diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/.gitignore b/mdissues/issue11/.gitignore
index 54255f0..ce8c10f 100644
--- a/mdissues/issue11/.gitignore
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count.py b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea0530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+""" ab_count.py
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys, re,codecs
+def read_lines(filein):
+ with codecs.open(filein,encoding='utf-8',mode='r') as f:
+ lines = [x.rstrip('\r\n') for x in f]
+ return lines
+class Tip(object):
+ def __init__(self,line):
+ # format of mdab_input.txt
+ # A\tA T , where
+ # A is the abbreviation
+ # \t is the tab character
+ # T is the tooltip
+ self.abbrev,self.data = line.split('\t')
+ m = re.search(r'^(.*?) (.*?)$',self.data)
+ if m == None:
+ print('Tip cannot parse 1',line)
+ exit(1)
+ if m.group(1) != self.abbrev:
+ print('Tip cannot parse 2',line)
+ exit(1)
+ self.abbrev = m.group(1)
+ self.tip = m.group(2)
+ self.n = 0 # observed
+ self.tag = 'ab' #
+def init_abbrevs(filein):
+ lines = read_lines(filein)
+ recs = [Tip(line) for line in lines]
+ print(len(recs),"abbreviations read from",filein)
+ d = {}
+ for rec in recs:
+ abbrev = rec.abbrev
+ if abbrev in d:
+ print('init_abbrev: unexpected duplicate',abbrev)
+ d[abbrev] = rec
+ return recs,d
+def write_outrecs(fileout,outrecs):
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outrecs),"cases written to",fileout)
+def print_outrecs(outrecs):
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ print(out)
+def write(fileout,outarr):
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outarr),"lines written to",fileout)
+def count_line_tag(tag,line,dabbrev,recs):
+ # since these latter also need tooltips
+ # returns number of new tags in this line
+ nnew = 0
+ regex = r'<%s>(.*?)%s>' %(tag,tag)
+ for m in re.finditer(regex,line):
+ abbrev = m.group(1)
+ if abbrev not in dabbrev:
+ #print('New abbreviation:',m.group(0))
+ nnew = nnew + 1
+ # add a new record to dabbrev
+ tip = '??'
+ tipline = '%s\t%s %s' %(abbrev,abbrev,tip)
+ rec = Tip(tipline)
+ rec.n = 1
+ rec.tag = tag
+ dabbrev[abbrev] = rec
+ recs.append(rec)
+ else:
+ rec = dabbrev[abbrev]
+ rec.n = rec.n + 1
+ return nnew
+def count(lines,dabbrev,recs):
+ # modifys dabbrev and recs
+ newlines = []
+ inentry = False
+ nnew = 0 # number of new abbreviations
+ for iline,line in enumerate(lines):
+ if line.startswith(''):
+ newline = line
+ inentry = True
+ elif line.startswith(''):
+ newline = line
+ inentry = False
+ elif not inentry:
+ newline = line
+ elif line.strip() == '':
+ newline = line
+ elif line.startswith('[Page'):
+ newline = line
+ else:
+ # for this purpose, also include tags ab and also cl, lang, lex, pe
+ tags = ('ab','cl','lang','lex','pe')
+ for tag in tags:
+ n = count_line_tag(tag,line,dabbrev,recs)
+ nnew = nnew + n
+ # nothing returned
+ print(nnew,"new abbreviations")
+def write_recs(fileout,recs0):
+ # sort the array of Tip records by abbreviation (without case)
+ recs = sorted(recs0,key = lambda rec: rec.abbrev.lower())
+ outarr = [] # add a N field to output
+ for rec in recs:
+ #out = '%s :: %s :: %s' %(rec.abbrev,rec.n,rec.tip)
+ if rec.tag == 'ab':
+ tagnote = ''
+ else:
+ tagnote = ' %s' % rec.tag
+ out = '%s\t%s %s %s%s' %(
+ rec.abbrev, rec.abbrev, rec.tip, rec.n, tagnote)
+ outarr.append(out)
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outarr),"cases written to",fileout)
+ exit(1)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ filein = sys.argv[1] # xxx.txt cdsl
+ filein1 = sys.argv[2] # File with abbreviations
+ fileout = sys.argv[3] # abbreviations with counts
+ lines = read_lines(filein)
+ print(len(lines),"lines from",filein)
+ recs,d = init_abbrevs(filein1)
+ count(lines,d,recs) # modifies both d and recs
+ write_recs(fileout,recs)
diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count.txt b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a53b3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+& & and. 0
+& & and. 0
+&c. &c. et cetera, and so forth. 0
+&c. &c. et cetera, and so forth. 28
++ + with; also. 0
+1 1 ?? 14 pe
+1. 1. ?? 2 pe
+2 2 ?? 209 pe
+2. 2. ?? 22 pe
+3 3 ?? 60 pe
+3. 3. ?? 7 pe
+= = equals, is the equivalent of. 0
+a. a. adjective. 16690
+a. cpd. a. cpd. ?? 1
+a. cpds. a. cpds. ?? 3
+A. D. A. D. Anno Domini 27
+a. m. a. m. ?? 2
+a.¹ a.¹ ?? 1 lex
+ab. ab. ablative. 1100
+abl. abl. ?? 1
+abs. abs. absolute. 60
+abs. ɴ. abs. ɴ. ?? 1
+abst. abst. abstract. 10
+abst. N. abst. N. abstract noun. 0
+abst. ɴ. abst. ɴ. ?? 320
+ac. ac. accusative. 2281
+ac.¹ ac.¹ ?? 1
+act. act. active. 84
+ad. ad. adverb, -ial, -ially. 1953
+ads. ads. ?? 2
+advs. advs. ?? 3
+Ait. Br. Ait. Br. ?? 2
+aor. aor. aorist. 68
+app. app. apposition. 12
+ass. ass. asseverative. 0
+astrol. astrol. ?? 1
+athg. athg. anything. 2
+AV. AV. Atharva-veda. 59
+AV.¹ AV.¹ ?? 16
+B. B. Buddhistic term. 20
+B. C. B. C. ?? 5
+beg. beg. beginning. 11
+bg. bg. beginning. 3
+Br. Br. Brāhmaṇa. 418
+Br.¹ Br.¹ ?? 3
+C. C. Classical (post-Vedic) Sanskrit. 1519
+C.¹ C.¹ ?? 7
+cj. cj. conjunction. 13
+cjs. cjs. ?? 1
+col. col. collective, -ly. 0
+coll. coll. collective, -ly. 27
+comm. comm. commentator. 23
+cond. cond. ?? 5
+conj. conj. conjecture. 12
+cor. cor. correlative. 5
+corr. corr. ?? 30
+correl. correl. ?? 1
+cp. cp. compare. 58
+Cp. Cp. ?? 1
+cpd. cpd. compound. 4
+cpds. cpds. ?? 14
+cps. cps. ?? 1
+cpv. cpv. comparative. 123
+crt. crt. certain. 0
+cs. cs. causal. 1512
+d. d. dative. 545
+dat. dat. ?? 1
+dbl. dbl. double. 1
+dem. dem. ?? 1
+den. den. denominative. 526
+der. der. derivative. 9
+des. des. desiderative. 309
+dim. dim. diminutive. 9
+dr. dr. dramatic term. 26
+du. du. dual. 223
+E. E. Epic. 244
+e. g. e. g. for example. 136
+E.¹ E.¹ ?? 2
+emp. emp. emphatic. 0
+emph. inter. emph. inter. ?? 2
+enc. enc. enclitic. 4
+enc. pcl. enc. pcl. ?? 1
+encl. encl. enclitic. 14
+Eng. Eng. English. 0
+Engl. Engl. ?? 1 lang
+ep. ep. epithet. 801
+eq. eq. equivalent. 0
+esp. esp. especially. 354
+etc. etc. et cetera, and so forth. 701
+exc. exc. except, exceptionally. 4
+excl. excl. exclamation. 1
+exp. exp. explanation. 0
+f. f. feminine; also = for. 7769
+Feb. Feb. ?? 1
+fem. fem. ?? 1 lex
+ff. ff. and the following. 0
+fig. fig. figurative, -ly. 165
+fp. fp. future participle passive. 1338
+fr. fr. from. 193
+French French ?? 1 lang
+ft. ft. future. 38
+fut. fut. ?? 7
+g. g. genitive. 1530
+g.¹ g.¹ ?? 1
+gd. gd. gerund (indeclinable participle). 135
+gen. gen. ?? 2
+Gk. Gk. Greek. 4
+gnly. gnly. generally. 148
+gr. gr. grammatical term. 236
+Gr. Gr. ?? 1 lang
+hvg. hvg. having. 23
+I. I. ?? 469 cl
+i. e. i. e. that is. 157
+id. id. the same. 2028
+II. II. ?? 98 cl
+III. III. ?? 38 cl
+ij. ij. interjection. 44
+imp. imp. ?? 1
+impf. impf. ?? 18
+impl. impl. ?? 11
+impr. impr. ?? 1
+imps. imps. impersonal. 83
+impv. impv. imperative. 52
+in. in. instrumental. 1774
+incor. incor. incorrect. 0
+incorr. incorr. incorrect. 100
+ind. ind. indicative. 10
+indc. indc. indeclinable. 2
+indec. indec. indeclinable. 3
+indecl. indecl. ?? 16
+Indef. Indef. ?? 1
+indef. indef. ?? 4
+indf. indf. indefinite. 0
+inf. inf. infinitive. 293
+int. int. intransitive. 117
+inter. inter. ?? 17
+inter. prn. inter. prn. ?? 1
+interr. interr. ?? 4
+intr. intr. interrogative. 6
+intv. intv. intensive (frequentative). 143
+ir. ir. irregular. 1
+irr. irr. ?? 2
+irreg. irreg. ?? 2
+IV. IV. ?? 134 cl
+IX. IX. ?? 52 cl
+Jan. Jan. ?? 3
+K. K. king. 1
+Lat. Lat. Latin. 2
+Latin Latin ?? 1 lang
+lc. lc. locative. 2164
+lc.¹ lc.¹ ?? 1
+leg. leg. legal term. 9
+lex. lex. ?? 3
+lit. lit. literally. 12
+m. m. masculine. 16491
+m.² m.² ?? 1 lex
+m.¹ m.¹ ?? 3 lex
+med. med. ?? 1
+met. met. metronymic. 29
+metr. metr. metrical (due to exigencies of metre). 124
+mg. mg. meaning. 76
+mgs. mgs. ?? 1
+mid. mid. ?? 1
