- upgrade dependencies, and fix build process.
- update README.md
- Release v0.0.1
- add ci config.
- little fix.
- [built-in/date] add 'joinFormatDate'
- [built-in] adjust object/date apis
- add README.md for finished modules.
- robust.
- normalize test cases, and git-remove lib/*
- finish build based on rollup.
- change package name.
- add 'lib' to .gitignore, then create .npmignore.
- refactor with fib-typify
- add built-in/date, remove common/time/**(and moment)
- rename package, and migrate to new branch 'v2018'
- fix the comment for primitives. - add README for primitives and scaffold.
- add script prepublishOnly. - little change for built-in.spec.js.
- some change.
- [WIP]change to v2017.
- struct adjust.
- [build] 0.0.3
- add webpack to compile to umd dist files.
- little change.
- add enum utils in iterator.js
- some change.
- remove the slogan.
- add injectVuexModules.
- enhance 'importDirectories'. add primitive/string. add iterator:iteratorable
- deprecate some funcions.
- support onModuleGenerate.
- little addon. - remove 'noHashAddon' for 'normalizeTypesAndMutationsOfExportContent' and 'normalizeGettersAndActionsOfExportContent'. - add registerVuexModules.
- little improvement.
- some addon.
- add 'http' and 'logger' directory. upgrade to 0.0.2-alpha
- support mixins for 'connectFlux' for 'react-redux'.
- remove comment.
- valueOf override for fixMObject and
of 'flux/react-redux'. - support delimeter for fixMObject.
- support mutation in connectFlux.
- remove support to action-return-value to dispatch.
- little change.
- normalizeTypesAndMutationsOfExportContent/normalizeGettersAndActionsOfExportContent support callback when new getter/mutation/action generated. #1 - remove noAddonHash for #1 support customization for module's mutation/action/getter
- gather flux modules related.
- fix conflict.
- add public method 'sync' for Storage.
- add namedGetter.
- change.
- little change.
- little change.
- little change.
- little fix.
- little fix.
- little fix and addon.
- little change.
- little fix and normalization.
- add repository to package.json.
- change the package.json and source directory.
- Initialized.