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128 lines (99 loc) · 4.79 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (99 loc) · 4.79 KB


When writing a randomized generator for some file format in a general-purpose programming language, we can view the resulting program as embedding a decision tree. When there are interesting validity constraints on the generated file format, the decision trees tend to be highly lopsided: some branches lead to enormous subtrees, while others terminate rapidly.

When a generator that embeds a lopsided decision tree makes decisions in the most obvious manner (every choice point picks among the available alternatives with uniform random probability), some parts of the tree will end up being explored a huge number of times whereas others will be neglected.

As a simple example, consider a generator that embeds this decision tree:

     / \
    T1  N
       / \
      T2  N
         / \
        T3  N
           / \
          T4  N
             / \
            T5  N
               / \
              T6  N
                 / \
                T7  T8

Here Ns denote internal nodes and Ts are leaves in the decision tree; reaching a leaf indicates that a complete test case has been generated. Uniform random choices will, of course, cause T1 to be generated with probability 1/2 whereas T7 and T8 will appear with probability 1/128. In realistic situations, we have observed that there are interesting outputs that are effectively impossible to generate, due to this effect.

The problem statement, then, is to do a better job exploring this sort of decision tree. One way to do that -- but certainly not the only one -- is to attempt to visit the leaves with uniform probability. Of course uniform probabilities are unlikely to be the optimal ones, but our hypothesis is that uniform sampling is, in general, a much better problem to have than unknown, difficult-to-fix biases. You should view uniform probabilities as only a starting point for further tuning.

For certain well-structured special cases, such as generating strings from a regular grammar, algorithms exist to generate strings with uniform probability, but it is easy to see that in the general case, no such algorithm can exist. The proof of this is handwavy, but observe that an arbitrary-sized subtree can lurk past every unexplored edge in the decision tree. Without prior knowledge of the tree shape, there is simply no way to know which unexplored branches lead to one or two leaves and which lead to a vast number of leaves.

A Solution

If we walk the decision tree systematically, instead of randomly, and generate all possible outputs, then it becomes trivial to select from them with uniform probability. The problem with this solution is that most of the decision trees that we care about in practice are too large for this to be feasible.

Another Solution

If we can inspect a decision tree in its entirety, we can assign a weight of 1 to every leaf node and then propagate these weights upwards, where the weight of every internal node is the number of leaves in that node's subtree. Then, we can generate leaves with uniform probability by using node weights to bias random choices. This solution also fails when the decision tree is too large.

FIXME cite

Yet Another Solution

If we know the maximum depth of the decision tree, and the maximum degree of any node in the decision tree, we can use rejection sampling to reach every leaf with uniform probability. We simply pretend that every node has the maximum degree, select from the choices using uniform probabilities, and then start over every time we reach a non-existent choice. (We also have to account for leaves that are higher than the maximum tree depth, but this is straightforward.) The problem with this solution is that realistic decision trees are sparse; we will end up spending the vast majority of the available CPU time rejecting samples.

FIXME cite

Our Solution

Given a decision tree of unknown shape, we explore it in order to infer its shape. The goal is to estimate the cardinality of every subtree, particularly those that contain unexplored branches, so that we can bias subsequent tree traversals towards parts of the tree that appear to require the most exploration. In this fashion we can, hopefully, approach the desired distribution of generated outputs, after performing a suitably large number of tree traversals.


TODO explain why reservoir sampling and MCTS aren't solutions for us


  • header-only, plugs into existing generators with little effort

  • for small decision trees, rapidly converge to the desired behavior

  • for huge ones, slow convergence is fine

  • support weighted choices

  • allow the user to customize behavior, e.g. don't insist that an integer constant in the output corresponds to 2^64 leaves


This library is header-only, there's nothing to link against, just include guide.h in your application code.