+mtn. mtn. mountain. 23
+N. N. name; when alone = name of a man or of a woman. 4233
+n. n. neuter. 10332
+N.E. N.E. Northeast. 0
+N.W. N.W. Northwest. 0
+n.¹ n.¹ ?? 4 lex
+neg. neg. negative. 21
+nl. nl. ?? 1
+nm. nm. nominative. 254
+nom. nom. ?? 1
+Nov. Nov. ?? 2
+nr. nr. numeral. 2
+Ns. Ns. ?? 3
+num. num. numeral. 10
+obj. obj. object. 1
+onom. onom. onomatopœic. 6
+opp. opp. opposite. 128
+opt. opt. optative. 4
+or. or. originally. 0
+ord. ord. ordinary. 8
+ord. mg. ord. mg. ?? 191
+ord. num. ord. num. ?? 1
+orig. orig. originally. 6
+P. P. Parasmaipada. 1725
+p. m. p. m. ?? 1
+P.¹ P.¹ ?? 1
+pat. pat. patronymic. 215
+pcl. pcl. particle. 40
+pcls. pcls. ?? 12
+perh. perh. perhaps. 24
+periphr. periphr. ?? 1
+pers. pers. ?? 9
+pf. pf. perfect. 85
+ph. ph. philosophical term. 24
+phil. phil. philosophical term. 25
+pl. pl. plural. 1194
+pl.¹ pl.¹ ?? 2
+pn. pn. pronoun, pronominal. 1
+pns. pns. ?? 1
+pos. pos. possessive. 1
+poss. poss. possessive. 3
+pot. pot. potential. 38
+potent. potent. ?? 1
+pp. pp. perfect passive participle. 4850
+Pr. Pr. Prākrit (Sanskrit equivalent of Prākrit word), Prākritic. 64
+pr. pr. present. 397
+pred. pred. predicate, predicative, -ly. 15
+pres. pres. ?? 1
+prn. prn. pronoun, pronominal. 63
+prns. prns. ?? 6
+prob. prob. probably. 25
+prop. prop. properly. 0
+prp. prp. preposition. 63
+prps. prps. ?? 3
+prs. prs. person. 39
+Prākrit Prākrit ?? 12 lang
+ps. ps. passive. 369
+pt. pt. participle. 422
+px. px. prefix. 9
+Pāli Pāli ?? 1 lang
+q. v. q. v. which see. 39
+R. R. river. 0
+red. red. reduplicated, reduplication. 2
+redupl. redupl. ?? 3
+refl. refl. ?? 3
+rel. rel. relative. 13
+rel. prn. rel. prn. ?? 1
+rep. rep. repeated. 4
+rf. rf. reflexive. 0
+rfl. rfl. ?? 1
+rh. rh. rhetorical term. 44
+rhet. rhet. ?? 5
+rit. rit. ritual term. 13
+rl. rl. relative. 0
+rp. rp. repeated. 0
+RV. RV. Rig-veda. 1033
+RV.² RV.² Rig-veda (² = ?) 22
+RV.¹ RV.¹ Rig-veda (¹ = ?) 438
+S. S. Sūtra. 148
+s. s. singular. 15
+s. v. s. v. sub voce. 3
+S.¹ S.¹ ?? 1
+Sanskrit Sanskrit ?? 15 lang
+sb. sb. substantive. 0
+sbj. sbj. ?? 2
+sc. sc. scilicet, that is to say, supply. 64
+Sept. Sept. ?? 2
+sg. sg. singular. 412
+sp. sp. specifically. 77
+spv. spv. superlative. 125
+sqq. sqq. ?? 1
+st. st. stem. 21
+stg. stg. ?? 3
+sthg. sthg. something. 10
+str. str. strong. 6
+strg. strg. ?? 13
+sts. sts. ?? 278
+Sts. Sts. ?? 1
+subj. subj. subjunctive. 27
+SV. SV. Sāma-veda. 1
+sx. sx. suffix. 3
+T. T. title. 166
+t. t. term. 0
+TBr. TBr. Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa. 1
+tr. tr. transitive. 64
+TS. TS. Taittirīya-Saṃhitā. 8
+Ts. Ts. ?? 1
+TS.¹ TS.¹ ?? 2
+U. U. Upaniṣad. 17
+V. V. Veda, Vedic. 2470
+v. v. vide, see. 179
+v. l. v. l. ?? 10
+v. r. v. r. various reading. 42
+V.² V.² ?? 2
+V.¹ V.¹ ?? 6
+vb. vb. verb. 41
+vbl. vbl. verbal. 6
+vbl. N. vbl. N. verbal noun. 0
+vbl. ɴ. vbl. ɴ. ?? 38
+vbs. vbs. ?? 6
+vc. vc. vocative. 38
+VI. VI. ?? 110 cl
+VII. VII. ?? 22 cl
+VIII. VIII. ?? 7 cl
+viz. viz. ?? 4
+voc. voc. ?? 6
+VS. VS. Vājasaneyi-Saṃhitā. 7
+VS.¹ VS.¹ ?? 4
+w. w. with. 382
+wk. wk. weak. 11
+X. X. ?? 30 cl
+YV. YV. Yajur-veda. 16
+YV.¹ YV.¹ ?? 1
+°— °— ?? 409
+± ± with or without. 0
+Ā. Ā. Ātmanepada. 1202
+Ā.¹ Ā.¹ ?? 1 lex
+ŚB. ŚB. Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. 17
+ŚB.¹ ŚB.¹ ?? 2
+ɴ. ɴ. noun. 44
+ᴠ. ᴠ. ?? 33 cl
+—° —° ?? 4258
+√ √ root. 0
+𝑃. 𝑃. Purāṇa. 0
diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_edit.txt b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_edit.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4698e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_edit.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+& & and. 0
+& & and. 0
+&c. &c. et cetera, and so forth. 0
+&c. &c. et cetera, and so forth. 28
++ + with; also. 0
+1 1 1st person 14 pe
+1. 1. 1st person 2 pe
+2 2 2nd person 209 pe
+2. 2. 2nd person 22 pe
+3 3 3rd person 60 pe
+3. 3. 3rd person 7 pe
+= = equals, is the equivalent of. 0
+a. a. adjective. 16690
+a. cpd. a. cpd. adjective compound 1
+a. cpds. a. cpds. adjective compounds 3
+A. D. A. D. Anno Domini 27
+a. m. a. m. ante meridiem, before noon 2
+a.¹ a.¹ adjective (¹ = ?<)/disp> 1 lex
+ab. ab. ablative. 1100
+abl. abl. ablative 1
+abs. abs. absolute. 60
+abs. ɴ. abs. ɴ. abstract noun. 1
+abst. abst. abstract. 10
+abst. N. abst. N. abstract noun. 0
+abst. ɴ. abst. ɴ. abstract noun. 320
+ac. ac. accusative. 2281
+ac.¹ ac.¹ accusative (¹ = ?) 1
+act. act. active. 84
+ad. ad. adverb, -ial, -ially. 1953
+ads. ads. adverbs 2
+advs. advs. adverbs 3
+Ait. Br. Ait. Br. Aitareya Brāhmaṇa 2
+aor. aor. aorist. 68
+app. app. apposition. 12
+ass. ass. asseverative. 0
+astrol. astrol. astrology 1
+athg. athg. anything. 2
+AV. AV. Atharva-veda. 59
+AV.¹ AV.¹ Atharva-veda. (¹ = ?) 16
+B. B. Buddhistic term. 20
+B. C. B. C. Before Christ, number of years before birth of Jesus 5
+beg. beg. beginning. 11
+bg. bg. beginning. 3
+Br. Br. Brāhmaṇa. 418
+Br.¹ Br.¹ Brāhmaṇa. (¹ = ?<)/disp> 3
+C. C. Classical (post-Vedic) Sanskrit. 1519
+C.¹ C.¹ Classical (post-Vedic) Sanskrit. (¹ = ?) 7
+cj. cj. conjunction. 13
+cjs. cjs. conjunctions. 1
+col. col. collective, -ly. 0
+coll. coll. collective, -ly. 27
+comm. comm. commentator. 23
+cond. cond. conditional 5
+conj. conj. conjecture. 12
+cor. cor. correlative. 5
+corr. corr. correlative. 30
+correl. correl. correlative. 1
+cp. cp. compare. 58
+Cp. Cp. compare. 1
+cpd. cpd. compound. 4
+cpds. cpds. compounds. 14
+cps. cps. compounds. 1
+cpv. cpv. comparative. 123
+crt. crt. certain. 0
+cs. cs. causal. 1512
+d. d. dative. 545
+dat. dat. dative. 1
+dbl. dbl. double. 1
+dem. dem. demonstrative 1
+den. den. denominative. 526
+der. der. derivative. 9
+des. des. desiderative. 309
+dim. dim. diminutive. 9
+dr. dr. dramatic term. 26
+du. du. dual. 223
+E. E. Epic. 244
+e. g. e. g. for example. 136
+E.¹ E.¹ Epic. (¹ = ?) 2
+emp. emp. emphatic. 0
+emph. inter. emph. inter. emphatic interrogative 2
+enc. enc. enclitic. 4
+enc. pcl. enc. pcl. enclitic particle 1
+encl. encl. enclitic. 14
+Eng. Eng. English. 0
+Engl. Engl. English 1 lang
+ep. ep. epithet. 801
+eq. eq. equivalent. 0
+esp. esp. especially. 354
+etc. etc. et cetera, and so forth. 701
+exc. exc. except, exceptionally. 4
+excl. excl. exclamation. 1
+exp. exp. explanation. 0
+f. f. feminine; also = for. 7769
+Feb. Feb. February 1
+fem. fem. feminine 1 lex
+ff. ff. and the following. 0
+fig. fig. figurative, -ly. 165
+fp. fp. future participle passive. 1338
+fr. fr. from. 193
+French French French language 1 lang
+ft. ft. future. 38
+fut. fut. future. 7
+g. g. genitive. 1530
+g.¹ g.¹ genitive. (¹ = ?) 1
+gd. gd. gerund (indeclinable participle). 135
+gen. gen. genitive. 2
+Gk. Gk. Greek. 4
+gnly. gnly. generally. 148
+gr. gr. grammatical term. 236
+Gr. Gr. Greek 1 lang
+hvg. hvg. having. 23
+I. I. First conjugation. 469 cl
+i. e. i. e. that is. 157
+id. id. the same. 2028
+II. II. Second conjugation. 98 cl
+III. III. Third conjugation. 38 cl
+ij. ij. interjection. 44
+imp. imp. imperative 1
+impf. impf. imperfect. 18
+impl. impl. ?? 11
+impr. impr. imperative. 1
+imps. imps. impersonal. 83
+impv. impv. imperative. 52
+in. in. instrumental. 1774
+incor. incor. incorrect. 0
+incorr. incorr. incorrect. 100
+ind. ind. indicative. 10
+indc. indc. indeclinable. 2
+indec. indec. indeclinable. 3
+indecl. indecl. indeclinable. 16
+Indef. Indef. indefinite. 1
+indef. indef. indefinite. 4
+indf. indf. indefinite. 0
+inf. inf. infinitive. 293
+int. int. intransitive. 117
+inter. inter. interrogative. 17
+inter. prn. inter. prn. interrogative pronoun. 1
+interr. interr. interrogative. 4
+intr. intr. interrogative. 6
+intv. intv. intensive (frequentative). 143
+ir. ir. irregular. 1
+irr. irr. irregular. 2
+irreg. irreg. irregular. 2
+IV. IV. Fourth conjugation. 134 cl
+IX. IX. Ninth conjugation. 52 cl
+Jan. Jan. January 3
+K. K. king. 1
