread_exit


id zircon syscall description zcore
117 system_mexec
118 system_mexec_payload_get
119 system_powerctl

DDK (11/14)

id zircon syscall description zcore
120 bti_create
121 bti_pin
122 bti_release_quarantine
123 cache_flush
124 interrupt_ack
125 interrupt_bind
126 interrupt_create
127 interrupt_destroy
128 interrupt_trigger
129 interrupt_wait
130 iommu_create
131 pmt_unpin
132 resource_create
133 smc_call

Display drivers

id zircon syscall description zcore
134 framebuffer_get_info
135 framebugger_set_range


id zircon syscall description zcore
136 ktrace_control
137 ktrace_read
138 ktrace_write
139 mtrace_control

Others/Work in progress (10/14)

id zircon syscall description zcore
140 ioports_release
141 pc_firmware_tables ⚠️
142 pci_add_subtract_io_range
143 pci_cfg_pio_rw
144 pci_config_read
145 pci_config_write
146 pci_enable_bus_master
147 pci_get_bar
148 pci_get_nth_device
149 pci_init
150 pci_map_interrupt
151 pci_query_irq_mode
152 pci_reset_device
153 pci_set_irq_mode


id zircon syscall description zcore
1 handle_close close a handle
2 handle_close_many close several handles
3 handle_duplicate create a duplicate handle (optionally with reduced rights)
4 handle_replace create a new handle (optionally with reduced rights) and destroy the old one
5 object_get_child find the child of an object by its koid
6 object_get_info obtain information about an object
7 object_get_property read an object property
8 object_set_profile apply a profile to a thread
9 object_set_property modify an object property
10 object_signal set or clear the user signals on an object
11 object_signal_peer set or clear the user signals in the opposite end
12 object_wait_many wait for signals on multiple objects
13 object_wait_one wait for signals on one object
14 object_wait_async asynchronous notifications on signal change
15 thread_create
16 thread_exit
17 thread_read_state
18 thread_start cause a new thread to start executing
19 thread_write_state
20 process_create create a new process within a job
21 process_read_memory
22 process_start cause a new process to start executing
23 process_write_memory
24 process_exit
25 job_create create a new job within a job
26 job_set_critical
27 job_set_policy
28 task_create_exception_channel
29 task_kill
30 task_suspend ✅?
31 profile_create
32 exception_get_thread
33 exception_get_process
34 channel_call ✅?
35 channel_create
36 channel_read
37 channel_read_etc
38 channel_write
39 channel_write_etc
40 socket_create
41 socket_read
42 socket_shutdown
43 socket_write
44 stream_create
45 stream_readv
46 stream_readv_at
47 stream_writev
48 stream_writev_at
49 stream_seek
50 fifo_create
51 fifo_read
52 fifo_write
53 event_create
54 eventpair_create
55 system_get_event
56 port_create
57 port_queue
58 port_wait
59 port_cancel
60 futex_wait
61 futex_wake
62 futex_requeue
63 vmo_create
64 vmo_read
65 vmo_write
66 vmo_create_child
67 vmo_get_size
68 vmo_set_size
69 vmo_op_range
70 vmo_replace_as_executable
71 vmo_create_physical create a VM object referring to a specific contiguous range of physical memory
72 vmo_set_cache_policy
73 vmar_allocate
74 vmar_map
75 vmar_unmap
76 vmar_protect
77 vmar_op_range
78 vmar_destroy
79 pager_create
80 pager_create_vmo
81 pager_detach_vmo
82 pager_supply_pages
83 pager_op_range
84 cprng_add_entropy
85 cprng_draw
86 nanosleep
87 clock_get
88 clock_get_monotonic
89 ticks_get
90 ticks_per_second
91 deadline_after
92 clock_adjust
93 timer_create
94 timer_set
95 timer_cancel
96 guest_create
97 guest_set_trap
98 vcpu_create
99 vcpu_resume
100 vcpu_interrupt
101 vcpu_read_state
102 vcpu_write_state
103 interrupt_bind_vcpu
104 system_get_dcache_line_size
105 system_get_features
106 system_get_num_cpus
107 system_get_physmem
108 system_get_version_string
109 debuglog_create
110 debuglog_write
111 debuglog_read
112 debug_read
113 debug_write
114 debug_send_command
115 vmar_unmap_handle_close_thread_exit
116 futex_wake_handle_close_thread_exit
117 system_mexec
118 system_mexec_payload_get
119 system_powerctl
120 bti_create
121 bti_pin
122 bti_release_quarantine
123 cache_flush
124 interrupt_ack
125 interrupt_bind
126 interrupt_create
127 interrupt_destroy
128 interrupt_trigger
129 interrupt_wait
130 iommu_create
131 pmt_unpin
132 resource_create
133 smc_call
134 framebuffer_get_info
135 framebugger_set_range
136 ktrace_control
137 ktrace_read
138 ktrace_write
139 mtrace_control
140 ioports_release
141 pc_firmware_tables
142 pci_add_subtract_io_range
143 pci_cfg_pio_rw
144 pci_config_read
145 pci_config_write
146 pci_enable_bus_master
147 pci_get_bar
148 pci_get_nth_device
149 pci_init
150 pci_map_interrupt
151 pci_query_irq_mode
152 pci_reset_device
153 pci_set_irq_mode
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