diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 97dd2d9..0cf7d4e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ With **wavefile** you can: And more. -**wavefile** is extensively tested, and the test folder contains samples of all supported formats. Please note that some formats (like 8-bit A-Law and 64-bit floating point) are not widely supported and may not load in every player. +**wavefile** is extensively tested and contains samples of all supported formats. Please note that some formats (like 8-bit A-Law and 64-bit floating point) are not widely supported and may not load in every player. ## Install ``` @@ -190,6 +190,9 @@ console.log(wav.factChunkId); console.log(wav.factChunkSize); console.log(wav.dwSampleLength); +// "bext" +console.log(wav.bextChunkFields); + // "data" console.log(wav.dataChunkId); console.log(wav.dataChunkSize); @@ -198,6 +201,29 @@ console.log(wav.dataChunkSize); console.log(wav.samples); ``` +### BWF data +BWF data ("bext" chunk) is stored in the *bextChunkFields* property in human-readable form. +You may edit the data in the "bext" chunk by editing the *bextChunkFields* property on a WaveFile object. +```javascript +wav.bextChunkFields = { + "description": "", // 256 chars + "originator": "", // 32 chars + "originatorReference": "", // 32 chars + "originationDate": "", // 10 chars + "originationTime": "", // 8 chars + "timeReference": "", // 64-bit value kept as an array of 8 bytes + "version": "", // 16-bit number + "UMID": "", // 64 chars + "loudnessValue": "", // 16-bit number + "loudnessRange": "", // 16-bit number + "maxTruePeakLevel": "", // 16-bit number + "maxMomentaryLoudness": "", // 16-bit number + "maxShortTermLoudness": "", // 16-bit number + "reserved": "", // 180 chars + "codingHistory": "" // string, unlimited size +}; +``` + ### The samples Range: - 0 to 255 for 8-bit diff --git a/dist/wavefile-min.js b/dist/wavefile-min.js index 48527b1..06db779 100644 --- a/dist/wavefile-min.js +++ b/dist/wavefile-min.js @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ /* - endianness - Swap endianness in byte arrays. - Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - https://github.com/rochars/endianness - byte-data Readable data to and from byte buffers. Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. https://github.com/rochars/byte-data + endianness + Swap endianness in byte arrays. + Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. + https://github.com/rochars/endianness + alawmulaw JavaScript A-Law and mu-Law codecs. Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. @@ -40,85 +40,70 @@ https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/IMA_ADPCM */ -var $jscomp=$jscomp||{};$jscomp.scope={};$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET=!1;$jscomp.objectCreate=$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5||"function"==typeof Object.create?Object.create:function(a){var d=function(){};d.prototype=a;return new d};$jscomp.underscoreProtoCanBeSet=function(){var a={a:!0},d={};try{return d.__proto__=a,d.a}catch(h){}return!1}; -$jscomp.setPrototypeOf="function"==typeof Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf:$jscomp.underscoreProtoCanBeSet()?function(a,d){a.__proto__=d;if(a.__proto__!==d)throw new TypeError(a+" is not extensible");return a}:null; -$jscomp.inherits=function(a,d){a.prototype=$jscomp.objectCreate(d.prototype);a.prototype.constructor=a;if($jscomp.setPrototypeOf){var h=$jscomp.setPrototypeOf;h(a,d)}else for(h in d)if("prototype"!=h)if(Object.defineProperties){var g=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d,h);g&&Object.defineProperty(a,h,g)}else a[h]=d[h];a.superClass_=d.prototype};$jscomp.owns=function(a,d){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)}; -$jscomp.defineProperty=$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5||"function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(a,d,h){a!=Array.prototype&&a!=Object.prototype&&(a[d]=h.value)};$jscomp.getGlobal=function(a){return"undefined"!=typeof window&&window===a?a:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:a};$jscomp.global=$jscomp.getGlobal(this); -$jscomp.polyfill=function(a,d,h,g){if(d){h=$jscomp.global;a=a.split(".");for(g=0;gf[c].length&&(f[c]=Array(5-f[c].length).join("0")+f[c])}function b(f,e,c){(2==e||16==e)&&2>f[c].length&&(f[c]="0"+f[c])}function c(f,e){for(;f.lengthparseInt(e/2,10)-1&&(f-=e);return f};a.exports.padding=g;a.exports.paddingNibble=l;a.exports.paddingCrumb=b;a.exports.bytePadding=k;a.exports.lPadZeros=c;a.exports.fixFloat16Endianness=function(f,e){e.float&&16==e.bits&&m(f,2)};a.exports.getType=function(f,e,c){f=Object.assign({},f);f.base=e;f.single=c;64==f.bits&&(f.float=!0);f.float&&(f.signed=!0);f.offset=8>f.bits? -1:f.bits/8;return f};a.exports.turnToArray=function(f){Array.isArray(f)||"string"==typeof f||(f=[f]);return f}},function(a,d){a.exports=function(a,d){for(var k=a.length,l=0;lh?u=h:u>10,b=c&1023;return(e?Math.pow(2,e-15)*(1+b/1024):b/1024*.00006103515625)*(c>>15?-1:1)};a.exports.decodeFloat64=function(c){if("0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"== -c.toString())return 0;c=g(c);for(var e="1"+c.substr(12,52),b=1,f=0,a=0;a=c&&(e=2147483648,c=-c);var b=Math.floor(Math.log(c)/Math.log(2)),f=Math.floor(c/Math.pow(2,b)*Math.pow(2,52));c=f&4294967295;f/=Math.pow(2,32);return[e|b+1023<<20|f&1048575,c]};a.exports.toHalf=function(c){l[0]=c;var e=b[0];c=e>>16&32768;var m= -e>>12&2047;e=e>>23&255;return 103>e?c:(c|e-112<<10|m>>1)+(m&1)}},function(a,d){function h(a){g[0]=a;return k[0]}d=new Int8Array(4);var g=new Int32Array(d.buffer,0,1),k=new Float32Array(d.buffer,0,1);a.exports=h;a.exports.pack=h;a.exports.unpack=function(a){k[0]=a;return g[0]}},function(a,d,h){function g(c){return c.signed&&!c.float?b.signed:function(e){return e}}var k=h(14),l=h(2),b=h(0);a.exports.fromBytes=function(c,e){var m=e.bits;b.fixFloat16Endianness(c,e);b.makeBigEndian(c,e.be,m);m=e.base; -if(10!=m)for(var f=0,a=c.length;fm?8:m)+"Bit"+(e.float?"Float":"")]);f=[];a=0;for(var d=c.length-(e.offset-1),h=g(e);athis.max&&(a-=2*this.max+2); -return 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b};$jscomp.inherits(d,c);d.decode=c.decode;d.encode=c.encode;d.decodeSample=c.decodeSample;d.encodeSample=c.encodeSample;d.prototype.read16F_=function(e,c){e=this.read_(e,c,{bits:16,offset:2});c=(e&31744)>>10;var f=e&1023;return(c?Math.pow(2,c-15)*(1+f/1024):f/1024*.00006103515625)*(e>>15?-1:1)};d.prototype.read32F_=function(e,c){k[0]=this.read_(e,c,{bits:32,offset:4});return g[0]};d.prototype.read64F_=function(e,c){b[0]= -this.read_(e,c,{bits:32,offset:4});b[1]=this.read_(e,c+4,{bits:32,offset:4});return l[0]};d.prototype.readChar_=function(e,c){for(var f="",b=0;b>16&32768;var a= -b>>12&2047;b=b>>23&255;103<=b&&(c=(c|b-112<<10|a>>1)+(a&1));e[f++]=c&255;e[f++]=c>>>8&255;return f};d.prototype.writeChar_=function(e,c,f){e[f++]=c.charCodeAt(0);return f};d.prototype.buildType_=function(){this.setReader_();this.setWriter_();this.float&&(this.min=-Infinity,this.max=Infinity)};d.prototype.setReader_=function(){this.float?16==this.bits?this.reader=this.read16F_:32==this.bits?this.reader=this.read32F_:64==this.bits&&(this.reader=this.read64F_):this.char?this.reader=this.readChar_:32< -this.bits&&(this.reader=this.readBits_)};d.prototype.setWriter_=function(){this.float?16==this.bits?this.writer=this.write16F_:32==this.bits?this.writer=this.write32F_:64==this.bits&&(this.writer=this.write64F_):this.char&&(this.writer=this.writeChar_)};a.exports=d},function(a,d,h){a.exports.alaw=h(28);a.exports.mulaw=h(29)},function(a,d,h){var g=h(3),k=g.uInt8,l=h(17),b=h(8),c=h(18),e=h(20),m=h(24),f=h(11).alaw,n=h(11).mulaw;a=function(f){var e=c.call(this)||this;f&&e.fromBuffer(f);return e};$jscomp.inherits(a, -c);a.prototype.fromScratch=function(f,e,c,b,a){a=void 0===a?{}:a;this.validBitsPerSample=this.cbSize=0;this.factChunkId="";this.factChunkSize=0;this.factChunkData=[];this.dwSampleLength=0;a.container||(a.container="RIFF");var m=parseInt(c,10)/8;this.chunkSize=36+b.length*m;this.fmtChunkSize=16;this.byteRate=f*m*e;this.blockAlign=f*m;this.chunkId=a.container;this.format="WAVE";this.fmtChunkId="fmt ";this.audioFormat=this.headerFormats_[c];this.numChannels=f;this.sampleRate=e;this.bitsPerSample=parseInt(c, -10);this.dataChunkId="data";this.dataChunkSize=b.length*m;this.samples=b;this.bitDepth=c;"4"==c&&(this.chunkSize=44+b.length,this.fmtChunkSize=20,this.byteRate=4055,this.blockAlign=256,this.bitsPerSample=4,this.dataChunkSize=b.length,this.cbSize=2,this.validBitsPerSample=505,this.factChunkId="fact",this.factChunkSize=4,this.dwSampleLength=2*b.length);if("8a"==c||"8m"==c)this.chunkSize=44+b.length,this.fmtChunkSize=20,this.cbSize=2,this.validBitsPerSample=8,this.factChunkId="fact",this.factChunkSize= -4,this.dwSampleLength=b.length};a.prototype.fromBuffer=function(f){this.readRIFFChunk_(f);var c="RIFX"==this.chunkId;f=e.read(f,c);this.readFmtChunk_(f.subChunks);this.readFactChunk_(f.subChunks);this.readBextChunk_(f.subChunks);this.readCueChunk_(f.subChunks);this.readDataChunk_(f.subChunks,{be:c,single:!0});this.bitDepth=3==this.audioFormat&&32==this.bitsPerSample?"32f":this.bitsPerSample.toString()};a.prototype.toBuffer=function(){this.checkWriteInput_();return new Uint8Array(this.createWaveFile_())}; -a.prototype.toRIFF=function(){this.chunkId="RIFF";this.LEorBE()};a.prototype.toRIFX=function(){this.chunkId="RIFX";this.LEorBE()};a.prototype.toBitDepth=function(f){l.toBitDepth(this.samples,this.bitDepth,f);this.fromScratch(this.numChannels,this.sampleRate,f,g.unpackArray(this.samples,k),{container:this.chunkId})};a.prototype.interleave=function(){var f=[],c,e,b=this.samples[0].length;for(c=0;cthis.numChannels||65535this.sampleRate||4294967295>>8&255;b[e++]=c>>>16&255;b[e++]=c>>>24&255;return e}var k=h(5),l=h(6);a.exports.write64BitFloat=function(b,c,e){c=k.toFloat64(c);e=g(b,c[1],e);return g(b,c[0],e)};a.exports.write48Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=c&255;b[e++]=c>>8&255;b[e++]=c>>16&255;b[e++]=c>>24&255;b[e++]=c/4294967296&255;b[e++]=c/1099511627776&255;return e};a.exports.write40Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=c&255;b[e++]=c>>8&255;b[e++]=c>>16&255;b[e++]=c>> -24&255;b[e++]=c/4294967296&255;return e};a.exports.write32BitFloat=function(b,c,e){c=l.unpack(c);b[e++]=c&255;b[e++]=c>>>8&255;b[e++]=c>>>16&255;b[e++]=c>>>24&255;return e};a.exports.write32Bit=g;a.exports.write24Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=c&255;b[e++]=c>>>8&255;b[e++]=c>>>16&255;return e};a.exports.write16Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=c&255;b[e++]=c>>>8&255;return e};a.exports.write16BitFloat=function(b,c,e){c=k.toHalf(c);b[e++]=c>>>8&255;b[e++]=c&255;return e};a.exports.write8Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]= -c&255;return e};a.exports.write4Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=c&15;return e};a.exports.write2Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=0>c?c+4:c;return e};a.exports.write1Bit=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=c?1:0;return e};a.exports.writeString=function(b,c,e){b[e++]=c.charCodeAt(0);return e}},function(a,d,h){function g(c,b,f){--f;for(var e="";0<=f;)e+=l.bytePadding(c[f+b].toString(2),2),f--;return parseInt(e,2)}function k(c,b){return(c[3+b]<<24|c[2+b]<<16|c[1+b]<<8|c[b])>>>0}var l=h(0),b=h(5),c=h(6);a.exports.readChar=function(c, -b,f){var e="",a=0;for(f=f.bits/8;ab[e].bits?1:b[e].bits/8;a=a.concat(k(c.slice(d,d+m),b[e],f));d+=m;e++}return a};a.exports.packStruct=function(c,b,f){f=void 0===f?10:f;if(c.lengtha.bits?a.bits:a.realBits/8),l.getType(a,b));return c=a.char?c.slice(0,a.bits/8):c[0]}var l=h(22),b=h(9);d.pack=g;d.unpack=k;d.packArray=function(c,a,b){return l.toBytes(c,l.getType(a,void 0===b?10:b))};d.unpackArray=function(c,a,b){return l.fromBytes(c,l.getType(a,void 0===b?10:b))};d.unpackStruct=function(a,b,d){d=void 0===d?10:d;for(var c=a.length,e=0,m=0;mb[e].bits?1:b[e].realBits/8;c=c.concat(k(a.slice(m,m+l),b[e],d));m+=l;e++}return c};d.packStruct=function(a,b,d){d=void 0===d?10:d;if(a.lengthb.realBits?(2==b.base?b.bits:5>b.bits?1:2)+1:(2==b.base?8:2)+1;a>10;c=b&1023;return(a?Math.pow(2,a-15)*(1+c/1024):c/1024*.00006103515625)*(b>>15?-1:1)},read24Bit:function(a,b){return a[2+b]<<16|c.read16Bit(a,b)},read32Bit:function(a,b){return(a[3+b]<<24|c.read24Bit(a,b))>>>0}, -read32BitFloat:function(a,b){k[0]=c.read32Bit(a,b);return g[0]},read40Bit:function(a,c){return h(a,c,5)},read48Bit:function(a,c){return h(a,c,6)},read53Bit:function(a,c){return h(a,c,7)},read64BitFloat:function(a,f){b[0]=c.read32Bit(a,f);b[1]=c.read32Bit(a,f+4);return l[0]},readChar:function(a,c,b){var f="",e=0;for(b=b.bits/8;e>>24&255;return b},write24Bit:function(a,c,b){b=e.write16Bit(a,c,b);a[b++]=c>>>16&255;return b},write16Bit:function(a, -c,b){a[b++]=c&255;a[b++]=c>>>8&255;return b},write16BitFloat:function(a,c,b){g[0]=c;var f=k[0];c=f>>16&32768;var e=f>>12&2047;f=f>>23&255;103<=f&&(c=(c|f-112<<10|e>>1)+(e&1));a[b]=c&255;a[b+1]=c>>>8&255;return b+2},write8Bit:function(a,c,b){a[b++]=c&255;return b},write4Bit:function(a,c,b){a[b++]=c&15;return b},write2Bit:function(a,c,b){a[b++]=0>c?c+4:c;return b},write1Bit:function(a,c,b){a[b++]=c?1:0;return b},writeString:function(a,c,b){a[b++]=c.charCodeAt(0);return b}};d.BitWriter=e;d.BitReader= -c},function(a,d,h){function g(a){a-=n;if(0<=a)var c=0;else c=8,a=-a;var b=f[t],e=b>>3;a>b&&(c|=4,a-=b,e+=b);b>>=1;a>b&&(c|=2,a-=b,e+=b);b>>=1;a>b&&(c|=1,e+=b);n=c&8?n-e:n+e;-32768>n?n=-32768:32767t?t=0:88>1);a&1&&(b+=r>>2);b+=r>>3;a&8&&(b=-b);q+=b;32767q&&(q=-32767);p+=m[a];0>p?p=0:88f.length;)f.push(0);return f}function b(a){q=c.unpack([a[0],a[1]],e);p=a[2];r=f[p];for(var b=[q,c.unpack([a[2],a[3]],e)],d=4;d>4;b.push(k(g<<4^h));b.push(k(g))}return b}var c=h(25),e=c.int16,m=[-1,-1,-1,-1,2,4,6,8,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,4,6,8],f=[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,19,21,23,25,28,31,34,37,41,45,50,55,60,66,73,80,88,97,107,118,130,143,157,173,190,209,230,253,279,307,337,371,408, -449,494,544,598,658,724,796,876,963,1060,1166,1282,1411,1552,1707,1878,2066,2272,2499,2749,3024,3327,3660,4026,4428,4871,5358,5894,6484,7132,7845,8630,9493,10442,11487,12635,13899,15289,16818,18500,20350,22385,24623,27086,29794,32767],n=0,t=0,q=0,p=0,r=7;a.exports.encode=function(a){for(var b=[],c=[],e=0;eb.bits?b.bits:b.realBits/8),l.getType(b,d));return a=b.char?a.slice(0,b.bits/8):a[0]}var l=h(26),b=h(10);d.pack=g;d.unpack=k;d.packArray=function(a,b,d){return l.toBytes(a,l.getType(b, -void 0===d?10:d))};d.unpackArray=function(a,b,d){return l.fromBytes(a,l.getType(b,void 0===d?10:d))};d.unpackStruct=function(a,b,d){d=void 0===d?10:d;for(var c=a.length,e=0,h=0;hb[e].bits?1:b[e].realBits/8;c=c.concat(k(a.slice(h,h+g),b[e],d));h+=g;e++}return c};d.packStruct=function(a,b,d){d=void 0===d?10:d;if(a.lengththis.max&&(a-=2*this.max+2);return a};d.prototype.overflow=function(a){a>this.max?a=this.max:a>>0;return this.overflow(this.sign(g))}; -d.prototype.readBits_=function(a,d,k){k=void 0===k?this:k;for(var g="",b=0;bthis.bits?1:Math.ceil(this.realBits/8)};d.prototype.setMinMax_=function(){var a=Math.pow(2,this.bits);this.signed?(this.max=a/2-1,this.min=-a/2):(this.max=a-1,this.min=0)};d.prototype.validateWordSize_=function(){if(1>this.bits||64=this.bits?16:24>=this.bits?24:32>=this.bits?32:40>=this.bits?40:48>=this.bits?48:56>=this.bits?56: -64:this.bits};d.prototype.setLastByteMask_=function(){var a=8-(this.realBits-this.bits);this.lastByteMask=Math.pow(2,0l.bits?a[k++]=0>d?d+Math.pow(2,l.bits):d:a[k++]=d&255;return k};a.exports=d},function(a,d){function h(a){var d=[1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7, -7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7],b;a=-32768==a?-32767:a;(b=~a>>8&128)||(a*=-1);32635>8&127],a=d<<4|a>>d+3&15):a>>=4;return a^b^85}function g(a){var d=0;a^=85;a&128&&(a&=-129,d=-1);var b=((a&240)>>4)+4;a=4!=b?1<a){a=132-a;var d=127}else a+=132,d=255;32767>7;c&240&&(c>>=4,b+=4);c&12&&(c>>=2,b+=2);c&2&&(b+=1);c=b;return(c<<4|a>>c+3&15)^d}function g(a){a=~a;var d=((a&15)<<3)+132<<((a&112)>>4);return a&128?132-d:d-132}a.exports.encodeSample=h;a.exports.decodeSample=g;a.exports.encode=function(a){for(var d=[],b=0;bb.bits?b.bits:b.realBits/8),e.getType(b,f));return a=b.char?a.slice(0,b.bits/8):a[0]}var e=h(7),b=h(1);a.pack=c;a.unpack=k;a.packArray=function(a,b,f){return e.toBytes(a,e.getType(b,void 0===f?10:f))};a.unpackArray=function(a,b,f){return e.fromBytes(a,e.getType(b,void 0===f?10:f))};a.unpackStruct=function(a, +b,f){f=void 0===f?10:f;for(var d=a.length,m=0,e=0;eb[m].bits?1:b[m].realBits/8;d=d.concat(k(a.slice(e,e+c),b[m],f));e+=c;m++}return d};a.packStruct=function(a,b,f){f=void 0===f?10:f;if(a.length>10;var d=a&1023;return(b?Math.pow(2,b-15)*(1+d/1024):d/1024*.00006103515625)*(a>>15?-1:1)};a.prototype.read32F_=function(a,b){k[0]=this.read_(a,b,{bits:32,offset:4});return c[0]};a.prototype.read64F_=function(a,f){b[0]=this.read_(a,f,{bits:32,offset:4});b[1]=this.read_(a,f+4,{bits:32,offset:4});return e[0]};a.prototype.readChar_=function(a,b){for(var d="",m=0;m>16&32768;var f=m>>12&2047;m=m>>23&255;103<=m&&(b=(b|m-112<<10|f>>1)+(f&1));a[d++]=b&255;a[d++]=b>>>8&255;return d};a.prototype.writeChar_=function(a,b,d){a[d++]=b.charCodeAt(0);return d};a.prototype.buildType_= +function(){this.setReader_();this.setWriter_();this.float&&(this.min=-Infinity,this.max=Infinity)};a.prototype.setReader_=function(){this.float?16==this.bits?this.reader=this.read16F_:32==this.bits?this.reader=this.read32F_:64==this.bits&&(this.reader=this.read64F_):this.char?this.reader=this.readChar_:32this.max&&(a-=2*this.max+2);return a};a.prototype.overflow=function(a){a>this.max?a=this.max:athis.bits?1:this.realBits/8;this.setReader_();this.setWriter_();this.float||this.setMinMax_()};a.prototype.setReader_=function(){this.reader=this.char?c.BitReader.readChar:c.BitReader["read"+(8>this.bits?8:this.realBits)+"Bit"+(this.float?"Float":"")]};a.prototype.setWriter_=function(){this.writer=this.char?c.BitWriter.writeString:c.BitWriter["write"+this.realBits+"Bit"+(this.float?"Float":"")]};a.prototype.setMinMax_=function(){var a=Math.pow(2,this.bits); +this.signed?(this.max=a/2-1,this.min=-a/2):(this.max=a-1,this.min=0)};a.prototype.setRealBits_=function(){this.realBits=8=this.bits?16:24>=this.bits?24:32>=this.bits?32:40>=this.bits?40:48>=this.bits?48:53>=this.bits?53:64:this.bits};g.exports=a},function(g,a,h){g.exports.alaw=h(17);g.exports.mulaw=h(18)},function(g,a,h){h(0);var c=h(9),k=h(3),e=h(10),b=h(12),l=h(16),n=h(5).alaw,f=h(5).mulaw;g=function(d){var a=e.call(this)||this;d&&a.fromBuffer(d);return a};$jscomp.inherits(g,e);g.prototype.fromScratch= +function(d,a,b,f,e){e=void 0===e?{}:e;this.validBitsPerSample=this.cbSize=0;this.factChunkId="";this.factChunkSize=0;this.factChunkData=[];this.dwSampleLength=0;e.container||(e.container="RIFF");var m=parseInt(b,10)/8;this.chunkSize=36+f.length*m;this.fmtChunkSize=16;this.byteRate=d*m*a;this.blockAlign=d*m;this.chunkId=e.container;this.format="WAVE";this.fmtChunkId="fmt ";this.audioFormat=this.headerFormats_[b];this.numChannels=d;this.sampleRate=a;this.bitsPerSample=parseInt(b,10);this.dataChunkId= +"data";this.dataChunkSize=f.length*m;this.samples=f;this.bitDepth=b;"4"==b&&(this.chunkSize=44+f.length,this.fmtChunkSize=20,this.byteRate=4055,this.blockAlign=256,this.bitsPerSample=4,this.dataChunkSize=f.length,this.cbSize=2,this.validBitsPerSample=505,this.factChunkId="fact",this.factChunkSize=4,this.dwSampleLength=2*f.length);if("8a"==b||"8m"==b)this.chunkSize=44+f.length,this.fmtChunkSize=20,this.cbSize=2,this.validBitsPerSample=8,this.factChunkId="fact",this.factChunkSize=4,this.dwSampleLength= +f.length};g.prototype.fromBuffer=function(d){this.readRIFFChunk_(d);var a="RIFX"==this.chunkId;d=b.read(d,a);this.readFmtChunk_(d.subChunks);this.readFactChunk_(d.subChunks);this.readBextChunk_(d.subChunks);this.readCueChunk_(d.subChunks);this.readDataChunk_(d.subChunks,{be:a,single:!0});this.bitDepth=3==this.audioFormat&&32==this.bitsPerSample?"32f":this.bitsPerSample.toString()};g.prototype.toBuffer=function(){this.checkWriteInput_();return new Uint8Array(this.createWaveFile_())};g.prototype.toRIFF= +function(){this.chunkId="RIFF";this.LEorBE()};g.prototype.toRIFX=function(){this.chunkId="RIFX";this.LEorBE()};g.prototype.toBitDepth=function(d){c.toBitDepth(this.samples,this.bitDepth,d);this.fromScratch(this.numChannels,this.sampleRate,d,this.samples,{container:this.chunkId})};g.prototype.interleave=function(){var d=[],a,b,f=this.samples[0].length;for(a=0;athis.numChannels||65535this.sampleRate||4294967295this.max&&(a-=2*this.max+2);return a};a.prototype.overflow=function(a){a> +this.max?a=this.max:a>>0;return this.overflow(this.sign(e))};a.prototype.readBits_=function(a,c,k){k=void 0===k?this:k;for(var e="",b=0;bthis.bits?1:Math.ceil(this.realBits/8)};a.prototype.setMinMax_=function(){var a=Math.pow(2,this.bits);this.signed?