+Lat. Lat. Latin. 2
+Latin Latin Latin language 1 lang
+lc. lc. locative. 2164
+lc.¹ lc.¹ locative (¹ = ?) 1
+leg. leg. legal term. 9
+lex. lex. ?? 3
+lit. lit. literally. 12
+m. m. masculine. 16491
+m.² m.² masculine. (² = ?) 1 lex
+m.¹ m.¹ masculine. (¹ = ?) 3 lex
+med. med. medical term 1
+met. met. metronymic. 29
+metr. metr. metrical (due to exigencies of metre). 124
+mg. mg. meaning. 76
+mgs. mgs. meanings. 1
+mid. mid. middle (stem) 1
+mtn. mtn. mountain. 23
+N. N. name; when alone = name of a man or of a woman. 4233
+n. n. neuter. 10332
+N.E. N.E. Northeast. 0
+N.W. N.W. Northwest. 0
+n.¹ n.¹ neuter. (¹ = ?) 4 lex
+neg. neg. negative. 21
+nl. nl. ?? 1
+nm. nm. nominative. 254
+nom. nom. nominative 1
+Nov. Nov. November. 2
+nr. nr. numeral. 2
+Ns. Ns. names. 3
+num. num. numeral. 10
+obj. obj. object. 1
+onom. onom. onomatopœic. 6
+opp. opp. opposite. 128
+opt. opt. optative. 4
+or. or. originally. 0
+ord. ord. ordinary. 8
+ord. mg. ord. mg. ordinary meaning ? 191
+ord. num. ord. num. ordinal number 1
+orig. orig. originally. 6
+P. P. Parasmaipada. 1725
+p. m. p. m. post meridiem, after noon 1
+P.¹ P.¹ Parasmaipada. (¹ = ?) 1
+pat. pat. patronymic. 215
+pcl. pcl. particle. 40
+pcls. pcls. particles. 12
+perh. perh. perhaps. 24
+periphr. periphr. periphrastic. 1
+pers. pers. person. 9
+pf. pf. perfect. 85
+ph. ph. philosophical term. 24
+phil. phil. philosophical term. 25
+pl. pl. plural. 1194
+pl.¹ pl.¹ plural (¹ = ?) 2
+pn. pn. pronoun, pronominal. 1
+pns. pns. pronouns. 1
+pos. pos. possessive. 1
+poss. poss. possessive. 3
+pot. pot. potential. 38
+potent. potent. potential. 1
+pp. pp. perfect passive participle. 4850
+Pr. Pr. Prākrit (Sanskrit equivalent of Prākrit word), Prākritic. 64
+pr. pr. present. 397
+pred. pred. predicate, predicative, -ly. 15
+pres. pres. present tense 1
+prn. prn. pronoun, pronominal. 63
+prns. prns. pronouns 6
+prob. prob. probably. 25
+prop. prop. properly. 0
+prp. prp. preposition. 63
+prps. prps. prepositions. 3
+prs. prs. person. 39
+Prākrit Prākrit Prākrit language 12 lang
+ps. ps. passive. 369
+pt. pt. participle. 422
+px. px. prefix. 9
+Pāli Pāli Pāli language 1 lang
+q. v. q. v. which see. 39
+R. R. river. 0
+red. red. reduplicated, reduplication. 2
+redupl. redupl. reduplication ? 3
+refl. refl. reflexive. 3
+rel. rel. relative. 13
+rel. prn. rel. prn. relative pronoun 1
+rep. rep. repeated. 4
+rf. rf. reflexive. 0
+rfl. rfl. reflexive. 1
+rh. rh. rhetorical term. 44
+rhet. rhet. rhetorical, rhetoric 5
+rit. rit. ritual term. 13
+rl. rl. relative. 0
+rp. rp. repeated. 0
+RV. RV. Rig-veda. 1033
+RV.² RV.² Rig-veda (² = ?) 22
+RV.¹ RV.¹ Rig-veda (¹ = ?) 438
+S. S. Sūtra. 148
+s. s. singular. 15
+s. v. s. v. sub voce. 3
+S.¹ S.¹ S.¹ (¹ = ?) 1
+Sanskrit Sanskrit Sanskrit language 15 lang
+sb. sb. substantive. 0
+sbj. sbj. subjunctive 2
+sc. sc. scilicet, that is to say, supply. 64
+Sept. Sept. September. 2
+sg. sg. singular. 412
+sp. sp. specifically. 77
+spv. spv. superlative. 125
+sqq. sqq. et seq, and following 1
+st. st. stem. 21
+stg. stg. strong 3
+sthg. sthg. something. 10
+str. str. strong. 6
+strg. strg. strong. 13
+sts. sts. statements. ? 278
+Sts. Sts. statements. ? 1
+subj. subj. subjunctive. 27
+SV. SV. Sāma-veda. 1
+sx. sx. suffix. 3
+T. T. title. 166
+t. t. term. 0
+TBr. TBr. Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa. 1
+tr. tr. transitive. 64
+TS. TS. Taittirīya-Saṃhitā. 8
+Ts. Ts. Titles/ 1
+TS.¹ TS.¹ Taittirīya-Saṃhitā. (¹ = ?) 2
+U. U. Upaniṣad. 17
+V. V. Veda, Vedic. 2470
+v. v. vide, see. 179
+v. l. v. l. varia lectio, variant reading 10
+v. r. v. r. various reading. 42
+V.² V.² Vedic (² = ?) 2
+V.¹ V.¹ Vedic (¹ = ?) 6
+vb. vb. verb. 41
+vbl. vbl. verbal. 6
+vbl. N. vbl. N. verbal noun. 0
+vbl. ɴ. vbl. ɴ. verbal noun 38
+vbs. vbs. verbs. 6
+vc. vc. vocative. 38
+VI. VI. Sixth conjugation. 110 cl
+VII. VII. Seventh conjugation. 22 cl
+VIII. VIII. Eighth conjugation 7 cl
+viz. viz. videlicet, that is to say 4
+voc. voc. vocative 6
+VS. VS. Vājasaneyi-Saṃhitā. 7
+VS.¹ VS.¹ Vājasaneyi-Saṃhitā (¹ = ?) 4
+w. w. with. 382
+wk. wk. weak. 11
+X. X. Tenth conjugation 30 cl
+YV. YV. Yajur-veda. 16
+YV.¹ YV.¹ Yajur-veda Yajur-veda 1
+°— °— at the beginning of a compound (ibc.) 409
+± ± with or without. 0
+Ā. Ā. Ātmanepada. 1202
+Ā.¹ Ā.¹ Ātmanepada (¹ = ?) 1 lex
+ŚB. ŚB. Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. 17
+ŚB.¹ ŚB.¹ Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa (¹ = ?) 2
+ɴ. ɴ. noun. 44
+ᴠ. ᴠ. Fifth conjugation 33 cl
+—° —° at the end of a compound (ifc.) 4258
+√ √ root. 0
+𝑃. 𝑃. Purāṇa. 0
diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_extra.py b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_extra.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ea073c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_extra.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+""" ab_count.py
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys, re,codecs
+def read_lines(filein):
+ with codecs.open(filein,encoding='utf-8',mode='r') as f:
+ lines = [x.rstrip('\r\n') for x in f]
+ return lines
+class Tip(object):
+ def __init__(self,line):
+ # format of mdab_input.txt
+ # A\tA T , where
+ # A is the abbreviation
+ # \t is the tab character
+ # T is the tooltip
+ self.abbrev,self.data = line.split('\t')
+ m = re.search(r'^(.*?) (.*?)$',self.data)
+ if m == None:
+ print('Tip cannot parse 1',line)
+ exit(1)
+ if m.group(1) != self.abbrev:
+ print('Tip cannot parse 2',line)
+ exit(1)
+ self.abbrev = m.group(1)
+ self.tip = m.group(2)
+ self.n = 0 # observed
+ self.tag = 'ab' #
+def init_abbrevs(filein):
+ lines = read_lines(filein)
+ recs = [Tip(line) for line in lines]
+ print(len(recs),"abbreviations read from",filein)
+ d = {}
+ for rec in recs:
+ abbrev = rec.abbrev
+ if abbrev in d:
+ print('init_abbrev: unexpected duplicate',abbrev)
+ d[abbrev] = rec
+ return recs,d
+def write_outrecs(fileout,outrecs):
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outrecs),"cases written to",fileout)
+def print_outrecs(outrecs):
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ print(out)
+def write(fileout,outarr):
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outarr),"lines written to",fileout)
+def count_line_tag(tag,line,d):
+ # since these latter also need tooltips
+ # returns number of new tags in this line
+ regex = r'<%s>.*?%s>' %(tag,tag)
+ for m in re.finditer(regex,line):
+ instance = m.group(0)
+ if instance not in d:
+ d[instance] = 0
+ d[instance] = d[instance] + 1
+def count_tag_instances(lines,tags):
+ d = {} #instances of extra tags. returned
+ inentry = False
+ nnew = 0 # number of new abbreviations
+ for iline,line in enumerate(lines):
+ if line.startswith(''):
+ newline = line
+ inentry = True
+ elif line.startswith(''):
+ newline = line
+ inentry = False
+ elif not inentry:
+ newline = line
+ elif line.strip() == '':
+ newline = line
+ elif line.startswith('[Page'):
+ newline = line
+ else:
+ # for this purpose, also include tags ab and also cl, lang, lex, pe
+ for tag in tags:
+ count_line_tag(tag,line,d)
+ return d
+def write_recs(fileout,recs0):
+ # sort the array of Tip records by abbreviation (without case)
+ recs = sorted(recs0,key = lambda rec: rec.abbrev.lower())
+ outarr = [] # add a N field to output
+ for rec in recs:
+ #out = '%s :: %s :: %s' %(rec.abbrev,rec.n,rec.tip)
+ out = '%s\t%s %s %s %s' %(
+ rec.abbrev, rec.abbrev, rec.tip, rec.n, rec.tag)
+ outarr.append(out)
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outarr),"cases written to",fileout)
+def write_extra(fileout,dextra,d,filein1):
+ instances = dextra.keys()
+ instances = sorted(instances,key = lambda x : x.lower())
+ outarr = [] # add a N field to output
+ for instance in instances:
+ # Y
+ m = re.search(r'^<(.*?)>(.*?)(.*?)>$',instance)
+ tag = m.group(1)
+ abbrev = m.group(2)
+ endtag = m.group(3)
