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76f002e · May 11, 2016


This branch is up to date with tuwid/darkc0de-old-stuff:master.


* Wfuzz  1.1 - The web bruteforcer  *
* Coded by:                         *
* Carlos del ojo                    *
*   - [email protected]             *
* Christian Martorella              *
*   - [email protected] *

What is this?

Wfuzz is a tool designed to  brutefore web applications, it's very flexible, it supports:
	-Recursion (When doing directory bruteforce)
	-Post data bruteforcing
	-Header bruteforcing
	-Output to HTML (easy for just clicking the links and checking the page, even with postdata!!)
	-Colored output 
	-Hide results by return code, word numbers, line numbers, etc.
	-Url encoding:
				-Url encoding
	-Proxy support 
	-All parameter fuzzing

It was created to facilitate the task in web applications assessments, it's a tool by pentesters for pentesters ;)

How does it works?

The tool is based on dictionaries or ranges, then you choose where you want to bruteforce just by replacing the value
by the word FUZZ.


	- -c -z file -f commons.txt --hc 404 --html 2> results.html

	 This will bruteforce the site in search of resources i
	 (directories, scripts, files,etc), it will hide from the output the return code 404 
	 (for easy reading results), it will use the dictionary commons.txt for the bruteforce
	 , and also will output the results to the results.html file (with a cool format to work).

	- -c -z range -r 1-100 --hc 404
	  In this example instead of using a file as dictionary, it will use a range from 1-100,
	  and will bruteforce the parameter "id".

	- -c -z file -f commons.txt --hc 404 --html -d "id=1&catalogue=FUZZ" 2> results.html 
	   Here you can see the use of POST data, with the option "-d".

	- -c -z file -f commons.txt --hc 404 -R 2
	  Example of path discovery, using a recursive level of 2 paths.


wfuzz was tested on Linux, Os X and Windows.
On windows the colored output, it doesn't work, we are working towards fixing this problem.


On *nix systems, need pycurl to work.
On Windows just run the wfuzz.exe


Shouts goes to: Trompeti,Daniel M, and the S21sec Team.

Special thanks to DarkRaver for the tool Dirb, part of wfuzz  is based on the functionallity of dirb. (
Andres Andreu, all Injection payloads are taken from wsFuzzer (
Stay tunned for the GUI it rocks..

Changelog 1.4:
-More encodings:
-Performance improving
-Some bugs fixed

Changelog 1.3:
-Creada funcion select_encoding
-Multiple encoding, it's possible to encode both dictionries with different encodings.
-Hidecode XXX (cuando da muchos errores, pero puede servir)
-Word count fixed
-More encoders (binascii,md5,sha1)