This document contains the steps to configure a new Crater agent machine from scratch, from an Amazon Linux image. To get a new one ask in t-infra.
The machine type we're currently using is:
- Instance: AWS
- Storage: 2 Tb
- OS: Amazon Linux 2
Once they tell you the IP of the machine, ssh with the ec2-user
user into it
from the bastion server, and execute these commands:
curl -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
sudo yum install git htop docker gcc cmake openssl-devel
sudo yum install
sudo yum install --enablerepo=epel byobu
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
# Configure byobu to use Ctrl+Z instead of Ctrl+A
mkdir ~/.byobu
cat > ~/.byobu/keybindings.tmux << EOF
unbind-key -n C-a
unbind-key -n C-z
set -g prefix ^Z
set -g prefix2 ^Z
bind z send-prefix
Log out of the machine. From the bastion, copy the ~/.aws/credentials
from an existing agent into the new one, and then log into it again and
git clone
cd crater
cargo build --release
# This is going to take a while to complete
cargo run --release -- prepare-local