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# ___Calibration___;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;initial value;initial value;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
# ___Baselines___;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
SSP2-Base;0;;;SSP2;medOil;medGas;medCoal;load;5;off;off;uncalibrated;off;0;off;;RCP26_50;off;;HowardNonCatastrophic;15;0;100;0;0;simple;edge_esm;subsectors;;0;1;Mix1;none;0.01;;1;;;;1.5;none;0;off;;none;none;none;;;;;-1;2100;3;1;;;3;1.05;off;1;none;1;2;1;2;SSP2;1;0;forcing_SSP2;SSP2;heat;TRUE;2005;;;;;SSP2-Base: This baseline scenario follows the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways 2 called Middle of the Road. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. No Damages from climate change are considered.
# ___NO_DAMAGES___;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
h_cpol_noUkr;NGFS;SSP2-Base;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;30;;;;;;;;;;;Mix2;none;;;;;0;0;1.5;rcp45;3;off;0;NPi;none;;;;;;1;2100;;9;;;3;1.05;100;;NPi2018;1;2;1;3;SSP2;1;0;forcing_SSP2;SSP2;heat;;2005;;;;;h_cpol: The Current Policies scenario assumes that only currently implemented policies are preserved, leading to high physical risks. Emissions grow until 2080 leading to about 3 K of warming and severe physical risks. This includes irreversible changes like higher sea level rise. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. No Damages from climate change are considered.
h_cpol;NGFS;h_cpol_noUkr;EUR.pegas.worldPricemarkup 0.5;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol_noUkr;;;
h_ndc;NGFS;h_cpol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Mix3;none;;;1;;;;1.5;rcp45;3;globallyOptimal;0;NDC;none;;;;;;1;2100;3;;;;;;;;NDC;;;;3;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol_noUkr;h_cpol;h_cpol_noUkr;h_ndc: The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) scenario includes all pledged policies even if not yet implemented. It assumes that the moderate and heterogeneous climate ambition reflected in the NDCs at the beginning of 2021 continues over the 21st century (low transition risks). Emissions decline but lead nonetheless to about 2.5 K of warming associated with moderate to severe physical risks. Transition risks are relatively low. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. No Damages from climate change are considered.
o_1p5c;NGFS;h_cpol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2050.GLO 0.9;;;Mix4;heatpumps;;;1;;;;1.5;rcp20;9;globallyOptimal;560;functionalForm;netZero;regiCarbonPrice;2060.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 4300, 2080.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 4300;0.1;;;150;2045;6;;;;;;;;NDC;;;;2;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol_noUkr;h_cpol;;o_1p5c: The Net Zero 2050 scenario assumes that ambitious climate policies are introduced immediately, giving at least a 50 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 1.5 K by the end of the century, with no or low overshoot of 1.5 K in earlier years. Stringent climate policies and innovation let net zero CO2 emissions to be reached around 2050. CDR is used to accelerate the decarbonisation but kept to the minimum possible and broadly in line with sustainable levels of bioenergy production. Physical risks are relatively low but transition risks are high. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. No Damages from climate change are considered.
o_lowdem;NGFS;o_1p5c;;SSP2_lowEn;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2050.GLO 0.9;;;;;;;;GLO 0.00125, CAZ_regi 0.0045, CHA_regi 0.004, EUR_regi 0.0045, IND_regi 0.004, JPN_regi 0.002, USA_regi 0.002;;;;;;;560;functionalForm;netZero;regiCarbonPrice;2060.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 3800, 2080.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 3800;0.1;;;;;1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol_noUkr;h_cpol;;o_lowdem: Low Demand scenario
o_2c;NGFS;h_cpol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2050.GLO 0.5;;;Mix4;heatpumps;;;1;;;;1.5;rcp26;9;globallyOptimal;1050;functionalForm;netZero;regiCarbonPrice;2060.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 2300, 2080.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 2300;;;NGFS_v4_20pc;100;2080;3;;;;;;;;NDC;;;;2;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol_noUkr;h_cpol;;o_2c: The Below 2 Degrees C scenario assumes that climate policies are introduced immediately and become gradually more stringent, giving a 67 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 2 K. Deployment of CDR is relatively low. Net-zero CO2 emissions are achieved after 2070. Physical and transition risks are both relatively low. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. No Damages from climate change are considered.
