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@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ Cronos
@@ -236,12 +239,14 @@ Transaction Service
UI Kit
@@ -283,6 +288,8 @@ saltNonce
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"title": "Tutorials",
"href": "/resource-hub?source=Safe+Team&tag=Tutorial"
+ "-- AI": {
+ "type": "separator",
+ "title": "AI"
+ },
+ "ai-overview": "Overview",
+ "ai-agent-quickstarts": "Quickstart Guides",
+ "ai-agent-actions": "Action Guides",
"-- Help": {
"type": "separator",
"title": "Help"
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+# Advanced Safe Smart Account Setups for AI agents
+Here you find advanced setups for Safe Smart Accounts for AI agents.
+* Agent proposes transactions, human executes them
+* Multi-agent setup
+* Agent manages a certain amount of funds
+* Agent is scoped to selected actions
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+ "introduction": "Introduction",
+ "ai-agent-swaps-with-cow-swap": "AI agent swaps on CoW Swap",
+ "ai-agent-swaps-on-uniswap": "AI agent swaps on Uniswap"
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+import { Steps } from 'nextra/components'
+# AI agent swaps on Uniswap
+You can find a working code example to run locally in our [example repository](https://github.com/5afe/safe-uniswap-example).
+## Requirements
+- A deployed Safe Smart Account
+- The AI agent is a signer on the Safe
+- This example assumes, that the threshold of the Safe Smart Account is one, so the AI agent can sign autonomously.
+If you require more signatures, you have to collect those signatures programmatically of with the [Safe Wallet](https://app.safe.global/).
+- This guide assumes the Safe owns WETH.
+The example repository shows how to swap ETH to WETH.
+## Swap on Uniswap
+Here is a quick guide to get you up and running:
+### Setup the Safe Smart Account
+Your Safe Smart Account should be deployed.
+Now, initialize an instance with the Safe [Protocol Kit](./../../sdk/protocol-kit.mdx):
+import Safe from "@safe-global/protocol-kit";
+const preExistingSafe = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ safeAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS,
+### Fetch Uniswap pool data
+First, you have to fetch the pool data from Uniswap.
+This data provides information about the liquidity at the current and at other prices.
+Uniswap has a unique [Pricing Math](https://docs.uniswap.org/contracts/v3/reference/core/libraries/SqrtPriceMath).
+import {
+ Address,
+ createPublicClient,
+ createWalletClient,
+ defineChain,
+ encodeFunctionData,
+ http,
+ PublicClient,
+} from "viem";
+// Fetch slot0 data (current price, tick, etc.)
+const slot0 = (await publicClient.readContract({
+ address: poolAddress,
+ abi: POOL_ABI,
+ functionName: "slot0",
+})) as any;
+// Fetch liquidity
+const liquidity = (await publicClient.readContract({
+ address: poolAddress,
+ abi: POOL_ABI,
+ functionName: "liquidity",
+})) as any;
+const sqrtPriceX96 = BigInt(slot0[0]);
+const tick = slot0[1];
+### Execute Swap
+Now, you can setup your Safe Smart Account and send a swap transaction to Uniswap:
+import {
+ FeeAmount,
+ Pool,
+ Route,
+ SwapRouter,
+ CurrencyAmount,
+ TradeType,
+ Percent
+} from "@uniswap/v3-sdk";
+import { Token, SwapOptions } from "@uniswap/sdk-core";
+import JSBI from "jsbi";
+import { OperationType, MetaTransactionData } from "@safe-global/types-kit";
+// Set up viem clients and accounts
+const account = privateKeyToAccount(AGENT_PRIVATE_KEY as `0x${string}`);
+const publicClient = createPublicClient({
+ transport: http(RPC_URL!)
+const walletClient = createWalletClient({
+ transport: http(RPC_URL!)
