Given a directed social graph, we have to predict missing links to recommend friends/connnections/followers (Link Prediction in graph).
Dataset from facebook's recruting challenge on kaggle:
Data contains two columns: source and destination edge pairs in the directed graph.
- Data columns (total 2 columns):
- source_node int64
- destination_node int64
- No low-latency requirements.
- Predciting the probability of a link is useful so as to recommend the highest probability links to a user.
- We got to suggest connnections which are most likley to be correct and we should try and not miss out any connnections.
- Both precision and recall are important, hence F1 score is good choice
- Confusion matrix
- Accuracy can also be checked
First download the data from Data Source then run the file: FB_FriendRecommendation.ipynb.