(this.max=a/2-1,this.min=-a/2):(this.max=a-1,this.min=0)};a.prototype.validateWordSize_=function(){if(1>this.bits||64=this.bits?16:24>=this.bits?24:32>=this.bits?32:40>=this.bits?40:48>=this.bits?48:56>=this.bits?56:64:this.bits};a.prototype.setLastByteMask_=function(){var a=8-(this.realBits-this.bits);this.lastByteMask=Math.pow(2,0e.bits?a[k++]=0>c?c+Math.pow(2,e.bits):c:a[k++]=c&255;return k};g.exports=a},function(g,a){var h=new Float32Array(1),c={8:256,16:65536,24:16777216, +32:4294967296,"32f":1,64:1},k={intToInt:function(a,b){return a=0b.bits?b.bits:b.realBits/8),e.getType(b,f));return a=b.char?a.slice(0,b.bits/8):a[0]}var e=h(14),b=h(4);a.pack=c;a.unpack=k;a.packArray=function(a, +b,f){return e.toBytes(a,e.getType(b,void 0===f?10:f))};a.unpackArray=function(a,b,f){return e.fromBytes(a,e.getType(b,void 0===f?10:f))};a.unpackStruct=function(a,b,f){f=void 0===f?10:f;for(var d=a.length,c=0,e=0;eb[c].bits?1:b[c].realBits/8;d=d.concat(k(a.slice(e,e+g),b[c],f));e+=g;c++}return d};a.packStruct=function(a,b,f){f=void 0===f?10:f;if(a.lengthb.realBits?(2==b.base?b.bits:5>b.bits?1:2)+1:(2==b.base?8:2)+1;a>10;b=d&1023;return(a?Math.pow(2,a-15)*(1+b/1024):b/1024*.00006103515625)*(d>>15?-1:1)},read24Bit:function(a,b){return a[2+b]<<16|l.read16Bit(a,b)},read32Bit:function(a,b){return(a[3+b]<<24|l.read24Bit(a,b))>>>0},read32BitFloat:function(a,b){k[0]=l.read32Bit(a,b);return c[0]},read40Bit:function(a,b){return h(a,b,5)},read48Bit:function(a,b){return h(a,b,6)},read53Bit:function(a,b){return h(a,b,7)},read64BitFloat:function(a,d){b[0]=l.read32Bit(a, +d);b[1]=l.read32Bit(a,d+4);return e[0]},readChar:function(a,b,c){var d="",e=0;for(c=c.bits/8;e>>24&255;return c},write24Bit:function(a,b,c){c=n.write16Bit(a,b,c);a[c++]=b>>>16&255;return c},write16Bit:function(a,b,c){a[c++]=b&255;a[c++]=b>>>8&255;return c},write16BitFloat:function(a,b,e){c[0]=b;var d=k[0];b=d>>16&32768;var f=d>>12&2047;d=d>>23&255;103<=d&&(b=(b|d-112<<10|f>>1)+(f&1));a[e]=b&255;a[e+1]=b>>>8&255;return e+2},write8Bit:function(a, +b,c){a[c++]=b&255;return c},write4Bit:function(a,b,c){a[c++]=b&15;return c},write2Bit:function(a,b,c){a[c++]=0>b?b+4:b;return c},write1Bit:function(a,b,c){a[c++]=b?1:0;return c},writeString:function(a,b,c){a[c++]=b.charCodeAt(0);return c}};a.BitWriter=n;a.BitReader=l},function(g,a,h){function c(a){a-=m;if(0<=a)var b=0;else b=8,a=-a;var c=d[r],e=c>>3;a>c&&(b|=4,a-=c,e+=c);c>>=1;a>c&&(b|=2,a-=c,e+=c);c>>=1;a>c&&(b|=1,e+=c);m=b&8?m-e:m+e;-32768>m?m=-32768:32767r?r=0:88>1);a&1&&(b+=t>>2);b+=t>>3;a&8&&(b=-b);p+=b;32767p&&(p=-32767);q+=f[a];0>q?q=0:88e.length;)e.push(0);return e}function b(a){p=l.unpack([a[0],a[1]],n);q=a[2];t=d[q];for(var b=[p,l.unpack([a[2],a[3]],n)],c=4;c>4;b.push(k(f<<4^e));b.push(k(f))}return b}var l=h(0),n=l.int16,f=[-1,-1,-1,-1,2,4,6,8,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,4,6,8],d=[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,19,21,23,25,28,31,34,37,41,45,50,55,60,66,73,80,88,97,107,118,130,143,157,173,190,209,230,253,279,307,337,371,408,449,494,544,598,658,724,796,876,963,1060,1166,1282,1411,1552,1707,1878,2066,2272,2499,2749,3024,3327,3660,4026,4428,4871,5358,5894,6484,7132,7845,8630,9493,10442,11487,12635,13899,15289,16818,18500,20350,22385,24623,27086,29794,32767],m=0,r= +0,p=0,q=0,t=7;g.exports.encode=function(a){for(var b=[],c=[],d=0;d>8&128)||(a*=-1);32635>8&127],a=c<<4|a>>c+3&15):a>>=4;return a^b^85}function c(a){var c=0;a^=85;a&128&&(a&=-129,c=-1);var b=((a&240)>>4)+4;a=4!=b?1<a){a=132-a;var c=127}else a+=132,c=255;32767>7;g&240&&(g>>=4,b+=4);g&12&&(g>>=2,b+=2);g&2&&(b+=1);g=b;return(g<<4|a>>g+3&15)^c}function c(a){a=~a;var c=((a&15)<<3)+132<<((a&112)>>4);return a&128?132-c:c-132}g.exports.encodeSample=h;g.exports.decodeSample=c;g.exports.encode=function(a){for(var c=[],b=0;b} bytes The bytes as binary strings. - * @param {number} base The base. - * @param {number} index The byte to pad. + * Turn a number or fixed-length string into a byte buffer. + * @param {number|string} value The value. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. + * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. + * @return {!Array|!Array} */ -function padding(bytes, base, index) { - bytes[index] = bytePadding(bytes[index], base); +function pack(value, type, base=10) { + let values = []; + if (type.char) { + values = type.char ? value.slice(0, type.realBits / 8) : value; + } else if (!Array.isArray(value)) { + values = [value]; + } + return rw.toBytes(values, rw.getType(type, base)); } /** - * Padding with 0s for byte strings. - * @param {string} theByte The byte as a binary or hex string. - * @param {number} base The base. - * @returns {string} The padded byte. + * Turn a byte buffer into a number or a fixed-length string. + * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer An array of bytes. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. + * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. + * @return {number|string} */ -function bytePadding(theByte, base) { - let offset = theByte.length + 1; - if (base == 2) { - offset = 8; - } else if (base == 16) { - offset = 2; +function unpack(buffer, type, base=10) { + let offset = type.bits < 8 ? type.bits : type.realBits / 8; + let values = rw.fromBytes( + buffer.slice(0, offset), + rw.getType(type, base) + ); + if (type.char) { + values = values.slice(0, type.bits / 8); + } else { + values = values[0]; } - return lPadZeros(theByte, offset); + return values; } /** - * Fix the size of nibbles. - * @param {!Array} nibbles The nibble as a binary or hex string. - * @param {number} base The base. - * @param {number} index The nibble offset. + * Turn a array of numbers or a string into a byte buffer. + * @param {!Array|string} values The values. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. + * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. + * @return {!Array|!Array} */ -function paddingNibble(nibbles, base, index) { - if (base == 2 && nibbles[index].length < 4) { - nibbles[index] = - new Array((5 - nibbles[index].length)).join("0") + nibbles[index]; - } -} +function packArray(values, type, base=10) { + return rw.toBytes(values, rw.getType(type, base)); +} /** - * Fix the size of crumbs. - * @param {!Array} crumbs The nibble as a binary or hex string. - * @param {number} base The base. - * @param {number} index The nibble offset. + * Turn a byte buffer into a array of numbers or a string. + * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer The byte array. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. + * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. + * @return {!Array|string} */ -function paddingCrumb(crumbs, base, index) { - if ((base == 2 || base == 16) && crumbs[index].length < 2) { - crumbs[index] = '0' + crumbs[index]; - } -} +function unpackArray(buffer, type, base=10) { + return rw.fromBytes(buffer, rw.getType(type, base)); +} /** - * Pad a string with zeros to the left. - * TODO: This should support both arrays and strings. - * @param {string} value The string (representing a binary or hex value). - * @param {number} numZeros the max number of zeros. - * For 1 binary byte string it should be 8. + * Find and return the start index of some string. + * Return -1 if the string is not found. + * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} buffer A byte buffer. + * @param {string} text Some string to look for. + * @return {number} The start index of the first occurrence, -1 if not found */ -function lPadZeros(value, numZeros) { - while (value.length < numZeros) { - value = '0' + value; +function findString(buffer, text) { + let found = ""; + for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { + found = unpack( + buffer.slice(i, i + text.length + 1), + new Type({"bits": text.length * 8, "char": true}) + ); + if (found == text) { + return i; + } } - return value; + return -1; } /** - * Swap the endianness to big endian. - * @param {!Array} bytes The values. - * @param {boolean} isBigEndian True if the bytes should be big endian. - * @param {number} bitDepth The bitDepth of the data. + * Turn a struct into a byte buffer. + * A struct is an array of values of not necessarily the same type. + * @param {Array} struct The struct values. + * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. + * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. + * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. + * @return {!Array|!Array} */ -function makeBigEndian(bytes, isBigEndian, bitDepth) { - if (isBigEndian) { - endianness(bytes, bitDepths.BitDepthOffsets[bitDepth]); +function packStruct(struct, def, base=10) { + if (struct.length < def.length) { + return []; } -} - -/** - * Turn bytes to base 2, 10 or 16. - * @param {!Array|!Array} bytes The bytes. - * @param {number} base The base. - * @param {Function} padFunction The function to use for padding. - */ -function bytesToBase(bytes, base, padFunction=padding) { - if (base != 10) { - let i = 0; - let len = bytes.length; - while (i < len) { - bytes[i] = bytes[i].toString(base); - padFunction(bytes, base, i); - i++; - } + let bytes = []; + for (let i = 0; i < def.length; i++) { + bytes = bytes.concat(pack(struct[i], def[i], base)); } + return bytes; } /** - * Turn the output to the correct base. - * @param {!Array} bytes The bytes. - * @param {number} bitDepth The bit depth of the data. - * @param {number} base The desired base for the output data. - */ -function outputToBase(bytes, bitDepth, base) { - if (bitDepth == 4) { - bytesToBase(bytes, base, paddingNibble); - } else if (bitDepth == 2) { - bytesToBase(bytes, base, paddingCrumb); - } else if(bitDepth == 1) { - bytesToBase(bytes, base, function(){}); - }else { - bytesToBase(bytes, base); + * Turn a byte buffer into a struct. + * A struct is an array of values of not necessarily the same type. + * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer The byte buffer. + * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. + * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. + * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. + * @return {Array} + */ +function unpackStruct(buffer, def, base=10) { + if (buffer.length < getStructDefSize(def)) { + return []; + } + let struct = []; + let i = 0; + let j = 0; + while (i < def.length) { + let bits = def[i].bits < 8 ? 1 : def[i].realBits / 8; + struct = struct.concat( + unpack(buffer.slice(j, j + bits), def[i], base) + ); + j += bits; + i++; } + return struct; } /** - * Turn a unsigned number to a signed number. - * @param {number} num The number. - * @param {number} maxValue The max range for the number bit depth. + * Get the length in bytes of a struct definition. + * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. + * @return {number} The length of the structure in bytes. + * @private */ -function signed(num, maxValue) { - if (num > parseInt(maxValue / 2, 10) - 1) { - num -= maxValue; +function getStructDefSize(def) { + let bits = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < def.length; i++) { + bits += def[i].realBits / 8; } - return num; + return bits; } +// interface +exports.pack = pack; +exports.unpack = unpack; +exports.packArray = packArray; +exports.unpackArray = unpackArray; +exports.unpackStruct = unpackStruct; +exports.packStruct = packStruct; +exports.findString = findString; +exports.Type = Type; +/** + * A char. + * @type {Object} + */ +exports.chr = new Type({"bits": 8, "char": true}); /** - * Fix the endianness of float16 bytes (r/w is always big-endian). - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes. - * @param {Object} options The type. + * A 4-char string + * @type {Object} */ -function fixFloat16Endianness(bytes, options) { - if (options.float && options.bits == 16) { - endianness(bytes, 2); - } -} - +exports.fourCC = new Type({"bits": 32, "char": true}); /** - * Get the full type spec for the reading/writing. - * @param {Object} atype One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. - * @param {boolean} single True if its a single value, false for array. - * @return {Object} + * Booleans + * @type {Object} */ -function getType(atype, base, single) { - let theType = Object.assign({}, atype); - theType.base = base; - theType.single = single; - if (theType.bits == 64) { - theType.float = true; - } - if (theType.float) { - theType.signed = true; - } - theType.offset = theType.bits < 8 ? 1 : theType.bits / 8; - return theType; -} - +exports.bool = new Type({"bits": 1}); /** - * Make a single value an array in case it is not. - * If the value is a string it stays a string. - * @param {!Array|number|string} values The value or values. - * @return {!Array|string} + * Signed 2-bit integers + * @type {Object} */ -function turnToArray(values) { - if (!Array.isArray(values) && typeof values != "string") { - values = [values]; - } - return values; -} - -module.exports.makeBigEndian = makeBigEndian; -module.exports.bytesToBase = bytesToBase; -module.exports.outputToBase = outputToBase; -module.exports.signed = signed; -module.exports.padding = padding; -module.exports.paddingNibble = paddingNibble; -module.exports.paddingCrumb = paddingCrumb; -module.exports.bytePadding = bytePadding; -module.exports.lPadZeros = lPadZeros; -module.exports.fixFloat16Endianness = fixFloat16Endianness; -module.exports.getType = getType; -module.exports.turnToArray = turnToArray; - - -/***/ }), -/* 1 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/*! - * endianness - * Swap endianness in byte arrays. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/endianness - * +exports.int2 = new Type({"bits": 2, "signed": true}); +/** + * Unsigned 2-bit integers + * @type {Object} */ - +exports.uInt2 = new Type({"bits": 2}); /** - * Swap the endianness of units of information in a byte array. - * The original array is modified in-place. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes. - * @param {number} offset The number of bytes of each unit of information. + * Signed 4-bit integers + * @type {Object} */ -function endianness(bytes, offset) { - let len = bytes.length; - let i = 0; - while (i < len) { - swap(bytes, offset, i); - i += offset; - } -} - +exports.int4 = new Type({"bits": 4, "signed": true}); /** - * Swap the endianness of a unit of information in a byte array. - * The original array is modified in-place. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes. - * @param {number} offset The number of bytes of the unit of information. - * @param {number} index The start index of the unit of information. + * Unsigned 4-bit integers + * @type {Object} */ -function swap(bytes, offset, index) { - let x = 0; - let y = offset - 1; - let limit = parseInt(offset / 2, 10); - while(x < limit) { - let theByte = bytes[index + x]; - bytes[index + x] = bytes[index + y]; - bytes[index + y] = theByte; - x++; - y--; - } -} - -module.exports = endianness; - - -/***/ }), -/* 2 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/* - * bit-depth: Configurations based on bit depth. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data +exports.uInt4 = new Type({"bits": 4}); +/** + * Signed 8-bit integers + * @type {Object} */ - +exports.int8 = new Type({"bits": 8, "signed": true}); /** - * Offset for reading each bit depth. - * @enum {number} + * Unsigned 4-bit integers + * @type {Object} */ -const BitDepthOffsets = { - 1: 1, - 2: 1, - 4: 1, - 8: 1, - 16: 2, - 24: 3, - 32: 4, - 40: 5, - 48: 6, - 64: 8 -}; - +exports.uInt8 = new Type({"bits": 8}); +// LE /** - * Max value for each bit depth. - * @enum {number} + * Signed 16-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -const BitDepthMaxValues = { - 1: 2, - 2: 4, - 4: 16, - 8: 256, - 16: 65536, - 24: 16777216, - 32: 4294967296, - 40: 1099511627776, - 48: 281474976710656, - 64: Infinity // FIXME 53-bit limit! -}; - -module.exports.BitDepthOffsets = BitDepthOffsets; -module.exports.BitDepthMaxValues = BitDepthMaxValues; - - -/***/ }), -/* 3 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/*! - * byte-data - * Readable data to and from byte buffers. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data - * - */ - -let toBytes = __webpack_require__(4); -let fromBytes = __webpack_require__(7); -let bitPacker = __webpack_require__(15); -let api = __webpack_require__(16); - -// interface -module.exports.pack = api.pack; -module.exports.findString = api.findString; -module.exports.unpack = api.unpack; -module.exports.packArray = api.packArray; -module.exports.unpackArray = api.unpackArray; -module.exports.unpackStruct = api.unpackStruct; -module.exports.packStruct = api.packStruct; - -// types: LE -module.exports.chr = {"bits": 8, "char": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.fourCC = {"bits": 32, "char": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.bool = {"bits": 1, "single": true}; -module.exports.int2 = {"bits": 2, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt2 = {"bits": 2, "single": true}; -module.exports.int4 = {"bits": 4, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt4 = {"bits": 4, "single": true}; -module.exports.int8 = {"bits": 8, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt8 = {"bits": 8, "single": true}; -module.exports.int16 = {"bits": 16, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt16 = {"bits": 16, "single": true}; -module.exports.float16 = {"bits": 16, "float": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.int24 = {"bits": 24, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt24 = {"bits": 24, "single": true}; -module.exports.int32 = {"bits": 32, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt32 = {"bits": 32, "single": true}; -module.exports.float32 = {"bits": 32, "float": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.int40 = {"bits": 40, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt40 = {"bits": 40, "single": true}; -module.exports.int48 = {"bits": 48, "signed": true, "single": true}; -module.exports.uInt48 = {"bits": 48, "single": true}; -module.exports.float64 = {"bits": 64, "float": true, "single": true}; - -// types: BE -module.exports.int16BE = { - "bits": 16, "signed": true, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.uInt16BE = { - "bits": 16, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.float16BE = { - "bits": 16, "float": true, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.int24BE = { - "bits": 24, "signed": true, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.uInt24BE = { - "bits": 24, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.int32BE = { - "bits": 32, "signed": true, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.uInt32BE = { - "bits": 32, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.float32BE = { - "bits": 32, "float": true, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.int40BE = { - "bits": 40, "signed": true, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.uInt40BE = { - "bits": 40, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.int48BE = { - "bits": 48, "signed": true, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.uInt48BE = { - "bits": 48, "single": true, "be": true}; -module.exports.float64BE = { - "bits": 64, "float": true, "single": true, "be": true}; - -module.exports.toBytes = toBytes.toBytes; -module.exports.fromBytes = fromBytes.fromBytes; -module.exports.packBooleans = bitPacker.packBooleans; -module.exports.unpackBooleans = bitPacker.unpackBooleans; -module.exports.packCrumbs = bitPacker.packCrumbs; -module.exports.unpackCrumbs = bitPacker.unpackCrumbs; -module.exports.packNibbles = bitPacker.packNibbles; -module.exports.unpackNibbles = bitPacker.unpackNibbles; - - -/***/ }), -/* 4 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/* - * to-bytes: bytes to numbers and strings. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data +exports.int16 = new Type({"bits": 16, "signed": true}); +/** + * Unsigned 16-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ - -const writer = __webpack_require__(13); -const helpers = __webpack_require__(0); -const bitDepthLib = __webpack_require__(2); - +exports.uInt16 = new Type({"bits": 16}); /** - * Turn numbers and strings to bytes. - * @param {!Array|number|string} values The data. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} the data as a byte buffer. + * Half-precision floating-point numbers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function toBytes(values, type) { - let bytes = writeBytes(values, type); - helpers.makeBigEndian(bytes, type.be, type.bits); - helpers.outputToBase(bytes, type.bits, type.base); - helpers.fixFloat16Endianness(bytes, type); - return bytes; -} - +exports.float16 = new Type({"bits": 16, "float": true}); /** - * Write values as bytes. - * @param {!Array|number|string} values The data. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {!Array} the bytes. + * Signed 24-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function writeBytes(values, type) { - let bitWriter; - if (type.char) { - bitWriter = writer.writeString; - } else { - bitWriter = writer[ - 'write' + type.bits + 'Bit' + (type.float ? "Float" : "")]; - } - let i = 0; - let j = 0; - let len = values.length; - let bytes = []; - let minMax = getBitDepthMinMax(type); - while (i < len) { - j = bitWriter(bytes, checkOverflow(values[i], minMax, type), j); - i++; - } - return bytes; -} - +exports.int24 = new Type({"bits": 24, "signed": true}); /** - * Get the minimum and maximum values accordind to the type. - * This should be defined in bit-depth. - * @param {Object} type The options according to the type. - * @return {Object} + * Unsigned 24-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function getBitDepthMinMax(type) { - let minMax = {}; - if (type.signed) { - minMax.max = (bitDepthLib.BitDepthMaxValues[type.bits] / 2) - 1; - minMax.min = (bitDepthLib.BitDepthMaxValues[type.bits] / 2) * -1; - } else { - minMax.max = bitDepthLib.BitDepthMaxValues[type.bits] - 1; - minMax.min = 0; - } - return minMax; -} - +exports.uInt24 = new Type({"bits": 24}); /** - * Limit the value according to the bit depth in case of - * overflow or underflow. - * @param {!Array|number|string} value The data. - * @param {Object} minMax The minimum value. - * @param {Object} options The maximum value. + * Signed 32-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function checkOverflow(value, minMax, options) { - if (!options.float) { - if (value > minMax.max) { - value = minMax.max; - } else if(value < minMax.min) { - value = minMax.min; - } - } - return value; -} - -module.exports.toBytes = toBytes; - - -/***/ }), -/* 5 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/* - * float: Functions to work with 16, 32 & 64 bit floats. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data +exports.int32 = new Type({"bits": 32, "signed": true}); +/** + * Unsigned 32-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ - -const helpers = __webpack_require__(0); - -function getBinary(bytes, rev=false) { - let binary = ""; - let i = 0; - let bytesLength = bytes.length; - while(i < bytesLength) { - let bits = helpers.lPadZeros(bytes[i].toString(2), 8); - if (rev) { - binary = binary + bits; - } else { - binary = bits + binary; - } - i++; - } - return binary; -} - +exports.uInt32 = new Type({"bits": 32}); /** - * Turn bytes to a float 16.. - * Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/8796597 - * @param {number} bytes 2 bytes representing a float 16. + * Single-precision floating-point numbers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function decodeFloat16(bytes) { - let binary = parseInt(getBinary(bytes, true), 2); - let exponent = (binary & 0x7C00) >> 10; - let fraction = binary & 0x03FF; - let floatValue; - if (exponent) { - floatValue = Math.pow(2, exponent - 15) * (1 + fraction / 0x400); - } else { - floatValue = 6.103515625e-5 * (fraction / 0x400); - } - return floatValue * (binary >> 15 ? -1 : 1); -} - +exports.float32 = new Type({"bits": 32, "float": true}); /** - * Turn an array of bytes into a float 64. - * Thanks https://gist.github.com/kg/2192799 - * @param {!Array} bytes 8 bytes representing a float 64. + * Signed 40-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function decodeFloat64(bytes) { - if (bytes.toString() == "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0") { - return 0; - } - let binary = getBinary(bytes); - let significandBin = "1" + binary.substr(1 + 11, 52); - let val = 1; - let significand = 0; - let i = 0; - while (i < significandBin.length) { - significand += val * parseInt(significandBin.charAt(i), 10); - val = val / 2; - i++; - } - let sign = (binary.charAt(0) == "1") ? -1 : 1; - let doubleValue = sign * significand * - Math.pow(2, parseInt(binary.substr(1, 11), 2) - 1023); - return doubleValue; -} - +exports.int40 = new Type({"bits": 40, "signed": true}); /** - * Unpack a 64 bit float into two words. - * Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/16043259 - * @param {number} value A float64 number. - */ -function toFloat64(value) { - if (value == 0) { - return [0, 0]; - } - let hiWord = 0; - let loWord = 0; - if (value <= 0.0) { - hiWord = 0x80000000; - value = -value; - } - let exponent = Math.floor( - Math.log(value) / Math.log(2)); - let significand = Math.floor( - (value / Math.pow(2, exponent)) * Math.pow(2, 52)); - loWord = significand & 0xFFFFFFFF; - significand /= Math.pow(2, 32); - exponent += 1023; - hiWord = hiWord | (exponent << 20); - hiWord = hiWord | (significand & ~(-1 << 20)); - return [hiWord, loWord]; -} - -let floatView = new Float32Array(1); -let int32View = new Int32Array(floatView.buffer); - + * Unsigned 40-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} + */ +exports.uInt40 = new Type({"bits": 40}); /** - * to-half: int bits of half-precision floating point values - * Based on: - * https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2017-April/047994.html - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data + * Signed 48-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function toHalf(val) { - floatView[0] = val; - let x = int32View[0]; - let bits = (x >> 16) & 0x8000; - let m = (x >> 12) & 0x07ff; - let e = (x >> 23) & 0xff; - if (e < 103) { - return bits; - } - bits |= ((e - 112) << 10) | (m >> 1); - bits += m & 1; - return bits; -} - -module.exports.getBinary = getBinary; -module.exports.decodeFloat16 = decodeFloat16; -module.exports.decodeFloat64 = decodeFloat64; -module.exports.toFloat64 = toFloat64; -module.exports.toHalf = toHalf; - - -/***/ }), -/* 6 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -var int8 = new Int8Array(4) -var int32 = new Int32Array(int8.buffer, 0, 1) -var float32 = new Float32Array(int8.buffer, 0, 1) - -function pack(i) { - int32[0] = i - return float32[0] -} - -function unpack(f) { - float32[0] = f - return int32[0] -} - -module.exports = pack -module.exports.pack = pack -module.exports.unpack = unpack - -/***/ }), -/* 7 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/* - * from-bytes: convert bytes to numbers and strings. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data +exports.int48 = new Type({"bits": 48, "signed": true}); +/** + * Unsigned 48-bit integers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ - -const reader = __webpack_require__(14); -const bitDepths = __webpack_require__(2); -const helpers = __webpack_require__(0); - +exports.uInt48 = new Type({"bits": 48}); /** - * Turn a byte buffer into what the bytes represent. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer An array of bytes. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {!Array|number|string} + * Double-precision floating-point numbers little-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function fromBytes(buffer, type) { - let bitDepth = type.bits; - helpers.fixFloat16Endianness(buffer, type); - helpers.makeBigEndian(buffer, type.be, bitDepth); - bytesToInt(buffer, type.base); - let values = readBytes( - buffer, - type, - getBitReader(type) - ); - if (type.single) { - values = getSingleValue(values, type); - } - return values; -} - +exports.float64 = new Type({"bits": 64, "float": true}); +// BE /** - * Return a function to read binary data. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {Function} + * Signed 16-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function getBitReader(type) { - return type.char ? - reader.readChar : reader[getReaderName(type.bits, type.float)]; -} - +exports.int16BE = new Type({"bits": 16, "signed": true, "be": true}); /** - * Return the first value from the result value array. - * @param {!Array|string} values The values. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {number|string} + * Unsigned 16-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function getSingleValue(values, type) { - if (type.char) { - values = values.slice(0, type.bits / 8); - } else { - values = values[0]; - } - return values; -} - +exports.uInt16BE = new Type({"bits": 16, "be": true}); /** - * Turn a array of bytes into an array of what the bytes should represent. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {Object} type The type. - * @param {Function} bitReader The function to read the bytes. - * @return {!Array|string} + * Half-precision floating-point numbers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function readBytes(bytes, type, bitReader) { - let values = []; - let i = 0; - let len = bytes.length - (type.offset -1); - let theSignFunction = signFunction(type); - while (i < len) { - values.push( - theSignFunction( - bitReader(bytes, i, type), - bitDepths.BitDepthMaxValues[type.bits] - ) - ); - i += type.offset; - } - if (type.char) { - values = values.join(""); - } - return values; -} - +exports.float16BE = new Type({"bits": 16, "float": true, "be": true}); /** - * Return the function to apply sign or not to a type. - * @param {Object} type The type. - * @return {Function} + * Signed 24-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function signFunction(type) { - return type.signed && !type.float ? - helpers.signed : function(x){return x;}; -} - +exports.int24BE = new Type({"bits": 24, "signed": true, "be": true}); /** - * Build a bit reading function name based on the arguments. - * @param {number} bits The bit depth. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64. - * @param {boolean} float True if the values are IEEE floating point numbers. - * @return {string} + * Unsigned 24-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function getReaderName(bits, float) { - return 'read' + (bits < 8 ? 8 : bits) + - 'Bit' + (float ? "Float" : ""); -} - +exports.uInt24BE = new Type({"bits": 24, "be": true}); /** - * Turn bytes to base 10. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes as binary or hex strings. - * @param {number} base The base. + * Signed 32-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -function bytesToInt(bytes, base) { - if (base != 10) { - let i = 0; - let len = bytes.length; - while(i < len) { - bytes[i] = parseInt(bytes[i], base); - i++; - } - } -} - -module.exports.fromBytes = fromBytes; - - -/***/ }), -/* 8 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/* - * wavefile - * Read & write wave files with 8, 16, 24, 32 & 64-bit data. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/wavefile - * +exports.int32BE = new Type({"bits": 32, "signed": true, "be": true}); +/** + * Unsigned 32-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ - +exports.uInt32BE = new Type({"bits": 32, "be": true}); /** - * Error messages. - * @enum {string} + * Single-precision floating-point numbers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -module.exports = { - "format": "Not a supported format.", - "wave": "Could not find the 'WAVE' format identifier", - "fmt ": "Could not find the 'fmt ' chunk", - "data": "Could not find the 'data' chunk", - "fact": "Could not find the 'fact' chunk", - "bitDepth": "Invalid bit depth.", - "numChannels": "Invalid number of channels.", - "sampleRate": "Invalid sample rate." -}; - -/***/ }), -/* 9 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - +exports.float32BE = new Type({"bits": 32, "float": true, "be": true}); /** - * type: The Type class. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data + * Signed 40-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ - - -const bitParser = __webpack_require__(23); - +exports.int40BE = new Type({"bits": 40, "signed": true, "be": true}); /** - * A class to represent byte-data types. + * Unsigned 40-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} */ -class Type { - - /** - * @param {Object} options The type definition. - * @param {number} options.bits Number of bits used by data of this type. - * @param {boolean} options.char True for string/char types. - * @param {boolean} options.float True for float types. - * Available only for 16, 32 and 64-bit data. - * @param {boolean} options.be True for signed types. - * @param {boolean} options.signed True for signed types. - */ - constructor(options) { - /** - * The max number of bits used by data of this type. - * @type {number} - */ - this.bits = options["bits"]; - /** - * If this type represent floating-point values or not. - * @type {boolean} - */ - this.char = options["char"]; - /** - * If this type it is signed or not. - * @type {boolean} - */ - this.float = options["float"]; - /** - * If this type is big-endian or not. - * @type {boolean} - */ - this.be = options["be"]; - /** - * If this type it is signed or not. - * @type {boolean} - */ - this.signed = this.float ? true : options["signed"]; - /** - * The function to read values of this type from buffers. - * @type {Function} - */ - this.reader = null; - /** - * The function to write values of this type to buffers. - * @type {Function} - */ - this.writer = null; - /** - * The number of bytes used by data of this type. - * @type {number} - */ - this.offset = 0; - /** - * The base used to represent data of this type. - * Default is 10. - * @type {number} - */ - this.base = options["base"] ? options["base"] : 10; - /** - * Min value for numbers of this type. - * @type {number} - */ - this.min = -Infinity; - /** - * Max value for numbers of this type. - * @type {number} - */ - this.max = Infinity; - this.build_(); - this.realBits = this.bits; - } - - /** - * Sign a number according to the type. - * @param {number} num The number. - * @return {number} - */ - sign(num) { - if (num > this.max) { - num -= (this.max * 2) + 2; - } - return num; - } - - /** - * Limit the value according to the bit depth in case of - * overflow or underflow. - * @param {number} value The data. - * @return {number} - */ - overflow(value) { - if (value > this.max) { - value = this.max; - } else if (value < this.min) { - value = this.min; - } - return value; - } - - /** - * Build the type. - * @private - */ - build_() { - this.setRealBits_(); - this.offset = this.bits < 8 ? 1 : this.realBits / 8; - this.setReader_(); - this.setWriter_(); - if (!this.float) { - this.setMinMax_(); - } - } - - /** - * Set the function to read data of this type. - * @private - */ - setReader_() { - if (this.char) { - this.reader = bitParser.BitReader["readChar"]; - } else { - this.reader = bitParser.BitReader[ - 'read' + (this.bits < 8 ? 8 : this.realBits) + - 'Bit' + (this.float ? "Float" : "")]; - } - } - - /** - * Set the function to write data of this type. - * @private - */ - setWriter_() { - if (this.char) { - this.writer = bitParser.BitWriter["writeString"]; - } else { - this.writer = bitParser.BitWriter[ - 'write' + this.realBits + 'Bit' + (this.float ? "Float" : "")]; - } - } - - /** - * Set the minimum and maximum values for the type. - * @private - */ - setMinMax_() { - let max = Math.pow(2, this.bits); - if (this.signed) { - this.max = (max / 2) -1; - this.min = -max / 2; - } else { - this.max = max - 1; - this.min = 0; - } - } - - /** - * Set the real bit depth for data with bit count different from the - * standard types (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 40, 48, 64): the closest bigger - * standard number of bits. The data is then treated as data of the - * standard type on all aspects except for the min and max values. - * Ex: a 11-bit uInt is treated as 16-bit uInt with a max value of 2048. - * @private - */ - setRealBits_() { - if (this.bits > 8) { - if (this.bits <= 16) { - this.realBits = 16; - } else if (this.bits <= 24) { - this.realBits = 24; - } else if (this.bits <= 32) { - this.realBits = 32; - } else if (this.bits <= 40) { - this.realBits = 40; - } else if (this.bits <= 48) { - this.realBits = 48; - } else if (this.bits <= 53) { - this.realBits = 53; - } else { - this.realBits = 64; - } - } else { - this.realBits = this.bits; - } - } -} - -module.exports = Type; +exports.uInt40BE = new Type({"bits": 40, "be": true}); +/** + * Signed 48-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} + */ +exports.int48BE = new Type({"bits": 48, "signed": true, "be": true}); +/** + * Unsigned 48-bit integers big-endian + * @type {Object} + */ +exports.uInt48BE = new Type({"bits": 48, "be": true}); +/** + * Double-precision floating-point numbers big-endian + * @type {Object} + */ +exports.float64BE = new Type({"bits": 64, "float": true, "be": true}); /***/ }), -/* 10 */ +/* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** @@ -1068,7 +432,7 @@ let f64 = new Float64Array(1); /** @private */ let ui32 = new Uint32Array(f64.buffer); /** @private */ -let GInt = __webpack_require__(27); +let GInt = __webpack_require__(8); /** * A class to represent byte-data types. @@ -1286,156 +650,438 @@ module.exports = Type; /***/ }), -/* 11 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +/* 2 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { /*! - * alawmulaw - * JavaScript A-Law and mu-Law codecs. - * Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/alawmulaw - * + * endianness + * Swap endianness in byte arrays. + * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. + * https://github.com/rochars/endianness + * */ -module.exports.alaw = __webpack_require__(28); -module.exports.mulaw = __webpack_require__(29); - - -/***/ }), -/* 12 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/*! - * wavefile - * Read & write wave files with 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 & 64-bit data. - * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. +/** + * Swap the endianness of units of information in a byte array. + * The original array is modified in-place. + * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {number} offset The number of bytes of each unit of information. + */ +function endianness(bytes, offset) { + let len = bytes.length; + let i = 0; + while (i < len) { + swap(bytes, offset, i); + i += offset; + } +} + +/** + * Swap the endianness of a unit of information in a byte array. + * The original array is modified