Deploy the OpenTelemetry Collector Operator in MicroShift:
oc apply -n opentelemetry-collector-operator -f manifests/opentelemetry-collector-operator/opentelemetry-operator.yaml
An opentelemetry-collector operator pod should now be running in -n opentelemetry-collector-operator
Refer to openshift-observability-hub and complete the steps to configure an OpenShift cluster for collecting telemetry from edge deployments.
Run the following from edge MicroShift cluster otelcol namespace
, where OpenTelemetryCollector will be running.
In the following example, it is assumed the collector will run in -n otelcol
. Substitute the namespace when necessary.
# scp'd files are at ~/redhat/.
# may need 'oc delete cm/client-ca -n otelcol`, `oc delete cm/edge-token -n otelcol` first
oc create configmap -n otelcol client-ca --from-file ca.crt
oc create configmap -n otelcol edge-token --from-file edge-token
Update the OpenTelemetryCollector definition to remote write prometheus metrics to Thanos
It is assumed there is an otelcol
namespace and the OpenTelemetry Operator
is running in the cluster.
Also, is cloned in the MicroShift VM.
# update manifests/opentelemetry-collector-operator/microshift-otelcollector-remotewrite.yaml
* copy contents of `thanos-receive-url` to `microshift-otelcollector-remotewrite.yaml`
* copy contents of `ocp-otelcol-url` to `microshift-otelcollector-remotewrite.yaml`
# create an SCC for otelcol-collector serviceaccount and the ca-bundle configmap
oc apply -f manifests/opentelemetry-collector-operator/microshift-resources.yaml
oc apply -f manifests/opentelemetry-collector-operator/microshift-otelcollector-remotewrite.yaml
Creation of the OpenTelemetryCollector
in -n otelcol
, will trigger a collector deployment
and other required resources. Check the collector pod logs to ensure data is being received and exported.
Now you can view traces from the Jaeger UI running in OpenShift, -n thanos
the jaeger route
With the example from this repository, you should have CRI-O traces and possibly the sample-app
You can also query metrics from your application in OpenShift, -n thanos
the thanos-querier route
# scp'd files are at ~/redhat/.
# may need 'oc delete cm/client-ca -n sample-app`, `oc delete cm/edge-token -n sample-app` first
oc create configmap -n sample-app client-ca --from-file ca.crt
oc create configmap -n sample-app edge-token --from-file edge-token
oc apply -f manifests/opentelemetry-collector-operator/sample-app-otelcollector-remotewrite.yaml
Creation of the OpenTelemetryCollector
in -n sample-app
, will trigger a collector deployment
and other required resources. Check the collector pod logs to ensure data is being received and exported.