diff --git a/run-basic-batch-operators-test.sh b/run-basic-batch-operators-test.sh
index 0017aadbdb..7f465bbc99 100755
--- a/run-basic-batch-operators-test.sh
+++ b/run-basic-batch-operators-test.sh
@@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ DOCKER_CONFIG=config.json
# Location of telco/non-telco classification file
-# operator bundle list from user
+# operator catalog from user
+# operator from user
@@ -28,52 +31,113 @@ REPORT_FOLDER_RELATIVE="report_$TIMESTAMP"
# Report results folder
-# bundle file name
+# operator file name
-# bundle path in the report
+# operator list path in the report
# variable to add header only on the first run
-getLatestBundle() {
- jsonData=$(grpcurl -plaintext localhost:50051 api.Registry.ListBundles | jq --arg packagename "$PACKAGE_NAME" '. | select(.packageName == $packagename) | del(.csvJson) | del(.object)')
+# create report directory
+cleanup() {
+ # cleanup any leftovers
+ # https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.14/operators/admin/olm-deleting-operators-from-cluster.html
+ oc get csv -n openshift-operators | grep -v packageserver | grep -v NAME | awk '{print "oc delete --wait=true csv " $2 " -n openshift-operators"}' | bash
+ oc get csv -A | grep -v packageserver | grep -v NAME | awk '{print "oc delete --wait=true csv " $2 " -n " $1}' | bash
+ oc get subscriptions -A | grep -v NAME | awk '{print "oc delete --wait=true subscription " $2 " -n " $1}' | bash
+ oc get job,configmap -n openshift-marketplace | grep -v NAME | grep -v "configmap/kube-root-ca.crt" | grep -v "configmap/marketplace-operator-lock" | grep -v "configmap/marketplace-trusted-ca" | grep -v "configmap/openshift-service-ca.crt" | awk '{print "oc delete --wait=true " $1 " -n openshift-marketplace" }' | bash
- latest=$(echo "$jsonData" | jq -r '.version' | sort -V | tail -n1)
+waitDeleteNamespace() {
+ namespaceDeleting=$1
+ # wait for the CSV to be removed
+ oc wait csv -l test-network-function.com/operator=target -n "$namespaceDeleting" --for=delete --timeout=300s
- # retrieve the bundlePath for the latest version
- bundlePath=$(echo "$jsonData" | jq -r --arg latest "$latest" '. | select(.version == $latest) | .bundlePath' | tail -n1)
+ # wait for the namespace to be removed
+ if [ "$namespaceDeleting" != "openshift-operators" ]; then
- echo "$PACKAGE_NAME", "$bundlePath"
+ echo "non openshift-operators namespace = $namespaceDeleting, deleting "
+ oc wait namespace "$namespaceDeleting" --for=delete --timeout=300s
+ forceDeleteNamespaceIfPresent "$namespaceDeleting"
+ fi
-# create report directory
+waitForCsvToAppearAndLabel() {
+ csvNamespace=$1
+ timeoutSeconds=300
+ startTime=$(date +%s)
+ while true; do
+ csvs=$(oc get csv -n "$csvNamespace")
+ if [ "$csvs" != "" ]; then
+ # if any CSV is present, break
+ break
+ else
+ currentTime=$(date +%s)
+ elapsedTime=$((currentTime - startTime))
+ # if elapsed time is greater than the timeout report failure
+ if [ "$elapsedTime" -ge "$timeoutSeconds" ]; then
+ echo "Timeout reached $timeoutSeconds seconds waiting for CSV."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # otherwise wait a bit
+ echo "Waiting for csv to be created in namespace $csvNamespace ..."
