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REMIX Day 5, Part 2 - Model Loading

In this notebook, we'll go step by step through the process of loading GPT2-small. We'll apply various modifications to make it easier to write our experiments.

Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After today's material, you should be able to:

  • Rewrite and rename the model to make it easier to write experiments



import os
import sys
import rust_circuit as rc
import torch
import torch as t
import os
from rust_circuit.model_rewrites import To, configure_transformer
from rust_circuit.py_utils import I
from remix_d5_utils import IOIDataset, print_max_min_by_tok_k_torch
from typing import Optional
import remix_utils

MAIN = __name__ == "__main__"
DEVICE = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
print("Device: ", DEVICE)

Model Loading

We want our circuit to be split both by attention head and by token position, and as a metric we are only interested in the logit difference between IO and S. The basic plan is:

  • Split by heads using configure_transformer
  • Split by token position using split_to_concat

We can't split by token position until we know how many token positions there. We'll make an IOIDataset for demo purposes that will have a specific sequence length.

You've probably loaded this model in Day 2, but if not then this will take some time to download the weights from RRFS.

The t.bind_w circuit is short for "transformer bind weights" - it's a Module with the pretrained weights included, but no token or positional embeddings yet.

ioi_dataset = IOIDataset(prompt_type="mixed", N=100, device=DEVICE)
MAX_LEN = ioi_dataset.prompts_toks.shape[1]
circ_dict, tokenizer, model_info = remix_utils.load_gpt2_small_circuit()
unbound_circuit = circ_dict["t.bind_w"]

Token Embeddings

To get our token embeddings, we'll use a placeholder for the tokens themselves of the appropriate length. Recall that we don't include a batch dimension.

bind_to_input computes two Circuits: the attention mask and an Add of the positional and token embeddings. This is a plain Python function so you can look into it if you like.

tokens_sym = rc.Symbol.new_with_random_uuid((MAX_LEN,), name="tokens")
token_embeds = rc.GeneralFunction.gen_index(circ_dict["t.w.tok_embeds"], tokens_sym, 0, name="tok_embeds")
bound_circuit = model_info.bind_to_input(unbound_circuit, token_embeds, circ_dict["t.w.pos_embeds"])


Here, split_by_head_config="full" means that each head will have its own set of parameters.

use_flatten_res=True means that the input to each module is the sum of all previous modules. Instead of having nested Adds for each block, we have one Add with a long list of all the components (MLPs and attention layers) coming before.

Exercise: in transformed_circuit, examine the first block's attention layer 'b0.a' and make sure you understand how the heads are split.

Exercise: in transformed_circuit, examine the third block b2 and make sure you understand how the flattening works. Compare to the previous structure in bound_circuit.

transformed_circuit = bound_circuit.update(
    lambda c: configure_transformer(
        c, To.ATTN_HEAD_MLP_NORM, split_by_head_config="full", use_pull_up_head_split=True, use_flatten_res=True


Our network still has some symbolic sizes in it, but we're now using concrete inputs with known sizes, so there's no need for symbolic sizes anymore. In fact, we won't be able to split by position if the sequence dimension is still symbolic.

Calling rc.conform_all_modules walks the tree and for each Module, replaces symbolic sizes with known ones wherever possible.

print("Before conforming: ", transformed_circuit.get_unique("b0.a"))
transformed_circuit = rc.conform_all_modules(transformed_circuit)
print("After conforming: ", transformed_circuit.get_unique("b0.a")) substitution

The outer Module's only purpose is to have placeholders for the attention mask and the input embeddings. We don't need it anymore, so we can substitute it out to make our circuit a bit more readable.

subbed_circuit = transformed_circuit.cast_module().substitute()
subbed_circuit = subbed_circuit.rename("logits")

Removing all modules but layer norm

Modules are helpful when building the model to avoid copy pasting code, but they are not very helpful when we want to specify precise paths through the model: we cannot chain through Symbol instances!

