- CRAN errors identified as of 2023-12-01 have been fixed.
- Arch Linux - R 4.3.2 (Local Install)
- Windows-Latest - Release (GitHub Actions)
- MacOS-Latest - Release (GitHub Actions)
- Ubuntu-Latest - Release (GitHub Actions)
- Ubuntu-Latest - Devel (GitHub Actions)
- Ubuntu-Latest - Oldrel-1 (Github Actions)
- devtools::check_win_release()
- devtools::check_win_devel()
- devtools::check_mac_release()
- rhub::check_for_cran(show_status=FALSE)
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGS.
There were NOTEs.
"GNU make is a SystemRequirements."
- This is listed as a system requirement because on some systems the CMake configuration of a dependent library creates a GNU make file.
installed size is [big]
- The package contains a dependent library (Mojang's fork of leveldb) and on some systems (linux) this library is large when compiled.