+const chainId = (await publicClient.getChainId());
+// Example Values for WETH/USDC Uniswap Pool on Sepolia:
+const WETH_ADDRESS = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2";
+const USDC_ADDRESS = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48";
+const USDC_ETH_POOL_ADDRESS = "0x88e6A0c2dDD26FEEb64F039a2c41296FcB3f5640";
+const SWAP_ROUTER_ADDRESS = "0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564"; // Uniswap V3 Router
+const INPUT_AMOUNT = "100000000000"; // Amount of ETH to swap to USDC
+const OUTOUT_AMOUNT = "0"; // 0 USDC
+// Define token details
+const USDC = new Token(chainId, USDC_ADDRESS, 6, "USDC", "USD Coin");
+const WETH = new Token(chainId, WETH_ADDRESS, 18, "WETH", "Wrapped Ether");
+const callDataApprove = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: WETH_ABI,
+ functionName: "approve",
+const safeApproveTx: MetaTransactionData = {
+ value: "0",
+ data: callDataApprove,
+ operation: OperationType.Call,
+const options: SwapOptions = {
+ slippageTolerance: new Percent(50, 10_000), // 50 bips, or 0.50%
+ deadline: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 60 * 20, // 20 minutes from the current Unix time
+ recipient: SAFE_ADDRESS,
+const poolInfo = await fetchPoolData(publicClient, USDC_ETH_POOL_ADDRESS);
+// Create the pool object
+const pool = new Pool(
+ FeeAmount.MEDIUM,
+ JSBI.BigInt(poolInfo.sqrtPriceX96.toString()),
+ JSBI.BigInt(poolInfo.liquidity.toString()),
+ poolInfo.tick
+const swapRoute = new Route([pool], WETH, USDC);
+const uncheckedTrade = Trade.createUncheckedTrade({
+ tradeType: TradeType.EXACT_INPUT,
+ route: swapRoute,
+ inputAmount: CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(WETH,
+ ),
+ outputAmount: CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(USDC, OUTOUT_AMOUNT),
+const methodParameters = SwapRouter.swapCallParameters(
+ [uncheckedTrade],
+ options
+const safeSwapTx: MetaTransactionData = {
+ value: methodParameters.value,
+ data: methodParameters.calldata,
+ operation: OperationType.Call,
+const safeTx = await preExistingSafe.createTransaction({
+ transactions: [safeApproveTx, safeSwapTx],
+ onlyCalls: true,
+// You might need to collect more signatures here, depending on the threshold
+const txResponse = await preExistingSafe.executeTransaction(safeTx);
+ await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({
+ hash: txResponse.hash as `0x${string}`,
+console.log(`Deposit and approve transaction: [${txResponse.hash}]`);
+Now your AI agent executed a swap on Uniswap.
+## Next steps
+You can find more information about Swaps on Uniswap in their [docs about swaps](https://docs.uniswap.org/contracts/v4/quickstart/swap).
+If you have a technical question about Safe Smart Accounts, feel free to reach out on [Stack Exchange](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/safe-core) with the safe-core tag.
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+import { Steps } from 'nextra/components'
+# AI agent swaps on CoW Swap
+CoW swap ensures best prices and fastest execution and minimizes MEV.
+You can find a working code example to run locally in our [AI agent with Safe Smart Account CoW Swap example repository](https://github.com/5afe/safe-cowswap).
+Here is a quick guide to get you up and running:
+## Requirements
+- A deployed Safe Smart Account
+- The AI agent is a signer on the Safe
+- This example assumes, that the threshold of the Safe Smart Account is one, so the AI agent can sign autonomously.
+If you require more signatures, you have to collect those signatures programmatically of with the [Safe Wallet](https://app.safe.global/).
+## Let your AI agent send an intent
+### Setup the Safe Smart Account
+Your Safe Smart Account should be deployed.
+Now, initialize an instance with the [Protocol Kit](./../../sdk/protocol-kit.mdx):
+import Safe from "@safe-global/protocol-kit";
+const preExistingSafe = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ safeAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS,
+### Send swap intent
+Now, you can use the CoW Swap SDK to assemble a transaction that you can sign and execute with your Safe Smart Account.
+The swap will then be executed.
+Please be aware that the CoW Swap's SDK uses Ethers, while Safe's SDK use viem.
+You will see some warnings in the logs, but the code works nonetheless.
+In this example, we buy COW and pay with WETH.
