diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index ab8d077577..9e92cf780a 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 0
ContinuationIndentWidth: 2
DerivePointerAlignment: false
PointerAlignment: Middle
-ReflowComments: false
+ReflowComments: true
IncludeBlocks: Preserve
diff --git a/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_controller.hpp b/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_controller.hpp
index e4aef2cf3d..6ff6cdae7a 100644
--- a/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_controller.hpp
+++ b/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_controller.hpp
@@ -166,20 +166,22 @@ class AdmittanceController : public controller_interface::ChainableControllerInt
geometry_msgs::msg::Wrench ft_values_;
- * @brief Read values from hardware interfaces and set corresponding fields of state_current and ft_values
- */
+ * @brief Read values from hardware interfaces and set corresponding fields of state_current and
+ * ft_values
+ */
void read_state_from_hardware(
trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint & state_current,
geometry_msgs::msg::Wrench & ft_values);
- * @brief Set fields of state_reference with values from controllers exported position and velocity references
- */
+ * @brief Set fields of state_reference with values from controllers exported position and
+ * velocity references
+ */
void read_state_reference_interfaces(trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint & state);
-* @brief Write values from state_command to claimed hardware interfaces
+ * @brief Write values from state_command to claimed hardware interfaces
+ */
void write_state_to_hardware(const trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint & state_command);
diff --git a/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_rule.hpp b/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_rule.hpp
index 0f0aabb063..36c027491c 100644
--- a/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_rule.hpp
+++ b/admittance_controller/include/admittance_controller/admittance_rule.hpp
@@ -43,13 +43,17 @@ struct AdmittanceTransforms
// transformation from force torque sensor frame to base link frame at reference joint angles
Eigen::Isometry3d ref_base_ft_;
- // transformation from force torque sensor frame to base link frame at reference + admittance offset joint angles
+ // transformation from force torque sensor frame to base link frame at reference + admittance
+ // offset joint angles
Eigen::Isometry3d base_ft_;
- // transformation from control frame to base link frame at reference + admittance offset joint angles
+ // transformation from control frame to base link frame at reference + admittance offset joint
+ // angles
Eigen::Isometry3d base_control_;
- // transformation from end effector frame to base link frame at reference + admittance offset joint angles
+ // transformation from end effector frame to base link frame at reference + admittance offset
+ // joint angles
Eigen::Isometry3d base_tip_;
- // transformation from center of gravity frame to base link frame at reference + admittance offset joint angles
+ // transformation from center of gravity frame to base link frame at reference + admittance offset
+ // joint angles
Eigen::Isometry3d base_cog_;
// transformation from world frame to base link frame
Eigen::Isometry3d world_base_;
@@ -111,20 +115,20 @@ class AdmittanceRule
controller_interface::return_type reset(const size_t num_joints);
- * Calculate all transforms needed for admittance control using the loader kinematics plugin. If the transform does
- * not exist in the kinematics model, then TF will be used for lookup. The return value is true if all transformation
- * are calculated without an error
- * \param[in] current_joint_state current joint state of the robot
- * \param[in] reference_joint_state input joint state reference
- * \param[out] success true if no calls to the kinematics interface fail
+ * Calculate all transforms needed for admittance control using the loader kinematics plugin. If
+ * the transform does not exist in the kinematics model, then TF will be used for lookup. The
+ * return value is true if all transformation are calculated without an error \param[in]
+ * current_joint_state current joint state of the robot \param[in] reference_joint_state input
+ * joint state reference \param[out] success true if no calls to the kinematics interface fail
bool get_all_transforms(
const trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint & current_joint_state,
const trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint & reference_joint_state);
- * Updates parameter_ struct if any parameters have changed since last update. Parameter dependent Eigen field
- * members (end_effector_weight_, cog_pos_, mass_, mass_inv_ stiffness, selected_axes, damping_) are also updated
+ * Updates parameter_ struct if any parameters have changed since last update. Parameter dependent
+ * Eigen field members (end_effector_weight_, cog_pos_, mass_, mass_inv_ stiffness, selected_axes,
+ * damping_) are also updated
void apply_parameters_update();
@@ -136,7 +140,8 @@ class AdmittanceRule
* \param[in] measured_wrench most recent measured wrench from force torque sensor
* \param[in] reference_joint_state input joint state reference
* \param[in] period time in seconds since last controller update
- * \param[out] desired_joint_state joint state reference after the admittance offset is applied to the input reference
+ * \param[out] desired_joint_state joint state reference after the admittance offset is applied to
+ * the input reference
controller_interface::return_type update(
const trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint & current_joint_state,
@@ -148,7 +153,8 @@ class AdmittanceRule
* Set fields of `state_message` from current admittance controller state.
