- boesp-prep. Volume 1 corrections over. funderburkjim/boesp-prep#44.
- boesp-prep. Prepared linkable targets for BOESP. See funderburkjim/boesp-prep#51.
- csl-orig. Added links to Boehtlingk's Indische Sprüche in the PW and PWG. sanskrit-lexicon/PWK#81.
- csl-websanlexicon. Display adjusted for the above. https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/csl-websanlexicon/commit/b3e9f4a9089a0f8c76641762d5fc249958c27c19.
- PWK. Added the links to BOESP from the PW dictionary. See sanskrit-lexicon/PWK#81.
- csl-pywork. Revise pwab_input and pwbib_input.
- cologne-stardict. Babylon files to have dictionary name and source-destination language pair in header. Some stardict-viewers use this information to group dictionaries. See indic-dict/stardict-sanskrit#129.
- cologne-stardict. MW dependence on git lfs removed. https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/cologne-stardict/commit/62886d0b9f86981279c9d79678e73c6ea2a46efa.
- PWG. literary source corrections for Spr. (II). See sanskrit-lexicon/PWG#45.
- PWG. A few missing literary sources were provided. See sanskrit-lexicon/PWG#47.
- MWS. Analysis of non-English words in MW was completed. Installation pending. sanskrit-lexicon/MWS#127.
- csl-websanlexicon. Links to Mahabharata Calcutta edition in PW. sanskrit-lexicon/PWG#48 and https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/csl-websanlexicon/commit/9776768b8b139819ad1c757797c087889f6bf41f.
- csl-websanlexicon. Links to page numbers occurring in between the entry are clickable now. sanskrit-lexicon/PWG#50.
- sanskrit-lexicon-scans. mbhcalc. Added Mahābhārata Calcutta edition. https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon-scans/mbhcalc.
- csl-devanagari. Andhrabharati started to analyze BUR dictionary data and made corrections. Pending to integrate. See sanskrit-lexicon/csl-devanagari#37.
- csl-orig. Remove erroneous space after hyphen at the end of line. sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig#745.
- COLOGNE. Expand terse definitions like 'the same' or 'id.'. See sanskrit-lexicon/COLOGNE#388.
- PWK. Digitization and linking to Spr. I, is pending. sanskrit-lexicon/PWK#81 (comment) and sanskrit-lexicon/PWK#81 (comment).
- PWG. literary source markup correction is required. sanskrit-lexicon/PWG#46.
- boesp-prep. Complete proof reading of volumes 2 and 3. funderburkjim/boesp-prep#48 and funderburkjim/boesp-prep#49.
- boesp-prep. Serve the HTML files of prepared BOESP. funderburkjim/boesp-prep#51.
- csl-devanagari. Andhrabharati started to analyze BUR dictionary data and made corrections. Pending to integrate. See sanskrit-lexicon/csl-devanagari#37.
- csl-orig
- csl-pywork
- csl-websanlexicon
- csl-homepage
- csl-doc
- csl-json
- csl-devanagari
- cologne-stardict
- csl-lnum
- sanskrit-lexicon-scans
- csl-corrections
- Dictionarywise repositories for the following dicts.
acc ae ap ap90 ben bhs bop bor bur cae ccs gra gst ieg inm krm mci md mw mw72 mwe pd pe pgn pui pw pwg sch shs skd snp stc vcp vei wil yat lan armh
- funderburkjim/boesp-prep
- funderburkjim/boesp-prep-sam
- funderburkjim/boesp-prep-ab
- csl-ldev