d_delfrag;NGFS;h_cpol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2050.GLO 0.5;;;Mix3;heatpumps;;;;GLO 0.00125, CAZ_regi 0.0045, CHA_regi 0.004, EUR_regi 0.0045, IND_regi 0.004, JPN_regi 0.002, USA_regi 0.002;;;1.5;rcp26;9;globallyOptimal;1010;functionalForm;netZero;regiCarbonPrice;2060.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 2300, 2080.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 2300;;;;100;2080;;;;;;;;;NDC;;;;2;;;;;;;;2035;;h_cpol;h_cpol;;d_delfrag: The Delayed Transition scenario assumes global annual emissions do not decrease until 2030. Strong policies are then needed to limit warming to below 2 K. The level of action differs across countries and regions based on currently implemented policies, leading to a fossil recovery out of the economic crisis brought about by COVID-19. The availability of CDR technologies is assumed to be low. Emissions exceed the carbon budget temporarily and decline more rapidly than in Well-below 2 K after 2030 to ensure a 67 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 2 K. This leads to considerable transition and physical risks. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. No Damages from climate change are considered.
d_strain;NGFS;d_delfrag;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;3;off;;NPi;netZero;regiCarbonPrice;2060.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 2300, 2080.GLO.tax.t.CCS.biomass 2300;;;NGFS_v4_20pc;1;2100;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2035;;h_cpol;h_cpol;;d_strain: Fragmented world
d_rap;0;h_cpol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2050.GLO 0.9;;;Mix4;heatpumps;;GLO.trans 2, GLO.build 2;2;;;;1.5;rcp20;9;globallyOptimal;560;functionalForm;none;;;;;;150;2045;3;;;;;;;;NDC;;;;2;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol_noUkr;h_cpol;;d_rap: The Divergent Net Zero scenario reaches net-zero by 2050 but with higher costs due to divergent policies introduced across sectors and a quicker phase out of fossil fuels. Climate policies are more stringent in the transportation and buildings sectors. This mimics a situation where the failure to coordinate policy stringency across sectors results in a high burden on consumers, while decarbonisation of energy supply and industry is less stringent. Emissions are in line with a climate goal giving at least a 50 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 1.5 K by the end of the century, with no or low overshoot of 1.5 K in earlier years. This leads to considerably high transition risks but rather low physical risks. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. No Damages from climate change are considered.
# ___WITH_DAMAGES___;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
h_cpol_KLW_d50;KLW;h_cpol;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;off;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP45_50.json;;off;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol;;;h_cpol_KLW_d50: The Current Policies scenario assumes that only currently implemented policies are preserved, leading to high physical risks. Emissions grow until 2080 leading to about 3 K of warming and severe physical risks. This includes irreversible changes like higher sea level rise. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. Damages from climate change are based on Kalkuhl and Wenz (2020) using the 50th percentile of RCP4.5.
h_ndc_KLW_d50;KLW;h_ndc;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;off;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP45_50.json;;off;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2025;;h_cpol;h_cpol_KLW_d50;;h_ndc_KLW_d50: The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) scenario includes all pledged policies even if not yet implemented. It assumes that the moderate and heterogeneous climate ambition reflected in the NDCs at the beginning of 2021 continues over the 21st century (low transition risks). Emissions decline but lead nonetheless to about 2.5 K of warming associated with moderate to severe physical risks. Transition risks are relatively low. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. Damages from climate change are based on Kalkuhl and Wenz (2020) using the 50th percentile of RCP4.5.
