Beginning Programming with Python for Dummies [Mueller 2014-09-22].pdf
Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie - The C Programming Language (1988, Prentice Hall PTR).pdf
C++ For Dummies (7th Edition).pdf
Concrete Mathematics 2e.pdf
Java for Dummies (6th ed.) [Burd 2014-03-31].pdf
K. N. King - C Programming_ A Modern Approach (2008, W. W. Norton & Company).pdf
Learn Python 3 the Hard Way.pdf
O Reilly - Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition.pdf
PHP MySQL JavaScript and HTML5 All-in-One.pdf
Scott Meyers - Effective C++ 3rd Edition (2005, Addison Wesley).pdf
Scott Meyers - Effective C++ in an Embedded Environment (2012).pdf
Scott Meyers - Effective Modern C++_ 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14 (2014, O'Reilly Media).pdf
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein - Introduction to algorithms (2001, The MIT Press).pdf
[JAVA][Effective Java 3rd Edition].pdf
[MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science] Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman - Structure and interpretation of computer programs (1996, MIT Press_ McGraw-Hill).pdf
[Wrox Programmer to Programmer] Chris Kemp, Brad Gyger - Professional Heroku Programming (2013, Wrox).pdf
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