Releases: ringcentral/ringcentral-js-widgets
Core lib:
- refactor: use independent storage keys for storage state in V2 module for multiple tabs sync issue
Commons lib:
feat: support customTimezone in Meeting module
feat: add WebSocketSubscription module
feat: add sleep decorator 'lib/sleep'
feat: add
class -
fix: conference call ended call and call log match issue in CallHistory
fix: storage base getting value performance issue in RcModuleV2
fix: duplicated personal meeting storage key in Meeting and RcVideo modules
enhancement: hold other tabs's call when have e new call in web phone multiple tabs mode
enhancement: add searchContacts in Contacts module
enhancement: enableGlobalCache default false in TabManagerV2 module
refactor: rename anchorsLinks function into replaceTextLinksToAnchors in
refactor: rename instantMeeting function into startMeeting in RcVideo module
refactor: update ActiveCallControlV2, CallMonitor with telephony sessions
refactor: migrate
to async version in Contacts module -
refactor: add
module -
refactor: add delegators feature in
Refactor modules with RcModuleV2
- feat: implement AudioSettingsV2, LocaleSettingsV2, RegionSettingsV2
- feat: implement RingOutV2, SoftphoneV2, AddressBookV2, LocaleV2, SubscriptionV2
- refactor: implement WebphoneV2 module with WebphoneBase module
Widgets lib
Important: use @ringcentral/juno to instead @ringcentral-integration/rcui, @ringcentral/juno as peer dependencies
feat: support to send mms with not only images
feat: support park call in Webphone mode
fix(Contacts): stop updating value from newly received props when user is editing
fix: checkbox UI issue in RcVideo schedule panel
enhancement: update
component -
chore: update links in
component -
chore: move phoneTypes and phoneSources into
Engage Voice widgets lib
- feat: refactor multiple tabs solution and add EvTabManager module
- feat: add agentScript lib
- feat: add reLoginAgent function in EvAuth module, support reLoginAgent
- feat: support auto answer setting
- upgrade: use ringcentral call sdk 0.2.11, ringcentral web phone sdk 0.8.3
- chore(locales): support for
- locale-loader: implement import/export with json files
- i18n: update i18n string
Core lib
refactor: refactor RcModuleV2, and update constructor interface, rename _modules
to '_deps'
enhance(computed): @computed
support being inherited by multiple classes
feat: add 'watch'
Commons lib
chore: use RingCentral JS SDK v4
to instead v3
feat(Auth): support authorization code with PKCE
enhancement(Meeting): support personal meeting id, assisted users
enhancement(RcVideo): fetch preferences data from API
enhancement(RcVideo/Meeting): only init when user has permission
enhancement(ExtensionInfo): show site property in ExtensionInfo
feat(NumberValidate): support multple-site number
feat(ComposeText): support to send text to IVR number
feat: add Timezone module
feat: new lib/debounce-throttle
lib and deprecate lib/debounce.js
Refactor modules with RcModuleV2
feat: implement ActiveCallControlV2 based on RingCentral Call SDK
feat: implement TabManagerV2, BrandV2, AlertV2, SleepDetectorV2 module
feat: implement ConversationsV2, ComposeTextV2, MessageSenderV2 and support MMS
feat: implements DateFetcherV2, AccountContactsV2, GlipCompanyV2, ExtensionFeaturesV2, CompanyContactsV2, ExtensionDeviceV2, ForwardingNumberV2, DialingPlanV2, ExtensionPhoneNumberV2, BlockedNumberV2, CallerIdV2, AccountInfoV2, RolesAndPemissionV2
feat: implement VideoConfiguration as MeetingProviderV2
feat: implement PresenceV2
feat: implement CallV2, CallingSettingV2
feat: implement AuthV2
fix: GenericMeeting permission issue
Widgets lib
feat(CallingSettingPanel): merge My RingCentral Phone
, Other Phone
and Customize Phone
into RingOut
enhancement(MeetingPanel): update MeetingPanel
enhancement(MessageItem): remove ivr entry in message tab
enhancement(ContactDetails): support to show site field in ContactDetails
enhancement: display multiple site short ext or contact in calling page
enhancement: not show login number in logout button if empty
enhancement(RcVideoPanel): add isOnlyAuthUserJoin
, allowScreenSharing
and isOnlyCoWorkersJoin
fix(TransferPanel): don't show contact dropdown when click number button
chore: move lib/reactHooks
to react-hooks
chore: rename RcVScheduleButton
to RcVideoScheduleButton
Engage Voice widgets lib
feat: add EvAgentScript module for Engage Voice Script
feat: implement SettingPanel
feat: implement SessionUpdate Panel
feat: hide edit session button when on call
fix: fix multiple tab state sync
fix: format number in setting-page
refactor(EvCallMonitor): addCallRingHook rename to onCallRing, addCallEndedHook to onCallEnded
add ringcentral-crius
package for tests
add test-utils package
Core lib:
feat: enhance @computed
for derived data to instead @selector
refactor: refactor @action
decorator with new api
refactor: replace HashMap with ObjectMap
Commons lib:
feat(Softphone): support to make call with new RingCentral desktop app
feat(Call_V2): New Call_V2 with RcModuleV2 refactor to replace Call module
feat: add beforeunload module
feat(RCVideo): fetch DialInNumbers in RCVideo
refactor(TabManager): refactor TabManager main tab logics
refactor: rename SleepDetector in lib to SleepDetection
refactor: add ContactDetailsUI module for ContactDetailsPage
enhancement: add hasMeetingsPermission in RolesAndPermissions module
enhancement: remove all Enum class references Important
fix(Webphone): wrong home country id in no-US country when make call with web phone
fix(WebPhone): pause video elements to release system Video Wake Lock when no sessions