+ assert tag == endtag
+ if (abbrev in d):
+ flag = '(in %s = YES)' % filein1
+ else:
+ flag = '(in %s = NO )' % filein1
+ count = dextra[instance]
+ out = '%s %s %s' %(instance,count,flag)
+ outarr.append(out)
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outarr),"cases written to",fileout)
+def compare_instances(dab,dextra):
+ found = 0
+ for i in dextra:
+ # X
+ m = re.search(r'^<(.*?)>(.*?)(.*?)>$',i)
+ tag = m.group(1)
+ abbrev = m.group(2)
+ endtag = m.group(3)
+ i_ab = '%s ' % tag
+ if i_ab in dab:
+ nab = dab[i_ab]
+ found = found + 1 # an overlap
+ else:
+ nab = 'NOTF'
+ if nab != 'NOTF':
+ out = '%s (%s) | %s (%s)' % (i, dextra[i], i_ab, nab)
+ print(out)
+ print(found,"abbreviations with two tags")
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ filein = sys.argv[1] # xxx.txt cdsl
+ filein1 = sys.argv[2] # File with abbreviations
+ fileout = sys.argv[3] # abbreviations with counts
+ lines = read_lines(filein)
+ print(len(lines),"lines from",filein)
+ recs,d = init_abbrevs(filein1)
+ extra_tags = ('cl','lang','lex','pe')
+ dextra = count_tag_instances(lines,extra_tags)
+ write_extra(fileout,dextra,d,filein1)
+ dab = count_tag_instances(lines,('ab'))
+ # look for overlap
+ compare_instances(dab,dextra)
diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_extra.txt b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_extra.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe0a681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/ab_count_extra.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+I. 469 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+II. 98 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+III. 38 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+IV. 134 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+IX. 52 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+VI. 110 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+VII. 22 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+VIII. 7 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+X. 30 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+ᴠ. 33 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+Engl. 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+French 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+Gk. 4 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+Gr. 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+Lat. 2 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+Latin 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+Pr. 64 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+Prākrit 12 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+Pāli 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+Sanskrit 15 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+a. 16690 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+a.¹ 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+ad. 1953 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+f. 7769 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+fem. 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+m. 16491 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+m.² 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+m.¹ 3 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+n. 10332 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+n.¹ 4 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+P. 1611 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+prn. 20 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+Ā. 1202 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+Ā.¹ 1 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+ɴ. 44 (in mdab_input.txt = YES)
+1. 2 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+1 14 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+2. 22 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+2 209 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+3. 7 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
+3 60 (in mdab_input.txt = NO )
diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/abv1/alldiff.py b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/alldiff.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac44eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/alldiff.py
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+""" alldiff.py adapted for md from pwk/issue102/step2/alldiff.py
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys, re,codecs
+import digentry
+def read_lines(filein):
+ with codecs.open(filein,encoding='utf-8',mode='r') as f:
+ lines = [x.rstrip('\r\n') for x in f]
+ return lines
+def hwdiffs(cdsl_lines,ab_lines):
+ cdsl_metas = [line for line in cdsl_lines if line.startswith('')]
+ ab_metas = [line for line in ab_lines if line.startswith('')]
+ print('cdsl has %s entries' % len(cdsl_metas))
+ print('ab has %s entries' % len(ab_metas))
+ assert len(cdsl_metas) == len(ab_metas)
+ diffs = []
+ for iline,line in enumerate(cdsl_metas):
+ line1 = ab_metas[iline]
+ if line != line1:
+ diff = (line,line1)
+ diffs.append(diff)
+ print(len(diffs),"differences in metalines")
+ return diffs
+def get_link(metaline):
+ m = re.search(r'(.*?)(.*?)',metaline)
+ page = m.group(2)
+ link = 'https://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/scans/csl-apidev/servepdf.php?dict=pw&page=%s' % page
+ return link
+class Change(object):
+ def __init__(self,metaline,lnum,line,newline):
+ self.metaline = metaline
+ self.lnum = lnum
+ self.line = line
+ self.newline = newline
+def compare(entries1,entries2,maxdiff):
+ dbg = False
+ changes = []
+ for ientry,e1 in enumerate(entries1):
+ e2 = entries2[ientry]
+ for iline,line1 in enumerate(e1.datalines):
+ line2 = e2.datalines[iline]
+ if line1 == line2:
+ continue
+ if True:
+ lnum = e1.linenum1 + iline + 1
+ metaline = e1.metaline
+ oldline = line1
+ newline = line2
+ change = Change(metaline,lnum,oldline,newline)
+ changes.append(change)
+ print(len(changes),"changes from compare function")
+ return changes
+def remove_markup(text):
+ text = re.sub(r'.*?',' ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'',' ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'.*?',' ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'<.*?>',' ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'{%', ' ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'%}', ' ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'{#(.*?)#}', r' \1 ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'{@(.*?)@}', r' \1 ',text)
+ text = re.sub(r'[¦.,:;]', ' ',text)
+ text = text.replace('--',' ')
+ text = re.sub(r"[—‡‿()'‘ʼ’°¤√〈〉±-]",' ',text)
+ #text = text.replace(' - ',' ')
+ text = re.sub(r' +',' ',text)
+ return text
+def compare_words(entries1,entries2,maxdiff):
+ dbg = False
+ changes = []
+ n = 0
+ for ientry,e1 in enumerate(entries1):
+ e2 = entries2[ientry]
+ text1 = ' '.join(e1.datalines)
+ text2 = ' '.join(e2.datalines)
+ text1a = remove_markup(text1)
+ text2a = remove_markup(text2)
+ if text1a != text2a:
+ lnum = e1.linenum1 + 1
+ metaline = e1.metaline
+ oldline = text1a
+ newline = text2a
+ change = Change(metaline,lnum,oldline,newline)
+ changes.append(change)
+ print(len(changes),"changes from compare function")
+ return changes
+def write_outrecs(fileout,outrecs):
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outrecs),"cases written to",fileout)
+def print_outrecs(outrecs):
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ print(out)
+def compare_hws(entries1,entries2):
+ nd = 0
+ ntag = 0
+ tagtype = None
+ tag = 'ls'
+ #tagtype='n'
+ for ientry,e1 in enumerate(entries1):
+ e2 = entries2[ientry]
+ if e1.metaline == e2.metaline:
+ continue
+ print('metaline diff:')
+ print('#1: %s' %(e1.metaline))
+ print('#2: %s' %(e2.metaline))
+ print()
+def write_xtra(fileout,filein,outrecs):
+ """ copy of filein, with markup related to outrecs.
