This is the basic starter example on publishing to a Red5 Pro stream.
Publishing to a Red5 Pro stream requires a few components to function fully.
The R5Connection manages the connection that the stream utilizes. You will need to setup a configuration and intialize a new connection.
func getConfig()->R5Configuration{
// Set up the configuration
let config = R5Configuration() = Testbed.getParameter("host") as! String
config.port = Int32(Testbed.getParameter("port") as! Int)
config.contextName = Testbed.getParameter("context") as! String
config.`protocol` = 1;
config.buffer_time = Testbed.getParameter("buffer_time") as! Float
return config
let config = getConfig()
// Set up the connection and stream
let connection = R5Connection(config: config)
####Setup R5Stream
The R5Stream
handles both subscribing and publishing. Creating one simply requires the connection already created.
//Create our new stream that will utilize that connection
self.publishStream = R5Stream(connection: connection)
//Setup our listener to handle events from this stream
self.publishStream!.delegate = self
The R5StreamDelegate
that is assigned to the R5Stream
will receive status events for that stream, including connecting, disconnecting, and errors.
####Attach a Video Source
The R5Stream will need a video and/or audio source to stream from. To attach a video source, you will need to create an R5Camera
with the AVCaptureDevice
you wish to stream from.
//Use the last device in the list of available cameras
let videoDevice = AVCaptureDevice.devicesWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo).last as? AVCaptureDevice
//Create an R5Camera with that device and specify the max bitrate to allow
//Note : This bitrate will not be respected if it is lower than the encoder can go!
let camera = R5Camera(device: videoDevice, andBitRate: Int32(Testbed.getParameter("bitrate") as! Int))
//Set up the resolution we want this camera to use. This can only be set before publishing begins
camera.width = 900
camera.height = 600
//Setup the rotation of the video stream. This is meta data, and is used by the client to rotate the video. No rotation is done on the publisher.
camera.orientation = 90
//Add the camera to the stream
and R5Camera.height
specify the encoded video size to be streamed. R5Camera
will choose the video format that is closest to this resolution from the camera.
provides meta information to the stream for presentation on the client. The video is not rotated by the device. A value of 90 will provide portrait orientation on receiving devices.
####Attach an Audio Source
To add audio to a stream a R5Microphone
object can be attached. It behaves similarly to R5Camera
, but requires R5Stream.attachAudio
//Setup a new R5Microphone for streaming audio with that device
let audioDevice = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDeviceWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeAudio)
let microphone = R5Microphone(device: audioDevice)
microphone.bitrate = 32
microphone.device = audioDevice;
NSLog("Got device %@", audioDevice)
//Attach the microphone to the stream
The R5VideoViewController
will present publishing streams as well as subscribed streams. To preview a publishing stream, it simply needs to attach the R5Stream
This is not required to publish - but allows for previewing the stream.
An R5VideoViewController
can be set on any UIViewController, or created programmatically
let r5View : R5VideoViewController = getNewR5VideoViewController(self.view.frame);
To view the preview before publishing has started, use R5VideoViewController.showPreview
Lastly, we attach the Stream to the R5VideoView to see the streaming content.
The R5Stream.publish
method will establish the server connection and begin publishing.
self.publishStream!.publish(Testbed.getParameter("stream1") as! String, type: R5RecordTypeLive)
The type parameter tells the server the recording mode to use on the server.
- R5RecordTypeLive - Stream but do not record
- R5RecordTypeRecord - Stream and record the file name. Replace existing save.
- R5RecordTypeAppend - Stream and append the recording to any existing save.
Open a browser window and navigate to http://your_red5_pro_server_ip:5080//live/subscribe.jsp to see a list of active streams. Click on the _flash version to subscribe to your stream.