You can be one.
The goal is to create personal archive database. We require small footprint. It should be able to run on SBC, like raspberry PI 5.
Please do not make anyone live miserable. It was designed to capture information from publicly available data (for example RSS), not to exploit anybody.
We should not crawling aggressively. Reads intervals should be sane. We should be reading robots.txt
On the other hand some web pages use sofisticated barriers that prevents us from successfuly crawling the web contents.
Most common techniques:
- Some pages do not display contents, or provide invalid html data. You can use different user agent. Best results can be obtained if we used chrome user agent
- Spotify does not display any HTML code if we use common python requests API. For such pages we can use "selenium"
- Web page uses cloudflare and checks if you are human. There are several techniques for that. There is chromium stealth and other solutions
RSS reading is not easy:
That gives us the conslusion, you have to be a sneaky bot, even if what you are doing is not wrong.
We want small footprint. The database cannot grow indefinitely.
Keep limits on user actions:
- store data only necessary amount of data
- always define archive limit, we do not allow the database to grow indefinitely
- installation should be simple and easy. Provide most common installation methods (Python poetry, docker)
- limit barriers of entry. There should be no obstacles
- easy import and exported data. The user need to be able to create a new instance in a matter of minutes
- default configuration should cover 90% of needs
- KISS. Do not focus on javascript, and other libraries that make the project bloated, hard to develop for. I know that we already use bootstrap, but we still limit the libraries / frameworks
- provide initial data. Add some RSS sources, block lists, or any other things, that help user to start the project
- everything that relates to link should start with "Entry"
- everything that relates to source should start with "Source"
- new services are handled by 'services' directory (like handling GIT, webarchive, etc.)
- serialization is handled by 'serializers' directory
- we use one queue to check for jobs, and processing queue. We do not need many queues, as it makes system more difficult. We do not need speed, as we are ethical scrapers
- this program was not designed to store Internet pages, but to store Internet meta data (title, description). We should rely on other services for cooperation. We cannot store entire Internet on a hard drive. We can store some meta though
- django application
- crawling server (
- crawling script (for example
- Django app detects it needs meta data
- Connects to crawling server, sends request
- crawling server starts script
- crawling script tries to obtain info about link, returns data to crawling server
- crawling server sends data back to caller (django app)
- do not change exported names of link data model. We do not want to be forced to regenerate all links again. We can add new fields though
- do not fetch all objects from any table. Do not use Model.objects.all(). One exception: to obtain length of table
- do not use len() for checking length of table. Use queryset 'count' API
- do not use Use django timezone datetime, or other native means
- do not iterate over object using .all() Use batch approach
- if SQLlite is used, then try to cache data. Requesting many things from database might lead to database locking. Therefore passing objects as arguments may not necessarily be the best idea
Uses sympy.
- read input condition from input to symbol equation that can be digested by sympy
- (link_field = search_value) into (A) condition
- (link_field = search_value) & (link_field2 = search_value2) into (A) & (B) condition
- traverse with sympy equation
- translate each condition (A, B ...) into Django Q objects
- use Q object to select from link database
Most of views use 'lists' to display elements.
Each link element style is reflected by a separate style in a CSS file.
What if we do not want to use main style for highlights, but for youtube we would like a slightly different color?
Each style should be independent from other styles.
Expect some names to be reserved.
- OpenPageRank - this user will be used to add votes from page rank
Some tags will have special meaning. These tags might be used to produce dashboards, etc.
- gatekeepers
- search engine
- social platform
Celery can be debugged as follows
celery --help
celery inspect --help
celery call --help
Shows which tasks are running
poetry run celery inspect registered
Call process jobs with JSON arguments
celery call app.tasks.process_all_jobs -a '["rsshistory.threadhandlers.OneTaskProcessor"]'