- * \param[out] state_message message containing target position/vel/accel, wrench, and actual robot state, among other things
+ * \param[out] state_message message containing target position/vel/accel, wrench, and actual
+ * robot state, among other things
const control_msgs::msg::AdmittanceControllerState & get_controller_state();
@@ -159,22 +165,21 @@ class AdmittanceRule
- * Calculates the admittance rule from given the robot's current joint angles. The admittance controller state input
- * is updated with the new calculated values. A boolean value is returned indicating if any of the kinematics plugin
- * calls failed.
- * \param[in] admittance_state contains all the information needed to calculate the admittance offset
- * \param[in] dt controller period
+ * Calculates the admittance rule from given the robot's current joint angles. The admittance
+ * controller state input is updated with the new calculated values. A boolean value is returned
+ * indicating if any of the kinematics plugin calls failed. \param[in] admittance_state contains
+ * all the information needed to calculate the admittance offset \param[in] dt controller period
* \param[out] success true if no calls to the kinematics interface fail
bool calculate_admittance_rule(AdmittanceState & admittance_state, double dt);
- * Updates internal estimate of wrench in world frame `wrench_world_` given the new measurement `measured_wrench`,
- * the sensor to base frame rotation `sensor_world_rot`, and the center of gravity frame to base frame rotation `cog_world_rot`.
- * The `wrench_world_` estimate includes gravity compensation
- * \param[in] measured_wrench most recent measured wrench from force torque sensor
- * \param[in] sensor_world_rot rotation matrix from world frame to sensor frame
- * \param[in] cog_world_rot rotation matrix from world frame to center of gravity frame
+ * Updates internal estimate of wrench in world frame `wrench_world_` given the new measurement
+ * `measured_wrench`, the sensor to base frame rotation `sensor_world_rot`, and the center of
+ * gravity frame to base frame rotation `cog_world_rot`. The `wrench_world_` estimate includes
+ * gravity compensation \param[in] measured_wrench most recent measured wrench from force torque
+ * sensor \param[in] sensor_world_rot rotation matrix from world frame to sensor frame \param[in]
+ * cog_world_rot rotation matrix from world frame to center of gravity frame
void process_wrench_measurements(
const geometry_msgs::msg::Wrench & measured_wrench,
diff --git a/diff_drive_controller/test/test_diff_drive_controller.cpp b/diff_drive_controller/test/test_diff_drive_controller.cpp
index 236f34e9a2..adf4e79afc 100644
--- a/diff_drive_controller/test/test_diff_drive_controller.cpp
+++ b/diff_drive_controller/test/test_diff_drive_controller.cpp
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ class TestableDiffDriveController : public diff_drive_controller::DiffDriveContr
- * @brief wait_for_twist block until a new twist is received.
- * Requires that the executor is not spinned elsewhere between the
- * message publication and the call to this function
- *
- * @return true if new twist msg was received, false if timeout
- */
+ * @brief wait_for_twist block until a new twist is received.