+ Purpose to facilitate corrections
+ """
+ # harvest metaline L from outrecs
+ d = {}
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ # look for X (in metaline)
+ for out in outarr:
+ m = re.search(r'(.*?)',out)
+ if m:
+ L = m.group(1)
+ if L in d:
+ print('Unexpected duplicate L')
+ d[L] = True
+ break
+ # get the original lines
+ lines = read_lines(filein)
+ # modify each metaline
+ newlines = []
+ for line in lines:
+ m = re.search(r'^(.*?)',line)
+ if m == None:
+ newline = line
+ else:
+ L = m.group(1)
+ if L in d:
+ newline = '* ' + line
+ else:
+ newline = line
+ newlines.append(newline)
+ # write newlines
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for out in newlines:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print('write_extra ',len(newlines),"lines written to",fileout)
+def write_outrecs(fileout,outrecs):
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(outrecs),"cases written to",fileout)
+def print_outrecs(outrecs):
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ print(out)
+def compare_hws(entries1,entries2):
+ nd = 0
+ ntag = 0
+ tagtype = None
+ tag = 'ls'
+ #tagtype='n'
+ for ientry,e1 in enumerate(entries1):
+ e2 = entries2[ientry]
+ if e1.metaline == e2.metaline:
+ continue
+ print('metaline diff:')
+ print('#1: %s' %(e1.metaline))
+ print('#2: %s' %(e2.metaline))
+ print()
+def write_xtra(fileout,filein,outrecs):
+ """ copy of filein, with markup related to outrecs.
+ Purpose to facilitate corrections
+ """
+ # harvest metaline L from outrecs
+ d = {}
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ # look for X (in metaline)
+ for out in outarr:
+ m = re.search(r'(.*?)',out)
+ if m:
+ L = m.group(1)
+ if L in d:
+ print('Unexpected duplicate L')
+ d[L] = True
+ break
+ # get the original lines
+ lines = read_lines(filein)
+ # modify each metaline
+ newlines = []
+ for line in lines:
+ m = re.search(r'^(.*?)',line)
+ if m == None:
+ newline = line
+ else:
+ L = m.group(1)
+ if L in d:
+ newline = '* ' + line
+ else:
+ newline = line
+ newlines.append(newline)
+ # write newlines
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for out in newlines:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print('write_extra ',len(newlines),"lines written to",fileout)
+def difflist(str1,str2,dbg=False):
+ import difflib
+ from difflib import Differ
+ x1 = str1.split()
+ x2 = str2.split()
+ d = difflib.Differ()
+ diff = d.compare(x1, x2)
+ ans1 = []
+ for a in diff:
+ if a.startswith(' '):
+ a1 = (' ',a[2:])
+ elif a.startswith('- '):
+ a1 = ('-',a[2:])
+ elif a.startswith('+ '):
+ a1 = ('+',a[2:])
+ elif a.startswith('? '):
+ a1 = ('?',a[2:])
+ continue # ignore this
+ else:
+ print('unexpected a="%s"' % a)
+ ans1.append(a1)
+ if dbg:
+ for a1 in ans1:
+ print(a1)
+ #
+ ans2 = []
+ for i,a1 in enumerate(ans1):
+ code = a1[0]
+ s = a1[1]
+ if i == 0:
+ a2 = code + ' ' + s
+ ans2.append(a2)
+ prevcode = code
+ elif code == prevcode:
+ ans2[-1] = ans2[-1] + ' ' + s
+ else:
+ a2 = code + ' ' + s
+ ans2.append(a2)
+ prevcode = code
+ return ans2
+def write_changes(fileout,changes):
+ outrecs=[]
+ for change in changes:
+ outarr=[]
+ metaline = change.metaline
+ metaline = re.sub(r'.*$','',metaline)
+ outarr.append('; %s' % metaline)
+ # change info:
+ #outarr.append('; a')
+ lnum = change.lnum
+ line = change.line
+ newline = change.newline
+ outarr.append('%s old %s' %(lnum,line))
+ # outarr.append(';')
+ indent = ' '*5
+ diff = difflist(line,newline)
+ outarr.append('; ' + indent + 'DIFF BEGIN')
+ for d in diff:
+ outarr.append('; ' + indent + d)
+ outarr.append('; ' + indent + 'DIFF END')
+ outarr.append('%s new %s' %(lnum,newline))
+ outarr.append('; ------------------------------------------------------')
+ outrecs.append(outarr)
+ with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f:
+ for outarr in outrecs:
+ for out in outarr:
+ f.write(out+'\n')
+ print(len(changes),"changes written to",fileout)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ filein = sys.argv[1] # xxx.txt cdsl
+ filein1 = sys.argv[2] # xxx.txt AB
+ fileout = sys.argv[3] #
+ if len(sys.argv) == 6:
+ # optional output
+ fileout_xtra = sys.argv[4]
+ fileout1_xtra = sys.argv[5]
+ xtraflag = True
+ else:
+ xtraflag = False
+ entries_cdsl = digentry.init(filein)
+ # reset Ldict
+ digentry.Entry.Ldict = {}
+ entries_ab = digentry.init(filein1)
+ #compare_hws(entries_cdsl,entries_ab)
+ maxdiff = None
+ changes = compare_words(entries_cdsl,entries_ab,maxdiff)
+ write_changes(fileout,changes)
+ if xtraflag:
+ print('skipping write_extra')
+ exit(1)
+ write_xtra(fileout_xtra,filein,outrecs)
+ write_xtra(fileout1_xtra,filein1,outrecs)
diff --git a/mdissues/issue11/abv1/alldiff.txt b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/alldiff.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd6142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdissues/issue11/abv1/alldiff.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37057 @@
+; 143002-1akna
+664 old akna akna of
+; akna akna of
+; + ac
+664 new akna akna of ac
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 146002-1akrata
+676 old akrata ákrata akran ákran 2 3 impf of kṛ
+; akrata ákrata akran ákran 2
+; + &
+; 3
+; - impf
+; of kṛ
+676 new akrata ákrata akran ákran 2 & 3 of kṛ
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 148002-1akravyAd
+685 old akravyAd a kravya ad da da not eating fleṣ
+; akravyAd a kravya ad da da not eating
+; - fleṣ
+; + flesh
+685 new akravyAd a kravya ad da da not eating flesh
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 166002-1akzat
+765 old akzat ák ṣ at 3 sbj of aś obtain
+; akzat ák ṣ at 3
+; - sbj
+; of aś obtain
+765 new akzat ák ṣ at 3 of aś obtain
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 167002-1akzata
+769 old akzata á kṣata uninjured unscathed [Page2 2] unhusked grain barley ā virgo intacta
+; akzata á kṣata uninjured unscathed [Page2 2]
+; + &
+; unhusked grain barley ā virgo intacta
+769 new akzata á kṣata uninjured unscathed [Page2 2] & unhusked grain barley ā virgo intacta
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 172002-2akzan
+793 old akzan á kṣ an 3 p impf of ghas
+; akzan á kṣ an 3
+; - p impf
+; of ghas
+793 new akzan á kṣ an 3 of ghas
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 221002-3agaRayat
+1027 old agaRayat a gaṇ ay at disregarding i tvā id
+; agaRayat a gaṇ ay at disregarding i tvā
+; - id
+1027 new agaRayat a gaṇ ay at disregarding i tvā
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 238002-3agastya
+1104 old agastya agástya of a Vedic Riṣi
+; agastya agástya of a Vedic
+; - Riṣi
+; + Ṛṣi
+1104 new agastya agástya of a Vedic Ṛṣi
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 276003-1agnipakva
+1284 old agnipakva agni pakva cooked with fire parikriyā care of sacred fire pari cchada utensils for fire sacrifice pariṣ kriyā care of the sacred fire purāṇa of a Purāṇa purogama preceded by Agni pradāna consigning to the flames praveśa voluntary death by fire na
+; agnipakva agni pakva cooked with fire parikriyā care of sacred fire
+; - pari cchada
+; + paricchada
+; utensils for fire sacrifice
+; + pariṣkriyā
+; - pariṣ kriyā
+; care of the sacred fire purāṇa of a Purāṇa purogama preceded by Agni pradāna consigning to the flames praveśa voluntary death by fire na
+1284 new agnipakva agni pakva cooked with fire parikriyā care of sacred fire paricchada utensils for fire sacrifice pariṣkriyā care of the sacred fire purāṇa of a Purāṇa purogama preceded by Agni pradāna consigning to the flames praveśa voluntary death by fire na
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 292003-2agnIzoma
+1374 old agnIzoma agnī́ ṣóma Agni Soma
+; agnIzoma agnī́ ṣóma Agni
+; + &
+; Soma
+1374 new agnIzoma agnī́ ṣóma Agni & Soma
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 298003-2agrakara
+1408 old agrakara agra kara finger first ray gra going in front going through the end of gaṇya to be accounted the first of ja firstborn elder brother janman Grāhman
+; agrakara agra kara finger first ray gra going in front going through the end of gaṇya to be accounted the first of ja firstborn elder brother janman
+; - Grāhman
+; + Brāhman
+1408 new agrakara agra kara finger first ray gra going in front going through the end of gaṇya to be accounted the first of ja firstborn elder brother janman Brāhman
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 302003-2agranaKa
+1432 old agranaKa agra nakha tip of the nail nā sikā tip of the nose beak payodhara teat pāda toe pūjā precedence bindu first drop bhāga upper part point top bhūmi top storey highest aim mahiṣī chief consort of a king yāyin going before best of vīva chief hero champion
+; agranaKa agra nakha tip of the nail
+; - nā sikā
+; + nāsikā
+; tip of the nose beak payodhara teat pāda toe pūjā precedence bindu first drop bhāga upper part point top bhūmi top storey highest aim mahiṣī chief consort of a king yāyin going before best of vīva chief hero champion
