Check the processor temperature. If it is high, the script send an e-mail to the sys-admin.
This is based on the script form with the same aim. The difference is that this script works for servers.
This script requires the lm-sensors package installed.
To make this as a cronjob running every 30 min do this
mkdir -p ~/scripts
vi ~/scripts/
paste the code from the script above.
Edit the variables At lines 7 to 11 as you desire:
- mail_from -> a gmail account
- password -> password for the account
- mail_to -> python list to whom the email should be send
- high -> First warning temperature
- too_high -> Critical warning temperature
It is the user responsability to check the correct temperatures interval (high and too_high).
At this point you should test if everything is working. Change tem temperature values (high and too_high) to make the script send the email. Don't forget to change back later. Execute the script typing:
python3 ~/scripts/
Then in the terminal type:
crontab -e
A text editor will open a text file (if you never use crontab, you will need to choose a text editor).
Add the following line to the end of the file:
*/30 * * * * python3 ~/scripts/
close crontab editor (ctrl-x if nano or esc, then :wq if vim)
That should do the work. If you want to edit the cronjobs just type crontab -e again.