in-place. + * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {number} offset The number of bytes of the unit of information. + * @param {number} index The start index of the unit of information. + */ +function swap(bytes, offset, index) { + let x = 0; + let y = offset - 1; + let limit = parseInt(offset / 2, 10); + while(x < limit) { + let theByte = bytes[index + x]; + bytes[index + x] = bytes[index + y]; + bytes[index + y] = theByte; + x++; + y--; + } +} + +module.exports = endianness; + + +/***/ }), +/* 3 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { + +/* + * wavefile + * Read & write wave files with 8, 16, 24, 32 & 64-bit data. + * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. * https://github.com/rochars/wavefile * */ -const byteData = __webpack_require__(3); -const uInt8 = byteData.uInt8; -const bitDepthLib = __webpack_require__(17); -const WaveErrors = __webpack_require__(8); -const WaveFileReaderWriter = __webpack_require__(18); -const riffChunks = __webpack_require__(20); -const adpcm = __webpack_require__(24); -const alaw = __webpack_require__(11).alaw; -const mulaw = __webpack_require__(11).mulaw; +/** + * Error messages. + * @enum {string} + */ +module.exports = { + "format": "Not a supported format.", + "wave": "Could not find the 'WAVE' format identifier", + "fmt ": "Could not find the 'fmt ' chunk", + "data": "Could not find the 'data' chunk", + "fact": "Could not find the 'fact' chunk", + "bitDepth": "Invalid bit depth.", + "numChannels": "Invalid number of channels.", + "sampleRate": "Invalid sample rate." +}; + +/***/ }), +/* 4 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** - * WaveFile + * type: The Type class. + * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. + * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data */ -class WaveFile extends WaveFileReaderWriter { - /** - * @param {Uint8Array} bytes A wave file buffer. - */ - constructor(bytes) { - super(); - if(bytes) { - this.fromBuffer(bytes); - } - } + +const bitParser = __webpack_require__(15); + +/** + * A class to represent byte-data types. + */ +class Type { /** - * Create a WaveFile object based on the arguments passed. - * @param {number} numChannels The number of channels - * (Ints like 1 for mono, 2 stereo and so on). - * @param {number} sampleRate The sample rate. - * Integer numbers like 8000, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192000. - * @param {string} bitDepth The audio bit depth. - * One of "8", "16", "24", "32", "32f", "64". - * @param {!Array} samples Array of samples to be written. - * Samples must be in the correct range according to the bit depth. - * Samples of multi-channel data . + * @param {Object} options The type definition. + * @param {number} options.bits Number of bits used by data of this type. + * @param {boolean} options.char True for string/char types. + * @param {boolean} options.float True for float types. + * Available only for 16, 32 and 64-bit data. + * @param {boolean} options.be True for signed types. + * @param {boolean} options.signed True for signed types. */ - fromScratch(numChannels, sampleRate, bitDepth, samples, options={}) { - this.cbSize = 0; - this.validBitsPerSample = 0; - this.factChunkId = ""; - this.factChunkSize = 0; - this.factChunkData = []; - this.dwSampleLength = 0; - if (!options.container) { - options.container = "RIFF"; - } - let bytes = parseInt(bitDepth, 10) / 8; - this.chunkSize = 36 + samples.length * bytes; - this.fmtChunkSize = 16; - this.byteRate = (numChannels * bytes) * sampleRate; - this.blockAlign = numChannels * bytes; - this.chunkId = options.container; - this.format = "WAVE"; - this.fmtChunkId = "fmt "; - this.audioFormat = this.headerFormats_[bitDepth]; - this.numChannels = numChannels; - this.sampleRate = sampleRate; - this.bitsPerSample = parseInt(bitDepth, 10); - this.dataChunkId = "data"; - this.dataChunkSize = samples.length * bytes; - this.samples = samples; - this.bitDepth = bitDepth; - // adpcm - if (bitDepth == "4") { - this.chunkSize = 44 + samples.length; - this.fmtChunkSize = 20; - this.byteRate = 4055; - this.blockAlign = 256; - this.bitsPerSample = 4; - this.dataChunkSize = samples.length; - this.cbSize = 2; - this.validBitsPerSample = 505; - this.factChunkId = "fact"; - this.factChunkSize = 4; - this.dwSampleLength = samples.length * 2; - } - // A-Law or mu-Law - if (bitDepth == "8a" || bitDepth == "8m") { - this.chunkSize = 44 + samples.length; - this.fmtChunkSize = 20; - this.cbSize = 2; - this.validBitsPerSample = 8; - this.factChunkId = "fact"; - this.factChunkSize = 4; - this.dwSampleLength = samples.length; - } + constructor(options) { + /** + * The max number of bits used by data of this type. + * @type {number} + */ + this.bits = options["bits"]; + /** + * If this type represent floating-point values or not. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.char = options["char"]; + /** + * If this type it is signed or not. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.float = options["float"]; + /** + * If this type is big-endian or not. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.be = options["be"]; + /** + * If this type it is signed or not. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.signed = this.float ? true : options["signed"]; + /** + * The function to read values of this type from buffers. + * @type {Function} + */ + this.reader = null; + /** + * The function to write values of this type to buffers. + * @type {Function} + */ + this.writer = null; + /** + * The number of bytes used by data of this type. + * @type {number} + */ + this.offset = 0; + /** + * The base used to represent data of this type. + * Default is 10. + * @type {number} + */ + this.base = options["base"] ? options["base"] : 10; + /** + * Min value for numbers of this type. + * @type {number} + */ + this.min = -Infinity; + /** + * Max value for numbers of this type. + * @type {number} + */ + this.max = Infinity; + this.build_(); + this.realBits = this.bits; } /** - * Init a WaveFile object from a byte buffer. - * @param {Uint8Array} bytes The buffer. + * Sign a number according to the type. + * @param {number} num The number. + * @return {number} */ - fromBuffer(bytes) { - this.readRIFFChunk_(bytes); - let bigEndian = this.chunkId == "RIFX"; - let chunk = riffChunks.read(bytes, bigEndian); - this.readFmtChunk_(chunk.subChunks); - this.readFactChunk_(chunk.subChunks); - this.readBextChunk_(chunk.subChunks); - this.readCueChunk_(chunk.subChunks); - this.readDataChunk_( - chunk.subChunks, - {"be": bigEndian, "single": true} - ); - if (this.audioFormat == 3 && this.bitsPerSample == 32) { - this.bitDepth = "32f"; - }else { - this.bitDepth = this.bitsPerSample.toString(); + sign(num) { + if (num > this.max) { + num -= (this.max * 2) + 2; } + return num; } /** - * Turn the WaveFile object into a byte buffer. - * @return {Uint8Array} + * Limit the value according to the bit depth in case of + * overflow or underflow. + * @param {number} value The data. + * @return {number} */ - toBuffer() { - this.checkWriteInput_(); - return new Uint8Array(this.createWaveFile_()); + overflow(value) { + if (value > this.max) { + value = this.max; + } else if (value < this.min) { + value = this.min; + } + return value; } /** - * Turn the file to RIFF. + * Build the type. + * @private + */ + build_() { + this.setRealBits_(); + this.offset = this.bits < 8 ? 1 : this.realBits / 8; + this.setReader_(); + this.setWriter_(); + if (!this.float) { + this.setMinMax_(); + } + } + + /** + * Set the function to read data of this type. + * @private + */ + setReader_() { + if (this.char) { + this.reader = bitParser.BitReader["readChar"]; + } else { + this.reader = bitParser.BitReader[ + 'read' + (this.bits < 8 ? 8 : this.realBits) + + 'Bit' + (this.float ? "Float" : "")]; + } + } + + /** + * Set the function to write data of this type. + * @private + */ + setWriter_() { + if (this.char) { + this.writer = bitParser.BitWriter["writeString"]; + } else { + this.writer = bitParser.BitWriter[ + 'write' + this.realBits + 'Bit' + (this.float ? "Float" : "")]; + } + } + + /** + * Set the minimum and maximum values for the type. + * @private + */ + setMinMax_() { + let max = Math.pow(2, this.bits); + if (this.signed) { + this.max = (max / 2) -1; + this.min = -max / 2; + } else { + this.max = max - 1; + this.min = 0; + } + } + + /** + * Set the real bit depth for data with bit count different from the + * standard types (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 40, 48, 64): the closest bigger + * standard number of bits. The data is then treated as data of the + * standard type on all aspects except for the min and max values. + * Ex: a 11-bit uInt is treated as 16-bit uInt with a max value of 2048. + * @private + */ + setRealBits_() { + if (this.bits > 8) { + if (this.bits <= 16) { + this.realBits = 16; + } else if (this.bits <= 24) { + this.realBits = 24; + } else if (this.bits <= 32) { + this.realBits = 32; + } else if (this.bits <= 40) { + this.realBits = 40; + } else if (this.bits <= 48) { + this.realBits = 48; + } else if (this.bits <= 53) { + this.realBits = 53; + } else { + this.realBits = 64; + } + } else { + this.realBits = this.bits; + } + } +} + +module.exports = Type; + + +/***/ }), +/* 5 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +/*! + * alawmulaw + * JavaScript A-Law and mu-Law codecs. + * Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. + * https://github.com/rochars/alawmulaw + * + */ + +module.exports.alaw = __webpack_require__(17); +module.exports.mulaw = __webpack_require__(18); + + +/***/ }), +/* 6 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +/*! + * wavefile + * Read & write wave files with 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 & 64-bit data. + * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. + * https://github.com/rochars/wavefile + * + */ + +const byteData = __webpack_require__(0); +const uInt8 = byteData.uInt8; +const bitDepthLib = __webpack_require__(9); +const WaveErrors = __webpack_require__(3); +const WaveFileReaderWriter = __webpack_require__(10); +const riffChunks = __webpack_require__(12); +const adpcm = __webpack_require__(16); +const alaw = __webpack_require__(5).alaw; +const mulaw = __webpack_require__(5).mulaw; + +/** + * WaveFile + */ +class WaveFile extends WaveFileReaderWriter { + + /** + * @param {Uint8Array} bytes A wave file buffer. + */ + constructor(bytes) { + super(); + if(bytes) { + this.fromBuffer(bytes); + } + } + + /** + * Create a WaveFile object based on the arguments passed. + * @param {number} numChannels The number of channels + * (Ints like 1 for mono, 2 stereo and so on). + * @param {number} sampleRate The sample rate. + * Integer numbers like 8000, 44100, 48000, 96000, 192000. + * @param {string} bitDepth The audio bit depth. + * One of "8", "16", "24", "32", "32f", "64". + * @param {!Array} samples Array of samples to be written. + * Samples must be in the correct range according to the bit depth. + * Samples of multi-channel data . + */ + fromScratch(numChannels, sampleRate, bitDepth, samples, options={}) { + this.cbSize = 0; + this.validBitsPerSample = 0; + this.factChunkId = ""; + this.factChunkSize = 0; + this.factChunkData = []; + this.dwSampleLength = 0; + if (!options.container) { + options.container = "RIFF"; + } + let bytes = parseInt(bitDepth, 10) / 8; + this.chunkSize = 36 + samples.length * bytes; + this.fmtChunkSize = 16; + this.byteRate = (numChannels * bytes) * sampleRate; + this.blockAlign = numChannels * bytes; + this.chunkId = options.container; + this.format = "WAVE"; + this.fmtChunkId = "fmt "; + this.audioFormat = this.headerFormats_[bitDepth]; + this.numChannels = numChannels; + this.sampleRate = sampleRate; + this.bitsPerSample = parseInt(bitDepth, 10); + this.dataChunkId = "data"; + this.dataChunkSize = samples.length * bytes; + this.samples = samples; + this.bitDepth = bitDepth; + // adpcm + if (bitDepth == "4") { + this.chunkSize = 44 + samples.length; + this.fmtChunkSize = 20; + this.byteRate = 4055; + this.blockAlign = 256; + this.bitsPerSample = 4; + this.dataChunkSize = samples.length; + this.cbSize = 2; + this.validBitsPerSample = 505; + this.factChunkId = "fact"; + this.factChunkSize = 4; + this.dwSampleLength = samples.length * 2; + } + // A-Law or mu-Law + if (bitDepth == "8a" || bitDepth == "8m") { + this.chunkSize = 44 + samples.length; + this.fmtChunkSize = 20; + this.cbSize = 2; + this.validBitsPerSample = 8; + this.factChunkId = "fact"; + this.factChunkSize = 4; + this.dwSampleLength = samples.length; + } + } + + /** + * Init a WaveFile object from a byte buffer. + * @param {Uint8Array} bytes The buffer. + */ + fromBuffer(bytes) { + this.readRIFFChunk_(bytes); + let bigEndian = this.chunkId == "RIFX"; + let chunk = riffChunks.read(bytes, bigEndian); + this.readFmtChunk_(chunk.subChunks); + this.readFactChunk_(chunk.subChunks); + this.readBextChunk_(chunk.subChunks); + this.readCueChunk_(chunk.subChunks); + this.readDataChunk_( + chunk.subChunks, + {"be": bigEndian, "single": true} + ); + if (this.audioFormat == 3 && this.bitsPerSample == 32) { + this.bitDepth = "32f"; + }else { + this.bitDepth = this.bitsPerSample.toString(); + } + } + + /** + * Turn the WaveFile object into a byte buffer. + * @return {Uint8Array} + */ + toBuffer() { + this.checkWriteInput_(); + return new Uint8Array(this.createWaveFile_()); + } + + /** + * Turn the file to RIFF. */ toRIFF() { this.chunkId = "RIFF"; @@ -1461,7 +1107,7 @@ class WaveFile extends WaveFileReaderWriter { this.numChannels, this.sampleRate, bitDepth, - byteData.unpackArray(this.samples, uInt8), + this.samples, {"container": this.chunkId} ); } @@ -1631,690 +1277,517 @@ window['WaveFile'] = WaveFile; /***/ }), -/* 13 */ +/* 7 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -/* - * write-bytes: Functions to turn data into bytes. +/** + * from-bytes: Numbers and strings from bytes. * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data */ -const floats = __webpack_require__(5); -const intBits = __webpack_require__(6); - -function write64BitFloat(bytes, number, j) { - let bits = floats.toFloat64(number); - j = write32Bit(bytes, bits[1], j); - return write32Bit(bytes, bits[0], j); -} - -// https://github.com/majimboo/c-struct -function write48Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >> 8 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >> 16 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >> 24 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number / 0x100000000 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number / 0x10000000000 & 0xFF; - return j; -} - -// https://github.com/majimboo/c-struct -function write40Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >> 8 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >> 16 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >> 24 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number / 0x100000000 & 0xFF; - return j; -} - -function write32BitFloat(bytes, number, j) { - let bits = intBits.unpack(number); - bytes[j++] = bits & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = bits >>> 8 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = bits >>> 16 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = bits >>> 24 & 0xFF; - return j; -} +const Type = __webpack_require__(1); +const endianness = __webpack_require__(2); -function write32Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >>> 8 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >>> 16 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >>> 24 & 0xFF; - return j; +/** + * Turn a byte buffer into what the bytes represent. + * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer An array of bytes. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @return {!Array|number|string} + */ +function fromBytes(buffer, type) { + if (type.be) { + endianness(buffer, type.offset); + } + if (type.base != 10) { + bytesFromBase(buffer, type.base); + } + return readBytes(buffer, type); } -function write24Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >>> 8 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >>> 16 & 0xFF; - return j; -} - -function write16Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = number >>> 8 & 0xFF; - return j; -} - -function write16BitFloat(bytes, number, j) { - let bits = floats.toHalf(number); - bytes[j++] = bits >>> 8 & 0xFF; - bytes[j++] = bits & 0xFF; - return j; -} - -function write8Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number & 0xFF; - return j; -} - -function write4Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number & 0xF; - return j; -} - -function write2Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number < 0 ? number + 4 : number; - return j; -} - -function write1Bit(bytes, number, j) { - bytes[j++] = number ? 1 : 0; - return j; -} - -function writeString(bytes, string, j) { - bytes[j++] = string.charCodeAt(0); - return j; -} - -module.exports.write64BitFloat = write64BitFloat; -module.exports.write48Bit = write48Bit; -module.exports.write40Bit = write40Bit; -module.exports.write32BitFloat = write32BitFloat; -module.exports.write32Bit = write32Bit; -module.exports.write24Bit = write24Bit; -module.exports.write16Bit = write16Bit; -module.exports.write16BitFloat = write16BitFloat; -module.exports.write8Bit = write8Bit; -module.exports.write4Bit = write4Bit; -module.exports.write2Bit = write2Bit; -module.exports.write1Bit = write1Bit; -module.exports.writeString = writeString; - - -/***/ }), -/* 14 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/* - * read-bytes: Function to read data from bytes. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data - */ - -let helpers = __webpack_require__(0); -const floats = __webpack_require__(5); -const intBits = __webpack_require__(6); - /** - * Read a group of bytes by turning it to bits. - * Useful for 40 & 48-bit, but underperform. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes - * (1 for 8-bit, 2 for 16-bit, etc). - * @return {number} + * Turn numbers and strings to bytes. + * @param {!Array|number|string} values The data. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @return {!Array|!Array} the data as a byte buffer. */ -function readBytesAsBits(bytes, i, numBytes) { - let j = numBytes-1; - let bits = ""; - while (j >= 0) { - bits += helpers.bytePadding(bytes[j + i].toString(2), 2); - j--; +function toBytes(values, type) { + let bytes = writeBytes(values, type); + if (type.be) { + endianness(bytes, type.offset); } - return parseInt(bits, 2); -} - -/** - * Read 1 8-bit int from from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read8Bit(bytes, i) { - return bytes[i]; -} - -/** - * Read 1 16-bit int from from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read16Bit(bytes, i) { - return bytes[1 + i] << 8 | bytes[i]; -} - -/** - * Read 1 16-bit float from from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read16BitFloat(bytes, i) { - return floats.decodeFloat16(bytes.slice(i,i+2)); -} - -/** - * Read 1 24-bit int from from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read24Bit(bytes, i) { - return bytes[2 + i] << 16 | - bytes[1 + i] << 8 | - bytes[i]; -} - -/** - * Read 1 32-bit int from from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read32Bit(bytes, i) { - return (bytes[3 + i] << 24 | - bytes[2 + i] << 16 | - bytes[1 + i] << 8 | - bytes[i]) >>> 0; -} - -/** - * Read 1 32-bit float from from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read32BitFloat(bytes, i) { - return intBits.pack(read32Bit(bytes, i)); -} - -/** - * Read 1 40-bit int from from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read40Bit(bytes, i) { - return readBytesAsBits(bytes, i, 5); -} - -/** - * Read 1 48-bit int from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read48Bit(bytes, i) { - return readBytesAsBits(bytes, i, 6); -} - -/** - * Read 1 64-bit double from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {number} - */ -function read64BitFloat(bytes, i) { - return floats.decodeFloat64(bytes.slice(i,i+8)); -} - -/** - * Read 1 char from bytes. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @return {string} - */ -function readChar(bytes, i, type) { - let chrs = ""; - let j = 0; - let len = type.bits / 8; - while(j < len) { - chrs += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i+j]); - j++; + if (type.base != 10) { + bytesToBase(bytes, type.base); + formatOutput(bytes, type); } - return chrs; + return bytes; } -module.exports.readChar = readChar; -module.exports.read8Bit = read8Bit; -module.exports.read16Bit = read16Bit; -module.exports.read16BitFloat = read16BitFloat; -module.exports.read24Bit = read24Bit; -module.exports.read32Bit = read32Bit; -module.exports.read32BitFloat = read32BitFloat; -module.exports.read40Bit = read40Bit; -module.exports.read48Bit = read48Bit; -module.exports.read64BitFloat = read64BitFloat; - - -/***/ }), -/* 15 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/* - * bit-packer: Pack and unpack nibbles, crumbs and booleans into bytes. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data - */ - -let helpers = __webpack_require__(0); - /** - * Pack 2 nibbles in 1 byte. - * @param {!Array} nibbles Array of nibbles. - * @return {!Array} Pairs of neebles packed as one byte. + * Turn a array of bytes into an array of what the bytes should represent. + * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. + * @param {Object} type The type. + * @return {!Array|string} */ -function packNibbles(nibbles) { - let packed = []; +function readBytes(bytes, type) { + let values = []; let i = 0; - let j = 0; - let len = nibbles.length; - if (len % 2) { - nibbles.push(0); - } + let len = bytes.length - (type.offset - 1); while (i < len) { - packed[j++] = parseInt( - nibbles[i].toString(16) + nibbles[i+1].toString(16), 16); - i+=2; + values.push(type.reader(bytes, i)); + i += type.offset; + } + if (type.char) { + values = values.join(""); } - return packed; + return values; } /** - * Unpack a byte into 2 nibbles. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes Array of bytes. - * @return {!Array} The nibbles. + * Write values as bytes. + * @param {!Array|number|string} values The data. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @return {!Array} the bytes. */ -function unpackNibbles(bytes) { - let unpacked = []; +function writeBytes(values, type) { let i = 0; let j = 0; - let len = bytes.length; + let len = values.length; + let bytes = []; while (i < len) { - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bytes[i].toString(16)[0], 16); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bytes[i].toString(16)[1], 16); - i++; + j = type.writer(bytes, values[i++], j); } - return unpacked; + return bytes; } /** - * Pack 4 crumbs in 1 byte. - * @param {!Array} crumbs Array of crumbs. - * @return {!Array} 4 crumbs packed as one byte. + * Get the full type spec for the reading/writing. + * @param {Object} type One of the available types. + * @param {number} base The base of the input. + * @return {Object} */ -function packCrumbs(crumbs) { - let packed = []; - let i = 0; - let j = 0; - fixByteArraySize(crumbs, 4); - let len = crumbs.length - 3; - while (i < len) { - packed[j++] = parseInt( - helpers.lPadZeros(crumbs[i].toString(2), 2) + - helpers.lPadZeros(crumbs[i+1].toString(2), 2) + - helpers.lPadZeros(crumbs[i+2].toString(2), 2) + - helpers.lPadZeros(crumbs[i+3].toString(2), 2), 2); - i+=4; - } - return packed; +function getType(type, base) { + let theType = Object.assign(new Type({}), type); + theType.base = base; + return theType; } /** - * Unpack a byte into 4 crumbs. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} crumbs Array of bytes. - * @return {!Array} The crumbs. + * Turn bytes to base 10 from base 2 or 16. + * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes as binary or hex strings. + * @param {number} base The base. */ -function unpackCrumbs(crumbs) { - let unpacked = []; +function bytesFromBase(bytes, base) { let i = 0; - let j = 0; - let len = crumbs.length; - let bitCrumb; - while (i < len) { - bitCrumb = helpers.lPadZeros(crumbs[i].toString(2), 8); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitCrumb[0] + bitCrumb[1], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitCrumb[2] + bitCrumb[3], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitCrumb[4] + bitCrumb[5], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitCrumb[6] + bitCrumb[7], 2); + let len = bytes.length; + while(i < len) { + bytes[i] = parseInt(bytes[i], base); i++; } - return unpacked; -} - -/** - * Pack 8 booleans in 1 byte. - * @param {!Array} booleans Array of booleans. - * @return {!Array} 4 crumbs packed as one byte. - */ -function packBooleans(booleans) { - let packed = []; - let i = 0; - let j = 0; - fixByteArraySize(booleans, 8); - let len = booleans.length - 7; - while (i < len) { - packed[j++] = parseInt( - booleans[i].toString(2) + - booleans[i+1].toString(2) + - booleans[i+2].toString(2) + - booleans[i+3].toString(2) + - booleans[i+4].toString(2) + - booleans[i+5].toString(2) + - booleans[i+6].toString(2) + - booleans[i+7].toString(2), 2); - i+=8; - } - return packed; } /** - * Unpack a byte into 8 booleans. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} booleans Array of bytes. - * @return {!Array} The booleans. + * Turn the output to the correct base. + * @param {Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {Object} type The type. */ -function unpackBooleans(booleans) { - let unpacked = []; +function formatOutput(bytes, type) { let i = 0; - let j = 0; - let len = booleans.length; - let bitBoolean; - while (i < len) { - bitBoolean = helpers.lPadZeros(booleans[i].toString(2), 8); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[0], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[1], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[2], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[3], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[4], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[5], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[6], 2); - unpacked[j++] = parseInt(bitBoolean[7], 2); + let len = bytes.length; + let offset = (type.base == 2 ? 8 : 2) + 1; + while(i < len) { + bytes[i] = Array(offset - bytes[i].length).join("0") + bytes[i]; i++; } - return unpacked; } /** - * Pad a array with zeros to the right. - * @param {!Array} byteArray The array. - * @param {number} numZeros the max number of zeros. - * For 1 binary byte string it should be 8. - * TODO: better explanation of numZeros + * Turn bytes from base 10 to base 2 or 16. + * @param {!Array|Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {number} base The base. */ -function fixByteArraySize(byteArray, numZeros) { +function bytesToBase(bytes, base) { let i = 0; - let fix = byteArray.length % numZeros; - if (fix) { - fix = (fix - numZeros) * -1; - while(i < fix) { - byteArray.push(0); - i++; - } + let len = bytes.length; + while (i < len) { + bytes[i] = bytes[i].toString(base); + i++; } } -module.exports.packBooleans = packBooleans; -module.exports.unpackBooleans = unpackBooleans; -module.exports.packCrumbs = packCrumbs; -module.exports.unpackCrumbs = unpackCrumbs; -module.exports.packNibbles = packNibbles; -module.exports.unpackNibbles = unpackNibbles; +exports.getType = getType; +exports.toBytes = toBytes; +exports.fromBytes = fromBytes; /***/ }), -/* 16 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +/* 8 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { -/* - * byte-data - * Readable data to and from byte buffers. +/** + * gint: Generic integer. + * A class to represent any integer from 1 to 53-Bit. * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data - * - */ - -let toBytes = __webpack_require__(4); -let fromBytes = __webpack_require__(7); -let helpers = __webpack_require__(0); - -/** - * Turn a number or string into a byte buffer. - * @param {number|string} value The value. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. - * @return {!Array|!Array} - */ -function pack(value, type, base=10) { - let theType = helpers.getType(type, base, true); - value = theType.char ? value.slice(0, type.bits / 8) : value; - return toBytes.toBytes(helpers.turnToArray(value), theType); -} - -/** - * Turn a byte buffer into a readable value. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer An array of bytes. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. - * @return {number|string} - */ -function unpack(buffer, type, base=10) { - return fromBytes.fromBytes(buffer, helpers.getType(type, base, true)); -} - -/** - * Turn a array of numbers into a byte buffer. - * @param {!Array|string} values The values. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. - * @return {!Array|!Array} */ -function packArray(values, type, base=10) { - return toBytes.toBytes(values, helpers.getType(type, base, false)); -} /** - * Turn a byte array into a sequence of readable values. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer The byte array. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. - * @return {!Array|string} + * A class to represent any integer from 1 to 53-Bit. */ -function unpackArray(buffer, type, base=10) { - return fromBytes.fromBytes(buffer, helpers.getType(type, base, false)); -} +class GInt { -/** - * Find and return the start index of some string. - * Return -1 if the string is not found. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} buffer A byte buffer. - * @param {string} text Some string to look for. - * @return {number} The start index of the first occurrence, -1 if not found - */ -function findString(buffer, text) { - let found = ""; - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { - found = unpack( - buffer.slice(i, i + text.length + 1), - {"bits": text.length * 8, "char": true}); - if (found == text) { - return i; - } - } - return -1; -} - -/** - * Turn a struct into a byte buffer. - * A struct is an array of values of not necessarily the same type. - * @param {Array} struct The struct values. - * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. - * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. - * @return {!Array|!Array} - */ -function packStruct(struct, def, base=10) { - if (struct.length < def.length) { - return []; - } - let bytes = []; - for (let i = 0; i < def.length; i++) { - bytes = bytes.concat(pack(struct[i], def[i], base)); - } - return bytes; -} - -/** - * Turn a byte buffer into a structure. - * A struct is an array of values of not necessarily the same type. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer The byte buffer. - * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. - * @return {Array} - */ -function unpackStruct(buffer, def, base=10) { - if (buffer.length < getStructBits(def)) { - return []; - } - let struct = []; - let i = 0; - let j = 0; - while (i < def.length) { - let bits = def[i].bits < 8 ? 1 : def[i].bits / 8; - struct = struct.concat( - unpack(buffer.slice(j, j + bits), def[i], base) - ); - j += bits; - i++; - } - return struct; -} - -function getStructBits(def) { - let bits = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < def.length; i++) { - bits += def[i].bits / 8; + /** + * @param {Object} options The type definition. + * @param {number} options.bits Number of bits used by data of this type. + * @param {boolean} options.be True for big-endian. + * @param {boolean} options.signed True for signed types. + */ + constructor(options) { + /** + * The max number of bits used by data of this type. + * @type {number} + */ + this.bits = options["bits"]; + /** + * If this type is big-endian or not. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.be = options["be"]; + /** + * If this type it is signed or not. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.signed = options["signed"]; + /** + * The base used to represent data of this type. + * Default is 10. + * @type {number} + */ + this.base = options["base"] ? options["base"] : 10; + /** + * The function to read values of this type from buffers. + * @type {Function} + * @ignore + */ + this.reader = this.read_; + /** + * The function to write values of this type to buffers. + * @type {Function} + * @ignore + */ + this.writer = this.write_; + /** + * The number of bytes used by data of this type. + * @type {number} + * @ignore + */ + this.offset = 0; + /** + * Min value for numbers of this type. + * @type {number} + * @ignore + */ + this.min = -Infinity; + /** + * Max value for numbers of this type. + * @type {number} + * @ignore + */ + this.max = Infinity; + /** + * The word size. + * @type {number} + * @ignore + */ + this.realBits = this.bits; + /** + * The mask to be used in the last byte of this type. + * @type {number} + * @ignore + */ + this.lastByteMask = 255; + this.build_(); } - return bits; -} - -module.exports.pack = pack; -module.exports.findString = findString; -module.exports.unpack = unpack; -module.exports.packArray = packArray; -module.exports.unpackArray = unpackArray; -module.exports.unpackStruct = unpackStruct; -module.exports.packStruct = packStruct; - - -/***/ }), -/* 17 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/*! - * bitdepth - * Change the bit depth of samples to and from 8, 16, 24, 32 & 64-bit. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/bitdepth - * - */ - -const f64f32 = new Float32Array(1); - -/** - * Max number of different values for each bit depth. - * @enum {number} - */ -const BitDepthMaxValues = { - "8": 256, - "16": 65536, - "24": 16777216, - "32": 4294967296, - "32f": 1, - "64": 1 -}; - -/** - * Functions to change the bit depth of a sample. - */ -const BitDepthFunctions = { /** - * Change the bit depth from int to int. - * @param {number} sample The sample. - * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * Sign a number according to the type. + * @param {number} num The number. * @return {number} + * @ignore */ - "intToInt": function(sample, args) { - if (sample > 0) { - sample = parseInt( - (sample / args["oldPositive"]) * args["newPositive"], 10); - } else { - sample = parseInt( - (sample / args["oldNegative"]) * args["newNegative"], 10); + sign(num) { + if (num > this.max) { + num -= (this.max * 2) + 2; } - return sample; - }, + return num; + } /** - * Change the bit depth from float to int. - * @param {number} sample The sample. - * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * Limit the value according to the bit depth in case of + * overflow or underflow. + * @param {number} value The data. * @return {number} + * @ignore */ - "floatToInt": function(sample, args) { - return sample > 0 ? - sample * args["newPositive"] : sample * args["newNegative"]; - }, + overflow(value) { + if (value > this.max) { + value = this.max; + } else if (value < this.min) { + value = this.min; + } + return value; + } /** - * Change the bit depth from int to float. - * @param {number} sample The sample. - * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * Read a integer number from a byte buffer. + * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. + * @param {number} i The index to read. + * @param {Object} type The type if other than this. * @return {number} + * @private */ - "intToFloat": function(sample, args) { - return sample > 0 ? - sample / args["oldPositive"] : sample / args["oldNegative"]; - }, + read_(bytes, i, type=this) { + let num = 0; + let x = type.offset - 1; + while (x > 0) { + num = (bytes[x + i] << x * 8) | num; + x--; + } + num = (bytes[i] | num) >>> 0; + return this.overflow(this.sign(num)); + } /** - * Change the bit depth from float to float. - * @param {number} sample The sample. - * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * Read a integer number from a byte buffer by turning the bytes + * to a string of bits. + * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. + * @param {number} i The index to read. + * @param {Object} type The type if other than this. * @return {number} + * @private */ - "floatToFloat": function(sample, args) { - if (args["original"] == "64" && args["target"] == "32f") { - f64f32[0] = sample; - sample = f64f32[0]; + readBits_(bytes, i, type=this) { + let binary = ""; + let j = 0; + while(j < type.offset) { + let bits = bytes[i + j].toString(2); + binary = Array(9 - bits.length).join("0") + bits + binary; + j++; } - return sample; + return this.overflow(this.sign(parseInt(binary, 2))); } -}; -/** - * Change the bit depth of the data in a array. - * The input array is modified in-place. - * @param {!Array} samples The samples. - * @param {string} originalBitDepth The original bit depth of the data. - * One of "8", "16", "24", "32", "32f", "64" - * @param {string} targetBitDepth The new bit depth of the data. + /** + * Write one integer number to a byte buffer. + * @param {!Array} bytes An array of bytes. + * @param {number} number The number. + * @param {number} j The index being written in the byte buffer. + * @param {Object} type The type. + * @return {number} The next index to write on the byte buffer. + * @private + */ + write_(bytes, number, j, type=this) { + number = this.overflow(number); + let mask = 255; + let len = type.offset; + j = this.writeFirstByte_(bytes, number, j, type); + for (let i = 2; i <= len; i++) { + if (i == len) { + mask = type.lastByteMask; + } + bytes[j++] = Math.floor(number / Math.pow(2, ((i - 1) * 8))) & mask; + } + return j; + } + + /** + * Build the type. + * @private + */ + build_() { + this.validateWordSize_(); + this.setRealBits_(); + this.setLastByteMask_(); + this.setMinMax_(); + this.offset = this.bits < 8 ? 