o_1p5c_KLW_d50;KLW;o_1p5c;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;KotzWenzItr;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP20_50.json;;on;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h_cpol;h_cpol_KLW_d50;;o_1p5c_KLW_d50: The Net Zero 2050 scenario assumes that ambitious climate policies are introduced immediately, giving at least a 50 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 1.5 K by the end of the century, with no or low overshoot of 1.5 K in earlier years. Stringent climate policies and innovation let net zero CO2 emissions to be reached around 2050. CDR is used to accelerate the decarbonisation but kept to the minimum possible and broadly in line with sustainable levels of bioenergy production. Physical risks are relatively low but transition risks are high. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. Damages from climate change based on Kotz and Wenz (2024) are internalized in the optimization using the 50th percentile of RCP2.0.
o_lowdem_KLW_d50;KLW;o_lowdem;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;KotzWenzItr;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP20_50.json;;on;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h_cpol;h_cpol_KLW_d50;;o_lowdem_KLW_d50: Low Demand scenario. Damages from climate change based on Kotz and Wenz (2024) are internalized in the optimization using the 50th percentile of RCP2.0.
o_2c_KLW_d50;KLW;o_2c;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;KotzWenzItr;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP26_50.json;;on;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h_cpol;h_cpol_KLW_d50;;o_2c_KLW_d50: The Below 2 Degrees C scenario assumes that climate policies are introduced immediately and become gradually more stringent, giving a 67 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 2 K. Deployment of CDR is relatively low. Net-zero CO2 emissions are achieved after 2070. Physical and transition risks are both relatively low. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. Damages from climate change based on Kotz and Wenz (2024) are internalized in the optimization using the 50th percentile of RCP2.6.
d_delfrag_KLW_d50;KLW;d_delfrag;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;KotzWenzItr;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP26_50.json;;on;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h_cpol_KLW_d50;h_cpol_KLW_d50;;d_delfrag_KLW_d50: The Delayed Transition scenario assumes global annual emissions do not decrease until 2030. Strong policies are then needed to limit warming to below 2 K. The level of action differs across countries and regions based on currently implemented policies, leading to a fossil recovery out of the economic crisis brought about by COVID-19. The availability of CDR technologies is assumed to be low. Emissions exceed the carbon budget temporarily and decline more rapidly than in Well-below 2 K after 2030 to ensure a 67 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 2 K. This leads to considerable transition and physical risks. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. Damages from climate change based on Kotz and Wenz (2024) are internalized in the optimization using the 50th percentile of RCP2.6.
d_strain_KLW_d50;KLW;d_strain;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;KotzWenzItr;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP45_50.json;;on;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h_cpol_KLW_d50;h_cpol_KLW_d50;;d_strain_KLW_d50: Fragmented World. Damages from climate change based on Kotz and Wenz (2024) are internalized in the optimization using the 50th percentile of RCP4.5.
d_rap_KLW_d50;0;d_rap;;;;;;;14;magicc7_ar6;off;HADCRUT4;KotzWenz;0;KotzWenzItr;/p/projects/rd3mod/climate-assessment-files/parsets/RCP20_50.json;;on;med;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h_cpol;h_cpol_KLW_d50;;d_rap_KLW_d50: The Divergent Net Zero scenario reaches net-zero by 2050 but with higher costs due to divergent policies introduced across sectors and a quicker phase out of fossil fuels. Climate policies are more stringent in the transportation and buildings sectors. This mimics a situation where the failure to coordinate policy stringency across sectors results in a high burden on consumers, while decarbonisation of energy supply and industry is less stringent. Emissions are in line with a climate goal giving at least a 50 percent chance of limiting global warming to below 1.5 K by the end of the century, with no or low overshoot of 1.5 K in earlier years. This leads to considerably high transition risks but rather low physical risks. Industry sectors are modeled explicitly with individual CES nests for cement, chemicals, steel, and other production. The transport model EDGE-T with detailed modes/vehicles representation is used. A simple buildings model represents demand in terms of energy carriers. Damages from climate change based on Kotz and Wenz (2024) are internalized in the optimization using the 50th percentile of RCP2.6.