- csl-orig. INM. inm.txt file has been split into many sub-parts. See https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig/commit/b31e3c7db801d99ee44ba21a6452f3015b13fd7f.
- csl-orig. INM. Greek text added. See sanskrit-lexicon/INM#4.
- csl-orig. INM. Punctuations at the end of italics and bold corrected. sanskrit-lexicon/INM#6.
- csl-websanlexicon. INM. Show Greek text as italics. https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/csl-websanlexicon/commit/9e31d7cb090a93ac87813b558c48957c69e773ab.
- csl-orig. INM. Removed div markup. See sanskrit-lexicon/INM#7.
- csl-orig. INM. Widely spaced text markup added. sanskrit-lexicon/INM#5.
- cologne-stardict. Git LFS had issues with downstream applications. Removed dependence on git lfs. Reverted back to conventional git, for PW, PWG, VCP, SKD.
- csl-orig. All dictionaries have line markers like div, <> etc. removed. sanskrit-lexicon/csl-devanagari#26 for details.
- csl-pywork. make_xml.py is modified to handle the above.
- COLOGNE. The 'early digitizations' mentioned. sanskrit-lexicon/COLOGNE#385.
- csl-orig. User corrections from 01 October to 21 December, 2021 incorporated.
- csl-orig. Add abbreviation in MD. Also add abbreviations from frontmatter in all dictionaries. sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig#695.
- sanskrit-lexicon-scans. BHS. A new scan is made. Decide whether to replace existing scan at Cologne. sanskrit-lexicon/COLOGNE#384.
- COLOGNE. Handle hyphenated text in uniform manner across dictionaries. See sanskrit-lexicon/COLOGNE#386.
- COLOGNE. Gasyoun suggested that he will put a Sanskrit-Czech-Russian dictionary (Санскритская хрестоматия Т. 2. Словарь. - Москва, 2015.; ISBN 978-5-906564-06-1). See sanskrit-lexicon/COLOGNE#387.
- csl-orig
- csl-pywork
- csl-websanlexicon
- csl-homepage
- csl-doc
- csl-json
- csl-devanagari
- cologne-stardict
- csl-lnum
- sanskrit-lexicon-scans
- csl-corrections
- Dictionarywise repositories for the following dicts.
acc ae ap ap90 ben bhs bop bor bur cae ccs gra gst ieg inm krm mci md mw mw72 mwe pd pe pgn pui pw pwg sch shs skd snp stc vcp vei wil yat lan armh
- funderburkjim/boesp-prep
- funderburkjim/boesp-prep-sam
- funderburkjim/boesp-prep-ab
- csl-ldev