+ sleep 5
+ fi
+ done
+ # label CSV
+ oc get csv -n "$csvNamespace" -o custom-columns=':.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace,:.kind' | grep -v openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager | sed '/^ *$/d' | awk '{print "oc label " $3 " -n " $2 " " $1 " test-network-function.com/operator=target "}' | bash
+ # wait for the CSV to be succeeeded
+ oc wait csv -l test-network-function.com/operator=target -n "$ns" --for=jsonpath=\{.status.phase\}=Succeeded --timeout=300s
+forceDeleteNamespaceIfPresent() {
+ aNamespace=$1
+ # do not delete the redhat-operators namespace
+ if [ "$aNamespace" = "openshift-operators" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # delete namespace
+ oc delete namespace "$aNamespace" --wait=false
+ oc wait namespace "$aNamespace" --for=delete --timeout=30s
+ # if a namespace with this name does not exist, all is good, exit
+ if ! oc get namespace "$aNamespace"; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # otherwise force delete namespace
+ oc get namespace "$aNamespace" -ojson | sed '/"kubernetes"/d' >temp.yaml
+ oc proxy &
+ pid=$!
+ echo "PID: $pid"
+ sleep 5
+ curl -H "Content-Type: application/yaml" -X PUT --data-binary @temp.yaml"$aNamespace"/finalize
+ kill -9 "$pid"
+ oc wait namespace "$aNamespace" --for=delete --timeout=300s
# Check if the number of parameters is correct
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "missing operator bundle list file, getting redhat operators from catalog"
- echo "results will be in $BASE_DIR directory"
- oc -n openshift-marketplace port-forward service/redhat-operators 50051:50051 &
- background_pid=$!
- echo "Background PID: $background_pid"
+ OPERATOR_CATALOG=redhat-operators
+elif [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then
# get all the packages present in the cluster catalog
- oc get packagemanifest | grep "Red Hat Operators" | awk '{print $1}' >"$REPORT_FOLDER"/redhat-operators.txt
- # get BundleImage for each of the packages
- while read -r i; do getLatestBundle "$i"; done <"$REPORT_FOLDER"/redhat-operators.txt >"$BUNDLE_PATH"
+ oc get packagemanifest -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{","}{.status.catalogSource}{"\n"}{end}' | grep "$OPERATOR_CATALOG" | head -n -1 >"$OPERATOR_LIST_PATH"
- # kill the port forwarding
- kill -9 "$background_pid"
- ORIG_BUNDLE_PATH=redhat-operators
- # if user provided file is present, copy it in the report
+elif [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then
# check for docker config file
@@ -108,7 +172,7 @@ OPERATOR_PAGE='
# add per test run links
# add per operator details link
- echo "Time: $TIMESTAMP, file: $ORIG_BUNDLE_PATH"
+ echo "Time: $TIMESTAMP, file: $OPERATOR_CATALOG"
#add detailed results
echo ", detailed results: "''"link"''
@@ -117,32 +181,47 @@ OPERATOR_PAGE='
echo ", CSV: "
echo ''"link"''
- # add operator bundle list link
- echo ", bundle list: "
- echo ''"link"''
+ # add operator list link
+ echo ", operator list: "
+ echo ''"link"''
# new line
echo "
} >>"$BASE_DIR"/index.html
echo "$OPERATOR_PAGE" >>"$REPORT_FOLDER"/index.html
-# For each bundle in a provided catalog, this script will install the operator and run the CNF test suite.
-while IFS=, read -r package_name bundle_image; do
+# For each operator in a provided catalog, this script will install the operator and run the CNF test suite.
+while IFS=, read -r package_name catalog; do
+ if [ "$package_name" = "" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
# Workaround for cleaning operator leftovers, see https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6971276
oc delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations controller.devfile.io
oc delete validatingwebhookconfigurations controller.devfile.io
- # read package name and bundle image from the text file
- package_name=$(echo "$package_name" | awk '{$1=$1};1')
- bundle_image=$(echo "$bundle_image" | awk '{$1=$1};1')
+ echo "package=$package_name catalog=$catalog"
+ namesCount=$(tasty install "$package_name" --source "$catalog" --stdout | grep -c "name:")
- # create a new namespace for each operator install
- ns=test-"$package_name"
- oc new-project "$ns"
+ if [ "$namesCount" = "4" ]; then
+ # get namespace from tasty
+ ns=$(tasty install "$package_name" --source "$catalog" --stdout | grep "name:" | head -n1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ elif [ "$namesCount" = "2" ]; then
+ ns="openshift-operators"
+ fi
- # use operator-sdk binary to install the operator in a custom namespace
- operator-sdk run bundle "$bundle_image"
+ echo "namespace=$ns"
+ # if a namespace is present, it is probably stuck deleting from previous runs. Force delete it.