+import {
+ SwapAdvancedSettings,
+ TradeParameters,
+ TradingSdk,
+ SupportedChainId,
+ OrderKind,
+ SigningScheme,
+} from "@cowprotocol/cow-sdk";
+import { VoidSigner } from "@ethersproject/abstract-signer";
+import { JsonRpcProvider } from "@ethersproject/providers";
+const traderParams = {
+ chainId: SupportedChainId.SEPOLIA,
+ signer: new VoidSigner(
+ smartContractWalletAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS,
+ new JsonRpcProvider("https://sepolia.gateway.tenderly.co")
+ ),
+ appCode: "awesome-app",
+const cowSdk = new TradingSdk(traderParams, { logs: false });
+const parameters: TradeParameters = {
+ kind: OrderKind.SELL,
+ sellToken: WETH_ADDRESS,
+ sellTokenDecimals: 18,
+ buyToken: COW_ADDRESS,
+ buyTokenDecimals: 18,
+ amount: INPUT_AMOUNT,
+const advancedParameters: SwapAdvancedSettings = {
+ quoteRequest: {
+ // Specify the signing scheme
+ signingScheme: SigningScheme.PRESIGN,
+ },
+const orderId = await cowSdk.postSwapOrder(parameters, advancedParameters);
+console.log(`Order ID: [${orderId}]`);
+const preSignTransaction = await cowSdk.getPreSignTransaction({
+ orderId,
+ account: smartContractWalletAddress,
+const customChain = defineChain({
+ ...sepolia,
+ name: "custom chain",
+ transport: http(RPC_URL),
+const publicClient = createPublicClient({
+ chain: customChain,
+ transport: http(RPC_URL),
+const safePreSignTx: MetaTransactionData = {
+ to: preSignTransaction.to,
+ value: preSignTransaction.value,
+ data: preSignTransaction.data,
+ operation: OperationType.Call,
+const safeTx = await preExistingSafe.createTransaction({
+ transactions: [safePreSignTx],
+ onlyCalls: true,
+// You might need to collect more signatures here
+const txResponse = await preExistingSafe.executeTransaction(safeTx);
+console.log(`Sent tx hash: [${txResponse.hash}]`);
+console.log("Waiting for the tx to be mined");
+await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({
+ hash: txResponse.hash as `0x${string}`,
+## Next steps
+Now, where your AI agent can execute trades autonomously, you are free to use this power as you like.
+You can find more specific information in the [CoW Swap Trading SDK docs](https://github.com/cowprotocol/cow-sdk/tree/main/src/trading#readme).
+If you have a technical question about Safe Smart Accounts, feel free to reach out on [Stack Exchange](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/safe-core) with the safe-core tag.
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+# Introduction
+Here you find example actions your AI agent can do.
+1. [AI agent swaps on CoW Swap](./ai-agent-swaps-with-cow-swap.mdx): The AI agent sends a swap intent to CoW Swap, which ensures the best swap rates and reduces MEV losses.
+2. [AI agent swaps on Uniswap](./ai-agent-swaps-on-uniswap.mdx): An example of how your AI agent can trade tokens on Uniswap.
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "introduction": "Introduction",
+ "basic-agent-setup": "Setup your Agent with a Safe account",
+ "human-approval": "Human approval for agent action",
+ "multi-agent-setup": "Multiple Agent setup",
+ "agent-with-spending-limit": "Agent with spending limit"
diff --git a/pages/home/ai-agent-quickstarts/agent-with-spending-limit.mdx b/pages/home/ai-agent-quickstarts/agent-with-spending-limit.mdx
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+import { Steps } from 'nextra/components'
+# AI agent with a spending limit for a treasury
+This setup is used by DAOs or other organizations that want to utilize AI agents to manage their funds.
+This setup uses Safe's [allowance module](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-modules/blob/main/modules/allowances/contracts/AllowanceModule.sol).
+After activating it for a Safe Smart Account, you can set an allowance per token for a spender (the delegator).
+It can be a one-time allowance, or an allowance that resets after a certain time interval (for example, 100 USDC every day).
+You can find an easy to run example for the allowance module in our [example repository](https://github.com/5afe/allowance-module-scripts).
