There is a large and growing interest in new FP formats and operations, beyond the IEEE-754/2008 standard incorporated in the standard RISC-V scalar F, D, and Q extensions ratified in 2019, and the Zfh/Zfhmin and vector extensions ratifed in 2021.
The FP SIG is managed under the Unpriv Committee, and is intended to develop the strategy, gaps, and prioritizations for all future FP enhancements for RISC-V. The SIG will examine new FP formats in addition to further enhancements to the IEEE FP standard. This SIG is intended to provide a venue for community members to discuss and select which ideas should advance into eventual future standard extensions.
We intend that this SIG will be ongoing and spawn or help spawn new TGs as appropriate to fulfil the strategy. An important role of the SIG is prioritizing which extensions to pursue next and to limit the scope of new TGs to develop extensions that can be completed in bounded time with the constrained resources available.
This group will work with the Software Committees to ensure that any support needed in the ecosystem for them will be discussed between the groups.