Distro: Arch Linux A simple, lightweight distribution
This repo includes my dwm-bar scripts. Real owner of the scripts . You can add and remove all modules to bar as you wish.
Suckles Simple Terminal easy to configure
and customize. ## Shell Fish shell with
Oh my fish
Batman Theme.
Text Editor: Doom Emacs
Dracula Color Scheme very easy on the eye.
Palette | Hex | |
Background | #282a36 | |
Current Line | #44475a | |
Selection | #44475a | |
Foreground | #f8f8f2 | |
Comment | #6272a4 | |
Cyan | #8be9fd | |
Green | #50fa7b | |
Orange | #ffb86c | |
Pink | #ff79c6 | |
Purple | #bd93f9 | |
Red | #ff5555 | |
Yellow | #f1fa8c |
- Rofi
- Dmenu
- Simple Terminal
- Nautilus
- Htop
- Bluetoothctl
- Brave Browser
- Emacs
- Flameshot
- Pamixer AUR
- light from AUR
- Betterlockscreen AUR
yay -S rofi brave-bin nautilus htop blueman emacs flameshot pamixer light betterlockscreen