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44 lines (44 loc) · 10.8 KB
(undo-tree-save-format-version . 1)
[nil nil nil nil (25774 55206 560116 755000) 0 nil]
([nil nil ((apply -4 2735 2877 undo--wrap-and-run-primitive-undo 2735 2877 ((nil fontified t 2824 . 2826) (2824 . 2826) (nil fontified t 2740 . 2742) (2740 . 2742) 2735)) (t 25742 59828 0 0)) nil (25774 55206 560115 211000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2968 . 2973) (2993 . 2999) (2979 . 2993) (2969 . 2979) (#("." 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t)) . -2969) (undo-tree-id26 . -1) (undo-tree-id27 . -1) 2970 (2969 . 2970) (#("/" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t)) . -2969) (undo-tree-id28 . -1) (#("m" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t)) . -2970) (undo-tree-id29 . -1) (#("n" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t)) . -2971) (undo-tree-id30 . -1) (#("t" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t)) . -2972) (undo-tree-id31 . -1) 2973 (2969 . 2973) (2966 . 2969) (#("#" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t face font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)) . -2966) (undo-tree-id32 . -1) (#(" " 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t face font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)) . -2967) (undo-tree-id33 . -1) 2968 (#("
" 0 1 (fontified nil face font-lock-comment-face ws-butler-chg chg)) . 2968) (2961 . 2968) (2960 . 2962) 2882) nil (25774 55206 560111 436000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((3011 . 3013) (#("p" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t)) . -3011) (undo-tree-id24 . -1) (undo-tree-id25 . -1) 3012 (3010 . 3012) (3004 . 3010) 2972) nil (25774 55206 560086 461000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2591 . 2599) (#("." 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2591) (undo-tree-id23 . -1) 2592 (2581 . 2592) (2638 . 2652)) nil (25774 55206 560081 703000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#(" mv -fvp ~/.config/zsh ~/.config/zsh.ba
" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil t 1 (character nil (face highlight-indent-guides-character-face display "│")) ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t display "│" face highlight-indent-guides-character-face) 1 2 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 2 3 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 3 4 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 4 5 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 5 7 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t face (font-lock-type-face)) 7 11 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t) 11 12 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t) 12 43 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t) 43 44 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t)) . 2993) (undo-tree-id19 . -22) (undo-tree-id20 . -43) (undo-tree-id21 . -22) (undo-tree-id22 . -44) 3015) nil (25774 55206 560078 256000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((nil rear-nonsticky nil 2580 . 2581) (#("
" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified nil)) . -2619) (2575 . 2620)) nil (25774 55206 560072 482000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("e" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2727) (undo-tree-id16 . -1) (#("l" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2728) (undo-tree-id17 . -1) (#("l" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2729) (undo-tree-id18 . -1) 2730) nil (25774 55206 560070 157000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2728 . 2730) (nil ws-butler-chg delete 2728 . 2729) (2727 . 2728)) nil (25774 55206 560065 804000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2724 . 2736) (2723 . 2724) (#("." 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2723) (undo-tree-id7 . -1) (undo-tree-id8 . -1) 2724 (2723 . 2724) (#("~" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2723) (undo-tree-id9 . -1) (#("/" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2724) (undo-tree-id10 . -1) (#("s" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2725) (undo-tree-id11 . -1) (#("h" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2726) (undo-tree-id12 . -1) (#("e" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2727) (undo-tree-id13 . -1) (#("l" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2728) (undo-tree-id14 . -1) (#("l" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2729) (undo-tree-id15 . -1) 2730) nil (25774 55206 560062 373000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2764 . 2773) (2750 . 2764) (2744 . 2750) 2735) nil (25774 55206 560044 158000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#(" mv
" 0 1 (ws-butler-chg delete highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil t 1 (character nil (face highlight-indent-guides-character-face display "│")) ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t display "│" face highlight-indent-guides-character-face) 1 2 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 2 3 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 3 4 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 4 5 (ws-butler-chg chg highlight-indent-guides-prop (0 nil nil 1 nil ((#<marker at 1764 in setup.sh> . #<marker at 3603 in setup.sh>))) fontified t) 5 7 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t face (font-lock-type-face)) 7 8 (ws-butler-chg chg fontified t) 8 9 (ws-butler-chg delete fontified t)) . 3072) (undo-tree-id4 . -8) (undo-tree-id5 . -7) (undo-tree-id6 . -9) 3079) nil (25774 55206 560040 999000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("~" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3500) (undo-tree-id0 . -1) (#("/" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3501) (undo-tree-id1 . -1) 3502 (#("~" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3387) (undo-tree-id2 . -1) (#("/" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3388) (undo-tree-id3 . -1) 3389) nil (25774 55206 560031 751000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((apply -2 3400 3463 undo--wrap-and-run-primitive-undo 3400 3463 ((nil fontified t 3410 . 3412) (3410 . 3412) 3438))) nil (25774 55206 559981 119000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((apply -2 3293 3352 undo--wrap-and-run-primitive-undo 3293 3352 ((nil fontified t 3303 . 3305) (3303 . 3305)))) nil (25774 55206 559979 884000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((apply -2 3760 3855 undo--wrap-and-run-primitive-undo 3760 3855 ((3770 . 3772)))) nil (25774 55206 559978 473000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((apply -2 3855 3906 undo--wrap-and-run-primitive-undo 3855 3906 ((nil fontified t 3865 . 3867) (3865 . 3867)))) nil (25774 55206 559976 911000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#(" " 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg delete) 1 5 (fontified t)) . 3072)) nil (25774 55206 559971 261000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("p" 0 1 (fontified t)) . 2587) (t 25774 55206 568860 883000)) nil (25774 55495 998813 812000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2605 . 2606) (#("
" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2743) (undo-tree-id36 . -1) (undo-tree-id37 . -1) 2744 (#(" " 0 5 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2744) (undo-tree-id38 . -5) 2749 (2743 . 2749) (t 25774 55496 5353 21000) 2725) nil (25774 55857 628557 292000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("
" 0 1 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg) 1 6 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg)) . 2743) (2744 . 2749) (nil ws-butler-chg delete 2744 . 2745) (2743 . 2744) (#("`" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg face sh-quoted-exec)) . 2605)) nil (25774 55857 628503 934000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2649 . 2653) (#("c" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2649) (undo-tree-id34 . -1) 2650 (2633 . 2650) (2629 . 2633) (#(" " 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2629) (undo-tree-id35 . -1) 2630 (2624 . 2630) (2618 . 2624) (t 25774 55496 5353 21000) 2590) nil (25774 55857 628495 733000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("." 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3418) (undo-tree-id44 . -1) (#("z" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3419) (undo-tree-id45 . -1) (#("s" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3420) (undo-tree-id46 . -1) (#("h" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3421) (undo-tree-id47 . -1) (#("_" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3422) (undo-tree-id48 . -1) 3423 (t 25774 55857 636439 936000)) nil (25774 56575 486565 776000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("r" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3510) (undo-tree-id42 . -1) (#("c" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3511) (undo-tree-id43 . -1) 3512) nil (25774 56575 486560 930000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((3510 . 3512)) nil (25774 56575 486557 996000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((3509 . 3510) (#("h" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -3509) (undo-tree-id39 . -1) (#("r" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -3510) (undo-tree-id40 . -1) (#("c" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -3511) (undo-tree-id41 . -1) 3512) nil (25774 56575 486553 904000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("." 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2615) (undo-tree-id61 . -1) 2616 (#("b" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2616) (undo-tree-id62 . -1) (#("a" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2617) (undo-tree-id63 . -1) 2618 (#("
" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2575) (undo-tree-id64 . -1) 2576 (#(" " 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg) 1 2 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg) 2 3 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg) 3 4 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg) 4 5 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2576) (undo-tree-id65 . -5) 2581 (#("r" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2581) (undo-tree-id66 . -1) (#("m" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg face (font-lock-type-face))) . -2582) (undo-tree-id67 . -1) (#(" " 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2583) (undo-tree-id68 . -1) (#("-" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2584) (undo-tree-id69 . -1) (#("r" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2585) (undo-tree-id70 . -1) 2586 (#("f" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2586) (undo-tree-id71 . -1) (#("v" 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2587) (undo-tree-id72 . -1) (#(" " 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2588) (undo-tree-id73 . -1) 2589 (2581 . 2589) (2575 . 2581) (t 25774 56575 495270 568000)) nil (25774 56943 954780 278000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((2615 . 2616)) nil (25774 56943 954761 662000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((nil rear-nonsticky nil 2615 . 2616) (2616 . 2630) 2615) nil (25774 56943 954759 97000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#(".\"$(date +%s)\"" 0 1 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg) 1 2 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg face font-lock-string-face) 2 4 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg face (sh-quoted-exec font-lock-string-face)) 4 8 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg face sh-quoted-exec) 8 12 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg face sh-quoted-exec) 12 13 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg face (sh-quoted-exec font-lock-string-face)) 13 14 (fontified nil ws-butler-chg chg face font-lock-string-face)) . 2616) (undo-tree-id60 . -13) (nil rear-nonsticky t 2615 . 2616)) nil (25774 56943 954744 319000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((nil rear-nonsticky nil 2615 . 2616) (2616 . 2630) 2615) nil (25774 56943 954742 666000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((#("." 0 1 (fontified t ws-butler-chg chg)) . 2616)) nil (25774 56943 954741 696000) 0 nil])
([nil nil ((nil rear-nonsticky nil 2663 . 2664) (2664 . 2678) 2663) nil (25774 56943 954740 970000) 0 nil])
([nil current ((#("." 0 1 (ws-butler-chg delete rear-nonsticky t fontified t)) . 2662) (#("b" 0 1 (fontified t)) . -2662) (undo-tree-id49 . -1) (undo-tree-id50 . -1) (undo-tree-id51 . -1) (undo-tree-id52 . -1) (undo-tree-id53 . -1) (undo-tree-id54 . -1) (undo-tree-id55 . -1) (undo-tree-id56 . -1) (undo-tree-id57 . -1) (undo-tree-id58 . -1) (#("a" 0 1 (fontified t rear-nonsticky t ws-butler-chg chg)) . -2663) (undo-tree-id59 . -1) 2664) nil (25774 56943 954737 34000) 0 nil])