+ * Requires that the executor is not spinned elsewhere between the
+ * message publication and the call to this function
+ *
+ * @return true if new twist msg was received, false if timeout
+ */
bool wait_for_twist(
rclcpp::Executor & executor,
const std::chrono::milliseconds & timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(500))
diff --git a/forward_command_controller/include/forward_command_controller/forward_controllers_base.hpp b/forward_command_controller/include/forward_command_controller/forward_controllers_base.hpp
index 3e153d7e2e..d60245f328 100644
--- a/forward_command_controller/include/forward_command_controller/forward_controllers_base.hpp
+++ b/forward_command_controller/include/forward_command_controller/forward_controllers_base.hpp
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ class ForwardControllersBase : public controller_interface::ControllerInterface
* It is expected that error handling of exceptions is done.
- * \returns controller_interface::CallbackReturn::SUCCESS if parameters are successfully read and their values are
- * allowed, controller_interface::CallbackReturn::ERROR otherwise.
+ * \returns controller_interface::CallbackReturn::SUCCESS if parameters are successfully read and
+ * their values are allowed, controller_interface::CallbackReturn::ERROR otherwise.
virtual controller_interface::CallbackReturn read_parameters() = 0;
diff --git a/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/tolerances.hpp b/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/tolerances.hpp
index de8f060b1a..e540b06e51 100644
--- a/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/tolerances.hpp
+++ b/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/tolerances.hpp
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ SegmentTolerances get_segment_tolerances(Params const & params)
* \param state_error State error to check.
* \param joint_idx Joint index for the state error
* \param state_tolerance State tolerance of joint to check \p state_error against.
- * \param show_errors If the joint that violate its tolerance should be output to console. NOT REALTIME if true
- * \return True if \p state_error fulfills \p state_tolerance.
+ * \param show_errors If the joint that violate its tolerance should be output to console. NOT
+ * REALTIME if true \return True if \p state_error fulfills \p state_tolerance.
inline bool check_state_tolerance_per_joint(
const trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint & state_error, int joint_idx,
diff --git a/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/trajectory.hpp b/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/trajectory.hpp
index 7dac4ddbe1..230d0198f7 100644
--- a/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/trajectory.hpp
+++ b/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/trajectory.hpp
@@ -60,26 +60,29 @@ class Trajectory
/// containing trajectory.
* Sampling trajectory at given \p sample_time.
- * If position in the \p end_segment_itr is missing it will be deduced from provided velocity, or acceleration respectively.
- * Deduction assumes that the provided velocity or acceleration have to be reached at the time defined in the segment.
+ * If position in the \p end_segment_itr is missing it will be deduced from provided velocity, or
+ * acceleration respectively. Deduction assumes that the provided velocity or acceleration have to
+ * be reached at the time defined in the segment.
* Specific case returns for start_segment_itr and end_segment_itr:
* - Sampling before the trajectory start:
* start_segment_itr = begin(), end_segment_itr = begin()
* - Sampling exactly on a point of the trajectory:
- * start_segment_itr = iterator where point is, end_segment_itr = iterator after start_segment_itr
+ * start_segment_itr = iterator where point is, end_segment_itr = iterator after
+ * start_segment_itr
* - Sampling between points:
- * start_segment_itr = iterator before the sampled point, end_segment_itr = iterator after start_segment_itr
+ * start_segment_itr = iterator before the sampled point, end_segment_itr = iterator after
+ * start_segment_itr
* - Sampling after entire trajectory:
* start_segment_itr = --end(), end_segment_itr = end()
* - Sampling empty msg or before the time given in set_point_before_trajectory_msg()
* return false
* \param[in] sample_time Time at which trajectory will be sampled.
- * \param[in] interpolation_method Specify whether splines, another method, or no interpolation at all.
- * \param[out] expected_state Calculated new at \p sample_time.
- * \param[out] start_segment_itr Iterator to the start segment for given \p sample_time. See description above.
- * \param[out] end_segment_itr Iterator to the end segment for given \p sample_time. See description above.
+ * \param[in] interpolation_method Specify whether splines, another method, or no interpolation at
+ * all. \param[out] expected_state Calculated new at \p sample_time. \param[out] start_segment_itr
+ * Iterator to the start segment for given \p sample_time. See description above. \param[out]
+ * end_segment_itr Iterator to the end segment for given \p sample_time. See description above.
bool sample(
@@ -91,14 +94,16 @@ class Trajectory
* Do interpolation between 2 states given a time in between their respective timestamps
- * The start and end states need not necessarily be specified all the way to the acceleration level:
+ * The start and end states need not necessarily be specified all the way to the acceleration
+ * level:
* - If only \b positions are specified, linear interpolation will be used.
* - If \b positions and \b velocities are specified, a cubic spline will be used.
- * - If \b positions, \b velocities and \b accelerations are specified, a quintic spline will be used.
+ * - If \b positions, \b velocities and \b accelerations are specified, a quintic spline will be
+ * used.
* If start and end states have different specifications
- * (eg. start is position-only, end is position-velocity), the lowest common specification will be used
- * (position-only in the example).
+ * (eg. start is position-only, end is position-velocity), the lowest common specification will be
+ * used (position-only in the example).
* \param[in] time_a Time at which the segment state equals \p state_a.
* \param[in] state_a State at \p time_a.
@@ -153,9 +158,9 @@ class Trajectory
- * \return The map between \p t1 indices (implicitly encoded in return vector indices) to \p t2 indices.
- * If \p t1 is "{C, B}" and \p t2 is "{A, B, C, D}", the associated mapping vector is
- * "{2, 1}".
+ * \return The map between \p t1 indices (implicitly encoded in return vector indices) to \p t2
+ * indices. If \p t1 is "{C, B}" and \p t2 is "{A, B, C, D}", the associated
+ * mapping vector is "{2, 1}".
inline std::vector mapping(const T & t1, const T & t2)
diff --git a/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller.cpp b/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller.cpp
index 74c17dd03d..b1188eede7 100644
--- a/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller.cpp
+++ b/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller.cpp
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ TEST_P(TrajectoryControllerTestParameterized, state_topic_consistency)
const double EPS = 1e-6;
* @brief check if position error of revolute joints are normalized if not configured so
+ */
TEST_P(TrajectoryControllerTestParameterized, position_error_not_normalized)
rclcpp::executors::MultiThreadedExecutor executor;
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ TEST_P(TrajectoryControllerTestParameterized, position_error_not_normalized)
* @brief check if position error of revolute joints are normalized if configured so
+ */
TEST_P(TrajectoryControllerTestParameterized, position_error_normalized)
rclcpp::executors::MultiThreadedExecutor executor;
diff --git a/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller_utils.hpp b/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller_utils.hpp
index c85eb59f58..8f5f64d57f 100644
--- a/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller_utils.hpp
+++ b/joint_trajectory_controller/test/test_trajectory_controller_utils.hpp
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ class TestableJointTrajectoryController
- * @brief wait_for_trajectory block until a new JointTrajectory is received.
- * Requires that the executor is not spinned elsewhere between the
- * message publication and the call to this function
- *
- * @return true if new JointTrajectory msg was received, false if timeout
- */
+ * @brief wait_for_trajectory block until a new JointTrajectory is received.