+You can setup an allowance (spending limit) on a Safe Smart Account with the [Safe Wallet](https://app.safe.global) interface following [this guide](https://help.safe.global/en/articles/40842-set-up-and-use-spending-limits).
+Then, your agent can spend the allowance, as described in the last step.
+Here are the important code snippets to get you up and running:
+## Pre-requisites
+- A deployed Safe Smart Account
+- The Smart Account should hold an amount of the ERC20 token for which the allowance will be given
+## Set and use a spending limit for the AI agent
+### Enable the Allowance module on your Safe
+When you set a spending limit from Safe Wallet, the allowance module will be enabled automatically.
+You will use the Safe [Protocol Kit](./../../sdk/protocol-kit.mdx).
+Here is a code example to enable it programmatically:
+import Safe from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
+import { getAllowanceModuleDeployment } from '@safe-global/safe-modules-deployments'
+const preExistingSafe = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ signer: OWNER_1_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ safeAddress: safeAddress
+// Add Module
+const allowanceModule = getAllowanceModuleDeployment({ network: '11155111' })!
+const safeTransaction = await preExistingSafe.createEnableModuleTx(
+ allowanceModule.networkAddresses['11155111']
+const txResponse = await preExistingSafe.executeTransaction(safeTransaction)
+### Set spending limit for AI agent
+Now you can set a spending limit to your AI agent:
+import { getAllowanceModuleDeployment } from '@safe-global/safe-modules-deployments'
+import Safe from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
+import { getAllowanceModuleDeployment } from '@safe-global/safe-modules-deployments'
+import { OperationType, MetaTransactionData } from '@safe-global/types-kit'
+const ERC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS = '0x1c7D4B196Cb0C7B01d743Fbc6116a902379C7238'
+const preExistingSafe = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ signer: OWNER_1_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ safeAddress: safeAddress
+const allowanceModule = getAllowanceModuleDeployment({ network: '11155111' })!
+const allowanceModuleAddress = allowanceModule.networkAddresses['11155111']
+const callData1 = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: allowanceModule.abi,
+ functionName: 'addDelegate',
+// agent can spend 1 USDC per day:
+const callData2 = encodeFunctionData({
+ abi: allowanceModule.abi,
+ functionName: 'setAllowance',
+ args: [
+ AGENT_ADDRESS, // delegate
+ ERC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS, // token
+ 1_000_000, // allowance amount (1 USDC)
+ 1_440, // reset time in minutes (1440 mins = 1 day)
+ 0 // reset base (fine to set zero)
+ ]
+const safeTransactionData1: MetaTransactionData = {
+ to: allowanceModuleAddress,
+ value: '0',
+ data: callData1,
+ operation: OperationType.Call
+const safeTransactionData2: MetaTransactionData = {
+ to: allowanceModuleAddress,
+ value: '0',
+ data: callData2,
+ operation: OperationType.Call
+const safeTransaction = await preExistingSafe.createTransaction({
+ transactions: [safeTransactionData1, safeTransactionData2],
+ onlyCalls: true
+const txResponse = await preExistingSafe.executeTransaction(safeTransaction)
+### Let the AI agent use the spending limit
+Now your agent has a spending limit, either set programmatically or from Safe Wallet.
+Here is how the agent can spend it:
+import {
+ createPublicClient,
+ http,
+ encodeFunctionData,
+ zeroAddress,
+ createWalletClient,
+} from 'viem'
+import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts'
+const ERC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS = '0x1c7D4B196Cb0C7B01d743Fbc6116a902379C7238'
+const allowanceModule = getAllowanceModuleDeployment({ network: '11155111' })!
