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ROSCON 2024 Presentation |
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- UBR Reloaded
- ROS 2 Cookbook
- Image Pipeline
- Robot Calibration
- Simple Grasping
- Openni2 Camera
- Nav2
- MoveIt2
- MoveIt Task Constructor
The following blog posts were directly mentioned during the talk:
- [Using Rocker/Docker]({% post_url 2022-06-21-ubr1-on-ros2 %})
- [Porting openni2_camera to ROS 2]({% post_url 2020-06-16-ubr1-on-ros2 %})
- [Mapping and Localization]({% post_url 2020-08-19-slam-in-ros2 %})
- [MoveIt2 on UBR-1]({% post_url 2024-10-22-ubr1-on-moveit2 %})
- [Robot Calibration]({% post_url 2020-04-09-robot-calibration-for-ros %})
Or, you can search for all posts about ROS 2 or the UBR-1 by tag: