`) group (`ateam` in the screenshot below)
+ ![pgitlab-sys-tests](images/gitlab-sys-tests.png)
+2. In your Dev Spaces, fork the upstream `system-tests` project and push it to the new GitLab project.
+ ```bash#test
+ cd /projects
+ git clone https://github.com/petbattle/system-tests.git && cd system-tests
+ git remote set-url origin https://${GIT_SERVER}/${TEAM_NAME}/system-tests.git
+ git branch -M main
+ git push -u origin main
+ ```
+3. Jenkins is setup automatically to scan repositories for a `Jenkinsfile` so it will detect this new pipeline automatically. Login to see it in place :) [ðĶĩ if it doesn't appear within a few seconds, you can probs just kick the `seed-multibranch-pipelines` job and it will appear a moment after]
+ ![sys-tests-jenkins-scan](images/sys-tests-jenkins-scan.png)
+4. This job can be manually run - but we want to automate everything! So let's join up the Jenkins front end pipeline to this suite of tests and only then promote our application. Open the `pet-battle/Jenkinsfile` and append the following snippet to trigger the build of the downstream job under the heading `// ðĨū Trigger System Tests` as shown below:
+ ```groovy
+ // ðĨū Trigger System Tests
+ stage("ðĨū Trigger System Tests") {
+ options { skipDefaultCheckout(true) }
+ agent { label "master" }
+ when { expression { GIT_BRANCH.startsWith("master") || GIT_BRANCH.startsWith("main") }}
+ steps {
+ echo "Kick off testing"
+ build job: "system-tests/main",
+ parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'APP_NAME', value: "${APP_NAME}" ],
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'CHART_VERSION', value: "${CHART_VERSION}"],
+ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'VERSION', value: "${VERSION}"]],
+ wait: false
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+5. With the trigger in place, let's bump our application version. Edit the `package.json` in the root of the `pet-battle` front end repository and bump the version to a new number eg `1.3.0` as per below (this might differ for your env depending on how many of the other modules you've done ðĶð)
+ ```json
+ {
+ "name": "pet-battle",
+ "version": "1.3.0",
+ // more stuff here
+ }
+ ```
+6. Commit these changes to see the whole picture come together on Jenkins.
+ ```bash
+ cd /projects/pet-battle
+ git add .
+ git commit -m "ðĶĪ ADD - new Jenkins step and version change ðĶĪ"
+ git push
+ ```
+7. On Jenkins you should see the builds kicking off - and see how one triggers the other. Jenkins job for Pet Battle also has an additional stage
+ ![jenkins-new-stage](images/jenkins-new-stage.png)
+ ![jenkins-sys-test](images/jenkins-sys-test.png)
+ â·ïļ NOTE â·ïļ - If you have not created definiations in your `pet-battle/stage/values.yaml` for the stage environment, the last step will fail. Have a look here for instructions to fix this if you've skipped step 4 from exercise 2.
+8. Once the job has executed successfully, you can show the reports of the test execution and what browswer was used etc. To view this report, you need to swap to classic jenkins view and go to `system-tests/main` job. On the left hand side you'll see the `Cucubmer Reports` on the menu.
+ ![jenkins-cucumber-report](images/jenkins-cucumber-report.png)
+9. Zalenium also has some cool features, you can show the tests execution both live and via the recording. Just go to the url of your running Zalenium http://zalenium--ci-cd./dashboard to see a recording of the test cases executing. Note - for the live execution of tests it's http://zalenium--ci-cd./grid/admin/live?refresh=5
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* [ðïļ Load Testing](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/10-load-testing.md)
* [ðļ Jenkins](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/10a-jenkins.md)
* [ð Tekton](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/10b-tekton.md)
- * [ðĪ System Test](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/11-system-test.md)
- * [ðļ Jenkins](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/11a-jenkins.md)
- * [ð Tekton](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/11b-tekton.md)
+ * [ðĶĪ System Tests](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/11-system-test.md)
* [ð Here Be Dragons!](3-revenge-of-the-automated-testing/666-here-be-dragons.md)
* [4. Return of the Monitoring](4-return-of-the-monitoring/README.md)
* [ð Enable Monitoring](4-return-of-the-monitoring/1-enable-monitoring.md)
diff --git a/ubiquitous-journey/values-tooling.yaml b/ubiquitous-journey/values-tooling.yaml
index a1211d0f..cfabcd53 100644
--- a/ubiquitous-journey/values-tooling.yaml
+++ b/ubiquitous-journey/values-tooling.yaml
@@ -90,3 +90,5 @@ applications:
# Matomo
+ # Zalenium
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