+ * Requires that the executor is not spinned elsewhere between the
+ * message publication and the call to this function
+ *
+ * @return true if new JointTrajectory msg was received, false if timeout
+ */
bool wait_for_trajectory(
rclcpp::Executor & executor,
const std::chrono::milliseconds & timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds{500})
@@ -293,7 +293,8 @@ class TrajectoryControllerTest : public ::testing::Test
* delay_btwn_points - delay between each points
* points - vector of trajectories. One point per controlled joint
- * joint_names - names of joints, if empty, will use joint_names_ up to the number of provided points
+ * joint_names - names of joints, if empty, will use joint_names_ up to the number of provided
+ * points
void publish(
const builtin_interfaces::msg::Duration & delay_btwn_points,
diff --git a/steering_controllers_library/include/steering_controllers_library/steering_odometry.hpp b/steering_controllers_library/include/steering_controllers_library/steering_odometry.hpp
index 002db32354..51cac3c9a9 100644
--- a/steering_controllers_library/include/steering_controllers_library/steering_odometry.hpp
+++ b/steering_controllers_library/include/steering_controllers_library/steering_odometry.hpp
@@ -33,197 +33,200 @@ const unsigned int BICYCLE_CONFIG = 0;
const unsigned int TRICYCLE_CONFIG = 1;
const unsigned int ACKERMANN_CONFIG = 2;
- * \brief The Odometry class handles odometry readings
- * (2D pose and velocity with related timestamp)
- */
+ * \brief The Odometry class handles odometry readings
+ * (2D pose and velocity with related timestamp)
+ */
class SteeringOdometry
- * \brief Constructor
- * Timestamp will get the current time value
- * Value will be set to zero
- * \param velocity_rolling_window_size Rolling window size used to compute the velocity mean
- *
- */
+ * \brief Constructor
+ * Timestamp will get the current time value
+ * Value will be set to zero
+ * \param velocity_rolling_window_size Rolling window size used to compute the velocity mean
+ *
+ */
explicit SteeringOdometry(size_t velocity_rolling_window_size = 10);
- * \brief Initialize the odometry
- * \param time Current time
- */
+ * \brief Initialize the odometry
+ * \param time Current time
+ */
void init(const rclcpp::Time & time);
- * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
- * \param traction_wheel_pos traction wheel position [rad]
- * \param steer_pos Front Steer position [rad]
- * \param dt time difference to last call
- * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
- */
+ * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
+ * \param traction_wheel_pos traction wheel position [rad]
+ * \param steer_pos Front Steer position [rad]
+ * \param dt time difference to last call
+ * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
+ */
bool update_from_position(
const double traction_wheel_pos, const double steer_pos, const double dt);
- * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
- * \param right_traction_wheel_pos Right traction wheel velocity [rad]
- * \param left_traction_wheel_pos Left traction wheel velocity [rad]
- * \param front_steer_pos Steer wheel position [rad]
- * \param dt time difference to last call
- * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
- */
+ * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
+ * \param right_traction_wheel_pos Right traction wheel velocity [rad]
+ * \param left_traction_wheel_pos Left traction wheel velocity [rad]
+ * \param front_steer_pos Steer wheel position [rad]
+ * \param dt time difference to last call
+ * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
+ */
bool update_from_position(
const double right_traction_wheel_pos, const double left_traction_wheel_pos,
const double steer_pos, const double dt);
- * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
- * \param right_traction_wheel_pos Right traction wheel position [rad]
- * \param left_traction_wheel_pos Left traction wheel position [rad]
- * \param right_steer_pos Right steer wheel position [rad]
- * \param left_steer_pos Left steer wheel position [rad]
- * \param dt time difference to last call
- * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
- */
+ * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
+ * \param right_traction_wheel_pos Right traction wheel position [rad]
+ * \param left_traction_wheel_pos Left traction wheel position [rad]
+ * \param right_steer_pos Right steer wheel position [rad]
+ * \param left_steer_pos Left steer wheel position [rad]
+ * \param dt time difference to last call
+ * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
+ */
bool update_from_position(
const double right_traction_wheel_pos, const double left_traction_wheel_pos,
const double right_steer_pos, const double left_steer_pos, const double dt);
- * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
- * \param traction_wheel_vel Traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
- * \param front_steer_pos Steer wheel position [rad]
- * \param dt time difference to last call
- * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
- */
+ * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
+ * \param traction_wheel_vel Traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
+ * \param front_steer_pos Steer wheel position [rad]
+ * \param dt time difference to last call
+ * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
+ */
bool update_from_velocity(
const double traction_wheel_vel, const double steer_pos, const double dt);
- * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
- * \param right_traction_wheel_vel Right traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
- * \param left_traction_wheel_vel Left traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
- * \param front_steer_pos Steer wheel position [rad]
- * \param dt time difference to last call
- * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
- */
+ * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
+ * \param right_traction_wheel_vel Right traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
+ * \param left_traction_wheel_vel Left traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
+ * \param front_steer_pos Steer wheel position [rad]
+ * \param dt time difference to last call
+ * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
+ */
bool update_from_velocity(
const double right_traction_wheel_vel, const double left_traction_wheel_vel,
const double steer_pos, const double dt);
- * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
- * \param right_traction_wheel_vel Right traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
- * \param left_traction_wheel_vel Left traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
- * \param right_steer_pos Right steer wheel position [rad]
- * \param left_steer_pos Left steer wheel position [rad]
- * \param dt time difference to last call
- * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
- */
+ * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest wheels position
+ * \param right_traction_wheel_vel Right traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
+ * \param left_traction_wheel_vel Left traction wheel velocity [rad/s]
+ * \param right_steer_pos Right steer wheel position [rad]
+ * \param left_steer_pos Left steer wheel position [rad]
+ * \param dt time difference to last call
+ * \return true if the odometry is actually updated
+ */
bool update_from_velocity(
const double right_traction_wheel_vel, const double left_traction_wheel_vel,
const double right_steer_pos, const double left_steer_pos, const double dt);
- * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest velocity command
- * \param linear Linear velocity [m/s]
- * \param angular Angular velocity [rad/s]
- * \param time Current time
- */
+ * \brief Updates the odometry class with latest velocity command
+ * \param linear Linear velocity [m/s]
+ * \param angular Angular velocity [rad/s]
+ * \param time Current time
+ */
void update_open_loop(const double linear, const double angular, const double dt);
- * \brief Set odometry type
- * \param type odometry type
- */
+ * \brief Set odometry type
+ * \param type odometry type
+ */
void set_odometry_type(const unsigned int type);
- * \brief heading getter
- * \return heading [rad]
- */
+ * \brief heading getter
+ * \return heading [rad]
+ */
double get_heading() const { return heading_; }
- * \brief x position getter
- * \return x position [m]
- */
+ * \brief x position getter
+ * \return x position [m]
+ */
double get_x() const { return x_; }
- * \brief y position getter
- * \return y position [m]
- */
+ * \brief y position getter
+ * \return y position [m]
+ */
double get_y() const { return y_; }
- * \brief linear velocity getter
- * \return linear velocity [m/s]
- */
+ * \brief linear velocity getter
+ * \return linear velocity [m/s]
+ */
double get_linear() const { return linear_; }
- * \brief angular velocity getter
- * \return angular velocity [rad/s]
- */
+ * \brief angular velocity getter
+ * \return angular velocity [rad/s]
+ */
double get_angular() const { return angular_; }
- * \brief Sets the wheel parameters: radius, separation and wheelbase
- */
+ * \brief Sets the wheel parameters: radius, separation and wheelbase
+ */
void set_wheel_params(double wheel_radius, double wheelbase = 0.0, double wheel_track = 0.0);
- * \brief Velocity rolling window size setter
- * \param velocity_rolling_window_size Velocity rolling window size
- */
+ * \brief Velocity rolling window size setter
+ * \param velocity_rolling_window_size Velocity rolling window size
+ */
void set_velocity_rolling_window_size(size_t velocity_rolling_window_size);
- * \brief Calculates inverse kinematics for the desired linear and angular velocities
- * \param Vx Desired linear velocity [m/s]
- * \param theta_dot Desired angular velocity [rad/s]
- * \return Tuple of velocity commands and steering commands
- */
+ * \brief Calculates inverse kinematics for the desired linear and angular velocities
+ * \param Vx Desired linear velocity [m/s]
+ * \param theta_dot Desired angular velocity [rad/s]