+const allowanceModuleAddress = allowanceModule.networkAddresses[
+ '11155111'
+] as `0x${string}`
+const publicClient = createPublicClient({ transport: http(RPC_URL!) })
+// Read allowance module to get current nonce
+const allowance = await publicClient.readContract({
+ address: allowanceModuleAddress,
+ abi: allowanceModule.abi,
+ functionName: 'getTokenAllowance',
+ args: [safeAddress, AGENT_ADDRESS, ERC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS]
+const amount = 1 // You might want to adapt the amount
+// generate hash
+const hash = await publicClient.readContract({
+ address: allowanceModuleAddress,
+ abi: allowanceModule.abi,
+ functionName: 'generateTransferHash',
+ args: [
+ safeAddress,
+ amount,
+ zeroAddress,
+ 0,
+ allowance[4] // nonce
+ ]
+const agentAccount = privateKeyToAccount(
+ AGENT_PRIVATE_KEY as `0x${string}`
+const signature = await agentAccount.sign({
+ hash: hash as unknown as `0x${string}`
+const { request } = await publicClient.simulateContract({
+ address: allowanceModuleAddress,
+ abi: allowanceModule.abi,
+ functionName: 'executeAllowanceTransfer',
+ args: [
+ safeAddress,
+ amount,
+ zeroAddress,
+ 0,
+ signature
+ ],
+ account: agentAccount
+const walletClient = createWalletClient({ transport: http(RPC_URL!) })
+const tx = await walletClient.writeContract(request)
+In this example, your agent will get a daily spending limit of 10 USDC.
+## Next steps
+You can find more info in the example repository or in the documentation about the allowance module.
+If you have a technical question, feel free to reach out on [Stack Exchange](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/safe-core) with the safe-core tag.
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+# Basic setup to equip your AI agent with a Smart Account
+Get started with Safe AI integration in just a few steps.
+This guide will help you set up a Safe Smart Account with the AI agent as the only signer.
+This 1-out-of-1 signer setup is discouraged by Safe, as it is not the most secure.
+However, many projects choose this setup for simplicity.
+## Installation
+First, add the Safe [Protocol Kit](./../../sdk/protocol-kit.mdx) to your project:
+import Safe from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
+## Creating a Safe Smart Account for your AI agent
+When your AI agent is ready to interact with the blockchain, you can create a Safe Smart Account for it.
+import Safe from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
+const SIGNER_ADDRESS = // ...
+const SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY = // ...
+const RPC_URL = 'https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia'
+const safeClient = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ safeOptions: {
+ owners: [SIGNER_ADDRESS],
+ threshold: 1
+ }
+This creates a Safe Smart Account, but the actual smart contract will be deployed when you send the first transaction.
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+import { Steps } from 'nextra/components'
+# Human approval for AI agent actions
+This page describes a setup, where an autonomous agent proposes transactions, and one or more human signers approve and execute the transaction.
+This setup benefits from increased security, as the Smart Account can not be compromised by convincing the agent to execute a malicious transaction.
+On the other hand, it can take minutes or hours to collect the necessary approvals, which reduces the agility of this setup.
+## Setup the Smart Account
+For this setup, we recommend a 2-out-of-3, 3-out-of-5, or 5-out-of-7 threshold.
+The important considerations are:
+* The AI agent should be one signer
+* The threshold should be two more, so at least one human approval is required
+* The amount of signers should be higher than the threshold to make sure the Safe Smart Account is functional when one key is lost
+Here is an example setup:
+### Deploy Safe
+You can add the AI agent as a signer in the [Safe Wallet](https://app.safe.global/).
+You can also setup the Safe Smart Account programmatically like this using the Safe [Protocol Kit](./../../sdk/protocol-kit.mdx):
+import Safe from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
+const AGENT_ADDRESS = // ...
+const AGENT_PRIVATE_KEY = // ...
+const HUMAN_SIGNER_1_ADDRESS = // ...
+const HUMAN_SIGNER_2_ADDRESS = // ...
+const RPC_URL = 'https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia'
+const newSafe = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ safeOptions: {
+ threshold: 2
+ }
+Here, the AI agent creates the Safe Smart Account and adds two human signers for a 2-out-of-3 setup.
+The Smart Account will be deployed when the first transaction is executed.
+### Assemble and propose a transaction
+The AI agent can now propose transactions.
+We recommend sending the transactions to the [Safe Transaction Service](./../../../core-api/transaction-service-overview.mdx).
+By this, you make sure that the transactions show up in the Safe Wallet interface and can easily be checked, approved and executed by the human signers.
+You can use the [API Kit](./../../sdk/api-kit.mdx) to propose transactions to the Safe Transaction Service.
