SaasHQ is a CRM / ERP starter built on top of Next.JS 14 using TypeScript, the great UI library shadCN and Prisma, Postgresql+Tembo as the backend infrastructure. Upload things as an S3 blob for document storage. SaasHQ is based on the awesome NextCRM project by Pavel Dovhomilja. The Workflow engne is inspired by the Workflow-Engine project by Nisarg Bhatt.
Introduction · Tech Stack + Features · Roadmap · Installation · Repo activity · License Discord
- Next.js – React framework for building performant apps with the best developer experience
- Auth.js – Handle user authentication with ease with providers like Google, Twitter, GitHub, etc.
- Prisma – Typescript-first ORM for Node.js
- React Email – Versatile email framework for efficient and flexible email development
- Vercel – Easily preview & deploy changes with git
- Postgres – A database platform for seamless, scalable data management
- Resend – A powerful email framework for streamlined email development together with
- Tembo - Goodbye database sprawl. Postgres hosting done the right way.
- SWR – React Hooks library for remote data fetching
- Axios – Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Server Actions - for server side data fetching
- Tanstack/react-query - for server/client side data fetching
- Tailwind CSS – Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development
- Shadcn/ui – Re-usable components built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS
- Tremor – A platform for creating charts
- - together with
- OpenAI API - for automated email notifications generated by AI
- Rossum - for invoice data parsing with AI
- More AI powered - daily summary of tasks and project (OpenAI integration) - in progress
- Email campaigns management - integration with MailChimp and Listmonk - in planning
Docker version - in planning (There will be complete bundle to run SaasHQ on-premise)- Testing - Jest + Cypress (if anyone want to help I will be very happy) - in planning
- Fix all Types issue (no more "any") - complete (thanks to Nisarg Bhatt)
- i18n - localization - in progress (if anyone want to help I will be very happy)
- Turborepo - in planning
- Upgrade to Next.js 14 - complete
- Email client - in planning
- More Marketing Automation Tools - in progress
We use + as primary email sender and email templates.
We use Tremor charts as a tool for creating charts in SaasHQ
Available soon at:
Show instructions
Clone the repository:
git clone cd saashq
Install the preset:
npm install
Copy the environment variables to .env
cp .env.example .env
cp .env.local.example .env.local
- You will need a Postgresql URI string for Prisma ORM
- NextAUTH - for auth
- uploadthings - for storing files
- rossum - for invoice data exporting
- openAI - for automatic Project management assistant
- SMTP and IMAP for emails
Init Prisma
npx prisma generate npx prisma db push
Import initial data from initial-data folder
npx prisma db seed
Run app on local
npm run dev
Show instructions
Postgreql URI string for Prisma ORM:
Install the preset:
.env (for Prisma URI string) and .env.local (all others ENVs) file inside docker folder
run docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
Init Prisma
docker-compose exec saashq npx prisma generate docker-compose exec saashq npx prisma db push
Import initial data from initial-data folder
npx prisma db seed
- Open an issue if you find a bug or have a suggestion for improvements.
Licensed under the MIT license.