1 : Math.ceil(this.realBits / 8); + } + + /** + * Set the minimum and maximum values for the type. + * @private + */ + setMinMax_() { + let max = Math.pow(2, this.bits); + if (this.signed) { + this.max = max / 2 -1; + this.min = -max / 2; + } else { + this.max = max - 1; + this.min = 0; + } + } + + validateWordSize_() { + if (this.bits < 1 || this.bits > 64) { + throw Error("Not a supported type."); + } + } + + /** + * Set the real bit depth for data with bit count different from the + * standard types (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 40, 48, 64): the closest bigger + * standard number of bits. The data is then treated as data of the + * standard type on all aspects except for the min and max values. + * Ex: a 11-bit uInt is treated as 16-bit uInt with a max value of 2048. + * @private + */ + setRealBits_() { + if (this.bits > 8) { + if (this.bits <= 16) { + this.realBits = 16; + } else if (this.bits <= 24) { + this.realBits = 24; + } else if (this.bits <= 32) { + this.realBits = 32; + } else if (this.bits <= 40) { + this.realBits = 40; + } else if (this.bits <= 48) { + this.realBits = 48; + } else if (this.bits <= 56) { + this.realBits = 56; + } else { + this.realBits = 64; + } + } else { + this.realBits = this.bits; + } + } + + /** + * Set the mask that should be used when writing the last byte of + * data of the type. + * @private + */ + setLastByteMask_() { + let r = 8 - (this.realBits - this.bits); + this.lastByteMask = Math.pow(2, r > 0 ? r : 8) -1; + } + + /** + * Write the first byte of a integer number. + * @param {!Array} bytes An array of bytes. + * @param {number} number The number. + * @param {number} j The index being written in the byte buffer. + * @param {Object} type The type. + * @return {number} The next index to write on the byte buffer. + * @private + */ + writeFirstByte_(bytes, number, j, type=this) { + if (type.bits < 8) { + bytes[j++] = number < 0 ? number + Math.pow(2, type.bits) : number; + } else { + bytes[j++] = number & 255; + } + return j; + } +} + +module.exports = GInt; + + +/***/ }), +/* 9 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { + +/*! + * bitdepth + * Change the bit depth of samples to and from 8, 16, 24, 32 & 64-bit. + * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. + * https://github.com/rochars/bitdepth + * + */ + +const f64f32 = new Float32Array(1); + +/** + * Max number of different values for each bit depth. + * @enum {number} + */ +const BitDepthMaxValues = { + "8": 256, + "16": 65536, + "24": 16777216, + "32": 4294967296, + "32f": 1, + "64": 1 +}; + +/** + * Functions to change the bit depth of a sample. + */ +const BitDepthFunctions = { + + /** + * Change the bit depth from int to int. + * @param {number} sample The sample. + * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * @return {number} + */ + "intToInt": function(sample, args) { + if (sample > 0) { + sample = parseInt( + (sample / args["oldPositive"]) * args["newPositive"], 10); + } else { + sample = parseInt( + (sample / args["oldNegative"]) * args["newNegative"], 10); + } + return sample; + }, + + /** + * Change the bit depth from float to int. + * @param {number} sample The sample. + * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * @return {number} + */ + "floatToInt": function(sample, args) { + return sample > 0 ? + sample * args["newPositive"] : sample * args["newNegative"]; + }, + + /** + * Change the bit depth from int to float. + * @param {number} sample The sample. + * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * @return {number} + */ + "intToFloat": function(sample, args) { + return sample > 0 ? + sample / args["oldPositive"] : sample / args["oldNegative"]; + }, + + /** + * Change the bit depth from float to float. + * @param {number} sample The sample. + * @param {Object} args Data about the original and target bit depths. + * @return {number} + */ + "floatToFloat": function(sample, args) { + if (args["original"] == "64" && args["target"] == "32f") { + f64f32[0] = sample; + sample = f64f32[0]; + } + return sample; + } +}; + +/** + * Change the bit depth of the data in a array. + * The input array is modified in-place. + * @param {!Array} samples The samples. + * @param {string} originalBitDepth The original bit depth of the data. + * One of "8", "16", "24", "32", "32f", "64" + * @param {string} targetBitDepth The new bit depth of the data. * One of "8", "16", "24", "32", "32f", "64" */ function toBitDepth(samples, originalBitDepth, targetBitDepth) { @@ -2413,23 +1886,27 @@ module.exports.BitDepthMaxValues = BitDepthMaxValues; /***/ }), -/* 18 */ +/* 10 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* * WaveFileReaderWriter - * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. * https://github.com/rochars/wavefile * + * References: + * http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/WAVE.html + * https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3285.pdf + * */ -const byteData = __webpack_require__(3); -const WaveErrors = __webpack_require__(8); +const byteData = __webpack_require__(0); +const WaveErrors = __webpack_require__(3); const uInt8 = byteData.uInt8; const uInt16 = byteData.uInt16; const uInt32 = byteData.uInt32; const chr = byteData.chr; -let WaveFileHeader = __webpack_require__(19); +let WaveFileHeader = __webpack_require__(11); /** * Read and write wave files. @@ -2455,6 +1932,8 @@ class WaveFileReaderWriter extends WaveFileHeader { }; /** @type {!Array} */ this.samples = []; + /** @type {number} */ + this.head_ = 0; } /** @@ -2475,6 +1954,11 @@ class WaveFileReaderWriter extends WaveFileHeader { } } + /** + * Set up to work wih big-endian or little-endian files. + * The types used are changed from LE or BE. If the + * the file is big-endian (RIFX), true is returned. + */ LEorBE() { let bigEndian = this.chunkId == "RIFX"; uInt8.be = bigEndian; @@ -2554,9 +2038,103 @@ class WaveFileReaderWriter extends WaveFileHeader { this.bextChunkId = "bext"; this.bextChunkSize = chunk.chunkSize; this.bextChunkData = chunk.chunkData; + this.readBextChunkFields_(); + } + } + + /** + * Read the fields of the "bext" chunk. + */ + readBextChunkFields_() { + this.head_ = 0; + this.bextChunkFields = { + "description": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 256), + "originator": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 32), + "originatorReference": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 32), + "originationDate": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 10), + "originationTime": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 8), + // timeReference is a 64-bit value + "timeReference": this.readBytes( + this.bextChunkData, 8), + "version": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "UMID": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 64), + "loudnessValue": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "loudnessRange": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "maxTruePeakLevel": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "maxMomentaryLoudness": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "maxShortTermLoudness": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "reserved": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 180), + "codingHistory": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, this.bextChunkData.length - 602), } } + /** + * Return a slice of the byte array while moving the reading head. + * @param {!Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {number} size the number of bytes to read. + */ + readBytes(bytes, size) { + let v = this.head_; + this.head_ += size; + return bytes.slice(v, this.head_); + } + + /** + * Read bytes as a string from a RIFF chunk. + * @param {!Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {number} maxSize the max size of the string. + */ + readVariableSizeString_(bytes, maxSize) { + let str = ""; + for (let i=0; i} bytes The bytes. + * @param {Object} bdType The byte-data corresponding type. + */ + readFromChunk_(bytes, bdType) { + let size = bdType.bits / 8; + let value = byteData.unpack( + bytes.slice(this.head_, this.head_ + size), bdType); + this.head_ += size; + return value; + } + + /** + * Write a variable size string as bytes. + * If the string is smaller than the max size it + * is filled with 0s. + * @param {string} str The string to be written as bytes. + * @param {number} maxSize the max size of the string. + */ + writeVariableSizeString_(str, maxSize) { + let bytes = byteData.packArray(str, chr); + for (let i=bytes.length; i} */ this.cueChunkData = []; /** @@ -2813,8 +2429,30 @@ class WaveFileHeader { * @type {string} */ this.bextChunkId = ""; + /** @type {number} */ this.bextChunkSize = 0; + /** @type {!Array} */ this.bextChunkData = []; + /** @type {!Object} */ + this.bextChunkFields = { + "description": "", //256 + "originator": "", //32 + "originatorReference": "", //32 + "originationDate": "", //10 + "originationTime": "", //8 + "timeReferenceLow": "", //DWORD + "timeReferenceHigh": "", //DWORD + "version": "", //WORD + "UMID_0 ": "", //byte + "UMID_63 ": "", //byte + "loudnessValue": "", //WORD + "loudnessRange": "", //WORD + "maxTruePeakLevel": "", //WORD + "maxMomentaryLoudness": "", //WORD + "maxShortTermLoudness": "", //WORD + "reserved": "", //180 + "codingHistory": "" // string, unlimited + }; } } @@ -2822,7 +2460,7 @@ module.exports = WaveFileHeader; /***/ }), -/* 20 */ +/* 12 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /*! @@ -2833,7 +2471,7 @@ module.exports = WaveFileHeader; * */ -const byteData = __webpack_require__(21); +const byteData = __webpack_require__(13); const uInt32 = byteData.uInt32; const chr = byteData.chr; @@ -2964,7 +2602,7 @@ module.exports.write = write; /***/ }), -/* 21 */ +/* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /*! @@ -2976,8 +2614,8 @@ module.exports.write = write; */ /** @private */ -const rw = __webpack_require__(22); -let Type = __webpack_require__(9); +const rw = __webpack_require__(14); +let Type = __webpack_require__(4); /** * Turn a number or fixed-length string into a byte buffer. @@ -3316,7 +2954,7 @@ exports.float64BE = new Type({"bits": 64, "float": true, "be": true}); /***/ }), -/* 22 */ +/* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** @@ -3325,8 +2963,8 @@ exports.float64BE = new Type({"bits": 64, "float": true, "be": true}); * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data */ -const Type = __webpack_require__(9); -const endianness = __webpack_require__(1); +const Type = __webpack_require__(4); +const endianness = __webpack_require__(2); /** * Turn a byte buffer into what the bytes represent. @@ -3476,7 +3114,7 @@ exports.fromBytes = fromBytes; /***/ }), -/* 23 */ +/* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** @@ -3820,1059 +3458,290 @@ let BitWriter = { * Write one char as a byte. * @param {!Array} bytes An array of bytes. * @param {string} string The string to write as bytes. - * @param {number} j The index being written in the byte buffer. - * @return {number} The next index to write on the byte buffer. - */ - "writeString": function (bytes, string, j) { - bytes[j++] = string.charCodeAt(0); - return j; - } -}; - -/** - * Get a binary string representation of a value described as bytes. - * @param {Array|number} bytes The bytes. - * @return {string} - */ -function getBinary(bytes) { - let binary = ""; - let i = 0; - let bytesLength = bytes.length; - while(i < bytesLength) { - let bits = bytes[i].toString(2); - binary = Array(9 - bits.length).join("0") + bits + binary; - i++; - } - return binary; -} - -/** - * Read a group of bytes by turning it to bits. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes - * (1 for 8-bit, 2 for 16-bit, etc). - * @return {number} - */ -function readBytesAsBits(bytes, i, numBytes) { - let j = numBytes-1; - let byte = ""; - while (j >= 0) { - let bits = bytes[j + i].toString(2); - byte += Array(9 - bits.length).join("0") + bits; - j--; - } - return parseInt(byte, 2); -} - -exports.BitWriter = BitWriter; -exports.BitReader = BitReader; - - -/***/ }), -/* 24 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/*! - * imaadpcm - * JavaScript IMA ADPCM codec. - * Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/imaadpcm - * - * References: - * http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/audio/dvi/ - * https://github.com/acida/pyima - * https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/IMA_ADPCM - * - */ - -const byteData = __webpack_require__(25); -const int16 = byteData.int16; - -var indexTable = [ - -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, - -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8]; - -var stepTable = [ - 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, - 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, - 34, 37, 41, 45, 50, 55, 60, 66, - 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118, 130, 143, - 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307, - 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, - 724, 796, 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, - 1552, 1707, 1878, 2066, 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, - 3327, 3660, 4026, 4428, 4871, 5358, 5894, 6484, - 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442, 11487, 12635, 13899, - 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, - 32767]; - -var encoderPredicted = 0; -var encoderIndex = 0; -var encoderStep = 7; -var decoderPredicted = 0; -var decoderIndex = 0; -var decoderStep = 7; - -/** - * Compress a 16-bit PCM sample into a 4-bit ADPCM sample. - * @param {number} sample The sample. - * @return {number} - */ -function encodeSample(sample) { - let delta = sample - encoderPredicted; - let value = 0; - if (delta >= 0) { - value = 0; - } - else { - value = 8; - delta = -delta; - } - let step = stepTable[encoderIndex]; - let diff = step >> 3; - if (delta > step) { - value |= 4; - delta -= step; - diff += step; - } - step >>= 1; - if (delta > step) { - value |= 2; - delta -= step; - diff += step; - } - step >>= 1; - if (delta > step) { - value |= 1; - diff += step; - } - if (value & 8) { - encoderPredicted -= diff; - } - else { - encoderPredicted += diff; - } - if (encoderPredicted < -0x8000) { - encoderPredicted = -0x8000; - } else if (encoderPredicted > 0x7fff) { - encoderPredicted = 0x7fff; - } - encoderIndex += indexTable[value & 7]; - if (encoderIndex < 0) { - encoderIndex = 0; - } else if (encoderIndex > 88) { - encoderIndex = 88; - } - return value; -} - -/** - * Decode a 4-bit ADPCM sample into a 16-bit PCM sample. - * @param {number} nibble A 4-bit adpcm sample. - * @return {number} - */ -function decodeSample(nibble) { - let difference = 0; - if (nibble & 4) { - difference += decoderStep; - } - if (nibble & 2) { - difference += decoderStep >> 1; - } - if (nibble & 1) { - difference += decoderStep >> 2; - } - difference += decoderStep >> 3; - if (nibble & 8) { - difference = -difference; - } - decoderPredicted += difference; - if (decoderPredicted > 32767) { - decoderPredicted = 32767; - } else if (decoderPredicted < -32767) { - decoderPredicted = -32767; - } - decoderIndex += indexTable[nibble]; - if (decoderIndex < 0) { - decoderIndex = 0; - } else if (decoderIndex > 88) { - decoderIndex = 88; - } - decoderStep = stepTable[decoderIndex]; - return decoderPredicted; -} - -/** - * Return the head of a ADPCM sample block. - * @param {number} sample The first sample of the block. - * @return {!Array} - */ -function blockHead(sample) { - encodeSample(sample); - let adpcmSamples = []; - adpcmSamples.push(byteData.pack(sample, int16)[0]); - adpcmSamples.push(byteData.pack(sample, int16)[1]); - adpcmSamples.push(encoderIndex); - adpcmSamples.push(0); - return adpcmSamples; -} - -/** - * Encode a block of 505 16-bit samples as 4-bit ADPCM samples. - * @param {!Array} block A sample block of 505 samples. - * @return {!Array} - */ -function encodeBlock(block) { - let adpcmSamples = blockHead(block[0]); - for (let i=3; i} block A adpcm sample block of 256 samples. - * @return {!Array} - */ -function decodeBlock(block) { - decoderPredicted = byteData.unpack([block[0], block[1]], int16); - decoderIndex = block[2]; - decoderStep = stepTable[decoderIndex]; - let result = [ - decoderPredicted, - byteData.unpack([block[2], block[3]], int16) - ]; - for (let i=4; i> 4; - let first_sample = (second_sample << 4) ^ original_sample; - result.push(decodeSample(first_sample)); - result.push(decodeSample(second_sample)); - } - return result; -} - -/** - * Encode 16-bit PCM samples into 4-bit IMA ADPCM samples. - * @param {!Array} samples A array of samples. - * @return {!Array} - */ -function encode(samples) { - let adpcmSamples = []; - let block = []; - for (let i=0; i} adpcmSamples A array of ADPCM samples. - * @param {number} blockAlign The block size. - * @return {!Array} - */ -function decode(adpcmSamples, blockAlign=256) { - let samples = []; - let block = []; - for (let i=0; i|!Array} - */ -function pack(value, type, base=10) { - let values = []; - if (type.char) { - values = type.char ? value.slice(0, type.realBits / 8) : value; - } else if (!Array.isArray(value)) { - values = [value]; - } - return rw.toBytes(values, rw.getType(type, base)); -} - -/** - * Turn a byte buffer into a number or a fixed-length string. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer An array of bytes. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. - * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. - * @return {number|string} - */ -function unpack(buffer, type, base=10) { - let offset = type.bits < 8 ? type.bits : type.realBits / 8; - let values = rw.fromBytes( - buffer.slice(0, offset), - rw.getType(type, base) - ); - if (type.char) { - values = values.slice(0, type.bits / 8); - } else { - values = values[0]; - } - return values; -} - -/** - * Turn a array of numbers or a string into a byte buffer. - * @param {!Array|string} values The values. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. - * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. - * @return {!Array|!Array} - */ -function packArray(values, type, base=10) { - return rw.toBytes(values, rw.getType(type, base)); -} - -/** - * Turn a byte buffer into a array of numbers or a string. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer The byte array. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. - * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. - * @return {!Array|string} - */ -function unpackArray(buffer, type, base=10) { - return rw.fromBytes(buffer, rw.getType(type, base)); -} - -/** - * Find and return the start index of some string. - * Return -1 if the string is not found. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} buffer A byte buffer. - * @param {string} text Some string to look for. - * @return {number} The start index of the first occurrence, -1 if not found - */ -function findString(buffer, text) { - let found = ""; - for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { - found = unpack( - buffer.slice(i, i + text.length + 1), - new Type({"bits": text.length * 8, "char": true}) - ); - if (found == text) { - return i; - } - } - return -1; -} - -/** - * Turn a struct into a byte buffer. - * A struct is an array of values of not necessarily the same type. - * @param {Array} struct The struct values. - * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. - * @param {number} base The base of the output. Optional. Default is 10. - * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. - * @return {!Array|!Array} - */ -function packStruct(struct, def, base=10) { - if (struct.length < def.length) { - return []; - } - let bytes = []; - for (let i = 0; i < def.length; i++) { - bytes = bytes.concat(pack(struct[i], def[i], base)); - } - return bytes; -} - -/** - * Turn a byte buffer into a struct. - * A struct is an array of values of not necessarily the same type. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer The byte buffer. - * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. Optional. Default is 10. - * Possible values are 2, 10 or 16. - * @return {Array} - */ -function unpackStruct(buffer, def, base=10) { - if (buffer.length < getStructDefSize(def)) { - return []; - } - let struct = []; - let i = 0; - let j = 0; - while (i < def.length) { - let bits = def[i].bits < 8 ? 