+1432 new agranaKa agra nakha tip of the nail nāsikā tip of the nose beak payodhara teat pāda toe pūjā precedence bindu first drop bhāga upper part point top bhūmi top storey highest aim mahiṣī chief consort of a king yāyin going before best of vīva chief hero champion
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 309003-3agrahAra
+1471 old agrahAra agra hāra land grant to Brāh mans
+; agrahAra agra hāra land grant to
+; + Brāhmans
+; - Brāh mans
+1471 new agrahAra agra hāra land grant to Brāhmans
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 311003-3agrAnIka
+1480 old agrAnIka agra anīka van of an army mans
+; agrAnIka agra anīka van of an army
+; - mans
+1480 new agrAnIka agra anīka van of an army
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 321003-3agrepA
+1531 old agrepA agre pā́ drinking first pū́ id
+; agrepA agre pā́ drinking first pū́
+; - id
+1531 new agrepA agre pā́ drinking first pū́
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 324003-3agryatapas
+1544 old agryatapas agrya tapas No of a sage ma hiṣi chief consort
+; agryatapas agrya tapas
+; - No
+; of a sage
+; - ma hiṣi
+; + mahiṣi
+; chief consort
+1544 new agryatapas agrya tapas of a sage mahiṣi chief consort
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 327003-3aGamarzaRa
+1559 old aGamarzaRa agha marṣaṇa forgiving sins kind of prayer of a Vedic Riṣi his descendants
+; aGamarzaRa agha marṣaṇa forgiving sins kind of prayer of a Vedic
+; - Riṣi
+; + Ṛṣi
+; his descendants
+1559 new aGamarzaRa agha marṣaṇa forgiving sins kind of prayer of a Vedic Ṛṣi his descendants
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 347003-3aNkAvatAra
+1653 old aNkAvatAra aṅka avatāra Ra ṇa transition to another act preparation of spectators for next
+; aNkAvatAra aṅka avatāra Ra ṇa transition to another act preparation of spectators for next
+; + act
+1653 new aNkAvatAra aṅka avatāra Ra ṇa transition to another act preparation of spectators for next act
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 348004-1aNkAsya
+1660 old aNkAsya aṅka āsya concluding scene which prepares fro the next
+; aNkAsya aṅka āsya concluding scene which prepares fro the next
+; + act
+1660 new aNkAsya aṅka āsya concluding scene which prepares fro the next act
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 355004-1aNkuSin
+1691 old aNkuSin aṅkuśin a hooked attractive
+; aNkuSin aṅkuśin
+; - a
+; hooked attractive
+1691 new aNkuSin aṅkuśin hooked attractive
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 360004-1aNg
+1713 old aNg AṄG I go páli = pari es aṅga ya stir revolve
+; aNg AṄG I go páli = pari
+; - es
+; aṅga ya stir revolve
+1713 new aNg AṄG I go páli = pari aṅga ya stir revolve
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 361004-1aNga
+1718 old aNga aṅgá pel 1 emphatic just only especially 2 exhortative voc or 3 kim aṅga how much more?
+; aNga aṅgá
+; - pel
+; 1 emphatic just only especially 2 exhortative
+; - voc
+; or 3 kim aṅga how much more?
+1718 new aNga aṅgá 1 emphatic just only especially 2 exhortative or 3 kim aṅga how much more?
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 362004-1aNga
+1724 old aNga áṅga No of a people and their country
+; aNga áṅga
+; - No
+; of a people and their country
+1724 new aNga áṅga of a people and their country
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 368004-1aNgatva
+1754 old aNgatva aṅga tva from 3 áṅga
+; aNgatva aṅga tva from
+; - 3
+; áṅga
+1754 new aNgatva aṅga tva from áṅga
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 369004-1aNgada
+1758 old aNgada aṅga da bracelet on the upper arm dvīpa No of a cosmic island
+; aNgada aṅga da bracelet on the upper arm dvīpa
+; - No
+; of a cosmic island
+1758 new aNgada aṅga da bracelet on the upper arm dvīpa of a cosmic island
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 377004-1aNgavikAra
+1800 old aNgavikAra aṅga vikāra bodily defect vidyā palmistry vyathā bodily pain saṃskāra adornment of the person sam ā khyāyam naming the limbs sparśa bodily contact with saha hā ra gesticulation hīna deficient in a limb tva want of a limb
+; aNgavikAra aṅga vikāra bodily defect vidyā palmistry vyathā bodily pain saṃskāra adornment of the person sam ā khyāyam naming the limbs sparśa bodily contact with saha
+; + hāra
+; - hā ra
+; gesticulation hīna deficient in a limb tva want of a limb
+1800 new aNgavikAra aṅga vikāra bodily defect vidyā palmistry vyathā bodily pain saṃskāra adornment of the person sam ā khyāyam naming the limbs sparśa bodily contact with saha hāra gesticulation hīna deficient in a limb tva want of a limb
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 378004-1aNgANgi
+1810 old aNgANgi aṅga aṅgi limbs and body reciprocally bhāva reciprocal relation of limbs and body of whole parts
+; aNgANgi aṅga aṅgi limbs and body reciprocally bhāva reciprocal relation of limbs and body of whole
+; + &
+; parts
+1810 new aNgANgi aṅga aṅgi limbs and body reciprocally bhāva reciprocal relation of limbs and body of whole & parts
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 388004-2aNgIkf
+1863 old aNgIkf aṅgī kṛ make one s own subject submit to assent to promise concede admit es induce to agree to
+; aNgIkf aṅgī kṛ make one s own subject submit to assent to promise concede admit
+; - es
+; induce to agree to
+1863 new aNgIkf aṅgī kṛ make one s own subject submit to assent to promise concede admit induce to agree to
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 391004-2aNgula
+1877 old aNgula aṅgula breadth of the thumb as a measure = 1/24 heasta ka measuring so many finger breadths
+; aNgula aṅgula breadth of the thumb as a measure =
+; - 1/24
+; + ¹⁄₂₄
+; - heasta
+; + hasta
+; ka measuring so many finger breadths
+1877 new aNgula aṅgula breadth of the thumb as a measure = ¹⁄₂₄ hasta ka measuring so many finger breadths
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 403004-2ac
+1938 old ac AC aYc AÑC 1 áca áñca bend go honour añcita bent curly distinguished extraordinary m carefully es añcaya produce cause anu follow one another ava sink sunk ā bend ā́cya ācna ud draw up ud akta utter sound vi ud raise up sam ud raise up akta ni bend down sink hang down pari turn round vi bend asunder spread out sam press together
+; ac AC aYc AÑC
+; - 1
+; + I
+; áca áñca bend go honour añcita bent curly distinguished extraordinary m carefully
+; - es
+; añcaya produce cause anu follow one another ava sink sunk ā bend ā́cya ācna ud draw up ud akta utter sound vi ud raise up sam ud raise up akta ni bend down sink hang down pari turn round vi bend asunder spread out sam press together
+1938 new ac AC aYc AÑC I áca áñca bend go honour añcita bent curly distinguished extraordinary m carefully añcaya produce cause anu follow one another ava sink sunk ā bend ā́cya ācna ud draw up ud akta utter sound vi ud raise up sam ud raise up akta ni bend down sink hang down pari turn round vi bend asunder spread out sam press together
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 432004-3aciradyuti
+2072 old aciradyuti acira dyuti lightning pra bhā bhās rocis aṃśu ābhā
+; aciradyuti acira dyuti lightning
+; + prabhā
+; - pra bhā
+; bhās rocis aṃśu ābhā
+2072 new aciradyuti acira dyuti lightning prabhā bhās rocis aṃśu ābhā
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 437004-3acezwa
+2097 old acezwa a ceṣṭa motionless without stirring tā ness
+; acezwa a ceṣṭa motionless
+; + m
+; without stirring tā ness
+2097 new acezwa a ceṣṭa motionless m without stirring tā ness
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 445004-3acCAnta
+2135 old acCAnta á cchānta 2 impf of 2 chad
+; acCAnta á cchānta 2
+; - impf
+; of
+; - 2
+; chad
+2135 new acCAnta á cchānta 2 of chad
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 508005-2ajEkapAd
+2429 old ajEkapAd aja ekapād of one of the eleven Rudras or Viṣṇu
+; ajEkapAd aja ekapād of one of the eleven Rudras
+; + &
+; or Viṣṇu
+2429 new ajEkapAd aja ekapād of one of the eleven Rudras & or Viṣṇu
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 510005-2ajYa
+2438 old ajYa a jña ignorant senseless animals things stupid foolish inexperienced
+; ajYa a jña ignorant senseless animals
+; + &
+; things stupid foolish inexperienced
+2438 new ajYa a jña ignorant senseless animals & things stupid foolish inexperienced
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 512005-2ajYAta
+2447 old ajYAta á jñāta unknown unrecognised m without the knowledge of kula śila whose family and character are unknown bhukta eaten unawares vāsa unknown abode whose abode is unknown m unknown incognito
+; ajYAta á jñāta unknown unrecognised m without the knowledge of
+; + kulaśila
+; - kula śila
+; whose family and character are unknown bhukta eaten unawares vāsa unknown abode whose abode is unknown m unknown incognito
+2447 new ajYAta á jñāta unknown unrecognised m without the knowledge of kulaśila whose family and character are unknown bhukta eaten unawares vāsa unknown abode whose abode is unknown m unknown incognito
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 520005-2ajma
+2489 old ajma áj ma road course train n di
