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File metadata and controls

63 lines (50 loc) · 2.88 KB

Setting up your dev system for TATT development

Our current development setup is on Ubuntu linux. Please either develop on an Ubuntu system or a virtualized one. Search for info regarding virtualbox, parallels, hyperv, or vmware if you are not familiar with virtualization.

Also, please fork the main repo on github if you haven't. You will be pushing changes to your own repo and submitting pull requests to the main acm repo when you have valid, working code. Please keep your working code in your master branch and use other branches for adding new features, testing other developer's code and implementing bug fixes. Check out this guide for how to effectively branch and merge code in git.

The following guide assumes you clone the project in your home directory and that you will create a python virtual environment in your home directory.

Software setup

To install the project you will need to do the following.

  • sudo apt-get install python git python-pip ruby-compass
  • sudo pip install virtualenv
  • cd ~
  • git clone [email protected]:{YOUR GITHUB ID HERE}/tatt.git
  • virtualenv --no-site-packages tattenv
  • source tattenv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r tatt/dependencies.txt

Regarding Virtual Environment

Whenever you work on the project you will first need to activate the virtual environment as we did above with the source command. When you are done with the environment, simply type:

  • deactivate

Additional setup and running the server

Now that you have all the software installed, now you need to do the following the first time you run the project

  • cd ~/tatt/server
  • python syncdb
  • python loaddata main/fixtures/attributes.json main/fixtures/attributevalues.json main/fixtures/items.json main/fixtures/itemtypes.json main/fixtures/users.json
  • python collectstatic
  • python runserver

In another terminal do the following and then minimize it:

  • cd ~/tatt/compass
  • compass watch

While the server is running, you can go to in your browser to test it. To stop the server, just press Ctrl-C.

Whenever there are database schema changes you will need to re-run the syncdb line, and you should follow that up with the loaddata line.

Unfortunately, the users.json will clobber any new administrative user you might have made. The administrative user is "acm" (lowercase) and its password is "password"

Whenever new static files (images, css, javascript, etc) are added you will need to re-run the collectstatic command. We will look at changes in the future so this is not needed on dev environments.

The command "compass watch" will check for when the files in ~/tatt/compass/sass are modified. If they are, then compass will regenerate the css files used by the site. As such, be sure to edit the files compass that is watching rather than the files in the static css directory.