1 : def[i].realBits / 8; - struct = struct.concat( - unpack(buffer.slice(j, j + bits), def[i], base) - ); - j += bits; - i++; - } - return struct; -} - -/** - * Get the length in bytes of a struct definition. - * @param {!Array} def The struct type definition. - * @return {number} The length of the structure in bytes. - * @private - */ -function getStructDefSize(def) { - let bits = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < def.length; i++) { - bits += def[i].realBits / 8; - } - return bits; -} - -// interface -exports.pack = pack; -exports.unpack = unpack; -exports.packArray = packArray; -exports.unpackArray = unpackArray; -exports.unpackStruct = unpackStruct; -exports.packStruct = packStruct; -exports.findString = findString; -exports.Type = Type; -/** - * A char. - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.chr = new Type({"bits": 8, "char": true}); -/** - * A 4-char string - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.fourCC = new Type({"bits": 32, "char": true}); -/** - * Booleans - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.bool = new Type({"bits": 1}); -/** - * Signed 2-bit integers - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int2 = new Type({"bits": 2, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 2-bit integers - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt2 = new Type({"bits": 2}); -/** - * Signed 4-bit integers - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int4 = new Type({"bits": 4, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 4-bit integers - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt4 = new Type({"bits": 4}); -/** - * Signed 8-bit integers - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int8 = new Type({"bits": 8, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 4-bit integers - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt8 = new Type({"bits": 8}); -// LE -/** - * Signed 16-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int16 = new Type({"bits": 16, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 16-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt16 = new Type({"bits": 16}); -/** - * Half-precision floating-point numbers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.float16 = new Type({"bits": 16, "float": true}); -/** - * Signed 24-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int24 = new Type({"bits": 24, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 24-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt24 = new Type({"bits": 24}); -/** - * Signed 32-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int32 = new Type({"bits": 32, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 32-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt32 = new Type({"bits": 32}); -/** - * Single-precision floating-point numbers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.float32 = new Type({"bits": 32, "float": true}); -/** - * Signed 40-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int40 = new Type({"bits": 40, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 40-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt40 = new Type({"bits": 40}); -/** - * Signed 48-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int48 = new Type({"bits": 48, "signed": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 48-bit integers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt48 = new Type({"bits": 48}); -/** - * Double-precision floating-point numbers little-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.float64 = new Type({"bits": 64, "float": true}); -// BE -/** - * Signed 16-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int16BE = new Type({"bits": 16, "signed": true, "be": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 16-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt16BE = new Type({"bits": 16, "be": true}); -/** - * Half-precision floating-point numbers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.float16BE = new Type({"bits": 16, "float": true, "be": true}); -/** - * Signed 24-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int24BE = new Type({"bits": 24, "signed": true, "be": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 24-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt24BE = new Type({"bits": 24, "be": true}); -/** - * Signed 32-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int32BE = new Type({"bits": 32, "signed": true, "be": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 32-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt32BE = new Type({"bits": 32, "be": true}); -/** - * Single-precision floating-point numbers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.float32BE = new Type({"bits": 32, "float": true, "be": true}); -/** - * Signed 40-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int40BE = new Type({"bits": 40, "signed": true, "be": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 40-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt40BE = new Type({"bits": 40, "be": true}); -/** - * Signed 48-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.int48BE = new Type({"bits": 48, "signed": true, "be": true}); -/** - * Unsigned 48-bit integers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.uInt48BE = new Type({"bits": 48, "be": true}); -/** - * Double-precision floating-point numbers big-endian - * @type {Object} - */ -exports.float64BE = new Type({"bits": 64, "float": true, "be": true}); - - -/***/ }), -/* 26 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -/** - * from-bytes: Numbers and strings from bytes. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data - */ - -const Type = __webpack_require__(10); -const endianness = __webpack_require__(1); - -/** - * Turn a byte buffer into what the bytes represent. - * @param {!Array|!Array|Uint8Array} buffer An array of bytes. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {!Array|number|string} - */ -function fromBytes(buffer, type) { - if (type.be) { - endianness(buffer, type.offset); - } - if (type.base != 10) { - bytesFromBase(buffer, type.base); - } - return readBytes(buffer, type); -} - -/** - * Turn numbers and strings to bytes. - * @param {!Array|number|string} values The data. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {!Array|!Array} the data as a byte buffer. - */ -function toBytes(values, type) { - let bytes = writeBytes(values, type); - if (type.be) { - endianness(bytes, type.offset); - } - if (type.base != 10) { - bytesToBase(bytes, type.base); - formatOutput(bytes, type); - } - return bytes; -} - -/** - * Turn a array of bytes into an array of what the bytes should represent. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {Object} type The type. - * @return {!Array|string} - */ -function readBytes(bytes, type) { - let values = []; - let i = 0; - let len = bytes.length - (type.offset - 1); - while (i < len) { - values.push(type.reader(bytes, i)); - i += type.offset; - } - if (type.char) { - values = values.join(""); - } - return values; -} - -/** - * Write values as bytes. - * @param {!Array|number|string} values The data. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @return {!Array} the bytes. - */ -function writeBytes(values, type) { - let i = 0; - let j = 0; - let len = values.length; - let bytes = []; - while (i < len) { - j = type.writer(bytes, values[i++], j); - } - return bytes; -} - -/** - * Get the full type spec for the reading/writing. - * @param {Object} type One of the available types. - * @param {number} base The base of the input. - * @return {Object} - */ -function getType(type, base) { - let theType = Object.assign(new Type({}), type); - theType.base = base; - return theType; -} - -/** - * Turn bytes to base 10 from base 2 or 16. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes The bytes as binary or hex strings. - * @param {number} base The base. - */ -function bytesFromBase(bytes, base) { - let i = 0; - let len = bytes.length; - while(i < len) { - bytes[i] = parseInt(bytes[i], base); - i++; + * @param {number} j The index being written in the byte buffer. + * @return {number} The next index to write on the byte buffer. + */ + "writeString": function (bytes, string, j) { + bytes[j++] = string.charCodeAt(0); + return j; } -} +}; /** - * Turn the output to the correct base. - * @param {Array} bytes The bytes. - * @param {Object} type The type. + * Get a binary string representation of a value described as bytes. + * @param {Array|number} bytes The bytes. + * @return {string} */ -function formatOutput(bytes, type) { +function getBinary(bytes) { + let binary = ""; let i = 0; - let len = bytes.length; - let offset = (type.base == 2 ? 8 : 2) + 1; - while(i < len) { - bytes[i] = Array(offset - bytes[i].length).join("0") + bytes[i]; + let bytesLength = bytes.length; + while(i < bytesLength) { + let bits = bytes[i].toString(2); + binary = Array(9 - bits.length).join("0") + bits + binary; i++; } + return binary; } /** - * Turn bytes from base 10 to base 2 or 16. - * @param {!Array|Array} bytes The bytes. - * @param {number} base The base. + * Read a group of bytes by turning it to bits. + * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. + * @param {number} i The index to read. + * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes + * (1 for 8-bit, 2 for 16-bit, etc). + * @return {number} */ -function bytesToBase(bytes, base) { - let i = 0; - let len = bytes.length; - while (i < len) { - bytes[i] = bytes[i].toString(base); - i++; +function readBytesAsBits(bytes, i, numBytes) { + let j = numBytes-1; + let byte = ""; + while (j >= 0) { + let bits = bytes[j + i].toString(2); + byte += Array(9 - bits.length).join("0") + bits; + j--; } + return parseInt(byte, 2); } -exports.getType = getType; -exports.toBytes = toBytes; -exports.fromBytes = fromBytes; +exports.BitWriter = BitWriter; +exports.BitReader = BitReader; /***/ }), -/* 27 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { +/* 16 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -/** - * gint: Generic integer. - * A class to represent any integer from 1 to 53-Bit. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. - * https://github.com/rochars/byte-data +/*! + * imaadpcm + * JavaScript IMA ADPCM codec. + * Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. + * https://github.com/rochars/imaadpcm + * + * References: + * http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/audio/dvi/ + * https://github.com/acida/pyima + * https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/IMA_ADPCM + * */ +const byteData = __webpack_require__(0); +const int16 = byteData.int16; + +var indexTable = [ + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8]; + +var stepTable = [ + 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, + 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, + 34, 37, 41, 45, 50, 55, 60, 66, + 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118, 130, 143, + 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307, + 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, + 724, 796, 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, + 1552, 1707, 1878, 2066, 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, + 3327, 3660, 4026, 4428, 4871, 5358, 5894, 6484, + 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442, 11487, 12635, 13899, + 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, + 32767]; + +var encoderPredicted = 0; +var encoderIndex = 0; +var encoderStep = 7; +var decoderPredicted = 0; +var decoderIndex = 0; +var decoderStep = 7; + /** - * A class to represent any integer from 1 to 53-Bit. + * Compress a 16-bit PCM sample into a 4-bit ADPCM sample. + * @param {number} sample The sample. + * @return {number} */ -class GInt { - - /** - * @param {Object} options The type definition. - * @param {number} options.bits Number of bits used by data of this type. - * @param {boolean} options.be True for big-endian. - * @param {boolean} options.signed True for signed types. - */ - constructor(options) { - /** - * The max number of bits used by data of this type. - * @type {number} - */ - this.bits = options["bits"]; - /** - * If this type is big-endian or not. - * @type {boolean} - */ - this.be = options["be"]; - /** - * If this type it is signed or not. - * @type {boolean} - */ - this.signed = options["signed"]; - /** - * The base used to represent data of this type. - * Default is 10. - * @type {number} - */ - this.base = options["base"] ? options["base"] : 10; - /** - * The function to read values of this type from buffers. - * @type {Function} - * @ignore - */ - this.reader = this.read_; - /** - * The function to write values of this type to buffers. - * @type {Function} - * @ignore - */ - this.writer = this.write_; - /** - * The number of bytes used by data of this type. - * @type {number} - * @ignore - */ - this.offset = 0; - /** - * Min value for numbers of this type. - * @type {number} - * @ignore - */ - this.min = -Infinity; - /** - * Max value for numbers of this type. - * @type {number} - * @ignore - */ - this.max = Infinity; - /** - * The word size. - * @type {number} - * @ignore - */ - this.realBits = this.bits; - /** - * The mask to be used in the last byte of this type. - * @type {number} - * @ignore - */ - this.lastByteMask = 255; - this.build_(); +function encodeSample(sample) { + let delta = sample - encoderPredicted; + let value = 0; + if (delta >= 0) { + value = 0; } - - /** - * Sign a number according to the type. - * @param {number} num The number. - * @return {number} - * @ignore - */ - sign(num) { - if (num > this.max) { - num -= (this.max * 2) + 2; - } - return num; + else { + value = 8; + delta = -delta; } - - /** - * Limit the value according to the bit depth in case of - * overflow or underflow. - * @param {number} value The data. - * @return {number} - * @ignore - */ - overflow(value) { - if (value > this.max) { - value = this.max; - } else if (value < this.min) { - value = this.min; - } - return value; + let step = stepTable[encoderIndex]; + let diff = step >> 3; + if (delta > step) { + value |= 4; + delta -= step; + diff += step; } - - /** - * Read a integer number from a byte buffer. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @param {Object} type The type if other than this. - * @return {number} - * @private - */ - read_(bytes, i, type=this) { - let num = 0; - let x = type.offset - 1; - while (x > 0) { - num = (bytes[x + i] << x * 8) | num; - x--; - } - num = (bytes[i] | num) >>> 0; - return this.overflow(this.sign(num)); + step >>= 1; + if (delta > step) { + value |= 2; + delta -= step; + diff += step; + } + step >>= 1; + if (delta > step) { + value |= 1; + diff += step; + } + if (value & 8) { + encoderPredicted -= diff; + } + else { + encoderPredicted += diff; + } + if (encoderPredicted < -0x8000) { + encoderPredicted = -0x8000; + } else if (encoderPredicted > 0x7fff) { + encoderPredicted = 0x7fff; } - - /** - * Read a integer number from a byte buffer by turning the bytes - * to a string of bits. - * @param {!Array|Uint8Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} i The index to read. - * @param {Object} type The type if other than this. - * @return {number} - * @private - */ - readBits_(bytes, i, type=this) { - let binary = ""; - let j = 0; - while(j < type.offset) { - let bits = bytes[i + j].toString(2); - binary = Array(9 - bits.length).join("0") + bits + binary; - j++; - } - return this.overflow(this.sign(parseInt(binary, 2))); + encoderIndex += indexTable[value & 7]; + if (encoderIndex < 0) { + encoderIndex = 0; + } else if (encoderIndex > 88) { + encoderIndex = 88; } + return value; +} - /** - * Write one integer number to a byte buffer. - * @param {!Array} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} number The number. - * @param {number} j The index being written in the byte buffer. - * @param {Object} type The type. - * @return {number} The next index to write on the byte buffer. - * @private - */ - write_(bytes, number, j, type=this) { - number = this.overflow(number); - let mask = 255; - let len = type.offset; - j = this.writeFirstByte_(bytes, number, j, type); - for (let i = 2; i <= len; i++) { - if (i == len) { - mask = type.lastByteMask; - } - bytes[j++] = Math.floor(number / Math.pow(2, ((i - 1) * 8))) & mask; - } - return j; +/** + * Decode a 4-bit ADPCM sample into a 16-bit PCM sample. + * @param {number} nibble A 4-bit adpcm sample. + * @return {number} + */ +function decodeSample(nibble) { + let difference = 0; + if (nibble & 4) { + difference += decoderStep; } - - /** - * Build the type. - * @private - */ - build_() { - this.validateWordSize_(); - this.setRealBits_(); - this.setLastByteMask_(); - this.setMinMax_(); - this.offset = this.bits < 8 ? 1 : Math.ceil(this.realBits / 8); + if (nibble & 2) { + difference += decoderStep >> 1; } - - /** - * Set the minimum and maximum values for the type. - * @private - */ - setMinMax_() { - let max = Math.pow(2, this.bits); - if (this.signed) { - this.max = max / 2 -1; - this.min = -max / 2; - } else { - this.max = max - 1; - this.min = 0; - } + if (nibble & 1) { + difference += decoderStep >> 2; + } + difference += decoderStep >> 3; + if (nibble & 8) { + difference = -difference; + } + decoderPredicted += difference; + if (decoderPredicted > 32767) { + decoderPredicted = 32767; + } else if (decoderPredicted < -32767) { + decoderPredicted = -32767; } + decoderIndex += indexTable[nibble]; + if (decoderIndex < 0) { + decoderIndex = 0; + } else if (decoderIndex > 88) { + decoderIndex = 88; + } + decoderStep = stepTable[decoderIndex]; + return decoderPredicted; +} - validateWordSize_() { - if (this.bits < 1 || this.bits > 64) { - throw Error("Not a supported type."); - } +/** + * Return the head of a ADPCM sample block. + * @param {number} sample The first sample of the block. + * @return {!Array} + */ +function blockHead(sample) { + encodeSample(sample); + let adpcmSamples = []; + adpcmSamples.push(byteData.pack(sample, int16)[0]); + adpcmSamples.push(byteData.pack(sample, int16)[1]); + adpcmSamples.push(encoderIndex); + adpcmSamples.push(0); + return adpcmSamples; +} + +/** + * Encode a block of 505 16-bit samples as 4-bit ADPCM samples. + * @param {!Array} block A sample block of 505 samples. + * @return {!Array} + */ +function encodeBlock(block) { + let adpcmSamples = blockHead(block[0]); + for (let i=3; i 8) { - if (this.bits <= 16) { - this.realBits = 16; - } else if (this.bits <= 24) { - this.realBits = 24; - } else if (this.bits <= 32) { - this.realBits = 32; - } else if (this.bits <= 40) { - this.realBits = 40; - } else if (this.bits <= 48) { - this.realBits = 48; - } else if (this.bits <= 56) { - this.realBits = 56; - } else { - this.realBits = 64; - } - } else { - this.realBits = this.bits; - } +/** + * Decode a block of 256 ADPCM samples into 16-bit PCM samples. + * @param {!Array} block A adpcm sample block of 256 samples. + * @return {!Array} + */ +function decodeBlock(block) { + decoderPredicted = byteData.unpack([block[0], block[1]], int16); + decoderIndex = block[2]; + decoderStep = stepTable[decoderIndex]; + let result = [ + decoderPredicted, + byteData.unpack([block[2], block[3]], int16) + ]; + for (let i=4; i> 4; + let first_sample = (second_sample << 4) ^ original_sample; + result.push(decodeSample(first_sample)); + result.push(decodeSample(second_sample)); } + return result; +} - /** - * Set the mask that should be used when writing the last byte of - * data of the type. - * @private - */ - setLastByteMask_() { - let r = 8 - (this.realBits - this.bits); - this.lastByteMask = Math.pow(2, r > 0 ? r : 8) -1; +/** + * Encode 16-bit PCM samples into 4-bit IMA ADPCM samples. + * @param {!Array} samples A array of samples. + * @return {!Array} + */ +function encode(samples) { + let adpcmSamples = []; + let block = []; + for (let i=0; i} bytes An array of bytes. - * @param {number} number The number. - * @param {number} j The index being written in the byte buffer. - * @param {Object} type The type. - * @return {number} The next index to write on the byte buffer. - * @private - */ - writeFirstByte_(bytes, number, j, type=this) { - if (type.bits < 8) { - bytes[j++] = number < 0 ? number + Math.pow(2, type.bits) : number; - } else { - bytes[j++] = number & 255; +/** + * Decode IMA ADPCM samples into 16-bit PCM samples. + * @param {!Array} adpcmSamples A array of ADPCM samples. + * @param {number} blockAlign The block size. + * @return {!Array} + */ +function decode(adpcmSamples, blockAlign=256) { + let samples = []; + let block = []; + for (let i=0; i} samples A array of 16-bit PCM samples. * @return {!Array} */ -function encodeALaw(samples) { +function encode(samples) { let aLawSamples = []; for (let i=0; i} samples A array of 8-bit A-Law samples. * @return {!Array} */ -function decodeALaw(samples) { +function decode(samples) { let pcmSamples = []; for (let i=0; i} samples A array of 16-bit linear PCM samples. * @return {!Array} */ -function encodeMuLaw(samples) { +function encode(samples) { let muLawSamples = []; for (let i=0; i} samples A array of 8-bit mu-Law samples. * @return {!Array} */ -function decodeMuLaw(samples) { +function decode(samples) { let pcmSamples = []; for (let i=0; iThrows:
- Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Sun Apr 22 2018 15:25:20 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil) using the docdash theme. + Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Tue Apr 24 2018 23:24:21 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil) using the docdash theme.
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index 70477ca..717cdaa 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@


