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Jan Penninkhof edited this page Oct 5, 2016 · 12 revisions

Frequently asked questions

How come I can't see all SAP Mentors and can't edit my own profile page?

You may not have logged in. You need to login before you get access to all SAP Mentor profiles (including the ones that were not shared publicly) and can edit your profile page.

I have logged in, but still can't edit my profile page and see all SAP Mentors. How come?

It might be that the Lemonaid application doesn't recognise you as an SAP Mentor. Lemonaid doesn't really do much magic in area, it just compares some email addresses. In Lemonaid we can have up to 2 email addresses of each mentor on file. One of these email addresses has to correspond with the email address that is connected to your SCN ID that you login with. If your email address is not on file, it needs to be added. You may need to contact the appropriate folks for that through email or slack.

I have logged in, my SCN email address is on file, but still don't have access. What's up?

Ah, that shouldn't really be happening if you're an SAP Mentor. So... ehm, are you an SAP Mentor? Have you been expelled by our pac leader? Have you been a bit too much of a troublemaker? ;)

Where can I upload my profile image?

When we designed the application, we thought it wouldn't be a great idea to create yet another place where you have to upload your profile image. Instead, we decided to leverage the images that you have uploaded to other sites. Currently images connected to your email address on Gravatar are used. If you don't have a Gravatar account, we'll fall-back to your SCN profile image. And if that's not available either, we'll use Xing. This trick covers nearly 100% of the Mentor's profile images, without you having to maintain another place where you need to upload your image.

I found a bug! How now?

Awesome job! We'd love to hear from you. Please submit them here, so that we can track and trace it.

Hey Jonas!

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