+; ajma áj ma road course train n
+; - di
+2489 new ajma áj ma road course train n
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 524005-2aYc
+2507 old aYc AÑC ac 1 AK
+; aYc AÑC ac
+; - 1
+; AK
+2507 new aYc AÑC ac AK
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 528005-2aYj
+2523 old aYj AÑJ VII anákti aṅkté anoint smear refl adorn adorn oneself with honour celebrate display [Page5 3] smear anu abhi anoint smear ā anoint ni hide among antar vi beautify manifest display vyakta manifest distinct clear m distinctly certainly show abhi vi display be displayed appear sam anoint adorn unite with in
+; aYj AÑJ VII anákti aṅkté anoint smear
+; - refl
+; adorn adorn oneself with honour celebrate display [Page5 3] smear anu abhi anoint smear ā anoint ni hide among antar vi beautify manifest display vyakta manifest distinct clear m distinctly certainly show abhi vi display be displayed appear sam anoint adorn unite with in
+2523 new aYj AÑJ VII anákti aṅkté anoint smear adorn adorn oneself with honour celebrate display [Page5 3] smear anu abhi anoint smear ā anoint ni hide among antar vi beautify manifest display vyakta manifest distinct clear m distinctly certainly show abhi vi display be displayed appear sam anoint adorn unite with in
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 532005-3aYjali
+2553 old aYjali añjalí the two open hands held together hollowed m kṛ raise to the forehead as a reverential salutation two handfuls as a measure karman folding the hands in salutation pāta
+; aYjali añjalí the two open hands held together hollowed
+; - m
+; + ṃ
+; kṛ raise to the forehead as a reverential salutation two handfuls as a measure karman folding the hands in salutation pāta
+2553 new aYjali añjalí the two open hands held together hollowed ṃ kṛ raise to the forehead as a reverential salutation two handfuls as a measure karman folding the hands in salutation pāta
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 538005-3aw
+2585 old aw aṭ grammatical designation for all the vowels h y v r
+; aw aṭ grammatical designation for all the vowels
+; + +
+; h y v r
+2585 new aw aṭ grammatical designation for all the vowels + h y v r
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 547005-3aR
+2624 old aR aṇ grammatical designation of the vowels ă ĭ ŭ
+; aR aṇ grammatical designation of the vowels
+; - ă ĭ ŭ
+; + ā̆ ī̆ ū̆
+2624 new aR aṇ grammatical designation of the vowels ā̆ ī̆ ū̆
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 548005-3aR
+2629 old aR a ṇ the taddhita suffix a ni it
+; aR a ṇ the taddhita suffix a
+; - ni
+; + ṇ
+; it
+2629 new aR a ṇ the taddhita suffix a ṇ it
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 549005-3aRikartf
+2633 old aRikartf a ṇi kartṛ subject of the non causal i c of the simple verb
+; aRikartf a ṇi kartṛ subject of the non causal
+; - i c
+; of the simple verb
+2633 new aRikartf a ṇi kartṛ subject of the non causal of the simple verb
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 555005-3aRyanta
+2663 old aRyanta a ṇi anta not ending in the es suffix i = aya
+; aRyanta a ṇi anta not ending in the
+; - es
+; suffix i = aya
+2663 new aRyanta a ṇi anta not ending in the suffix i = aya
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 586006-1atikopa
+2806 old atikopa ati kopa violent anger sam [] anvita very angry
+; atikopa ati kopa violent anger sam
+; - []
+; anvita very angry
+2806 new atikopa ati kopa violent anger sam anvita very angry
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 613006-2atijagatI
+2929 old atijagatI ati jagatī a metre 4 X 13 syllables
+; atijagatI ati jagatī a metre
+; + 4×13
+; - 4 X 13
+; syllables
+2929 new atijagatI ati jagatī a metre 4×13 syllables
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 637006-2atidarpita
+3043 old atidarpita ati darpita taken great pride
+; atidarpita ati darpita taken great pride
+; + in
+3043 new atidarpita ati darpita taken great pride in
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 660006-3atiDfti
+3151 old atiDfti ati dhṛti a metre 4 X 19 sylla bles
+; atiDfti ati dhṛti a metre
+; + 4×19 syllables
+; - 4 X 19 sylla bles
+3151 new atiDfti ati dhṛti a metre 4×19 syllables
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 664006-3atinirGfRa
+3169 old atinirGfRa ati nir ghṛṇa altogether pitiless daya bandha excessive urgency tas very urgently vartin behaving in a very unseemly way vasu tva extreme poverty
+; atinirGfRa ati nir ghṛṇa altogether pitiless daya bandha excessive urgency tas very urgently vartin behaving in a very unseemly way
+; + vasutva
+; - vasu tva
+; extreme poverty
+3169 new atinirGfRa ati nir ghṛṇa altogether pitiless daya bandha excessive urgency tas very urgently vartin behaving in a very unseemly way vasutva extreme poverty
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 711007-1atimAtra
+3393 old atimAtra ati mātra excessive m excessively beyond measure very
+; atimAtra ati mātra excessive
+; + &
+; m excessively beyond measure very
+3393 new atimAtra ati mātra excessive & m excessively beyond measure very
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 719007-1atiraktatA
+3429 old atiraktatA ati rakta tā excessive liking fo raṭita violent shrieking rat na precious gem jewel of the first water ratha great champion rabhasa very wild impetuous m ramaṇīya extremely charming tā ramya raya running extremely fast rasa very palatable too strong a key note violent desire tas too eagerly
+; atiraktatA ati rakta tā excessive liking
+; - fo
+; + of
+; raṭita violent shrieking
+; - rat
+; + ratna
+; - na
+; precious gem jewel of the first water ratha great champion rabhasa very wild impetuous m ramaṇīya extremely charming tā ramya raya running extremely fast rasa very palatable too strong a key note violent desire tas too eagerly
+3429 new atiraktatA ati rakta tā excessive liking of raṭita violent shrieking ratna precious gem jewel of the first water ratha great champion rabhasa very wild impetuous m ramaṇīya extremely charming tā ramya raya running extremely fast rasa very palatable too strong a key note violent desire tas too eagerly
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 730007-2ativatsala
+3494 old ativatsala ati vatsala very tender vart ana exemption remission vartin crossing passing over transgressing neglecting vallabha very dear tā tva varṣa ṇa excessive rain
+; ativatsala ati vatsala very tender
+; + vartana
+; - vart ana
+; exemption remission vartin crossing passing over transgressing neglecting vallabha very dear tā tva varṣa ṇa excessive rain
+3494 new ativatsala ati vatsala very tender vartana exemption remission vartin crossing passing over transgressing neglecting vallabha very dear tā tva varṣa ṇa excessive rain
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 731007-2ativAta
+3502 old ativAta ati vāta violent wind vāt salya extreme tenderness vāda hard word insult vāhya passing the night
+; ativAta ati vāta violent wind
+; - vāt salya
+; + vātsalya
+; extreme tenderness vāda hard word insult vāhya passing the night
+3502 new ativAta ati vāta violent wind vātsalya extreme tenderness vāda hard word insult vāhya passing the night
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 736007-2ativiparyaya
+3526 old ativiparyaya ati viparyaya great perversity vipina very well wooded vipra karṣa excessive distance vimana greatly discouraged
+; ativiparyaya ati viparyaya great perversity vipina very well wooded
+; + viprakarṣa
+; - vipra karṣa
+; excessive distance vimana greatly discouraged
+3526 new ativiparyaya ati viparyaya great perversity vipina very well wooded viprakarṣa excessive distance vimana greatly discouraged
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 739007-2ativizama
+3542 old ativizama ati viṣama very dangerous more dangerous than very arduous visārin of very wide scope vistara excessive prolixity tas in a very detailed manner vistāra great extent vis tīrṇa too extensive vihvala very perplexed greatly overcome
+; ativizama ati viṣama very dangerous more dangerous than very arduous visārin of very wide scope vistara excessive prolixity tas in a very detailed manner vistāra great extent
+; - vis tīrṇa
+; + vistīrṇa
+; too extensive vihvala very perplexed greatly overcome
+3542 new ativizama ati viṣama very dangerous more dangerous than very arduous visārin of very wide scope vistara excessive prolixity tas in a very detailed manner vistāra great extent vistīrṇa too extensive vihvala very perplexed greatly overcome
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 741007-2ativIryaparAkrama
+3556 old ativIryaparAkrama ati vīrya parākrama of extraordinary bravery prowess
+; ativIryaparAkrama ati vīrya parākrama of extraordinary bravery
+; + &
+; prowess
+3556 new ativIryaparAkrama ati vīrya parākrama of extraordinary bravery & prowess
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 744007-2ativega
+3572 old ativega ati vega excessive haste ved anā violent pain vepatha mat trembling violently
+; ativega ati vega excessive haste
+; + vedanā
+; - ved anā