wavefile is a module to work with wav files. I

  • Turn RIFF files to RIFX and RIFX files to RIFF
  • And more.


    wavefile is extensively tested, and the test folder contains samples of all supported formats. Please note that some formats (like 8-bit A-Law and 64-bit floating point) are not widely supported and may not load in every player.


    wavefile is extensively tested and contains samples of all supported formats. Please note that some formats (like 8-bit A-Law and 64-bit floating point) are not widely supported and may not load in every player.


    npm install wavefile

    See it in action


    Hit "Load in player" to generate wave files.

    This website uses wavefile to create the files. The effects are provided by other libraries.

    @@ -144,12 +144,33 @@


    let fs = requi
    +// "bext"
     // "data"
     // array of numbers

    The samples



    BWF data

    BWF data ("bext" chunk) is stored in the bextChunkFields property in human-readable form. +You may edit the data in the "bext" chunk by editing the bextChunkFields property on a WaveFile object.

    wav.bextChunkFields = {
    +    "description": "", // 256 chars
    +    "originator": "", // 32 chars
    +    "originatorReference": "", // 32 chars
    +    "originationDate": "", // 10 chars
    +    "originationTime": "", // 8 chars
    +    "timeReference": "", // 64-bit value kept as an array of 8 bytes
    +    "version": "", // 16-bit number
    +    "UMID": "", // 64 chars
    +    "loudnessValue": "", // 16-bit number
    +    "loudnessRange": "", // 16-bit number
    +    "maxTruePeakLevel": "", // 16-bit number
    +    "maxMomentaryLoudness": "", // 16-bit number
    +    "maxShortTermLoudness": "", // 16-bit number
    +    "reserved": "", // 180 chars
    +    "codingHistory": "" // string, unlimited size

    The samples


    • 0 to 255 for 8-bit
    • -32768 to 32767 for 16-bit
    • @@ -187,7 +208,7 @@


      Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha.

      - Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Sun Apr 22 2018 15:25:20 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil) using the docdash theme. + Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Tue Apr 24 2018 23:24:21 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil) using the docdash theme.
      diff --git a/docs/index.js.html b/docs/index.js.html index 8b3f9ce..4363ce6 100644 --- a/docs/index.js.html +++ b/docs/index.js.html @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@


      this.numChannels, this.sampleRate, bitDepth, - byteData.unpackArray(this.samples, uInt8), + this.samples, {"container": this.chunkId} ); } @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@


      - Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Sun Apr 22 2018 15:25:20 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil) using the docdash theme. + Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Tue Apr 24 2018 23:24:21 GMT-0300 (Hora oficial do Brasil) using the docdash theme.
      diff --git a/index.js b/index.js index 54da63e..fc0c7ff 100644 --- a/index.js +++ b/index.js @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class WaveFile extends WaveFileReaderWriter { this.numChannels, this.sampleRate, bitDepth, - byteData.unpackArray(this.samples, uInt8), + this.samples, {"container": this.chunkId} ); } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index eb17276..7984278 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "wavefile", - "version": "2.3.6", + "version": "3.0.0", "description": "Read & write wave files with 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 & 64-bit data.", "homepage": "https://github.com/rochars/wavefile", "author": "Rafael da Silva Rocha ", @@ -11,11 +11,14 @@ "RIFX", "WAVE", "BWF", + "bext", "audio", "file", "read", "write", "create", + "edit", + "save", "server", "browser", "8-bit", @@ -63,9 +66,9 @@ "webpack": "^3.8.1" }, "dependencies": { - "alawmulaw": "^2.0.0", + "alawmulaw": "^2.0.1", "bitdepth": "^1.0.4", - "byte-data": "^2.1.0", + "byte-data": "^4.0.2", "imaadpcm": "^1.1.0", "riff-chunks": "^3.0.3" }, diff --git a/src/wavefile-header.js b/src/wavefile-header.js index 190c7b5..ec3b8fe 100644 --- a/src/wavefile-header.js +++ b/src/wavefile-header.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /* * WaveFileHeader class * A structure representing a WAVE file header. - * Copyright (c) 2017 Rafael da Silva Rocha. MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. * https://github.com/rochars/wavefile * */ @@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ class WaveFileHeader { * @type {string} */ this.cueChunkId = ""; + /** @type {number} */ this.cueChunkSize = -1; + /** @type {!Array} */ this.cueChunkData = []; /** @@ -82,8 +84,30 @@ class WaveFileHeader { * @type {string} */ this.bextChunkId = ""; + /** @type {number} */ this.bextChunkSize = 0; + /** @type {!Array} */ this.bextChunkData = []; + /** @type {!Object} */ + this.bextChunkFields = { + "description": "", //256 + "originator": "", //32 + "originatorReference": "", //32 + "originationDate": "", //10 + "originationTime": "", //8 + "timeReferenceLow": "", //DWORD + "timeReferenceHigh": "", //DWORD + "version": "", //WORD + "UMID_0 ": "", //byte + "UMID_63 ": "", //byte + "loudnessValue": "", //WORD + "loudnessRange": "", //WORD + "maxTruePeakLevel": "", //WORD + "maxMomentaryLoudness": "", //WORD + "maxShortTermLoudness": "", //WORD + "reserved": "", //180 + "codingHistory": "" // string, unlimited + }; } } diff --git a/src/wavefile-reader-writer.js b/src/wavefile-reader-writer.js index 948839f..7fc1bc3 100644 --- a/src/wavefile-reader-writer.js +++ b/src/wavefile-reader-writer.js @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ /* * WaveFileReaderWriter - * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Rafael da Silva Rocha. * https://github.com/rochars/wavefile * + * References: + * http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/WAVE.html + * https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3285.pdf + * */ const byteData = require("byte-data"); @@ -37,6 +41,8 @@ class WaveFileReaderWriter extends WaveFileHeader { }; /** @type {!Array} */ this.samples = []; + /** @type {number} */ + this.head_ = 0; } /** @@ -57,6 +63,11 @@ class WaveFileReaderWriter extends WaveFileHeader { } } + /** + * Set up to work wih big-endian or little-endian files. + * The types used are changed from LE or BE. If the + * the file is big-endian (RIFX), true is returned. + */ LEorBE() { let bigEndian = this.chunkId == "RIFX"; uInt8.be = bigEndian; @@ -136,7 +147,101 @@ class WaveFileReaderWriter extends WaveFileHeader { this.bextChunkId = "bext"; this.bextChunkSize = chunk.chunkSize; this.bextChunkData = chunk.chunkData; + this.readBextChunkFields_(); + } + } + + /** + * Read the fields of the "bext" chunk. + */ + readBextChunkFields_() { + this.head_ = 0; + this.bextChunkFields = { + "description": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 256), + "originator": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 32), + "originatorReference": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 32), + "originationDate": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 10), + "originationTime": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 8), + // timeReference is a 64-bit value + "timeReference": this.readBytes( + this.bextChunkData, 8), + "version": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "UMID": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 64), + "loudnessValue": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "loudnessRange": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "maxTruePeakLevel": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "maxMomentaryLoudness": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "maxShortTermLoudness": this.readFromChunk_( + this.bextChunkData, uInt16), + "reserved": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, 180), + "codingHistory": this.readVariableSizeString_( + this.bextChunkData, this.bextChunkData.length - 602), + } + } + + /** + * Return a slice of the byte array while moving the reading head. + * @param {!Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {number} size the number of bytes to read. + */ + readBytes(bytes, size) { + let v = this.head_; + this.head_ += size; + return bytes.slice(v, this.head_); + } + + /** + * Read bytes as a string from a RIFF chunk. + * @param {!Array} bytes The bytes. + * @param {number} maxSize the max size of the string. + */ + readVariableSizeString_(bytes, maxSize) { + let str = ""; + for (let i=0; i} bytes The bytes. + * @param {Object} bdType The byte-data corresponding type. + */ + readFromChunk_(bytes, bdType) { + let size = bdType.bits / 8; + let value = byteData.unpack( + bytes.slice(this.head_, this.head_ + size), bdType); + this.head_ += size; + return value; + } + + /** + * Write a variable size string as bytes. + * If the string is smaller than the max size it + * is filled with 0s. + * @param {string} str The string to be written as bytes. + * @param {number} maxSize the max size of the string. + */ + writeVariableSizeString_(str, maxSize) { + let bytes = byteData.packArray(str, chr); + for (let i=bytes.length; i 0", function() { - console.log(wav.dwSampleLength); assert.ok(wav2.dwSampleLength > 0); }); it("dataChunkId should be 'data'",