Exercise: make a new subbed_circuit where you substitute away all Modules except for layer norms.

"TODO: update subbed_circuit so the test passes"
expected = [
actual = sorted([ for c in subbed_circuit.get(rc.Module)])
assert actual == expected

Renaming of blocks

We will use these names a lot in our future experiment. To make it easier, we shorten them to remove useless information (such as the 'b' for 'block' that is not interesting for us. We consider attention heads and mlps, not blocks as a whole.)

renamed_circuit = subbed_circuit.update(rc.Regex("[am]\\d(.h\\d)?$"), lambda c: c.rename( + ".inner"))
renamed_circuit = renamed_circuit.update("t.inp_tok_pos", lambda c: c.rename("embeds"))
for l in range(model_info.params.num_layers):
    "b0 -> a1.input, ... b11 -> final.input"
    next = "final" if l == model_info.params.num_layers - 1 else f"a{l + 1}"
    renamed_circuit = renamed_circuit.update(f"b{l}", lambda c: c.rename(f"{next}.input"))
    "b0.m -> m0, etc."
    renamed_circuit = renamed_circuit.update(f"b{l}.m", lambda c: c.rename(f"m{l}"))
    renamed_circuit = renamed_circuit.update(f"b{l}.m.p_bias", lambda c: c.rename(f"m{l}.p_bias"))
    renamed_circuit = renamed_circuit.update(f"b{l}.a", lambda c: c.rename(f"a{l}"))
    renamed_circuit = renamed_circuit.update(f"b{l}.a.p_bias", lambda c: c.rename(f"a{l}.p_bias"))
    for h in range(model_info.params.num_layers):
        "b0.a.h0 -> a0.h0, etc."
        renamed_circuit = renamed_circuit.update(f"b{l}.a.h{h}", lambda c: c.rename(f"a{l}.h{h}"))

Split By Position

We'll want to have the ability to target only specific sequence positions for interventions such as "the output of head 0.0 at sequence position 5". To do this, we'll create an intermediate Index node named "a0.h0_at_idx_5", and then concatenate a bunch of these back together to get a "a0.h0_by_pos" that is the same as the original "a0.h0".

Exercise: implement split_to_concat_axis_0.

def split_to_concat_axis_0(c: rc.Circuit) -> rc.Concat:
    """Turns `c` into `Concat(c[0:1], c[1:2], ...)`.

    Each index should be named {}_at_idx_{i}.
    The output name should be {}_by_pos.

    Simplified version of rc.split_to_concat.

head_and_mlp_matcher = rc.IterativeMatcher(rc.Regex("^(a\\d+.h\\d+?|m\\d+)$"))
split_circuit = renamed_circuit.update(head_and_mlp_matcher, split_to_concat_axis_0)
a0h0 = split_circuit.get_unique("a0.h0_by_pos")
for i in range(16):
    idx = a0h0.children[i]
    assert isinstance(idx, rc.Index)
    assert == f"a0.h0_at_idx_{i}"

More Renames

Again, we rename some names to make the circuit easier to read. We use a trick to make renaming faster: we create a dictionary of old names to new names, and then use the update method to rename all the nodes at once.

new_names_dict = {}
for l in range(model_info.params.num_layers):
    for i in range(MAX_LEN):
        for h in range(model_info.params.num_layers):
            new_names_dict[f"a{l}.h{h}_at_idx_{i}"] = f"a{l}_h{h}_t{i}"
        new_names_dict[f"m{l}_at_idx_{i}"] = f"m{l}_t{i}"
split_circuit = split_circuit.update(
    rc.Matcher(*list(new_names_dict.keys())), lambda c: c.rename(new_names_dict[])

Running the Circuit!

You may also be wondering about how to actually run your circuit!

Here we are expanding the model to have a batch dimension using rc.Sampler.

We also replace the tokens with a DiscreteVar, but then tell our Sampler to run on all datums in the DiscreteVar's input dataset in order (so there is no actual randomness).