+; violent pain vepatha mat trembling violently
+3572 new ativega ati vega excessive haste vedanā violent pain vepatha mat trembling violently
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 747007-2ativyaya
+3588 old ativyaya ati vyaya laviṣ expenditure extravagance vyasana great calamity vyasanin overpowered by vice vyut panna very experienced in vrata excessively pious
+; ativyaya ati vyaya
+; - laviṣ
+; + lavish
+; expenditure extravagance vyasana great calamity vyasanin overpowered by vice
+; + vyutpanna
+; - vyut panna
+; very experienced in vrata excessively pious
+3588 new ativyaya ati vyaya lavish expenditure extravagance vyasana great calamity vyasanin overpowered by vice vyutpanna very experienced in vrata excessively pious
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 749007-3atiSakvarI
+3602 old atiSakvarI ati śakvarī a metre 4 X 15 syllables
+; atiSakvarI ati śakvarī a metre
+; + 4×15
+; - 4 X 15
+; syllables
+3602 new atiSakvarI ati śakvarī a metre 4×15 syllables
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 771007-3atisaMkawa
+3701 old atisaMkawa ati saṃkaṭa extreme density great distress saṃkruddha very angry saṃkṣepa too great brevity saṃ caya excessive accumulation vast hoard saṃrambha violent indignation
+; atisaMkawa ati saṃkaṭa extreme density great distress saṃkruddha very angry saṃkṣepa too great brevity
+; + saṃcaya
+; - saṃ caya
+; excessive accumulation vast hoard saṃrambha violent indignation
+3701 new atisaMkawa ati saṃkaṭa extreme density great distress saṃkruddha very angry saṃkṣepa too great brevity saṃcaya excessive accumulation vast hoard saṃrambha violent indignation
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 836008-2atyazwi
+4005 old atyazwi ati aṣṭi a metre 4 X 17 syllables
+; atyazwi ati aṣṭi a metre
+; + 4×17
+; - 4 X 17
+; syllables
+4005 new atyazwi ati aṣṭi a metre 4×17 syllables
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 853008-2atyutka
+4087 old atyutka ati utka ardently longing ut kaṭa excessive extraordinary uttama most excellent udātta very eminent udāra most excellent too liberal tā un nata excessively high unnati eminence
+; atyutka ati utka ardently longing
+; - ut kaṭa
+; + utkaṭa
+; excessive extraordinary uttama most excellent udātta very eminent udāra most excellent too liberal tā un nata excessively high unnati eminence
+4087 new atyutka ati utka ardently longing utkaṭa excessive extraordinary uttama most excellent udātta very eminent udāra most excellent too liberal tā un nata excessively high unnati eminence
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 875008-3aTa
+4191 old aTa á tha then thereupon now here begins at of works or sections iti now so then at of sentences but however and yet if then corr to yadā often strengthened by atas apī ca tu punar sts mere verse filler atha vā or or else or rather giving another explanation however even repeated either or atha kim what else ? = certainly atha kimu to say nothing of
+; aTa á tha then thereupon now here begins at of works or sections iti now so then at of sentences but however and yet if then
+; - corr
+; to yadā often strengthened by atas apī ca tu punar
+; - sts
+; mere verse filler atha vā or or else or rather giving another explanation however even repeated either or atha kim what
+; - else
+; + else?
+; - ?
+; = certainly atha kimu to say nothing of
+4191 new aTa á tha then thereupon now here begins at of works or sections iti now so then at of sentences but however and yet if then to yadā often strengthened by atas apī ca tu punar mere verse filler atha vā or or else or rather giving another explanation however even repeated either or atha kim what else? = certainly atha kimu to say nothing of
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 876008-3aTarvan
+4203 old aTarvan átharvan fire priest of the first fire priest his descendants his magical incantations the
+; aTarvan átharvan fire priest of the first fire priest his descendants
+; + &
+; his magical incantations the
+4203 new aTarvan átharvan fire priest of the first fire priest his descendants & his magical incantations the
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 878008-3aTarvANgiras
+4214 old aTarvANgiras atharva aṅgiras the families of Atharvan and Aṅgiras their incantations those of the a ī descended from Atharvan and Aṅgiras the hymns of the
+; aTarvANgiras atharva aṅgiras the families of Atharvan and Aṅgiras their incantations those of the a ī descended from Atharvan and Aṅgiras
+; + &
+; the hymns of the
+4214 new aTarvANgiras atharva aṅgiras the families of Atharvan and Aṅgiras their incantations those of the a ī descended from Atharvan and Aṅgiras & the hymns of the
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 880008-3ad
+4226 old ad AD II at ti eat consume enjoy es ādáya feed
+; ad AD II at ti eat consume enjoy
+; - es
+; ādáya feed
+4226 new ad AD II at ti eat consume enjoy ādáya feed
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 882008-3adakziRa
+4236 old adakziRa a dakṣiṇa without gifts to Bráhmans
+; adakziRa a dakṣiṇa without gifts to
+; - Bráhmans
+; + Brāhmans
+4236 new adakziRa a dakṣiṇa without gifts to Brāhmans
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 898008-3adamBin
+4310 old adamBin a dambhin upright honest ī tva uprightness veracity
+; adamBin a dambhin upright honest
+; - ī
+; + i
+; tva uprightness veracity
+4310 new adamBin a dambhin upright honest i tva uprightness veracity
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 915009-1aditsat
+4393 old aditsat á dits at des not inclined to give
+; aditsat á dits at
+; - des
+; not inclined to give
+4393 new aditsat á dits at not inclined to give
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 927009-1adUra
+4449 old adUra a dūra not far near nearness tva near kopa irascible bha va vartin stha near imminent
+; adUra a dūra not far near nearness tva near kopa irascible
+; - bha
+; + bhava
+; - va
+; vartin stha near imminent
+4449 new adUra a dūra not far near nearness tva near kopa irascible bhava vartin stha near imminent
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 933009-1adfzwa
+4480 old adfzwa a dṛṣṭa unseen unknown invisible unexpected unsanctioned the invisible fate karman inexperienced in kāma love for one not yet seen kārita caused by fate nara puru ṣa concluded without an intermediary [Page9 2] alliance para sāmarthya not having experienced an enemy s power pūrva never seen unknown before rūpa of unknown appearance viraha vyatha not having experienced the pangs of separation
+; adfzwa a dṛṣṭa unseen unknown invisible unexpected unsanctioned the invisible fate karman inexperienced in kāma love for one not yet seen kārita caused by fate nara
+; - puru
+; + puruṣa
+; - ṣa
+; concluded without an intermediary [Page9 2] alliance para sāmarthya not having experienced an enemy s power pūrva never seen unknown before rūpa of unknown appearance viraha vyatha not having experienced the pangs of separation
+4480 new adfzwa a dṛṣṭa unseen unknown invisible unexpected unsanctioned the invisible fate karman inexperienced in kāma love for one not yet seen kārita caused by fate nara puruṣa concluded without an intermediary [Page9 2] alliance para sāmarthya not having experienced an enemy s power pūrva never seen unknown before rūpa of unknown appearance viraha vyatha not having experienced the pangs of separation
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 948009-2adBis
+4560 old adBis ad bhis pl of ap water
+; adBis ad bhis
+; - pl
+; of ap water
+4560 new adBis ad bhis of ap water
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 958009-2adyOt
+4610 old adyOt á dyaut 3 impf of dyut
+; adyOt á dyaut 3
+; - impf
+; of dyut
+4610 new adyOt á dyaut 3 of dyut
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 960009-2adri
+4618 old adri á dri [not splitting] rock hill mountain range stone as missile pressingstone cloud grahaṇa reverberation dugdha milked pressed out with stones pati Himālaya kanyā Pārvatī budhna founded on rock bhed ana cleaving of rocks
+; adri á dri [not splitting] rock hill mountain range stone as missile pressingstone cloud grahaṇa reverberation dugdha milked pressed out with stones pati Himālaya kanyā Pārvatī budhna founded on rock
+; + bhedana
+; - bhed ana
+; cleaving of rocks
+4618 new adri á dri [not splitting] rock hill mountain range stone as missile pressingstone cloud grahaṇa reverberation dugdha milked pressed out with stones pati Himālaya kanyā Pārvatī budhna founded on rock bhedana cleaving of rocks
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 972009-3aDa
+4685 old aDa ádha aDA ádhā older form of athă then thereupon often corr therefore adha adha both and adha adha vā either
+; aDa ádha aDA ádhā older form of
+; - athă
+; + athā̆
+; then thereupon often
+; - corr
+; therefore adha adha both and adha adha vā either
+; + or
+4685 new aDa ádha aDA ádhā older form of athā̆ then thereupon often therefore adha adha both and adha adha vā either or
+; ------------------------------------------------------
+; 976