A platformer game made with PyGame
Welcome to Tim's Adventures through the mysterious jungles filled with enemies and treasures. Tim needs your help to navigate through the difficult terrain and reach the goal! Check out the Installation section to start playing!
This is a platformer game made almost from scratch with the goal of learning game programming and improving programming skills in general. Various things like collision detection, sprite animation, menus, buttons, etc. were all coded from scratch. For collision detection a very basic method called AABB collision detection method is used. The level maps were created with the help of Tiled Map Editor. PyTMX is used to read and load the level maps
- python 3.x
- pygame
- pytmx
Install requirements using pip:
pip install pygame PyTMX
To run the game, use:
python main.py
All the assets used in this game are downloaded from the internet. They were obtained from the following sources:
- Main character: https://jesse-m.itch.io/jungle-pack
- Tilset: https://opengameart.org/content/opp-jungle-tiles
- Background: https://digitalmoons.itch.io/parallax-forest-background
- https://opengameart.org/content/swamp-2d-tileset-pixel-art
- https://pixel-frog.itch.io/pixel-adventure-1
- https://opengameart.org/content/neon-blue-cursor-sprites-cc
- https://opengameart.org/content/pirate-bomb
- https://opengameart.org/content/coin-animation-bronze-silver-gold
- https://opengameart.org/content/keyboard-keys-1
- https://cooltext.com/
Background Music: Road to Dazir by Eliot Corley from Chaos is Harmony
Other sound effects:
- https://opengameart.org/content/zippo-click-sound
- https://opengameart.org/content/multiple-click-sounds-effects
- https://mythril-age.itch.io/mythril-age-sfx-pack-v1
- https://kronbits.itch.io/freesfx
- https://opengameart.org/content/8-bit-jump-1
- https://opengameart.org/content/victory-theme-for-rpg
- https://bigsoundbank.com/detail-1554-party-horn-2.html