+A simple example transaction to the zero address can be proposed like this:
+import SafeApiKit from '@safe-global/api-kit'
+const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
+ chainId: 11155111n
+const tx = await newSafe.createTransaction({
+ transactions: [
+ {
+ to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ data: '0x',
+ value: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+// Every transaction has a Safe (Smart Account) Transaction Hash different than the final transaction hash
+const safeTxHash = await newSafe.getTransactionHash(tx)
+// The AI agent signs this Safe (Smart Account) Transaction Hash
+const signature = await newSafe.signHash(safeTxHash)
+// Now the transaction with the signature is sent to the Transaction Service with the Api Kit:
+await apiKit.proposeTransaction({
+ safeAddress: safeAddress,
+ safeTransactionData: tx.data,
+ safeTxHash,
+ senderSignature: signature.data,
+ senderAddress: AGENT_ADDRESS
+## Approve and execute the transactions
+The transactions will now show up in the transaction interface of the [Safe Wallet](https://app.safe.global).
+The human signers now have to connect their Metamask, and approve and/or execute the transactions with a click.
+They can also use the [Mobile App](https://help.safe.global/en/articles/40844-sign-transactions) to sign the transactions.
+In the Safe Wallet, the human signers will see the transaction in the queued transaction view:
+And can either add a signature or execute the transaction when enough signatures were collected:
+## Next steps
+Now your AI agent is equipped with a Safe Smart Account and you are in full control of the transactions.
+We are exited to see what you will build.
+If you have a technical question, feel free to reach out on [Stack Exchange](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/safe-core) with the safe-core tag.
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+# Quickstarts to set up your AI agent with Safe Smart Account
+In these pages you will find quickstart guides to set your AI agent up and running with Safe Smart Accounts.
+We describe these different setups:
+1. [Basic Agent Setup](./basic-agent-setup.mdx): The simplest and fastest setup for your agent.
+2. [Human Approval for agent actions](./human-approval.mdx): The AI agent proposes transactions, human signers approve and execute the transaction. Highest security, but not the fastest.
+3. [Multi Agent Setup](./multi-agent-setup.mdx): Multiple Agents are signers of a Smart Account. They have to approve and execute each others transactions.
+4. [Agent with a spending limit](./agent-with-spending-limit.mdx): An AI agent gets a spending limit on your treasury or DAO funds. This advanced setup allows fast transactions with a good amount of security.
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+import { Steps } from 'nextra/components'
+# Multi-Agent Setup
+In this guide, you'll learn how to set up and manage a Safe Smart Account with multiple agents.
+This setup ensures that every transaction proposed by one agent is approved by at least one other agent.
+To maintain full functionality, we recommend including human signers in addition to the AI agents.
+Below, we demonstrate a 2-out-of-4 setup as an example.
+# Two Agents Propose, Check, and Execute Transactions
+### Setup Safe Smart Account with agent one
+You will use the Safe [Protocol Kit](./../../sdk/protocol-kit.mdx).
+import Safe from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
+const AGENT_1_ADDRESS = // ...
+const AGENT_1_PRIVATE_KEY = // ...
+const AGENT_2_ADDRESS = // ...
+const HUMAN_SIGNER_1_ADDRESS = // ...
+const HUMAN_SIGNER_2_ADDRESS = // ...
+const RPC_URL = 'https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia'
+const newSafe = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ signer: AGENT_1_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ safeOptions: {
+ threshold: 2
+ }
+The Smart Account is now created with a fixed address. If the account has not been deployed yet, it will automatically deploy when the first transaction is executed.
+### Propose a Transaction with Agent One
+Agent One can now propose transactions. We recommend sending these transactions to the [Safe Transaction Service](./../../../core-api/transaction-service-overview.mdx). Using this service provides several benefits:
+- It allows Agent Two to easily receive, sign, and execute the transaction.
+- Transactions appear in the Safe Wallet interface, where human signers can review, approve, and execute them.
+You can use the [API Kit](./../../sdk/api-kit.mdx) to propose transactions to the Safe Transaction Service.
