- NEW: Project ESP32CYD - Folder demos demo_domoticz, demo_widget_non_controllable, demo_widget_controllable, demo_widget_progressbar. Folder widgets ledlabel, progressbar.
- UPD: Project ESP32CYD - Improved network connectivity (but still not 100% stable), widgets enhanced with demo mode option, reworked installation chapter.
- NEW: Project ESP32CYD - ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display first prototype Domoticz Little Board 320x240 resolution.
- NEW: Project LCD114 - LCD display 1.14 inch 240x135 resolution + Joystick & User Keys acting as Domoticz Mini Controller for selective Domoticz devices.
- UPD: Appendix > Hints.
- NEW: Project LCD480x320 - LCD display 3.5 inch 480x320 resolution showing selective Domoticz device data via Domoticz HTTP API/JSON.
- UPD: Minor changes.
- NEW: Project PICOACT - Bluetooth Low Energy Environment Actuator publishing pushbutton state to Domoticz using MQTT Auto Discovery.
- NEW: Project BLEScanner - Tool to scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices and return a JSON object (array) with device data.
- UPD: Minor changes.
- NEW: Project PICOES - Bluetooth Low Energy Environment Sensor publishing temperature,humidity, and more to Domoticz using MQTT Auto Discovery.
- UPD: Minor changes.
- NEW: Project Distance Sensor HC-SR04 - HTTP API/JSON.
- NEW: Project Distance Sensor HC-SR04 - MQTT Auto Discovery.
- NEW: Project IKEA VINDRIKTNING - Air Quality sensor with several solutions.
- UPD: Minor changes.
- NEW: Project Stepper Motor - Several solutions Selector Switch Angle Move, Blind Simulation, Timer Run Stop.
- UPD: Minor changes.
- NEW: Project Button Control - MQTT Auto Discovery.
- NEW: Project DHT22 - Temperature & Humidity MQTT Auto Discovery.
- NEW: Project LCD Text Input - Inspired by this post. Thanks for sharing.
- NEW: Config script added WARNING constant.
- NEW: Server script added function connect2 to connect to the network without socket.
- NEW: Appendix MQTT Auto Discovery.
- UPD: Renamed chapters Projects, ESP8266 to Pico W Projects, ESP8266 Projects.
- UPD: Renamed project ButtonSwitchLight to ButtonControl.
- UPD: Minor changes.
- NEW: Published first version on GitHub and the Domoticz Forum.
- NEW: Started with some first ideas.