+ * \return Tuple of velocity commands and steering commands
+ */
std::tuple, std::vector> get_commands(double Vx, double theta_dot);
- * \brief Reset poses, heading, and accumulators
- */
+ * \brief Reset poses, heading, and accumulators
+ */
void reset_odometry();
- * \brief Uses precomputed linear and angular velocities to compute dometry and update accumulators
- * \param linear Linear velocity [m] (linear displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by previous odometry method
- * \param angular Angular velocity [rad] (angular displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by previous odometry method
- */
+ * \brief Uses precomputed linear and angular velocities to compute dometry and update
+ * accumulators \param linear Linear velocity [m] (linear displacement, i.e. m/s * dt)
+ * computed by previous odometry method \param angular Angular velocity [rad] (angular
+ * displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by previous odometry method
+ */
bool update_odometry(const double linear_velocity, const double angular, const double dt);
- * \brief Integrates the velocities (linear and angular) using 2nd order Runge-Kutta
- * \param linear Linear velocity [m] (linear displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by encoders
- * \param angular Angular velocity [rad] (angular displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by encoders
- */
+ * \brief Integrates the velocities (linear and angular) using 2nd order Runge-Kutta
+ * \param linear Linear velocity [m] (linear displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by
+ * encoders \param angular Angular velocity [rad] (angular displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed
+ * by encoders
+ */
void integrate_runge_kutta_2(double linear, double angular);
- * \brief Integrates the velocities (linear and angular) using exact method
- * \param linear Linear velocity [m] (linear displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by encoders
- * \param angular Angular velocity [rad] (angular displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by encoders
- */
+ * \brief Integrates the velocities (linear and angular) using exact method
+ * \param linear Linear velocity [m] (linear displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed by
+ * encoders \param angular Angular velocity [rad] (angular displacement, i.e. m/s * dt) computed
+ * by encoders
+ */
void integrate_exact(double linear, double angular);
- * \brief Calculates steering angle from the desired translational and rotational velocity
- * \param Vx Linear velocity [m]
- * \param theta_dot Angular velocity [rad]
- */
+ * \brief Calculates steering angle from the desired translational and rotational velocity
+ * \param Vx Linear velocity [m]
+ * \param theta_dot Angular velocity [rad]
+ */
double convert_trans_rot_vel_to_steering_angle(double Vx, double theta_dot);
- * \brief Reset linear and angular accumulators
- */
+ * \brief Reset linear and angular accumulators
+ */
void reset_accumulators();
/// Current timestamp:
diff --git a/steering_controllers_library/src/steering_odometry.cpp b/steering_controllers_library/src/steering_odometry.cpp
index 28cd7fc80d..c480dc1253 100644
--- a/steering_controllers_library/src/steering_odometry.cpp
+++ b/steering_controllers_library/src/steering_odometry.cpp
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2023, Stogl Robotics Consulting UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
+ * Copyright (c) 2023, Stogl Robotics Consulting UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ void SteeringOdometry::integrate_runge_kutta_2(double linear, double angular)
- * \brief Other possible integration method provided by the class
- * \param linear
- * \param angular
- */
+ * \brief Other possible integration method provided by the class
+ * \param linear
+ * \param angular
+ */
void SteeringOdometry::integrate_exact(double linear, double angular)
if (fabs(angular) < 1e-6)
diff --git a/tricycle_controller/test/test_tricycle_controller.cpp b/tricycle_controller/test/test_tricycle_controller.cpp
index a1f09ddaf8..1d6edf261a 100644
--- a/tricycle_controller/test/test_tricycle_controller.cpp
+++ b/tricycle_controller/test/test_tricycle_controller.cpp
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ class TestableTricycleController : public tricycle_controller::TricycleControlle
- * @brief wait_for_twist block until a new twist is received.
- * Requires that the executor is not spinned elsewhere between the
- * message publication and the call to this function
- *
- * @return true if new twist msg was received, false if timeout
- */
+ * @brief wait_for_twist block until a new twist is received.
+ * Requires that the executor is not spinned elsewhere between the
+ * message publication and the call to this function
+ *
+ * @return true if new twist msg was received, false if timeout
+ */
bool wait_for_twist(
rclcpp::Executor & executor,
const std::chrono::milliseconds & timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(500))