diff --git a/supplementary_style_guide/glossary_terms_conventions/general_conventions/o.adoc b/supplementary_style_guide/glossary_terms_conventions/general_conventions/o.adoc index 1f07f1f6..f800f48b 100644 --- a/supplementary_style_guide/glossary_terms_conventions/general_conventions/o.adoc +++ b/supplementary_style_guide/glossary_terms_conventions/general_conventions/o.adoc @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ *See also*: [[offline]] -== image:images/yes.png[yes] offline (adjective) +==== image:images/yes.png[yes] offline (adjective) *Description*: In Red{nbsp}Hat build of MicroShift, use _offline_ for endpoints where no network is present or all network cards are unplugged. Also use _offline_ to describe endpoints where both conditions are true. Examples include edge devices in physically remote locations. For situations where a network is present, but devices or hosts are isolated from it, such as in restricted networks or air-gapped networks, use _disconnected_.