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The Jubatus library is an online machine learning framework which runs in distributed environment.

See for details.

Quick Start

We officially support Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (x86_64) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 or later (x86_64).

See QuickStart for detailed description.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 or later (x86_64)

Run the following command to register Jubatus Yum repository to the system.

$ sudo rpm -Uvh

Then install jubatus and jubatus-client package.

$ sudo yum install jubatus jubatus-client

Now Jubatus is installed in /usr/bin/juba*.

$ jubaclassifier -f /usr/share/jubatus/example/config/classifier/pa.json

Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (x86_64)

Write the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jubatus.list to register Jubatus Apt repository to the system.

deb binary/

Now install jubatus package.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes jubatus

Now Jubatus is installed in /opt/jubatus/bin/juba*.

$ source /opt/jubatus/profile
$ jubaclassifier -f /opt/jubatus/share/jubatus/example/config/classifier/pa.json

Other Platforms

For other platforms, refer to the documentation.


LGPL 2.1

Third-party libraries included in Jubatus

Jubatus source tree includes following third-party library.

  • cmdline (under BSD 3-Clause License)

Jubatus requires jubatus_core library. jubatus_core contains Eigen and fork of pficommon. Eigen is licensed under MPL2 (partially in LGPL 2.1 or 2.1+). The fork of pficommon is licensed under New BSD License.

Update history

Update history can be found from ChangeLog or WikiPage.


Patches contributed by those people.