**Instructions for Adding to DBDP: **
If making a contribution to an existing repository:
- Fork the existing repo
- Clone forked repo locally
- Make changes and commit/push to forked repo
- Submit a pull request
- Make an Issue in GitHub to let repo director (currently Brinnae) know so she can approve.
If making a contribution of a new repository:
- Please contact the DBDP either by making a pull request in this repo or contacting the Big Ideas Lab. We highly encourage contribution of new modules and would love to have you contribute! Every situation is different, but this is how it typically works:
- You become a member of the DBDP Organization
- You now have rights to make a new repo. If you want to retain the original repo in your own profile/organization we can just import the repo to the DBDP. If you want to transfer ownership of the repo, we can also make that happen.
If you have questions, please reach out or submit an Issue in the corresponding DBDP module repository!