We print the top 5 tokens with max and min logits. In the top 5 logits, IO appears first, but you can also find S. IO is put a probability much stronger than S, but the proba of S is still much higher than a random name.

def evaluate_on_dataset(c: rc.Circuit, tokens: torch.Tensor, group: Optional[rc.Circuit] = None):
    """Run the circuit on all elements of tokens. Assumes the 'tokens' module exists in the circuit."""
    arr = rc.Array(tokens, name="tokens")
    var = rc.DiscreteVar(arr)
    c2 = c.update("tokens", lambda _: var)
    transform = rc.Sampler(rc.RunDiscreteVarAllSpec([var.probs_and_group]))
    return transform.sample(c2).evaluate()

all_logits = evaluate_on_dataset(split_circuit, ioi_dataset.prompts_toks[:5, :])
next_token_logits = all_logits[torch.arange(5), MAX_LEN - 1]
for i in range(5):
    print(f'\n\nExpected completions for prompt: "{ioi_dataset.prompts_text[i]}"')
    print_max_min_by_tok_k_torch(next_token_logits[i], k=5)

Logit Differences

We'll then create a new circuit that is only computing the logit difference betwee IO and S (the metric we're interested in). This circuit will also contain the labels of our dataset. We will use it to run path patching experiments where we are only interested in changing the inputs (and so don't have to deal with the labels after that).

io_s_labels =[ioi_dataset.io_tokenIDs.unsqueeze(1), ioi_dataset.s_tokenIDs.unsqueeze(1)], dim=1)
device_dtype = rc.TorchDeviceDtype(dtype="float32", device="cpu")
tokens_device_dtype = rc.TorchDeviceDtype(device_dtype.device, "int64")
labels = rc.cast_circuit(rc.Array(torch.zeros(2), name="labels"), tokens_device_dtype.op()).cast_array()
labels1 = rc.Index(labels, I[0], name="labels1")
labels2 = rc.Index(labels, I[1], name="labels2")
logit1 = rc.GeneralFunction.gen_index(split_circuit.index((-1,)), labels1, index_dim=0, batch_x=True, name="logit1")
logit2 = rc.GeneralFunction.gen_index(split_circuit.index((-1,)), labels2, index_dim=0, batch_x=True, name="logit2")
logit_diff_circuit = rc.Add.minus(logit1, logit2)


Let's add the labels to our circuit. The labels are DiscreteVars inserted in the circuit and the group variable stores the order they are sampled from. As long as the same group is used between sentences and labels, they'll be kept in the same order.

def add_labels_to_circuit(c: rc.Circuit, tokens: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor):
    """Run the circuit on all elements of tokens. Assumes the 'tokens' module exists in the circuit."""
    assert tokens.ndim == 2 and tokens.shape[1] == MAX_LEN
    batch_size = tokens.shape[0]
    group = rc.DiscreteVar.uniform_probs_and_group(batch_size)
    c = c.update("labels", lambda _: rc.DiscreteVar(rc.Array(labels, name="labels"), probs_and_group=group))
    return (c, group)

logit_diff_circuit, group = add_labels_to_circuit(logit_diff_circuit, ioi_dataset.prompts_toks, io_s_labels)

Sanity Check

As a sanity check, let's run the logit diff circuit on our dataset

c = logit_diff_circuit.update(
    "tokens", lambda _: rc.DiscreteVar(rc.Array(ioi_dataset.prompts_toks, name="tokens"), probs_and_group=group)
transform = rc.Sampler(rc.RunDiscreteVarAllSpec([group]))
results = transform.sample(c).evaluate()
print(f"Logit difference for the first 5 prompts: {results[:5]}")
print(f"Average logit difference: {results.mean()} +/- {results.std()}")
print("Testing that results are in a usual range: ")
assert results.mean() > 2.5 and results.mean() < 4