Original design by Wil Su.
Published in Isaludo
Expanded in the game For Northwood, also by Wil Su.
Click cards
See the full description in Wil's Isaludo document.
Visit each kingdom (top row) and win the required number of tricks (1 to 8).
You may activate advisor abilities before a rulers argument (before and during a visit). Jack advisors refresh after each visit, King and Queens are exhausted permanently.
The advisor abilities are
Name | Suit | Ability |
Diplomacy | Hearts | Discard all cards matching the current rulers suit. |
Military | Clubs | Draw a card for every club in hand. |
Politics | Spades | Swap the current ruler with an unvisited one. Only alters the trump suit, not required number of wins. |
Commerce | Diamonds | Draw 2 cards then discard 2 cards. |
You must win the support of every kingdom to win, additional points are granted for unexhausted kings and queens.