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martinghunt edited this page Aug 12, 2015 · 9 revisions

Brief instructions

Although Circlator is modular, the most common way to use Circlator is to run the complete pipeline with a single command. Brief instructions for how to do this are given below.

Input files

Circlator requires corrected reads in FASTA or FASTQ format (which can be gzipped) and an assembly in FASTA format. Common long read assemblers output the required files, as listed here.

PacBio data

Given an assembly assembly.fasta in FASTA format and corrected PAcBio reads reads.fastq in FASTQ format, run

circlator all assembly.fasta reads.fastq output_directory

and the results will be written to the directory (which must not already exist) output_directory. The final circularized FASTA file is called


Nanopore data

Currently, nanopore data is of worse quality than PacBio. The parameters must be relaxed a little to use nanopore reads because the defaults assume PacBio data. Run it like this:

circlator all --merge_min_id 85 --merge_breaklen 1000 assembly.fasta reads.fastq output_directory

if you have corrected nanopore reads instead of corrected PacBio reads.


We recommend that the output assembly is polished using Quiver, or Nanopolish.

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