+ forceDeleteNamespaceIfPresent "$ns"
+ # install the operator in a custom namespace
+ tasty install "$package_name" --source "$catalog" -w
+ # setting report directory
# store the results of CNF test in a new directory
@@ -153,12 +232,37 @@ while IFS=, read -r package_name bundle_image; do
# change the targetNameSpace in tng_config file
sed "s/\$ns/$ns/" "$CONFIG_YAML_TEMPLATE" >"$configYaml"
+ # wait for the CSV to appear
+ waitForCsvToAppearAndLabel "$ns"
+ if [ "$?" = 1 ]; then
+ # add per operator links
+ {
+ # add error message
+ echo "Results for: $package_name, "'Operator installation failed, skipping test'
+ # add tnf_config link
+ echo ", tnf_config: "
+ echo ''"link"''
+ # new line
+ echo "
+ } >>"$REPORT_FOLDER"/index.html
+ # remove the operator
+ tasty remove "$package_name"
+ cleanup
+ waitDeleteNamespace "$ns"
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "operator $package_name installed"
# label everything
oc get deployment -n "$ns" -o custom-columns=':.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace,:.kind' | sed '/^ *$/d' | awk '{print "oc label " $3 " -n " $2 " " $1 " test-network-function.com/generic=target "}' | bash
oc get statefulset -n "$ns" -o custom-columns=':.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace,:.kind' | sed '/^ *$/d' | awk '{print "oc label " $3 " -n " $2 " " $1 " test-network-function.com/generic=target "}' | bash
oc get pods -n "$ns" -o custom-columns=':.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace,:.kind' | sed '/^ *$/d' | awk '{print "oc label " $3 " -n " $2 " " $1 " test-network-function.com/generic=target "}' | bash
- oc get csv -n "$ns" -o custom-columns=':.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace,:.kind' | sed '/^ *$/d' | awk '{print "oc label " $3 " -n " $2 " " $1 " test-network-function.com/operator=target "}' | bash
- oc get operator -n "$ns" -o custom-columns=':.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace,:.kind' | sed '/^ *$/d' | awk '{print "oc label " $3 " " $1 " test-network-function.com/operator=target "}' | bash
# run tnf-container
./run-tnf-container.sh -k "$KUBECONFIG" -t "$reportDir" -o "$reportDir" -c "$DOCKER_CONFIG" -l all
@@ -166,10 +270,11 @@ while IFS=, read -r package_name bundle_image; do
# unlabel and uninstall the operator
oc get csv -n "$ns" -o custom-columns=':.metadata.name,:.metadata.namespace,:.kind' | sed '/^ *$/d' | awk '{print "oc label " $3 " -n " $2 " " $1 " test-network-function.com/operator- "}' | bash
- operator-sdk cleanup "$package_name"
+ # remove the operator
+ tasty remove "$package_name"
- # delete the namespace
- oc delete ns "$ns"
+ cleanup
+ waitDeleteNamespace "$ns"
# merge claim.json from each operator to a single csv file
./tnf claim show csv -c "$reportDir"/claim.json -n "$package_name" -t "$CNF_TYPE" "$addHeaders" >>"$REPORT_FOLDER"/results.csv
@@ -195,7 +300,7 @@ while IFS=, read -r package_name bundle_image; do
# Only print headers once
-done <"$BUNDLE_PATH"
# Workaround for cleaning operator leftovers, see https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6971276
oc delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations controller.devfile.io