fix(GenericMeeting): show spinner when dependent modules are not yet ready
fix(MessageStore): status bug when it is no permission
feat: add useScrollIntoView hook
feat: add Block Panel
feat: add BackHeaderV2 component
feat: add SearchPanel component
feat: add CopyButton component
enhancement(CallLogFields): support to add back button in header
enhancement(BasicCallInfo): update UI and UX
enhancement(ComposeText): recipient input should support pasting multiple numbers
enhancement(RCVideo): remove last video settings data
enhancement(Meeting): allow to disable SaveAsDefault feature
fix(VideoConfig): value bug on rendering RcSwitch component
fix(AuthAlert): fix auth error alert message
Engage Voice Widgets:
feat: support WebRTC call with IntegratedSoftphone module
feat: IVR screen pop and alerts
chore: update widgets cli
chore: update i18n string
Core lib:
- feat: add lib/ObjectMap
- feat: add createSelector to instead @computed
Commons lib:
- feat: add RcVideo,GenericMeeting and MeetingProvider modules for RingCentral Video feature
- feat: support ForwardedCompanyNumber usageType in callerId
- feat: support to use callId setting in RingCentral service web
- feat: implement ringtone changing functions to the web phone module
- feat: add components/Rcui/Tooltip component
- feat: add GenericMeetingUI module, and RGenericMeetingPage for RingCentral Video feature
- refactor: CallLogPage container with CallLogUI module
- refactor: components/SpinnerOverlay with new UI, remove default export
- enhancement: handle onPaste on RecipientsInput component
- fix: CallingSettings CallWith title display is showing [object object]
- update babel settings
New packages: @ringcentral-integration/engage-voice-widgets
upgrade: use web phone 0.8.0
feat(OAuth): new oauth solution without proxy iframe
feat: implement a tab freeze prevention script using web locks (lib/TabFreezePrevention)
enhance: meeting string format in meetingHelper
enhance: add hasMultipleTabs in TabManager
fix: get scope from implicit flow redirect uri in Auth
fix: safari auth auto logout issue on offline
refactor(Analytics): refactor using decorator pattern
refactor: ErrorLogger based on @sentry/browser
chore: default webphone log level 1
chore: require @ringcentral-integration/core
for RCModuleV2
feat: add lib/useIsMounted hook
feat: show call queue name in incoming call and call control page
feat: add NotificationContainer (Alert V2)
feat: add useDebounce in lib/reactHooks
refactor: refactor RecipientsInputV2 to TypeScript
refactor: move Alert Renders into components/AlertRenderer folder
refactor: performance of lib/AdapterCore
refactor: Button component with TS (no default export)
refactor: Header component with TS (no default export)
enhance: set default callingSettingsUrl and regionSettingsUrl in AlertContainer
enhance: add size prop in CallLogFields/FieldItem
fix: fix lib/bindDebounce typo
lint: add eslint-plugin-react-hooks
for eslint-settings
i18n: update i18n string
TS migratation: TabManager/Auth/TransportBase
New package @ringcentral-integration/core
upgrade: dependences form security
chore: use yarn workspace to instead lerna.js
feat(SettingsPanel): refactor SettingsPanel, support reorder items in SettingPanel
feat: add new DialPad based on RCUI component
refactor: refactor of WeekdaySelect
refactor: use onClick in meeting schedule button
Refactor(ContactDetails): Refactor ContactDetails related modules and components, move to ContactDetailsUI
fix: increase ConnectivityBadge z-index
refactor(TransferUI): add transfer ui module
fix(ActiveCallControl): do not handle subscription when not permission
fix(Meeting): meeting recurrence time format issue
style(MessageItem): Fix problems of long messages making datetime break a new line
refactor: rename modules/Presence/presenceStatus to enums/presenceStatus.enum
chore: TS migrating
i18n: update i18n string
upgrade: libphonenumber-js in phone-number library
enhance: use findNumber v2 of libphonenumber-js in phone-number library
Updates on Common Modules:
refactor(ActiveCallControl): active call control module with call control SDK
enhance(Webphone): current device info in web phone module
fix(SleepDetector): Set maxListeners to 30 for EventEmitter in SleepDetector module
fix(Conversation): add isLogging to current conversation
fix(callLogHelpers): fix Safari timezone offset issue
fix(Presence): only update dnd status when set to DoNotDisturb
fix: DTMF issue when paste string in Firefox
fix: action type typo in AdapterModuleCoreBase
Updates on Widgets lib:
feat(Webphone): support to switch other device call to widget app
feat(Settings): add LogSMSContext setting in settings page
feat(UI): use @ringcentral-integration/rcui as base component
feat(OAuth): Make OAuth setup powered by modules instead of UI
feat(Message): support to delete fax
feat(DialerPage): Hide search contact dropdown list when last input is from dial pad buttons
feat(OAuthBase): handle new oauth error message
feat: add CallLogPage (Log call to third party)
fix(Conversation): Fix bug that send button gets stuck in disabled state after send failure
fix(Adapter): AdapterModuleCore navigate to incorrect current call
refactor(CallLogPage): refactor call log page and fix ts issue
refactor: add SettingUI/CallBadgeUI/CallCtrlUI/CallHistroyUI/CallLogCallCtrolUI/CallMonitorUI/FlipUI/RegionSettingsUI modules
refactor: add FlipPage container and split flip panel from call control panel
fix: lint issues
chore: TS migrating
i18n: import new i18n string, remove en-CA
upgrade: upgrade React to 16.11