This repository is for holding my assignments for a university course called Modern Scientific Methods in Physics 1 (Korszerű Számítástechnikai módszerek a fizikában 1.).
- Files
- CMakeLists.txt: as the name suggests, it's just the cmake list :)
- main.cpp: main event handler of the project
- stat.cpp, stat.hpp: source and header file containig the statistics class and all the helper functions
- How to build the project
- Step 1: clone the repository
- Step 2: build using the provided CMakeLists.txt file
- Functionalities
- The program generates N random float numbers in a given range and makes available the use of the following statistical analysis tools:
- compute the mean of the data sequentially (using only STL algos) and parallel (using threads) and measure the execution times
- compute the deviation of the data sequentially (using only STL algos) and parallel (using threads) and measure the execution times
- The program generates N random float numbers in a given range and makes available the use of the following statistical analysis tools:
First short homework, performs Newton iteration with template functions
Second short homework, template class for 2 dimensional vectors with some operations
Third short homework, which is about numerical differentiation
Fourth short homework, which is about numerical differential equation solving