+Here's an example of how Agent One can propose a simple transaction to the zero address:
+import SafeApiKit from '@safe-global/api-kit'
+const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
+ chainId: 11155111n
+const tx = await newSafe.createTransaction({
+ transactions: [
+ {
+ to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ data: '0x',
+ value: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+// Every transaction has a Safe (Smart Account) Transaction Hash different than the final transaction hash
+const safeTxHash = await newSafe.getTransactionHash(tx)
+// The AI agent signs this Safe (Smart Account) Transaction Hash
+const signature = await newSafe.signHash(safeTxHash)
+// Now the transaction with the signature is sent to the Transaction Service with the Api Kit:
+await apiKit.proposeTransaction({
+ safeAddress: safeAddress,
+ safeTransactionData: tx.data,
+ safeTxHash,
+ senderSignature: signature.data,
+ senderAddress: AGENT_ADDRESS
+### Receive and sign transaction with agent two
+In the next step, the second AI agent needs to receive the transaction and, after performing any necessary checks, sign and execute it.
+The second AI agent will run on its own machine, so you would have to initialize the Safe instance with the Smart Account's address.
+const SAFE_ADDRESS = '0x...' // The address of the Smart Account from step one
+// Initialize the Safe object with the same address, but a different signer
+const existingSafe = await Safe.init({
+ provider: RPC_URL,
+ signer: AGENT_2_PRIVATE_KEY,
+ safeAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS
+// Get pending transactions that need a signature
+const pendingTransactions = await apiKit.getPendingTransactions(SAFE_ADDRESS)
+// We assume there is only one pending transaction
+const transaction = pendingTransactions.results[0]
+// Here, your AI agent could check this transaction.
+// As only one more signater is required, AI agent two can execute the transaction:
+## Next steps
+Your AI agents can make autonomous decisions, and the human signers can do so, too.
+We are exited to see what you will build.
+If you have a technical question, feel free to reach out on [Stack Exchange](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/safe-core) with the safe-core tag.
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+import { Callout } from 'nextra/components'
+import { Grid } from '@mui/material'
+import Lock from '../../assets/svg/lock.svg'
+import SafeCore from '../../assets/svg/code.svg'
+import CustomCard from '../../components/CustomCard'
+# AI agents Powered by Safe Smart Accounts
+The intersection of AI and blockchain technology is evolving rapidly.
+This section provides a fast-track guide to getting started with AI agents that leverage Safe Smart Accounts for blockchain interactions.
+## Quickstart Guides
+Eager to start building? Get started quickly and efficiently here:
+ }
+ newTab={false}
+ />
+ }
+ newTab={false}
+ />
+## Why Use Safe Smart Accounts for AI agents?
+Safe Smart Accounts offer a secure and modular solution for enabling AI agents to interact with the blockchain.
+While other options include giving an AI agent a private key, using Multi-Party Computation (MPC), relying on custodial services with an API, or manually sending transactions from a user's wallet, Safe Smart Accounts offer distinct advantages.
+## Key Benefits of Safe Smart Accounts for AI agents:
+1. **Enhanced Security**: Safe Smart Accounts offer robust security features, making them one of the most secure methods for blockchain interactions.
+Signers retain control of private keys, and signers can be replaced if necessary. Additional security measures, such as spending limits, timelocks, and whitelists, can be easily added to safeguard transactions.
+*This is especially crucial since many AI agents can be influenced by specific prompts.*
+2. **True Self-Custody**: With Safe Smart Accounts, there's no reliance on third-party intermediaries.
+This reduces costs and eliminates single points of failure, aligning with blockchain's core principle of decentralization.
+3. **Modular Design**: Safe Smart Accounts provide unmatched modularity. Native and third-party modules extend functionality, allowing you to customize accounts based on your project's needs.
+4. **Flexibility**: Multiple signers can propose transactions within a Safe Smart Account.
+This allows your AI agent to propose transactions while maintaining your control over the account, with the option to withdraw funds or intervene at any point.
+5. **Multi-Signer Setup**: Some use cases involve multiple AI agents acting as signers on a single Smart Account.
+These agents must reach consensus before a transaction is signed, adding an extra layer of security and decentralization.